All Stamps are MNH, F-VF Minimum, Unless Otherwise Noted. Prices are in whole dollars. For example 10 means $10.00 US.
DISCOUNTS: Over $100-5%, Over $300-10%. Discounts are based upon the order actually filled. There is no discount on items noted as "Net."
However, they do figure into the total in determing the discount that will apply on other material ordered at the same time.
The listing of stamps below contains JSDA numbers. JSDA breaks down Ryukyu Islands stamps into the following categories:
- "Reg" = Regular (definitive) Issue
- "Comm" = Commemorative (special) Issue
- "Air" = Airmail Issue & "SD" = Special Delivery
The standard reference numbers used below are from the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers.
Occasionally, specialized items are listed with the numbering system of the Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society (RPSS).
nless noted otherwise, these numbers are found in the RPSS catalogues which are cited and discussed here.
Note Regarding International Postage. For stamps and other philatelic material, purchases under $350 are probably not practical under international shipping rates. For information on postage to destinations outside the United States (excluding US Military Postal System), click here.
Better Sheets/ Large Blocks/ Items Recently (2023 & 2024) Added to Stock (click on pic for images and description).
POR = Price on Request
Scott/RPSS # Price Description
36-8 etc, C9-23 FD $95 FDCs on sheets, 18 items
on aheets
16 pair, pos 3-4, $60 Pos 3 (8/8) & pos 4 (9/9), RPSS 16:2d, with minor perforation
perf variety variety in top margin - perfs shifted 1 perf over in selvage,
hinged in selvage only
16 pos 40 Variety $45 Position 40, minor variety, obliterating bars at top, remainder
of surcharge shifted downward, dry aged gum
91s - 139s (19) & POR 1961-5 Unit of all 19 mihon stamps all fault free, MNH, and
UX26s-29s (4) the 4 mihon postal stationery cards, Price on Request
90 Sheets of 20 (x8) $150 Scott 90, unit of 8 sheets of 20, mounted on Bush
pages, mint, FD cto, various perforations and papers
AAMC 8 Tach 6 $100 15.3.48 Naha>San Francisco, 13y rate, large envelope,
no backstamp, very clean
PC with HK-6a (3) $30 1965-6 Three post cards to the US (S. Oyama to C. Langley), each
card over-franked and with RPSS HK-6a (Consent to Excess
Fee) handstamp
UX21 var M&FD SG2a $55 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, Mint & First Day cancel (RPSS V29a)
UX20b var V2B-Ba $50 1962 1 1/2/Cream Candle light variety, RPSS listed variety
UX38 Error v46a $75 1970 1 1/2/Cream Summer Greetings cards (2), missing black (RPSS V46a)
and V46 "Gray Hull", RPSS listed error and variety
UC1a FD UC1 AG1 $28 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 1.11.52, first day, unaddressed, 2 cxl
UC3 o UC3 AG3 $30 1959 13c/15y +2c Scott type "a" on second printing, used, Naha 5.9.59,
uprated by postal customer from 13c to 15c
UC3e UC3-D AG3b $55 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" (on 2nd printing of UC2), scarce,
.00190 in thick, Type B Gum
UC3e UC3-D AG3b $40 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" (on 2nd printing of UC2), scarce,
.00205 in thick, Type B Gum, light paper wrinkles
U1 U2M LS1A $18 1949 50s/Cream Gum on flap but dry and disturbed
U2 Var U3M LS2 $15 1950 1y/Gray-cream Minor variety, right foot of "1" disintegrating,
ink spot left of vertical stroke in "1",
no gum, flap badly torn and damaged
6 Variety $70 Reg 9 2nd Printing, 50s, line at left
(cracked plate), similar to RPSS s5:2a
9 pos 80 $25 Reg 9 1y, pos 80 - "dot on finger" variety
9 pos 85 $25 Reg 9 1y, pos 85 - "necklace" variety
9 Pair Variety $35 Reg 9 1y, horizontal pair, off-set on gum, Bush
called this Opaque paper, paper is translucent
Above 3 as a Unit $70
15 Variety (pos 61) HR $24 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 61, green dot in branches,
hinged with remnant
C17 Variety in Pair $45 Air 17 C17 pos 20 (RPSS sC17:1b) with "broken 2" variety
in horizontal pair
UX4a V5C-A $55 c Tan Clean
UY5h V10R-B $55 f Tan Message card, canceled to order with Miyako
CC-6 (1 Apr 1952)
UY5i V10R-C $65 f Tan Reply card, Printing Base No. 1 - #2
VOC8R-B,9,10 Philatic POR Three official philatelic announcement post cards,
Announcements (3) RPSS VOC8R-B (20.2.52), VOC9 (Jun 25, 1952) &
VOC8R-B VOC9 VOC10 VOC10 (Oct 7, 1952). All addressed to Don Walter,
South Gate, Calif. Price on Request
Ryukyu Islands, Collections
Scott # Price JSDA # Comments
1-7//228, E1 (MNH) $525 Complete basic country less 7a and 17.
C1-28 + Mint Never Hinged, crystal type mounts in
Mounted Collection Leuchtturm/Lighthouse Album
1-7//228, E1 (MNH) ~Sold~ Complete basic country less 1a-7a or 17.
C1-28 Includes all airs, 122a, 195a-9a, 2019 Scott
Mounted Collection $852+. Never Hinged, crystal mounts on
Scott Specialized album pages, with slip case
1-7//228, E1 (MNH) ~Sold~ Complete basic country, less 1a-7a or 17.
C1-28 Includes all airs, 122a, 195a-9a, 2019 Scott
Mounted Collection $852+. Never Hinged in black Showgard
hingeless mounts on White Ace album pages & binder
Tachikawa Variety ~Sold~ Privately printed pages with Tachikawa Handbook
Collection (15) variety stamps, 15 used stamps present
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps - General Issues
For a discussion and comparison of the 1st and 2nd
printings of the 1st issue (Sc 1-7 & 1a-7a), click here.
For a discussion of a sheet set of 1a-7a, to include printer's
guide marks in the margins, click here.
1a,2a,3a,4a,6a IB/32 $285 Reg 1//6 1st Printing, 5s,10s,20s,30s,50s, bottom right corner
inscription blocks of 32 (8 across - 4 down), 4 "Broken Stem"
variety stamps in 2a block (postions 73, 78, 93, 98)
2 & 2a Variety - For information on the "Broken Stem" Variety in the 10s (2 & 2a) stamp click here.
2 Variety o (LD Cvr) $35 Reg 2a 2nd Printing, 10s "Broken Stem," variety - 4th stamp in block/6
is broken stem variety, used on Last Day of Sale (58.9.20) cover
2a IB/10 w Variety ~Sold~ Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s, inscript block/10, pos 98 "Broken Stem" var - JSCA 2Ava
2a B/9 w Variety x2 ~Sold~ Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s "Broken Stem," variety, block of 9, pos 51-3, 61-3 &
71-3, with printer's guide marks in left selvage, 2 stamps w Broken Stem
2a Variety $12 Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s "Broken Stem," variety - single stamp, JSCA 2Ava
2a Variety $18 Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s, "Broken Stem," variety - right stamp
in horiz pair, JSCA 2Ava
2a Variety $18 Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s, "Broken Stem," variety - bottom stamp
in vertical pair, pos 83 & 93, bottom margin, JSCA 2Ava
2a Variety $15 Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s,"Broken Stem," variety - bottom stamp
in vertical pair, JSCA 2Ava
2a Variety o $15 Reg 2 1st Printing, 10s,"Broken Stem, variety , used, JSCA 2Ava
5a $25 Reg 5 1st Printing, 40s
5a Pr $45 Reg 5 1st Printing, 40s, horizontal pair
5a Block/4 $120 Reg 5 1st Printing, 40s, Block/4
5a Block/4 $50 Reg 5 1st Printing, 40s, Block/4, dry gum, top left stamp hinged,
top right stamp ink offset on gum, fair condition
7a $275 Reg 7 1st Printing, 1y, bottom margin, "J. H. STOLOW"
handstamp in ink on back at top left
7a B/4 o ~Sold~ Reg 7 1st Printing, 1y, block/4, used, Miyako 25.7.49 cxl
Price on Request
1-7 Bush Study ~Sold~ Reg 1-7a Bush Study of three printings of the 1st definitive set
1-7 $15 Reg 1a-7a 2nd Printing
1-7 Sheet/100 ~Sold~ Reg 1a-7a 2nd Printing, complete sheet set, excellent condition, price on request
1-7 Related ~Sold~ Official Philatelic Agency Announcement letter for the first definitive
Only with Sheet Set series, prestine, unfolded, RPSS AL2 with quantity of "few" noted,
discussed here.
