Price Lists
Lithographs & Maps
Price lists for the Perry Expedition lithographs/prints/maps and books are located on the below pages. This page also contains links to other art and illustration from books from the Perry Expedition era.
Lew Chew (Okinawa) - 20 Lithographs, 2 Maps
Japan - Part 1 - 28 + 1 (banned) Lithographs
Japan - Part 2 - 19 Lithographs - 1 Map
Other - 22 Lithographs - Not Japan or Okinawa (Lew Chew)
Natural History, Part 1 - Birds, Animals & Agriculture
Natural History, Part 2 - Fish & Shells
Reports/Documents Extracted from Volume 2 - Many with Complete Set of Accompanying Plates
Other Items - Generally Perry Expedition Related
Frame Sets - For Perry Expedition Lithos
Books Price Lists
Passing the Rubicon, Large Size ("Elephant") High Quality Hand Colored Lithograph of art by W. Heine published by E. Brown, Jr. in 1855. A Rare Item.
Wampoa (Whampoa) Pagoda - Graphic Scene 3, W. Heine (Scarce)
Grave Yard at Shimoda - Graphic Scene 10, W. Heine (Scarce)
Johnston Book (1860), Lithos and Maps (Post Perry Expedition)
Heine Book (1863), Tinted Engravings (11) (Sold)
Ryukyu Philatelic Literature - General, not just Perry Related

Listing of Lithographs & Maps
1. Lew Chew -- 20 Lithographs, 2 Maps
#155 |
Chief Magistrate of Napha Lew Chew |
#156 |
Street in Napha Lew Chew |
#164 |
Napha from Bamboo Village |
#170 |
Ancient Castle of Na-Ga-Gus-Ko, Lew Chew [1st litho] |
#173 |
Village Near Napha Lew Chew |
#174 |
Ancient Castle of Na-Ga-Gus-Ko, Lew Chew [2nd litho] |
#176 |
Encampment of the Exploring Party in Lew Chew |
#182 |
Tshan-Di-Coo-Sah Lew-Chew |
#184 |
Bridge & Causeway at Ma-Chi-Na-Too, Lew Chew |
#189 |
Com Perry's Visit to Shui Lew Chew |
#190 |
Reception at the Castle of Shui |
#191 |
Dinner at the Regents Lew Chew |
#192 |
Court Interpreter Shin, Lew Chew |
#194 |
Temple at Tumai |
#215 |
Regent of Lew Chew |
#219 |
Afternoon Gossip Lew Chew |
#226 |
Lew Chew costumes, middle class |
#281 |
Inner Harbor and Ruins, Timagusko
#309 |
Napha, from the sea
#317 |
Market Place at Napha
Maps |
#154 |
Great Lew Chew and it's Dependencies (Map) |
#185 |
Island of Great Lew-Chew (Map) |
#233 |
View of Uraga, Yedo Bay |
#256 |
First Landing at Gorahama |
#261 |
Delivery of the President's Letter |
#268 |
To-ri-ga-sa-ki, Yedo Bay |
#325 |
Bay of Wodowara |
#346 |
Commo Perry Meeting the Imperial Commissioners at Yokohuma |
#348 |
Chief Interpreter Moryamo Yenoski and Tako Juro, Interpreter |
#353 |
View from Webster Isld - Yedo Bay |
#355 |
Temple at Yokuhama |
#357 |
Delivering of the American Presents at Yokuhama |
#359 |
Japanese Soldiers at Yokuhama |
#371 |
Wrestlers at Yokuhama |
#375 |
Dinner Given to the Japanese Commissioners on Board the USSF Powhatan |
#401 |
Simoda from Vandalia Bluff |
#403 |
Bridge of Cut Stone & Entrance to a Temple, Simoda |
#404 |
Japanese Woman from Simoda |
#405 |
Mother and Child (Shimoda) |
#406 |
Temple of Hat-Chi-Man-Ya-Chu-Ro Simoda Sintoo |
#407 |
Devotations in the Great Temple Simoda |
#408 |
Priest in Full Dress Simoda |
#408-1 |
Public Bath House in Simoda -- not in all books |
#409 |
Budhist Priest |
#410 |
Bell House at Simoda |
#411 |
Mariners Temple at Simoda |
#414 |
Japanese Rice Mill at Simoda Nippon |
#417 |
Kura-Kawa-Kahai, Prefect of Shimoda |
#418 |
Japanese Women, Simoda |
#425 |
Simoda from the American Grave Yard |
#426 |
Japanese Funeral at Simoda |
3. Japan, Part 2. -- 18 lithographs - 1 Map
#430 |
View of Hokodadi from Snow Peak
#433 |
Bungo or Prefect, Hahodadi
#442 |
Chief Temple Hakodadi
#443 |
Street in Hakodadi
#445 |
Entrance to a Temple at Hakotadi
#447 |
Hokodadi from Telegraph Hill
#448 |
Japanese junk, section
#449 |
Japanese junk, cross-section
#450 |
Japanese boat
#451 |
Japanese Junk
#459 |
Fire company's house and engine
#462-1 |
Japanese painting--crossing the Oho-e-ga-wa
#462-2 |
Fac simile, Japanese painting (boat)
#468 |
Deputy of the Prince of Matsmay
#470 |
Conference Room Hakodadi
#477 |
Prince of Idzu
#485 |
Tatsnoski, Second Interpreter
#486 |
Com. Perry Paying his Farewell Visit
#487 |
Japanese fac simile, crucifixion
#482 |
The Island of Formosa
4. Other -- 22 lithographs
Madeira, Mauritius, Ceylon, China, Macao - 22 lithographs
#81 |
U.S. Steam Frigate Mississippi Passing Punta Tristao |
#82 |
Loo Rock & Pontinha Maderia |
#84 |
Funchal, Madeira from the Curral |
#90 |
Jamestown, St. Helena |
#92 |
Valley of the Tomb, Near Longwood |
#94 |
Longwood, from the Gate, St-Helena |
#98 |
Cape Town and Table Mountain |
#105 |
Mauritius from the "Pounce" |
#112 |
Hindoo Costumes, Mauritius |
#114 |
Light House, Point de Galle, Ceylon |
#120 |
Buddhist temple, Ceylon |
#129 |
Rajah of Singapore |
#130 |
River Jurong, Singapore |
#133 |
View of Hong Kong From East Market |
#134 |
Chinese Temple, Hong Kong |
#135 |
Whampoa Pagoda & Anchorage |
#138 |
Fish Market Canton |
#144 |
Chinese temple, Macao |
#204 |
Kanaka Village Bonin Islands |
#296 |
China Girl, sycee head dress |
#298 |
Macao from Penha Hill |
#300 |
Jesuit convent, Macao |
5. Nature.
Prints from Volume II. Topography, geology, botany, agriculture, and resources of the countries visited. Hand-colored lithographs of birds and steel engravings of animals. There are a total of 18 colored lithographs of birds (handcolored), fish, and mollusks in Volume II (not all are avaiable at this time).