1,2a,3a,4-7 Sheets/100 ~Sold~ Reg 1a-7a Mixed printing sheet/100 set of first definitives, all
are 2nd printing except for 2a and 3a, price on request
1-7 IB/10 $175 Reg 1a-7a 2nd Printing, inscription blocks/10, 20s (Scott 3) gum stains
1-7 Inscription Singles $100 Reg 1a-7a 2nd Printing, inscription singles
1 Inscription o $15 Reg 1a 2nd printing, 5s, inscription single, canceled to order -
no date (cto) with 50% of a Naha Minseifu cxl
1 o x10 $10 Reg 1a 2nd printing, 5s, 10 stamps each canceled to order -
no date (cto) with partial Naha Minseifu cxl
1 B/4 o $15 Reg 1a 2nd printing, 5s, left margin block/4, canceled to order -
no date (cto) with a Naha Minseifu cxl
2 Variety $15 Reg 2a 2nd printing, 10s, "Broken Stem," variety, JSCA 2va
2 Variety LH $8 Reg 2a 2nd printing, 10s, "Broken Stem," variety, JSCA 2va, as above but lightly hinged
2 Variety $16 Reg 2a 2nd printing, 10s, "Broken Stem," variety, - middle stamp
in horizontal strip/3, JSCA 2va
4 IB/10 $15 Reg 5a 2nd Printing, 30s, inscription block/10
5 Variety o $75 Reg 5a 2nd Printing, 40s, magenta line at left (cracked plate),
used, RPSS s5:2a
6 Variety B/6 ~Sold~ Reg 6a 2nd Printing, 50s, block/6 (3x2) with inscription but no right
selvage, ultramarine line between top left and top middle stamp
(cracked plate), similar to RPSS s5:2a, but not noted in
catalogue, bottom left stamp missing some wavy lines at
top right, top left stamp black gum adherence
6 Variety $70 Reg a 2nd Printing, 50s, line at left
(cracked plate), similar to RPSS s5:2a
7 shades (2) ~Sold~ Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, very light blue shade & dark blue shade
7 block/50 pos 2 & 36 ~Sold~ Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, positions 1-50, pos 2 and 36 varieties
7 pos 2 in B/18 $95 Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, block/18, positions 1-6, 11-6 & 21-6,
position 2 has a blue dot on the foot of the 4th Kanji
character perf separation and tear in top margin
7 pos 2 in B/4 ~Sold~ Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, block/4, position 2 has a blue dot on
the foot of the right character of 2nd set of characters
7 pos 36 in Pr ~Sold~ Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, horizontal pair, extra vertical line in
3rd character from left in left stamp, JSCA 7Ava
7 pos 36 ~Sold~ Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, extra vertical line in 3rd character
from left, JSCA 7Ava
7 pos 36 o ~Sold~ Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y, extra vertical line in 3rd character
from left, used, JSCA 7Ava
7+ on Miyako Cover $225 Reg 7a 2nd Printing, 1y & 50s, mixed set with other stamps from
first printing, unaddressed Miyako 49.9.16 cancels
7+ on Miyako Cover $215 Reg 7a Mixed printings, 10 stamps, most from 2nd printing including 1y,
addressed to LT T.F. Kent, Miyako 49.9.17 cancels, total franking
is 3y which is correct franking for surface mail for Miyako>US #1
7+ on Miyako Cover $200 Reg 7a Mixed printings, 10 stamps, most from 2nd printing including 1y,
addressed to LT T.F. Kent, Miyako 49.9.17 cancels, total franking
is 3y which is correct franking for surface mail for Miyako>US #2
7+ on Miyako Cover $135 Reg 7a Mixed printings, 10 stamps, from 1st & 2nd printings including 1y,
addressed to LT T.F. Kent, Miyako 49.9.17 cancels, total franking
is 3y which is correct franking for surface mail for Miyako>US
tropical staining primarly around the stamps #3
8-13 $35 Reg 8-13 2nd definitive set, 1950
8x3,9-13 Sheets of 100 ~Sold~ Reg 8-13 Complete sheets of 100 set includes all 3 printings of 8
Price on Request
8-13 IB/6 ~Sold~ Reg 8-13 " inscription blocks/6, 4y (12) one stamp gum toned,
1y & 2y (9,10) gum toned
8-13 B/4 $100 Reg 8-13 " blocks/4
8-13,8a B/4 $105 Reg 8-12 " blocks/4, includes 3rd printing of 50s (8a)
8-13 o $20 Reg 8-13 " used
8-13 o B/4 $30 Reg 8-13 " used, blocks 4
8 Bush Study - Mint ~Sold~ Reg 8 Bush study of 3 printings
8 "White Sky" o $15 Reg 8 50s, "blur" variety - pos 76, used
8 "White Sky" in B/9 $15 Reg 8 50s, "White Sky" and "blur" variety - pos 76
9-13 LH/NH Bush Study ~Sold~ Reg 9-13 Bush study of 1st and 2nd printings
9-13o Bush Study $30 Reg 9-13 Bush study of 1st and 2nd printings,
1st and 2nd of 9, 10, 12, 13, only
1st of 11, used stamps
9 pos 35 in B/4 $25 Reg 9 1y, pos 35 - "blue dot on neck" variety, pos 24-5, 34-5,
bottom right stamp, RPSS s9:2c
9 pos 44 ~Sold~ Reg 9 1y, pos 44 - "extra cloud" variety, RPSS s9:1f
9 pos 80 o ~Sold~ Reg 9 1y, pos 80 - "dot on finger" variety, used
9 pos 80 $25 Reg 9 1y, pos 80 - "dot on finger" variety
9 pos 85 $25 Reg 9 1y, pos 85 - "necklace" variety
9 pos 85 in B/4 $25 Reg 9 1y, pos 85 - "necklace" variety, block/4, pos 85-6, 95-6
9 pos 85 o $18 Reg 9 1y, pos 85 - "necklace" variety, used
9 Pair Variety $35 Reg 9 1y, horizontal pair, off-set on gum, Bush
called this Opaque paper, paper is translucent
9 minor variety $18 Reg 9 1y, heavy inking, lady with "bangs" #1
9 minor variety $18 Reg 9 1y, heavy inking, lady with "bangs" #2
9 minor variety $18 Reg 9 1y, heavy inking, lady with "bangs" #3
11 artist drawing ~Sold~ Reg 11 Drawing of dragon head from Shuri castle used on Scott 11,
artist signed, Meizo Shimoji
11, 12, 13 B/4 $125 Reg 11-3 3y, 4y & 5y, blocks/4
14 $40 Comm 1 Ryukyu University
14 DG $20 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, NH but lightly disturbed gum
14 LH $20 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, lightly hinged
14 B/4 FDC $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, block/4, pos 34-35 & 39-40, Commem Cxl
Comm Cxl CC-4 Type B, Oyama handstamped envelope cachet
14 B/4 $120 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, block/4, postions 4-5 and 9-10
14 B/4 $100 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, right selvage block/4,
postions 35-5 and 39-40
14 B/6 FDC $80 Comm 1 Ryukyu Unversity, first day cover w/ pos 11-13 & 16-18
14 Minor Plate Varieties.
14 Sheet of 50 for reference in plating, click here.
14 Variety (pos 1) B/4 $100 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, block/4, pos 1-2 & 6-7, pos 1 is "cracked roof"
variety (RPSS s14:1d), position 6 has brown dot above the "S",
14 in B/4 (pos 1) FDC ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, block/4, pos 1-2 & 6-7, pos 1 is "cracked roof"
variety (RPSS S14:1d), position 6 has brown dot above the "S",
unaddressed first day cover with private Ryukyu University cachet
14 Pair (pos 1 & 6) ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, vertical pair, pos 1 & 6, pos 1 is "cracked roof"
variety (RPSS s14:1d), position 6 has brown dot above the "S"
14 x4 FDC (pos 1 & 38) ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, horizontal pair, pos 1 & 2 and 2 singles,
pos 38, pos 1 & 38 are "cracked roof" varities (RPSS S14:1a &
s14:1d), Comm Cxl CC-4 Type B, Oyama handstamped envelope cachet
14 Variety (pos 1) ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, unlisted minor variety, crack in roof in
same general area as pos 38 crack, corner single with selvage
14 Variety (pos 4 & 10) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC, block/4, pos 4-5 & 9-10, pos 5 & 10 each
B/4 with dot on the steps/post
14 Variety (pos 10) o $20 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, used, pos 10 with dot on the steps
14 Variety (pos 11) $25 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC,vertical pair, pos 11 & 16, pos 11
Vert Pair with dot under 5th window
14 Variety (pos 16) H $20 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, hinged, pos 16 with small cloud below "US",
dot above 1st "0" (not constant variety)
14 Variety (pos 19) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, B/4, FDC,vertical pair, pos 19
with dot on roof above 9th window #1
14 Variety (pos 19) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, B/4, FDC,vertical pair, pos 19
with dot on roof above 9th window #2
14 Variety (pos 22-23) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC, block/4 pos 17-18 & 22-3,
pos 22, "hole in gutter" below 9th window
pos 23 with "." between "3" & "0"
14 Variety (pos 22) $40 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, pos 22, "hole in gutter" below
9th window
14 Variety (pos 23) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC, small, addressed, backstamped,
pos 23-4 horizontal pair, pos 23 with "." between "3" & "0"
14 Variety (pos 23) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC, small, addressed, backstamped,
pos 23-4 horizontal pair, pos 23 with "." between "3" & "0"
14 Variety (pos 25) LH $28 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, curved brown mark above 1st "0" right
of "3", lightly hinged
14 Variety (pos 25) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, B/4, medium, unaddressed, FDC, pos 25,
curved brown mark above 1st "0" right of "3"
14 Variety (pos 33 & 38)~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University FDC, block/4, pos 32-33 & 37-8, pos 33 with blob
B/4 outside frame line, 38 with cracked roof
14 Variety (pos 34-5) $40 Comm 1 Ryukyu University FDC, block/4, pos 34-35 & 39-40, pos 34 & 35 each
B/4 with dot on the steps of roof #1
14 Variety (pos 34-5) $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University FDC, block/4, pos 34-35 & 39-40, pos 34 & 35 each
B/4 with dot on the steps or roof #2
14 Variety (pos 38) ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, "cracked roof" variety, good gum (RPSS s14:1a)
14 Variety (pos 38) $30 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, "cracked roof" variety, cvr cxl 16.5.52 (RPSS s14:1a)
14 Variety (pos 47) ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC, block/4, pos 42-3 & 47-8, pos 47 with
B/4 "Hole in Porch of the Roof" & "Dot" between "3" & "00" variety
14 Variety Insc (pos 49)~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, inscription single pos 49 with "triangular
cloud over temple" variety (RPSS s14:1c)
14 Variety (pos 49) ~Sold~ Comm 1 Ryukyu University, pos 49 with "triangular cloud over temple"
variety (RPSS s14:1c)
14 Variety (pos 49) FDC $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC,block/4, pos 44-5 & 49-50, pos 49 with
"triangular cloud over temple" variety (RPSS s14:1c) #1
14 Variety (pos 49) FDC $45 Comm 1 Ryukyu University, FDC, block/4, pos 44-5 & 49-50, pos 49 with
"triangular cloud over temple" variety (RPSS s14:1c) #2
15 Sheet of 80 ~Sold~ Comm 2 Complete sheet of 80
15 $25 Comm 2 Arbor Day, Tree
15 Insc $45 Comm 2 Arbor Day, Tree, imprint/inscription single
15 Pr $40 Comm 2 Arbor Day, Tree, horizontal margin pair
15 x4 $115 Comm 2 Arbor Day, Tree, 4 singles, nice gum
15 B/4 $120 Comm 2 Arbor Day, nice gum, well centered, block/4
15 B/4 Btm Margin $125 Comm 2 Arbor Day, nice gum, well centered, bottom margin block/4
15 Varieties. For information on the 8 key varieties of this stamp click here.
15 B/10 FDC Variety x3 ~Sold~ Comm 2 Arbor Day, FDC postions 11-15 & 21-25, position 11 - white flaw above "Shoku",
pos 14 - horizontal green line left of the 3, pos 22 - bubble left of 3
15 Variety LH (pos 11) ~Sold~ Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 11, white flaw above "Shoku",
lightly hinged, disturbed/toned gum
15 Variety (pos 14) ~Sold Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 14, horizontal green line left of the 3
15 B/4 Variety (pos 18) ~Sold~ Comm 2 Arbor Day, block/4, pos 7-8 & 17-18, position 18, diagonal line of
green dots below first character in top inscription
15 Variety (pos 22) $45 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 22, bubble adjacent to "3oo" #1
15 FDC Variety (pos 22) $45 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 22, bubble adjacent to "3oo" (right stamp)
unaddressed first day cover with pair of 15
15 Variety (pos 61) $45 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 61, green dot in branches
15 Variety (pos 61) H $30 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 61, green dot in branches, hinged
15 Variety (pos 61) HR $24 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 61, green dot in branches,
hinged with remnant
15 B/8 Varieties x2 ~Sold~ Comm 2 Arbor day, block/8, positions 65-8 & 75-8, pos 68 - diagonal green
(pos 68 & 78) line (RPSS s15f), pos 78 - bubble above "3" (RPSS s15i)
15 Variety LH (pos 68) $40 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 68, diagonal green line left of "Saion", very lightly hinged
15 Variety H (pos 68) $26 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 68, diagonal green line left of "Saion", hinged
15 Variety (pos 68) ~Sold~ Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 68, diagonal green line left of "Saion"
15 Variety (pos 73) ~Sold~ Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 73, white circular area near branches at
left of center, block/4 pos 63-4 & 73-4
15 Variety (pos 78) $45 Comm 2 Arbor Day, position 78, bubble/"birds nest" variety
unaddressed FDC, toned with toned band on back
16 Series Listed here.
Information on Recent Fakes of Scott 17 is here.
17, 17a & 17b Distinguishing between the three basic type configurations on Scott 17 (9/9, 8/8 & 9/8).

17 ~ Sold~ Reg 17 9 point/9 point (Scott 17)

17a Horizontal Pair ~Sold~ Reg 17 8 point/8 point (Scott 17a), F-VF, Horizontal Pair, Price on Request

17a VLH ~Sold~ Reg 17 8 point/8 point (Scott 17a), XF, very lightly hinged

17a o ~Sold~ Reg 17 8 point/8 point (Scott 17a), VF, used/cto, on piece, Naha 13.10.52

17b ~Sold~ Reg 17 9 point/8 point (Scott 17b), VF+, never hinged, Price on Request

Information regarding counterfeits of Ryukyu 17 being offered on eBay (2015, July) is here.
A pic of counterfeit 17 and 16A dropped thin "0" used (Gushikawa cxl) offered on eBay (Dec 2016) is here.
Pics of fake used 16a and 17 offered on eBay in April/May/Sept 2018 is here, here and here.
The individual offering these "Replicas" on eBay often states “Sc #17 REPLICA OVERPRINT PRIVATE COPY.
18 Sheet of 100 ~Sold~ Comm 3 Complete sheet of 100, click on pic for image of front &
back and description of condition
18 Sheet of 100 ~Sold~ Comm 3 Complete sheet of 100, click on pic for image of front &
back and description of condition
18 $45 Comm 3 No gum creases, bird
18 Hor Pair $100 Comm 3 No gum creases, bird, top margin horizontal pair
18 $40 Comm 3 Typical gum creases
18 Cracked Plate Variety - For information on the the cracked plate variety, click here.
18 Cracked Plate Var ~Sold~ Comm 3 Var Position 35 & 36, long horizontal line at left extending into white area,
Pos 35 & 36, FD RPSS s18a pos 35 (JSCA 18a), first day cover tied by Naha CC-6
18 Cracked Plate Var $250 Comm 3 Var Position 35, long horizontal line at left extending into white area,
Pos 35 in B/10 RPSS s18a pos 35 (JSCA 18a position 35 only), vertical block of 10,
(columns 3 & 4 down 5 rows from top, typical gum creases
18 Cracked Plate Var ~Sold~ Comm 3 Var Position 35, long horizontal line at left extending into white area,
Pos 35 RPSS s18a pos 35 (JSCA 18a), while never hinged the gum has
significant flaws to include long vertical ink offset lines,
long horizontal stain line from mount and gum creases
18 Cracked Plate Var ~Sold~ Comm 3 Var Position 36, short horizontal line at left extending thru white area
Pos 36 onto stamp image area, RPSS s18a pos 36, gum crease
18 FD pos 35 Var FDC ~Sold~ Comm 3 Unaddressed FDC with pos 35, the larger portion of the
"Cracked Plate" variety found in pos 35-6, seldom seen
18 o $20 Comm 3 used, partia Yaeyama Central PO domestic cancel
18 o $18 Comm 3 used, Miyako 52.4.10, surface scrape
18 IB/10 ~Sold~ Comm 3 Imprint/inscription block/10, typical gum
creases - Price on Request
18 x4 $250 Comm 3 Clean gum, 4 singles, moinor gum creases
18 B/4 $275 Comm 3 Clean gum, only faint gum creases
18 B/4 $200 Comm 3 Creases, toned gum, one stamp disturbed gum
19-26 $36 Reg 16-23 Cultural Properties
19-26 VLH $22 Reg 16-23 " very lightly hinged
19-26 Used $18 Reg 16-23 " used
26 I/B 10 $160 Reg 23 Cultural Properties, 100y, inprint blcck/10
19-26 B/4 $75 Reg 16-23 " blocks/4
19-26 B/4 o $22 Reg 16-23 " blocks/4, used
19-26 +24a $60 Reg 16-23 " complete set + 24a - smooth perfs
19-26 +24a B/4 $165 Reg 16-23 " blocks/ with 24 and 24a - smooth perfs
19-23, 24a, 25-6 B/4 $155 Reg 16-23 " blocks/4, 30y is Scott 24a - smooth perfs
19 Nine Printings - For information on the 9 printings of this stamp click here.
19 Nine Pritings Study ~Sold` Reg 16 " 1y, Mounted Bush study of the 9 printigs, NH
21 Seven Printings - For information on the 7 printings of this stamp click here.
21 Seven Printings Study ~Sold~ Reg 18 " 3y, Mounted Bush study of the 7 printings,
8 stamps (7 + variety of 7th printing), NH
19-23,24a,25-6 $70 Reg 16-23+ 30y is 3rd printing, white gum, smooth perfs
23 Variety o ~Sold~ 10y, variety, pos 74, line to right of "0", used, only in 6th printing,
less than 400 ever existed, RPSS s23:6a
24a & 24 - For information on the differences between Scott 24 and 24a,
click here
24a B/6 Smooth & Rough ~Sold~ Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, B/6, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth & rough perforations, mounted
24a B/4 Smooth & Rough $325 Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, B/4, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth & rough perforations, mounted on Bush page
24a B/6 Smooth Perfs $165 Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth perforations, top right margin block/6, unmounted
24a S/5 Smooth Perfs $145 Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth perforations, right selvage strip/5, (perf separation
in selvage only), plus block/4 of 1st printing, unmounted
24a B/10 Smooth Perfs $325 Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth perforations, bottom left corner block/10 (2x5)
24a B/10 Smooth Perfs $300 Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth perforations, right margin block/10 (2x5)
24a Smooth Perfs $28 Reg 21+ 30y, 3rd printing, white gum, distinct screening, JSCA 24a,
smooth perforations, unmounted
27-8 $10 Comm 4-5 Perry's Visit to Okinawa
27-8 S/50 ~Sold~ Comm 4-5 Perry's Visit to Okinawa, 3y & 6y, sheets of 50
Scott 27 S/50
28 Sh/50 $25 Comm 5 " 6y stamp in sheet of 50
27-8 IB/25 $145 Comm 4-5 Perry's Visit to Okinawa, inscription block/25 (5x5),
bottom half of sheet with inscription
27-8 B/4 $35 Comm 4-5 Perry's Visit to Okinawa, blocks/4
27-8 x10 $85 Comm 4-5 Perry's Visit to Okinawa, 2 B/4 & pair
28 Sh/50 $25 Comm 5 " 6y stamp in sheet of 50
29 $9 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil
29 Sh/50 $265 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, sheet/50, perfs extend thru left selvage,
selvage break at top and minor peroration separation
29 B/4 $30 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, block/4, bottom selvage
29 B/4 $25 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, block/4
29 IB/30 $100 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, inscription block of 30
29 x10 $60 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, 10 singles
29 B/10 $65 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, block/10
29 B/12 $75 Comm 6 Chofu Ota, pencil, block/12
30 $8 Comm 7 Shigo Toma, pen
30 IB/20 $120 Comm 7 Shigo Toma, pen, inscription block/20 (10 x 2)
30 B/4 $30 Comm 7 Shigo Toma, pen, block/4
30 B/10 $65 Comm 7 Shigo Toma, pen, block/10
31-3 $6 Reg 24,8-9 Handicrafts
31-3 IB/50 ~Sold~ Reg 24, 28-9 " inscription blocks/50 (10x5), bottom half of sheets
with inscription, 31 is RPSS s31:1a "Smaller Image" Variety
18.25 x 22.50 mm vrs 18.5 c 22.5 Normal Size) [JSCA 30a]
31-3 B/4 $20 Reg 24,8-9 " blocks/4
31-3,36-8 B/4 $36 Reg 24-9 Handicrafts & Dancers, blocks/4
34 $7 Comm 8 Sweet Potato
34 B/4 $26 Comm 8 " block/4
34 IB/10 $65 Comm 8 " inscription block/10
34 B/6 $35 Comm 8 " block/6
35 $7 Comm 9 Trees
35 IB/25 ~Sold~ Comm 4-5 " inscription block/25 (5x5), bottom half of sheet with inscription
35 B/4 $27 Comm 9 " block/4, margin - upper right corner
35 B/4 $25 Comm 9 " block/4
35 B/8 $48 Comm 9 " block/8
35 B/10 $65 Comm 9 " block/10
36-8 $5 Reg 25-7 Dancers, 1956 issue
36-8 B/4 $20 Reg 25-7 " blocks/4
36-8 B/8 $34 Reg 25-7 " blocks/8
36-8 Inscript B/30 $70 Reg 25-7 Dancers, inscription blocks/30 (10x3), 38 position 88 with white
dot above the "4" variety (close-up here.
typical moderate curling and one fold along perfs
36-8 Mounted Study ~Sold~ Reg 25-7 " Mounted Bush/MacLellan? study, 3 printings of 36, 1 printing &
shade variety of 37, 2 printings of 38 wo/notes, NH
36-8 Study ~Sold~ Reg 25-7 " Unmounted Bush/MacLellan? study, 3 printings of 36, 1 printing &
shade variety of 37, 2 printings of 38 w/notes
39 $8 Comm 10 Phone, Dial system
39 IB/8 $50 Comm 10 Phone, inscription block/8
39 B/4 $28 Comm 10 Phone, block/4, margin - upper right corner
39 B/4 $28 Comm 10 Phone, block/4
39 B/6 $30 Comm 10 Phone, block/6 (2 across x 3 down)
40 S/50 $38 NY 1 Garland of Pine & Bamboo, 1st New Year stamp, sheet/50
paper adheres to back of one stamp, hole in margin
40 S/50 $35 NY 1 Garland of Pine & Bamboo, 1st New Year stamp, sheet/50
hinged at 3 places on back mostly in selvage, typical curling
41 IB/10 $10 Comm 11 Map of Okinawa and pencil rocket, inscription block/10
41 S/50 $25 Comm 11 Map of Okinawa and pencil rocket, sheet/50, folded in middle
(folded along 6th column of perforations), perfs thru right margin
42 Variety ~Sold~ NY2 Phoenix, "extra feather" variety, pos 16, plate 1, RPSS s42a
43 pack/pad of 1000 $275 Comm 12 Stamp/stamp, original package/pad of 1000 stamps
(100 sheets of 10) in original postal service wrapper
44-53 $42 Reg 30-39 (10) Currency Conversion, dollar numerals, Issued without gum
44-53 B/6 $200 Reg 30-39 (10) " inscription blocks/6, except 49 (5c) which is non-inscription block/6
44-53 Left Margin B/4 $125 Reg 30-39 (10 " left margin blocks of 4, three scarcity rating of R4,
two scarcity rating of R5
44-53 Blocks/4 $100 Reg 30-39 (10) " Blocks/4
44-53 Blocks/4 o $30 Reg 30-39 (10) " Blocks/4, used
44-53 Blocks/4 $115 Reg 30-39 (10) " Blocks/4, R5, R6 & R7
44-53 Blocks/4 $125 Reg 30-39 (10) " 10c & 25c - Asahido Variety
44-53 Blocks/4 $135 Reg 30-39 (10) " better include 45S1, 51Q1 & 53Q1, all off white paper
51a, 52a $22 Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c, 1961 reissue with gum
51a, 52a B/4 $60 Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c, 1961 reissue with gum, blocks/4
51a, 52a x5 $75 Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c, 1961 reissue with gum, x5 sets
51a, 52a x10 $135 Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c, 1961 reissue with gum, x10 sets
51a, 52a x15 $200 Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c, 1961 reissue with gum, x15 sets
51a, 52a in IB/6 Var $140 Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c in inscription blocks/6, "White X"
variety in position 100, good/clean gum
51a, 52a in IB/6 Var $95 Reg 37a, 38a 25c & 50c in inscription blocks/6, "White X"
variety in position 100, gum toning
51a, 52a IB/4 w var ~Sold~ Reg 37a,38a 25c & 50c, gummed 2nd printing, bottom right corner
inscription blocks/4 with "White X" variety in pos 100
51a, 52a in B/4 Var o $85 Reg 37a, 38a 25c single & 50c in block/4, used,
"White X" variety in position 100
51a pos 100 Variety ~Sold~ Reg 37a $25c, gummed, 2nd printing "White X" in position 100
52a pos 100 Var V/P ~Sold~ Reg 38a $50c, used, 2nd printing, vertical pair (pos 90 & 100),
"White X" in position 100
52a Variety $150 Reg 38a 50c, second printing, with wide margin and blind perfs
in right margin, hinged
51m1 Block of 20 $55 25c, block of 20 (5x4), 11.1 x 11.1, off-white, .0028 in, R6
52o1 Block of 20 $80 50c, block of 20 (5x4), 11.1 x 10.3, off-white, .0028 in, R6
44-53 - Complete Sheets of 100
44-53 Sheet Set ~Sold~ 1/2c to $1.00, complete set in sheets of 100, 44p1, 45m2,
of 100 each 46t1, 47t1, 48n1, 49n1, 50o1, 51o1, 52n1, 53n3
10 sheets of 100
46U1 Sheet of 100 ~Sold~ 2c sheet of 100, perf 10.3 x 10.3, off-white paper,
.0028 in thick, folded along middle horiz perfs,
paper creases, tropical staining, R4 rating
47Q1 Sheet of 100 ~Sold~ 3c sheet of 100, perf 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper,
.00264 in thick, folded along middle horiz perfs,
paper creases, tropical stains, R6 rating
44-53, Specialized - Imperf Between, Double Perforations, Scarce Perforation/Papers
For general information regarding perforations and paper types in the 44-53 series, click here.
JV Bush Papers Page $20 J.V. Bush page with color examples of different types
of 44-53 papers under long wave ultraviolet light
44b $125 1/2c, imperf between horizontal pair
44b in S/10 ~Sold~ 1/2c, one imperf between horizontal pair in strip/10,
perf 10.8 x 11.1, strip folded between stamps 5 & 6,
RPSS e44c but not listed with these perforations
44b in S/5 ~Sold~ 1/2c, one imperf between horizontal pair in right
margin strip/5, perf 11.1 x 10.3, off-white paper,
.00275in thick, RPSS e44c
44c $250 1/2c, vertical stip/3 with pair imperf between, all perfs 10.8 (Q)
bottom stamp appears to be imperf between but cut off,
off-white paper, .0029 in thick, RPSS e44d 10.8 x 10.8
44c in S/10 $155 1/2c, one imperf between vertical pair in left margin
strip/10, perf 11.1 x 10.3, strip folded between stamps
3&4: 8&9 and 9&10, pos 41 blob/dot right of "1" in "1/2"
.0026in thickness, RPSS e44d
44c in S/10 $150 1/2c, one imperf between vertical pair in strip/10,
perf 11.1 x 10.3, strip folded between stamps 5 & 6,
off-white paper, RPSS e44d
e44c ~Sold~ 1/2c, one imperf between vertical right margin pair,
perf 11.1 x 10.3, off-white paper, .0028 in thick, RPSS e44d
44 Var ~Sold~ 1/2c, pair with extra row of vertical perfs, stamps
perfed 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper (44S1), RPSS e44q
44 Var $75 1/2c, pair with extra row of vertical perfs, stamps
perfed 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper (44S1), RPSS e44q
45a ~Sold~ 1c, horizontal pair, no vertical perfs between stamps,
perfed 11.1 x 11.1, white paper, .00285in thick, top
margin, basic stamp 45M2, plate 1, pos 3 & 4, RPSS e45c(M2)
45a $150 1c, horizontal pair, no vertical perfs between stamps,
perfed 11.1 x 11.1, off-white paper, .0028in thick, left
margin, left vertical perfs hyphen hole type (Asahido),
basic stamp 45M1, RPSS e45c
45a $145 1c, horizontal pair, no vertical perfs between stamps,
perf 10.8 x 11.1, white paper, .0027in thick, basic
stamp 45R2, RPSS e45c
45b $110 1c, vertical pair no perfs between stamps, perfed 11.1 x 10.8,
bottom stamp imperf (trimed or cut from an imperf stamp below,
white paper, .00285in thick, basic stamp 45N2, RPSS e45d
45b $50 1c, vertical stip/3 with pair imperf between, all perfs 11.1 (M)
top stamp creased, tropical stains, off-white paper, .0030 in
thick, 11.1 x 11.1, RPSS e45d
45c ~Sold~ 1c, vertical strip/3, no vertical perfs between all three stamps
45d $250 1c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 x UM x 11.1 (M2), vertical strip of 4,
imperf between, plus fantail in bottom margin, white paper,
.0027in thick, RPSS e45hk, Plate 1 (only one) pos 65,75,85,95,
vertical line on back probably caused by stamp mount,
RPSS lists only 11.1 x 10.8 x UM x 10.8 (N2)
e45cx Compound Perf $225 3c, vertical strip of 3 (positions 5, 15 & 25),
Error the paper is off-white and measures .00285in thick,
the strip cotains 3 compound perforation errors and
one double perforation error
45 Var $70 1c, top margin copy, double perfs at top (11.1 and 10.8)
top row of dbl perfs (11.1) is "broken perforation pin" variety
from Sagawa perf machine, left, right & bottom perfs are 10.8
off-white paper, .00275 thick, hinged in margin, creased,
RPSS e45tx
45 Var ~Sold~ 1c, compound perfs, top margin, bottom: 10.3, all others 10.8,
off-white paper, .0029in thick, RPSS e45x - 10.8 x 10.8 x 10.3 x 10.8
45 Var Pr ~Sold~ 1c, compound perfs, pair, right stamp only w/ compound perfs
off-white paper, .00295in thick, RPSS e45x 10.8 x 11.1 x 10.8 x 10.3
45 Var Pr ~Sold~ 1c, compound perfs, pair, right stamp only w/ compound perfs
left 10.3, middle & right 11.1, top & bottom 10.8, off-white
paper, .00275in thick, RPSS e45x - 10.8 x 11.1 x 10.8 x 10.3
46a (46M1) $95 2c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 (M1), horizontal pair, imperf between,
off-white paper, .00275 in thick, RPSS e46c 11.1 x 11.1
46a (46M1) $95 2c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 (M1), horizontal pair, imperf between,
off-white paper, .00275 in thick, RPSS e46c 11.1 x 11.1
46a (46N1) $105 2c, perf 11.1 x 10.8 (N1), horizontal pair, imperf between,
off-white paper, .0030 in thick, RPSS e46c 11.1 x 10.8
46a (46O1) $95 2c, off-white paper, .0029 in thick, RPSS e46c 11.1 x 10.3,
major (crude) retouching of upper left corner frame line of stamp
at the right, not consistent with RPSS Plate 1 or Plate 2
46a (46Q1) $110 2c, perf 10.8 x 10.8, right margin horizontal strip of 3,
imperf between 2nd and 3rd stamp, off-white paper, .003 in
thick, RPSS e46c - 10.8 x 10.8, #1
46a (46Q1) $110 2c, perf 10.8 x 11.1, right margin horizontal strip of 3,
imperf between 2nd and 3rd stamp, off-white paper, .00295 in
thick, RPSS e46c - 10.8 x 10.8, #2
46b ~Sold~ 2c, perf 11.1 x 10.3 (O1), vertical strip/3 with imperf between pair,
off-white paper, .00285 in thick, RPSS e46d 11.1 x 10.3 - "Less
than 10 errors known"
46c + Fantail ~Sold~ 2c, perf 11.1 x 11.1, horizontal strip of 3, imperf between
plus fantail in right margin, off-white paper, .00275in thick,
RPSS e46ej, Plate 2 pos 17-20
46d in S/10 ~Sold~ 2c, perf 11.1 x 10.3 - off white, horizontal strip
of 10, imperf in left margin and between stamps
1&2, 2&3 and 3&4, RPSS e46gl - "Less than 20
strips known" (RPSS catalogue p198)
e46r ~Sold~ 2c, vertical pair, double perforations between, 10.2 x 11.1,
thick paper, reinforced on back with a hinge
46u4 B/4 $70 2c, block/4, 10.3 x 10.3, thick paper, .0034in thick,
pos 25-6 & 35-6, plate 1
46q1 I/B 6 (x4) $85 2c, inscription blocks of 6 (x4), 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper,
.00285in thick, see RPSS catalogue pages 86 & 286, RPSS R6
47a ~Sold~ 3c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 (M1), horizontal pair, imperf between,
off-white paper, .00265 in thick, RPSS e47c 11.1 x 11.1
thinner than off-white paper normally is
47a ~Sold~ 3c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 (M1), horizontal pair, imperf between,
off-white paper, .00285 in thick, toned, RPSS e47c 11.1 x 11.1
47b $95 3c, vertical pair no perfs between stamps, perfed 10.3 x 11.1,
top stamp imperf (trimed or cut from an imperf stamp above)
47b (47P1) $100 3c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 (M1), vertical strip/3 with pair imperf
between, off-white paper, .0029 in thick, RPSS e47d 10.8 x 11.1
47b ~Sold~ 3c, perf 11.1 x 11.1 (M1), vertical strip/3 with pair imperf
between, off-white paper, .0029 in thick, RPSS e47d
47p2 x3 Cvr $100 3c, strip/3 used on back of cover, 10.8 x 11.1, white,
47t1 IB/16 $65 3c, inscription B/16 (2x8), 10.3 x 10.8, off-white, .00295in thick
plate 1 (pos 100 no break in right frame line, vert perfs in columns
7-10 do not extend to bottom, columns 3-6 do - RPSS R6
48a $265 4c, horizontal pair imperf beteen stamps, rough perfs but
appears to be perf 11.1 x 10.3, RPSS e48c (less than 30 known)
48a H $175 4c, perf 11.1 x 10.3 (M1), horizontal pair, imperf between,
off-white paper, .00275 in thick, hinge remnant on back,
RPSS e48c 11.1 x 10.3
48b $75 4c, perf 10.8 x 10.8 (Q1), vertical strip/3 with pair imperf
between, off-white paper, .00285 in thick, RPSS e48d 10.8 x 10.8
48b ~Sold~ 4c, vertical pair imperf beteen stamps, perf 11.1 x 10.8,
off-white paper, .003in thick, RPSS e48d - 11.1 x 10.8
48 Var, Pos 40 & 66 $100 4c, perf 10.3 x 11.2, white paper, two blocks/4, each with a
recognized variety, pos 40 and pos 66, on descriptive page
48 Var $85 4c, horizontal pair with extra row of vertical perfs,
perfed 11.1 x 10.3, off-white paper, .00285 in thick,
(48O1), RPSS e48q - 11.1 x 10.3
48 Var $100 4c, horizontal pair with extra row of vertical perfs,
perfed 10.8 x 10.3, white paper, .00275 in thick
(48R2), RPSS e48q - 10.8 x 10.3
e48q B/4 $100 4c, block/4 with extra row of vertical perfs which merge
into a single row between stamps 3 & 4 where the second
row becomes blind (does not penetrate the paper),
11.1 x 10.2,, off-white pager
e49y ~Sold~ 5c, bottom untrimmed selvage single, 10.3 x 11.1, white paper,
.0027 in thick (49s2), RPSS e49y - 10.3 x 11.1
49a ~Sold~ 5c, horizontal pair, no vertical perfs beteeen two stamps,
in right margin strip/4, 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper,
.0026in thick, RPSS e49c - 10.8 x 10.8
49a LH $110 5c, horizontal pair, no vertical perfs beteeen two stamps,
11.1 x 10.8, off-white paper, .00275in thick, lightly
hinged, RPSS e49c - 11.1 x 10.8
49a LH $110 5c, horizontal pair, no vertical perfs beteeen two stamps,
10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper, .0027in thick, lightly
hinged, RPSS e49c - 10.8 x 10.8
49b $325 5c, perf 11.1 x 10.8 (N1), vertical strip/3 with pair imperf
between, off-white paper, .00275 in thick, topical stains,
RPSS e49d
49o1 x2 Reg Cvr $45 5c, 11.1 x 10.3, off-white paper, x2 + 61 (13c) on
registered cover to US, 59.11.2, backflap heavy tape
49s2 $60 5c, 10.3 x 11.1, white paper, RPSS R3
49s2 B/4, Plate 2 ~Sold~ 5c, Plate 2, 10.3 x 11.1, white paper, .0027in thick
pos 49-50 & 59-60, right margin block,
positions noted in pencil on back, "orange yellow" ink,
see RPSS catalogue p108 & p293, RPSS R3
49s2 B/4, Plate 2 ~Sold~ 5c, Plate 2, 10.3 x 11.1, white paper, pos 57-8 & 67-8
49s4 ~Sold~ 5c, 10.3 x 11.1, thick paper, RPSS R4
50a $75 10c, perf 10.3 x 11.1 (S2), horizontal pair imperf between,
white paper, .0028 in thick, mount mark (line) on back,
RPSS e50cS2
50b ~Sold~ 10c, perf 11.1 x 10.3 (O1), vertical pair imperf between,
off-white paper, .0027 in thick, faintmount mark (line)
on back,e50d 11.1 x 10.3
50 Used Pair, Var $75 10c, perf 11.1 x 10.3, off-white Paper, .00295 thick, used,
horizontal pair, "doughnut flaw" in left stamp
50 B/6 + Pr, Cover $100 Reg cover with block 6 & pair of Scott 50, 11.1 x 10.8,
off-white, horizontal perfs are Asahido "square hole"
vertical perfs missing pin variety
50q1 untrimmed selvage 10c, perf 10.8 x 10.8, off white, untrimmed selvage,
George MacClellan marketing flyer
50q1 B/50 $145 10c, perf 10.8 x 10.8, off-white, .00285 in thick,
block/50, positions 60-100 (no selvage), 3 minor
varieties at pos 62, 91 & 92, RPSS catalogue p115-7
51u3 untrimmed selvage $125 25c, untrimmed selvage, 10.3 x 10.3, ivory, (51U3), pos 30
with George MacClellan marketing flyer, and position in sheet,
Maclellan authentication & pos number in pencil on back of selvage
51d (-) $300 25c, all perfs 10.8 (Q1), vertical strip/3 with top stamp imperf (trimmed)
at top, 1st & 2nd stamp imperf between, 2nd & 3rd and perforated between,
all perfs 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper, .00275 in thick, RPSS e51d(-)
51p1 B/4, Freak Perfs $35 25c, 10.8 x 11.1 (P1), off-white, freak perforations, block/4, horizontal
perforations shifted down & immediately above "Yen" design of stamp below
51d x10 ~Sold~ 25c, 10 vertical strips of three, imperforate
vertically between & in top margin
51 IB/10 (H) $35 25c, inscription block of 10, 11.1 x 10.3, 51o1,
off-white paper, .0028in thick, hinged in margin
51 Var Cover ~Sold~ 25c with extra row of horizontal perfs at bottom on registered
airmail cover to Japan, perfed 11.1 x 10.8, off-white paper
51 Var B/4 ~Sold~ 25c, right margin block/4 with extra row of horizontal perfs,
all perfs 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper, .00285in thick,
basic stamps R5, RPSS e51r (x2) - 10.8 x 10.8
e51r Var+ Pr $85 25c, vertical pair with extra row of horiz perfs between, all
perfs 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper, .002885 in thick,
horizontal blind perfs (light impression, "Hyphen Hole" &
missing pin/hole) on bottom stamp, basic stamp (51Q1) R5,
RPSS e51r - 10.8 x 10.8, #2
e51r $65 25c, vertical pair with extra row of horiz perfs between, all
perfs 10.8 x 10.8, off-white paper, .002885 in thick, no
blind perfs on bottom stamp, basic stamp (51Q1) R5,
RPSS e51r - 10.8 x 10.8
51 Var Pr $70 25c, vertical pair with extra row of horizontal perfs between,
stamps perfed 11.1 x 10.8, off-white, .0027 in thick,
RPSS e51r - 11.1 x 10.8, #2
52b $800 50c, perf 10.8 x 10.8 (Q1), horizontal pair imperf between,
off-white paper, .00275 in thick, RPSS e52cy
52b ~Sold~ 50c, perf 10.8 x 10.8 (Q1), horizontal pair imperf between,
off-white paper, .00275 in thick, pos 49 & 50, RPSS e52cy
52 Fantail FD on piece ~Sold~ FD, 44-53 on special sheet, 50c is fantail (imperf in bottom margin),
1/2c,1c,3c,4c,25c&50c inscriptions, sheet measures 8 1/2 x 12 1/4 in
52M1 B/4 Var $125 50c, block/4 perf 11.1 x 11.1, off-white, middle horizontal row of
perfs do not penetrate paper
53a ~Sold~ $1, perf 11.1 x 10.8 (N1), horizontal pair imperf between,
off-white paper, .00275 in thick, e53c 11.1 x 10.8
53N B/4 Var $135 $1, block/4 perf 11.1 x 10.8, middle vertical row of
perfs do not or barely do penetrate paper
44-53 on Certification of Contents Documents ( Nai-yo Sho-mei)
50N2 + $125 Miyako 59.3.30, 17c rate (46M1 - R6, 49N1 - R6 & 50N2 - R2),
rate in effect from Sep 9, 1958 to Jul 7, 1959
45S1 + $75 Miyako 59.4.2, 51c rate (45S1 - R4 & 52N1 - R5)
52N1 + $60 Miyako 59.4.9, 51c rate (45N1 - R6 & 52N1 - R5)
49Q1 + $50 Miyako 59.6.8, 17c rate (46N1 - R6, 49Q1 - R5 & 50o1 - R6),
rate in effect from Sep 9, 1958 to Jul 7, 1959
49Q1 + $45 Miyako 59.6.27, 17c rate (46O1 - R6, 49Q1 - R5 & 50N1 - R6),
rate in effect from Sep 9, 1958 to Jul 7, 1959
50M2 + $75 Miyako 60.1.11, 15c rate (50M2 - R4 & 49N4 - R6)
More Nai-yuo Sho-mei (other than 44-53) forms are here.
Singles with RPSS Scarcity Rating of RPSS R4 & R5
Price Scott No. Comments
$30 45s1 (1c) Perf 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper, left margin, RPSS R4
$25 45s1 (1c) Perf 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper, uncanceled on post card
$25 45s1 (1c) Perf 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper, RPSS R4
$25 45t1 (1c) Used Perf 10.3 x 10.8, off-white paper, cto on cover, #1
$35 45t1 (1c) Used Perf 10.3 x 10.8, off-white paper, cto on cover, frame line
at top left broken, #2
$25 48r2 (2c) Perf 10.8 x 10.3, white paper, .00285in thick, RPSS R4
$70 49m2 (5c) Perf 11.1 x 11.1, white paper, .00275in thick, inscription strip/3, Plate 2, RPSS R5
$25 50s2 (10c) Used Perf 10.3 x 11.1, white paper, 59.11.23 Miyako cxl, RPSS R4
$15 51q3 (25c) Perf 10.8 x 10.8, ivory paper, .00265in thick, RPSS R5
$15 53m3 ($1) Perf 11.1 x 11.1, ivory paper, .00265in thick, RPSS R5
$30 53n3 ($1) Perf 11.1 x 10.8, ivory paper, block/6, RPSS R5
$30 53s1 ($1) Perf 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper, block/6, RPSS R5
54 Sheet/10 Set (4) $35 Comm 13 Set of 4 sheets, 1) perfs thru bottom only - cracked post pos 9,
2) perfs thru bottom only - no cracked post pos 9, 3) perfs thru
bottom and top - no broken post, 4) "Mozo" -imitation- perf
thru bottom only
54 "Mozo" Bush Page $10 Comm 13 Shuri Gate, Bush Page with "Mozo"
54 "Mozo" Pad $250 Comm 13 Shuri Gate, Mizuhara "Mozo" - 1000 copies,
pad of 100 sheets of 10 stamps each
54 "Mozo" Sheet $15 Comm 13 Shuri Gate "Mozo" unmounted sheet/10
55 Sheets of 50 x50 $325 NY 3 Lion Dog, 50 sheets of 50,
Post Office Fresh
56 Minor Variety FDC $35 Make Ryukyu Green, minor variety ("White Roof" variety -
RPSS s56b) on first day cover
56 Minor Variety S/20 $125 Comm 14 Afforestaton, sheet/20, "white roof" variety, normal sheet included
56 Variety ~Sold~ Comm 14 Afforestation, missing red
58-62 $25 Reg 40-4 Flower & Fauna, 1st Issue
58-62 Sheets of 100 ~Sold~ Reg 40-4 Flower & Fauna, 1st Issue in sheets of 100
58-62 B/4 $75 Reg 40-4 Flower & Fauna, 1st Issue in blocks/4
58-62 IB/10 $325 Reg 40-4 Flower & Fauna, 1st Issue in inscription blocks/10
58-62 B/4 o $75 Reg 40-4 Flower & Fauna, 1st Issue in blocks/4, used
58 B/4 Freak Perfs $40 Reg 40 1/2c, block/4 with freak perfs, top vert perfs shifted 1/2
perf to the right (See FTDD 30:2 (Whole No. 92) at page 71)
58 B/8 Freak Perfs $95 Reg 40 " as above but block/8 with top selvage, perfed through selvage
58 B/8 Freak Perfs $100 Reg 40 " as above but block/8 with left margin, note the perfs extend
into the margin which is not always the case (see IB/10)
58 & 59 printings information here.
58 & 59 Printings ~Sold~ Reg 40-1 1/2c - three printings, 3c - two printing, with George W. MacLellan Jr.
write-up, not mounted on album page
59 Bush Study ~Sold~ Reg 41 3c 59 inscription block/10 and plate number block/8 +
B/4 x2 on Bush page - all second printing (perfs extend
into top, bottom & sides), inscription B/10 first
printing (perfs do not extend into margins) - unmounted
61 B/4 $9 Reg 43 Butterfly from Flower & Fauna
series block/4
61 B/6 $13 Reg 43 Butterfly from Flower & Fauna
series block/6
63 S/50 $15 NY 4 Folk toy, 4th New Year stamp, sheet of 50
65-8 Sheets 100 ~Sold~ Comm 3 Complete set in sheets of 100, perf through top only
65-8 Hi-Brite $135 Reg 50-3 " hi-brite paper, on descriptive album page with
facsimile of George W. MacLellan Jr. write-up, included
is a margin B/4 set of low brite (normal) printing
65-8 Hi-Brite ~Sold~ Reg 50-3 " hi-brite paper, on descriptive album page, experimental
printing, estimated no more than 300 of each, NH
65-8 Hi-Brite ~Sold~ Reg 50-3 " hi-brite paper, on descriptive album page
with additional one page write-up
72-3 $4 Comm 17-18 Sports, Kyushu meet
72-3 B/4 $14 Comm 17-10 Sports, Kyushu meet
72-3 Inscript B/6 $45 Comm 17-10 Sports, Kyushu meet
74 Inscript B/6 $22 Comm 19 Bird - Tsuru (Stark)
76-80 $13 Reg 45-49 Flora/Fauna, redrawn
76-80 B/4 $50 Reg 45-49 " block/4
76-80 B/8 w Plate # $90 Reg 45-49 " upper right corner blocks/8 (2 across x 4 down)
with plate numbers in margin, 3c (77) printing ink smudge
76-80 IB/8 $105 Reg 45-9 " inscription block 8 (not 10)
76-80 B/10 $70 Reg 45-49 " block/10
76-80 Used $6 Reg 45-49 " used
77, 78 & 79 Printings information here.
77, 78 & 79 Printings ~Sold~ Reg 46-8 3c, 8c, 13c, two printings each, on White Ace page
w/ fascimile of George W. MacLellan Jr. write-up
77, 78 & 79 Printings ~Sold~ Reg 46-8 3c, 8c, 13c, two printings each, on descriptive album page
77, 78 & 79 Printings ~Sold~ Reg 46-8 3c, 8c, 13c, two printings each, w/ George W. MacLellan Jr. write-up
81-87 & 220 Perforatons information here.
81 S/100 $135 Reg 54 1c dancer (1961), sheet/100, first printing, perf 13.5 x 13.5
folded along horiz perfs
81 S/50 $12 Reg 54 1c dancer (1961), sheet/50, perf 13.5 x 13.5
82 S/50 $12 Reg 55 2 1/2c dancer (1962), sheet of 50, perf 13.5 x 13.5, JSCA 84
84, 85, 86 Variety MNH/o $14 2 1/c, 5c & 10c, single stamps, perf 12.8 x 13.5, JSCA 84a,86a,87a,
MNH & used
84, 85, 86 B/4 Variety $25 2 1/c, 5c & 10c, blocks/4, perf 12.8 x 13.5, JSCA 84a,86a,87a
84, 85, 86 Variety o $8 2 1/c, 5c & 10c, single stamps, perf 12.8 x 13.5, JSCA 84a,86a,87a, used
84, 85, 86 Variety o x5 $20 2 1/c, 5c & 10c, single stamps, perf 12.8 x 15.3, JSCA 84a,86a,87a, used, x5
220 S/50 $15 Reg 56 4c dancer (1971), sheet of 50, perf 13.3 x 13.3, JSCA 85
90 (for information on the various Scott 90 stamps (perfs/papers/plates), click here.
90 Collection ~Sold~ Comm 22 Comprehensive collection of perforation and plate formats
of sheets of 20 (9 different perf, paper and plate formats),
includes seldom seen 1:3:5, plate 1, sheet, +++
90 Sheets of 20 (x8) $150 Comm 22 Scott 90, unit of 8 sheets of 20, mounted on Bush
pages, mint, FD cto, various perforations and papers
90 S/20 $25 Comm 22 Sheet of 20, Plate I, all perfs 10.7, white paper
90 S/20 CTO $30 Comm 22 Sheet of 20, Plate I, all perfs 10.7, tan paper, canceled
to order on First Day with Comm Cxls
90 Pair on Cover ~Sold~ Comm 22 Vertical pair (pos 13 & 17) on cover [6(1).10.27], all
Freak Perfs perfs 10.8, middle horizontal perforations ca 3mm up and
slanted/tilted down to the right, pos 13 stamp damaged at top
90 Variety on Cover ~Sold~ Comm 22 "Satellite" variety, Pos 10, Plate 1 (RPSS s90r1a),
"Satellite" Variety cover with 61.10.20 cds
90 Minor Variety on ~Sold~ Comm 22 Small dash in upper left margin, minor variety, Pos 6, Plate 2
Cover cover with 61.10.20 cds
90 S/20 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Sheet of 20 with right vertical perfs shifted
right 3mm, RPSS Ty III (2,5 sheet), Plate II
90 S/4 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Horizontal strip/4 with right margin (column 5) imperforate,
pos 5-8, RPSS Ty III (2,5 sheet), Plate II, white paper
90 S/4 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Horizontal strip/4 with right margin (column 5) imperforate,
pos 9-12, RPSS Ty III (2,5 sheet), Plate II, white paper
90 S/20 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Sheet of 20 with 2nd vertical row of perforations
extending through top margin, all perfs 10.7, Plate I
90 Inscript S/5 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Vertical inscription strip/5 imperf in bottom
margin, Perf Ty II (from a 4,5 sheet), Plate I
90 S/5 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Vertical left margin strip/5 imperf in top
margin, Perf Ty II (from a 4,5 sheet), Plate I
90 S/4 Var ~Sold~ Comm 22 Horizontal top margin strip/4 imperf in left
margin, all perfs 10.7, Plate I
90 S/4 Var ~ Sold ~ Comm 22 Horizontal bottom margin strip/4 imperf in right margin,
all perfs 10.7 except 2nd vert row is 10.2, Plate II
90 S/20 Var ~ Sold ~ Comm 22 Sheet of 20 with extra horizontal row of perforations
(10.7) in bottom margin, Ty II (4,5 sheet), Plate I
90 Sh/20 (1,3,5) ~ Sold ~ Comm 22 Bush "Rare" perf, plate 1,
10.2,10.7,10.2,10.7,10.2 (Bush Type III),
RPSS Type IV) white paper, sheet/20
98-102 B/4 $9 Reg 63,8,9, Flowers, 1962 issues,blocks/4
98-102 B/6 $12 Reg 63,8,9, Flowers, 1962 issues, blocks/6
98-102 B/9 $15 Reg 63,8,9, Flowers, 1962 issues, blocks/6
98-102 Inscript B/10 $22 Reg 63,8,9, Flowers, 1962 issues, blocks/9
98-102 Sh/50 $35 Reg 63,8,9, Flowers, 1962 issues, sheets/50, folded
70,72 vertically in middle along perfs
103 $3 Comm 29 Bowl, 1st Issue - White
103 B/4 $12 Comm 29 " block/4
103 Sheet/20 L $50 Comm 29 " sheet of 20, horizontal perfs extend thru left
selvage only
103 Sheet/20 L/R $40 Comm 29 " sheet of 20, horizontal perfs extend thru left
and right selvage
104 $3 Comm 30 Kendo, sports
104 B/4 $12 Comm 30 Kendo, block/4
104 IB/6 $20 Comm 30 Kendo, inscription block/6
104 Sheet/20 $45 Comm 29 Kendo, sheet of 20
104 Sheet 20 $40 Comm 29 Kendo, sheet of 20, paper inclusion on one stamp
103, 104, 112 Sh 20 cto $70 Comm 30,36 White bowl, kendo, red bowl, sheets/20, canceled
to order with first day commemorative cancels
107 S/100 $25 Reg 65 1/2c Flower, gooseneck cactus, sheet of 100
112 $2 Comm 36 Bowl, 2nd Issue - Red
112 IB/6 $14 Comm 36 " inscription block/6 - red bowl
112 Sheet/20 $24 Comm 36 " sheet of 20 - red bowl, perfs thru right margin
112 Sheets/20 (2) $40 Comm 36 " sheets of 20 (x2 - red bowl, #1 sheet has perfs thru right margin only,
#2 sheet has perfs thru right and left margins right and left
Private Club S/S $18 1962.8.25~8, private stamp club souvenir sheet,
"RPC" - Ryukyu Philatelic Society 10th Anniversity
122-3 Minor Var $20 Comm 44-5 Microwave Tower, both stamps with minor varieties/shifts
of the overprint to the left leaving the "3" exposed
122-3 Bush Study ~Sold~ Comm 44-5 Microwave Tower, J.V, Bush study of overprint varities, 4 pages,
19 stamps total, includes 122a (inverted "1") and "Broken 4"
122-3 S/20 $35 Comm 44-5 Microwave Tower, sheets of 20
122-3 S/20 $40 Comm 44-5 122 sheet of 20 with constant inverted "1" in position 8 (122a)
no "Broken 4" in position 5 and normal spaced "1964"
in position 12 - 1 major and 2 minor varieties, 123 sheet normal
122-3 S/20 ~Sold~ Comm 44-5 122 sheet of 20 with constant inverted "1" in position 8 (122a)
122 is Bush Type III and "Broken 4" in position 5 (not a constant variety) and
123 normal - not typed narrow "1964" in position 12 - 1 major and 2 minor varieties
123 sheet normal
122-3 S/20 cto ~Sold~ Comm 44-5 122 sheet of 20 canceled to order on first day of issue
122 is Bush Type II with constant variety inverted "1" in position 8 (122a), the
123 is Bush Type III "Broken 4" in position 5 is now a blob (not a constant variety)
"1964" in position 12 is narrow - 1 major and 2 minor varieties
overprint on 123 sheet is shifted left leaving the "1" open
122 Sheet and 123 Sheet
122 S/20 Bush Type I ~Sold~ Comm 45 Microwave, 3c sheet/20
122 S/20 Bush Type IV ~Sold~ Comm 45 Microwave, 3c sheet/20, hinged in top and bottom margins
123 S/20 Ovpt Right $22 Comm 45 Microwave, 8c sheet/20, overprint shifted left, on the bottom
3 rows the "1" in "1963" is open (not covered)
123 S/20 Ovpt Left $22 Comm 45 Microwave, 8c sheet/20, overprint shifted right, on most stamps
the "3" in "1963" is open (not covered)
123 S/20 Ovpt Up $20 Comm 45 Microwave, 8c sheet/20, overprint shifted up, on many stamps
the bottom bar is above "1963" perf serparation at bottom
123 S/20 Bush Type III $25 Comm 45 Microwave, 8c sheet/20, overprint shifted left, "3" partially open
123 S/20 Bush Type IV $25 Comm 45 Microwave, 8c sheet/20, overprint shifted left, "3" partially open
Bush identified 5 types for 122 sheets. These are:
122 Sheet/20 - Type I, Type II, Type III & Type IV.
All types have the inverted "1" in position 8 (122a).
Type II has a blob for the "4" in position 5.
Type III has a broken "4" in position 5.
122 Var - Broken "4" $18 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, block/4, pos 5 w/ broken "4" in "1964," JSCA 125vb
122 Var - Broken "4" $15 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, pos 5 with broken "4" in "1964," open "1" - JSCA 125vb
122 Var - Broken "4" Pr $15 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, margin pair with pos 5 - broken "4" - JSCA 125vb
122 Var - Broken "4" Pr $16 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, margin pair with pos 5 - broken "4" in "1964 and
overprint shifted left (open "3+) - JSCA 125vb
122 Var - Broken "4" Pr $16 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, margin pair with pos 5 - broken "4" in "1964 and
overprint shifted up - JSCA 125vb
122 Var - Broken "4" Pr ~Sold~ Comm 44 Microwave Tower, margin pair with pos 5 -broken "4" in "1964 and
overprint shifted down - JSCA 125vb
122 Var - Blob "4" $20 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, block/6, pos 5 with blob for "4" in "1964
block/6 of 122 included
122a $22 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, w inverted "1"
122a in B/4 $24 Comm 44 " 122 block w inverted "1" in upper right corner block/4
122a in B/12 ~Sold~ Comm 44-5 Block of 12, 122a (pos 8), blob of for "4" in position 5 and
narrow "1964" in pos 12
122a & 123 FD $20 Comm 44-5 First day coverS (2), unaddressed, one w/ inverted "1, one normal, #1
122a & 123 FD $22 Comm 44-5 First day coverS (2), unaddressed, one w/ inverted "1, one normal, #1
122a & 123 FD $30 Comm 44-5 First day cover with metal engraved cachet and inverted "1" (122a)
122a & 123 in B/4 $30 Comm 44-5 Blocks of 4, 122a (pos 8) in block of 4 with narrow "1964"
in pos 12
122a & 122 $24 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pair, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp)
122a & 122 x5 $110 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pairs, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), 5 pairs
122a & 122 x10 ~POR~ Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pairs, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), 10 pairs, price on request
122a & 122 x20 ~POR~ Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pairs, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), 20 pairs, price on request
122a & 122 x5 Var $125 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pairs, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), 5 pairs, w/ minor overprint shifts
1)normal, 2)shifted up, 3)shifted down, 4)shifted right (open
"1") & 5)shifted left (partially open "3")
122a & 122 Var $28 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pair, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), both w/ open "1" in "1963"
122a & 122 Var $26 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pair, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), both w/ partially open "3" in "1963"
122a & 122 Var x3 $75 Comm 44 Microwave Tower, horiz pair, w inverted "1" (right stamp)
and 122 normal (left stamp), also pair with open "1" and
pair with partially open "3" in "1963"
122a, 123 FDC ~Sold~ Comm 44-5 Microwave Tower, w inverted "1" and 123 on unaddressed FDC
122b Error ~Sold~ Comm 44 Overprint inverted (appears at bottom left), RPSS Error
No. 2, two sheets - 40 stamps confirmed
122c Error ~Sold~ 3c, Microwave Tower, missing overprint, space filler,
missing bottom right corner, large face scrape, several
small face scrapes, thinned, no gum. Perhaps this
explains how the origin of the unoverprinted sheet and two
sheets were stuck together in the overprinting process.
123 Variety ~Sold~ Comm 45 Overprinted shifted up 2.8 mm, single with right corner
selvage, hinged in selvage, stamp is mint, never hinged
123 Pr Error ~Sold~ Comm 45 Inscription pair, overprint shifted far left, RPSS Error No. 7
123 Error ~Sold~ Comm 45 Overprinted shifted right, "64" at left and "19" at right,
similar to RPSS Error 9
123 Variety, Pair ~Sold~ Comm 45 Horizontal pair (upper right corner) with overprint shifted to the
right and up 1.5mm (left stamp) and 3mm (right stamp)
123 Imprint, Variety ~Sold~ Comm 45 Overprinted shifted up 2.5 mm, imprint single
122, 123 S/Unadr Insc $12 FDC, "MS" envelope cachet, inscription singles,
123 with open "1"
122, 123 S/Unadr $12 FDC, envelope cachet, 122 with open "1"
125-7 Sh/20 $24 Comm 47-9 Karate I, II, II, sheets of 20 each, no broken "c" on 126 sheet
125-7 Sh/20 cto FD $25 Comm 47-9 Karate I, II, II, sheets of 20 each, no broken "c" on 126 sheet,
each sheet canceled to order on first day with Naha english cancel
126 Variety FD $35 Comm 47 Karate II, broken "c" variety on metal engraving First Day folder
126 Variety FD + $45 Comm 47 Karate II, broken "c" variety on metal engraving First Day folder &
125-7 FD 125-7, set of three, each on separate metal engraving First Day folder
126 Variety S/20 ~Sold~ Comm 47 Karate II, sheet with broken "c" variety
126 Variety S/20 ~Sold~ Comm 47 Karate II, sheet with broken "c" variety, mounted on Bush page,
cto First Day
125-7S $135 Comm 47-9 Karate, Specimens, each stamp with Schoberlin's
pencil initial authentication on the gum
136 Error x2 POR 1965, Turtle I, "Missing Black" error, inscription block/4 - Price on Request
136 Error POR 1965, Turtle I, "Missing Black" error, right margin strip/4 - Price on Request
139a ~Sold~ 1965, missing gold, top margin single, gum blemish/stain
139a ~Sold~ 1965, missing gold
142 Variety ~Sold~ Comm 62 Dugong, top margin strip/4 with paper cutting variety.
Written up and pictured in FTDD 2:1 at page 16, Jan 1970.
166 Variety ~Sold~ Comm 84 TV tower shifted up and into the top margin
For information on the 3 plates used to produce 190, click here
190 Variety ~Sold~ Reg 64 1/2c overprint on 3c, overprint shifted left
Bush initial and postion in pencil on back
190 S/50 Plate I $25 Reg 64 1/2c overprint on 3c, sheet/50, Plate I
General Information
190 S/50 Plate II, 1st ~Sold~ Reg 64 1/2c overprint on 3c, sheet/50, Plate II, first printing
(no gum creases)
General Information
190 S/50 Plate II, 2nd ~Sold~ Reg 64 1/2c overprint on 3c, sheet/50, Plate II, second printing
(gum creases from string ties) !
General Information
190 S/50 o Plate II, 2nd ~Sold~ Reg 64 1/2c overprint on 3c, sheet/50, cto 17.11.69, Plate II, second printing
(gum creases from string ties)
190 S/50 Plate III $25 Reg 64 1/2c ovpt on 3c, sheet/50, Plate III (gum creases from string ties)
General Information
190 S/50 Plate III $50cha Reg 64 1/2c ovpt on 3c, sheet/50, Plate III (no gum creases from string ties)
General Information
192 - For information on the the four overprint type setting of 192, click here.
192a - For information on 192a, the no overprint error, click here.
192b - For information on 192b, the "wide bars" overprint type setting, click here.
192a, 192b + ~Sold~ Hawaii Emigration, no overprint (192a), "wide bars" (192b)
+ 3 other settings, matched set (pos 3).
192b IB/6 + ~Sold~ Hawaii Emigration, "wide bars," imprint/inscription block/6
Price on Request
192b creased $225 Hawaii Emigration, "wide bars," significant diagonal crease
192 S/20 cto FD $25 Reg 108 Setting 1, Sheet/20, canceled to order for first day by commemorative cancel
192 70th Anniv Cvr $10 Reg 108 70th Anniv Commemorative Cover, 192 (FD) and US 7c, Hawaiian Philatelic Society cover,
1,100 prepared and 900 offered to public, see RPSS Catalogue, Part V, Fascicle 6 p189
195a-9a $15 Comm 110a-14a Dancers 5 S/S of 4 stamps each
195a-9a x5 $80 Comm 110a-14a " 5 sets of 5 S/S each set
195a-9a x10 $130 Comm 110a-14a " 10 sets of 5 S/S each set
195a-9a x20 $250 Comm 110a-14a " 20 sets of 5 S/S each set
195a-9a x50 or More Ask Comm 110a-14a " 50 or more sets, special price on request
C1-30 (All the Airs) $250 (Net) All airmails - Special Price as a Unit
C1-3 Inscription Set ~Sold~ Air 1-3 Dove, Map, inscription singles, F-VF

C1-3 B/4 F-VF ~Sold~ Air 1-3 Dove, Map, blocks/4, Fine-Very Fine
C1-3 Top Selvage B/4 $285 Dove, Map, top selvage blocks/4, C3 with top selvage
measuring 18.63 mm vrs normal less than 17 mm
C1-3 Top Left Corner $100 Dove, Map, top left corner singles, C3 with top
selvage measuring 19.5 mm vrs normal less than 17 mm
C1-3 VF $95 Air 1-3 Dove, Map, Nice Gum, Very Fine
C1-3 VF VLH $90 Air 1-3 " Nice Gum, Very Fine, very lightly hinged
C1-3 F-VF $65 Air 1-3 " Nice Gum, fine to very fine
C1-3 F-VF DG $55 Air 1-3 " Dry Gum on C1 & C2, fine to very fine
C1-3 used $30 Air 1-3 " used
C1 F-VF $70 Air 1 " 8y, fine to very fine
C2-3 Used S/5 $95 Air 2-3 " vertical strips of 5, used,
one C2 (bottom one) damaged
C2-3 Used Pairs $35 Air 2-3 " vertical pairs, used,
one C2 (bottom one) creased
C4-8 $18 Air 4-8 Flying Goddess, 1951-4
C4-8 Insc Singles $125 Air 4-8 " inscription singles, all with 8 character imprints
C4-8 B/4 $70 Air 4-8 " blocks/4, clean gum, very few gum creases
C4-8 B/4 x2 $110 Air 4-8 " blocks/4 x2, clean gum, natural gum creases
C4 IB/6 $140 Air 4 " 13y - 5 character inscription block/6
C4 IB/6 ~Sold~ Air 4 " 13y - 8 character inscription block/6 with no circle in pos 45,
not often seen, perhaps early 2nd printing or late 5th printing
C4 Stip/10 w Pos 6 $25 " 13y - right margin strip/10, position 6 (2nd stamp down) is
"Dot in 'M'" variety (RPSS C4a), position 6 ok, 1 & 10 creased
C4 IB/6 $120 Air 4 13y - 5 character inscription block/6, typical gum creases
C4 IB/4 w Pos 45 $28 " 13y - 8 character inscription block/4 with circle located at upper left edge
of cloud directly above the letter "R" - position 45 (RPSS C4b) #1
C4-7 Inscriptions $80 Air 4-7 " C4 - 5 character inscription, C5-7 - 8 character inscriptions
CP4-CP6 Pairs ~Sold~ Air 4-6 " C4-6 color proofs, imperf left margin vertical pairs, positions (31 & 36)
written lightly in pencil on back. RPSS reports 100 copies of CP4 &
CP6 known and 50 copies of CP5 known. Price on Request
C4-6 IB/6 ~Sold~ Air 4-6 " C4-6, inscription blocks/6 all with 5 character inscriptions,
C6 with RPSS sC6:1a "Cross-hatching Flaw" variety in position 49
C4-6 IB/4 ~Sold~ Air 4-6 " C4-6, inscription blocks/4 all with 8 character inscriptions,
C4 with "Eclipsed Moon" variey in position 45, no "Cross-hatching"
in C6, position 49
C4 Pos 45 "Circle" Var ~Sold~ " 13y, circle (eclipsed moon) located at upper left edge of
cloud directly above the letter "R" - position 45
C4 Pos 42 "Dot" Var ~Sold~ " 13y, blue "." over the oo, found in position 42, constant
variety in first and second printings (RPSS sC4:1c & sC4:2c)
C4 Pos 42 "Dot" FDC ~Sold~ " 13y, blue "." over the oo, on FDC set of C4-6 (RPSS sC4:1c)
C5 IB/4 $20 Air 5 " 18y, 5 Character,inscription block 4
C5 IB/10 $35 Air 5 " 18y - 8 character inscription block/10, folded along 2nd column of perfs
C5 & C6 Printing Study ~Sold~ Air 5-6 " Annotated study, C5 (3 printings)
C6 (2 printings), mounted, stamps NH
3rd printing of C5 is scarce
C5 & C6 Printing Study ~Sold~ Air 5-6 " Unmounted study, C5 (3 printings)
C6 (2 printings), as George MacLellan marketed
these stamps with info sheet present
C6 IB/6 $30 Air 6 " 30y, 5 character, inscription block 6, pos 49 with cross hatching
C6 IB/6 $20 Air 6 " 30y, 5 character, inscription block 6, pos 49 with cross hatching,
glassine paper adheres to gum
C6 Insc in B/6 $40 Air 6 " 30y, 8 character inscription in block/6, not right margin inscription
C6 Inscription B/4 $30 Air 6 " 30y - 5 character inscription blocks/4, lacks right selvage
C9-13 $55 Air 9-13 Flying Goddess, 1957
C9-13 IB/6 ~Sold~ Air 9-13 Flying Goddess, 1957 inscription blocks/6, C10 is position 49
with added spur on 2nd character from left
C9-13 Insc Singles $115 Air 9-13 Flying Goddess, 1957 inscription singles (5), C10 does not have
the spur on 2nd character from the left
C10 Var Insc Single ~Sold~ Air 10 Var Flying Goddess, 1957 inscription single 20y does have
the added spur on 2nd character from left
C9-13 Insc Singles ~Sold~ Air 9-13 Flying Goddess, 1957 inscription singles (6) to include C10
position 49 with added spur on 2nd character from left
C9-13 B/4 $165 Air 9-13 Flying Goddess, 1957, blocks/4
C9-13 B/4 H/Nh $80 Air 9-13 Flying Goddess, 1957, blocks/4, top two stamps
hinged, bottom two stamps NH
C9, C11 Study ~Sold~ Air 9, 11 Study of 3 printings of C9 and
2 printings of C11 (C11 & C11a)
C11a ~Sold~ Air 11 Flying Goddess, 35y, light yellow green
C14-8 $28 Air 14-18 Flying Goddess, 1959 ovpt
C14-8 S/50 ~Sold~ Air 14-8 " Complete set in sheets of 50, Price on Request
C14-8 x3 ~Sold~ Air 14-8 " Bush study, small, medium, long "/" in cent sign
hingless mounts on Bush page
C14-8 B/4 $120 Air 14-18 " upper right margin blocks/4
C14-8 B/4 o minor var $85 Air 14-18 " used blocks/4, C17 with minor variety with overprint
shifted up ca 3mm
General Information on C14a, the inverted overprint error is here.
C14a Invted Ovpt Error ~Sold~ Air 14 Error, Inverted overprint, right margin, overprint from positions
26 (top left portion of stamp) and 21 (bar at bottom left),
Price on Request

C14a Invted Ovpt Error ~Sold~ Air 14 Error, Inverted overprint, top margin showing
3rd bar (1 bar at bottom, 2 bars at top)
(estimated 270-350 copies exist)

C14 Ovpt Shift Error ~Sold~ Air 14 Error, overprint shifted down 13.7 mm so it appears at
top of stamp, RPSS sC14:1d (estimated 50 copies exist)
C14 Ovpt Shift Error ~Sold~ Air 14 Error, overprint shifted down 13.7 mm so it appears at
top of stamp, RPSS sC14:1d (estimated 50 copies exist)
C14 Ovpt Shift Variety ~Sold~ Air 14 Variety, overprint shifted up 5 mm, RPSS sC14:1j
C14 Ins S/3, Var $25 Bottom margin inscription strip with minor variety, the double
obliterating bars are breaking up/deteriorating
C14 Printings & Var ~Sold~ Air A14 C14 ovpt on 2nd printing & 3rd printings of C9
and C14 with displaced overprint on 2nd printing, mounted
C15 Var o $15 Minor variety, used, overprint shifted up and left ca 2mm, top bar
completey off denomination, bottom bar touches denomination
C16 Ovpt Shift Error ~Sold~ Error, overprint shifted upward 11.7 mm (RPSS sC16:1a)
+ Variety + variety position 14 short lower bar (RPSS sC16:1b), unique
item from what RPSS describes as "unique sheet" - Very Scarce
C15, Position 1, "Flat Head 1""
C15 - Variety For information on the flat head "1" variety, JSCA C15va,
position 1, here (FTDD 3:2 at p70).
C15 - Variety $28 Position 1, top left corner margin copy, "Flat Head on the 1"
C15 o - Variety $10 Position 1, "Flat Head on the 1", used, smooth perfs,
upper left corner broken/missing
C15 o - Variety $15 Position 1, "Flat Head on the 1", used, rough perfs
C14//18, Position 14, Short Bottom Bar
C17 B/4 w 2 Varieties ~Sold~ Air 17 C17 block of 4 (pos 14-15 & 19-20), pos 14 with
short bottom horizontal bar (RPSS sC17:1a) and
pos 20 with broken "2" (RPSS sC17b)
C14/C16/C18, Position 21, "Dot in the Box"
C14,C16,C18 in B/4 ~Sold~ Position 21 left margin complete set B/4 set, C14,C16,C18
pos 21 set each with "Dot in the Box," variety, positions 21-2, 26-7,
some stamps with minor gum blemishes and nibbled perfs
C14,C16,C18 in a $75 Position 21 left margin complete set, C14,C16,C18 all with
complete pos 21 set "Dot in the Box" variety #1
C14,C16,C18 ~Sold~ Position 21 left margin, C14,C16,C18 all with pos 21 set "Dot in the Box" variety
C14 Pos 21 o $10 Air 14 C14, single, pos 21 (RPSS sC14:1g) with "Dot in Box" variety, used
C16 Pos 21 $20 Air 16 C16, margin single, pos 21 (RPSS sC16:1c) with "Dot in Box" variety
C16 Pos 21 & 22 $35 Air 16 C16, margin horizontal pair, pos 21 (RPSS sC16:1c) with "Dot in Box" variety
C16 Pos 16&17 - 21&22 $45 Air 16 C16, margin block/4 with pos 21 (RPSS sC16:1c) with "Dot in Box" variety
C18 Pos 21 & 22 $60 Air 18 C18, margin horizontal pair, pos 21 (RPSS sC18:1b) with "Dot in Box" variety
C18 Pos 16&17 - 21&22 $25 Air 16 C18, margin block/4 with pos 21 (RPSS sC18:1b) with "Dot in Box" variety
with disturbed/damaged gum in positions 21 & 22
C18 Pos 21 o $20 Air 18 C18, used, pos 21 (RPSS sC18:1b) with "Dot in Box" variety
C14//18, Position 28, Gash in Top Ball of "c"
C14-18 - Variety ~Sold~ Air 14-8 Complete set, C14-8 pos 28, gash on ball of "c", C14-6 mark on gum
C14 - Variety $20 Air 14 C14 pos 28, gash in "c" (RPSS sC14:1h)
C14 o - Variety $15 Air 14 C14 pos 28, gash in "c" (RPSS sC14:1h), used, Naha 17.8.60
C15 - Variety $20 Air 15 C15 pos 28, gash in "c" (RPSS sC15:1e)
C17 - Variety $20 Air 17 C17 pos 28, gash in "c" (RPSS sC17:1c)
C18 - Variety $20 Air 18 C18 pos 28, gash in "c" (RPSS sC18:1c)
C14//18, Position 36, Break in stroke in "c"
C14-18 - Variety ~Sold~ Air 14-8 Complete set, C14-8 pos 36, broken stroke in "c"
C14//18 o - Variety $30 Air 14-8 Used, set lacks C17, C14//8 pos 36, broken stroke in "c"
C18 creased
C14 - Variety $20 Air 14 C14 pos 36, broken stroke in "c" (RPSS sC14:1i),
used on piece
C14 - Variety $18 Air 14 C14 pos 36, broken stroke in "c" (RPSS sC14:1i), used
C15 - Variety LH $18 Air 15 C15 pos 36, broken stroke in "c" (RPSS sC15:1f), lightly hinged
C15 - Variety o $18 Air 15 C15 pos 36, broken stroke in "c" (RPSS sC15:1f), used
C16 - Variety ~Sold~ Air 16 C16 pos 36, broken stroke in "c" (RPSS sC16:1e)
C14//18, Other Positions with Varieties
C17 B/6 w 2 Varieties $45 Air 17 C17 block of 6 (pos 13-15 & 18-20), pos 14 with
short bottom horizontal bar (RPSS sC17:1a) and
pos 20 with broken "2" (RPSS sC17b)
C17 Var, mint & used $85 Air 17 C17 pos 20 (RPSS sC17:1b) with "broken 2" variety,
mint, never hinged and used
C17 Variety in Pair $45 Air 17 C17 pos 20 (RPSS sC17:1b) with "broken 2" variety
in horizontal pair
C19c $725 Air 19+ Surcharge Transposed - Scarce

C19c ~Sold~ Air 19+ Surcharge Transposed, F-VF
C19c ~Sold~ Air 19+ Surcharge Transposed, on Bush page
C19-23 $15 Air 19-23 Dancers/Cult property, second overprinted airmail set
C19-23 Sheets of 100 ~Sold~ Air 19-23 " second overprinted airmail set in sheets of 100, Price on Request
C19-23 S/5 ~Sold~ Air 19-23 " strips/5 with varities, mounted/hingless on Bush page
C19-23 S/5 $75 Air 19-23 " strips/5 with varities, unmounted
C19-23 B/4 o $12 Air 19-23 " blocks/4, used
C19-23 B/10 $60 Air 19-23 " blocks/10, 5 across x 2 down
C19 - Variety NH/o $20 Air 19 " spacing between bottom bar and top of the "9" is
10.5mm where it normally is 11.5mm, JSCA A19vc, MNH & used
C19 - Variety o $10 Air 19 " spacing between bottom bar and top of the "9" is
10.5mm where it normally is 11.5mm, JSCA A19vc, used
C19 - Variety o x5 $25 Air 19 " as above x5
C20 - Variety $15 Air 20 " 14c on 5y with double bars shifted up above the "5"
C21 Sh/100 $225 Air 21 " 19c on 15y, sheet of 100
C21 - Variety o ~Sold~ Air 21 " 19c on 15y, postion 26 or 27 with break in the "J", used
C21 - Variety on FDC $30 Air 21 " 19c on 15y, postion 26 or 27 with break in the "J", First Day Cover
C21 - Variety $18 Air 21 " 19c on 15y, two single stamps, pos 31 & 32, both with
broken foot of the "J" and break on bottom part of "Kai"
C21 Pair - Variety ~Sold~ Air 21 " 19c on 15y, horizontal pair, pos 31-2, both with
broken "foot of the J" and break on bottom part of "Kai"
C21 - Variety $15 Air 21 " 19c on 15y, overprint shifted left, part of "Kai" missing
at left and present at the right
C22 o - Variety H $10 Air 22 27c on 14y, minor variety, used - hinged, surcharge shifted up 1.5~2mm
C24-8 B/4 $22 Air 24-8 Wind God, blocks/4
C24-8 S/50 $165 Air 24-8 " unfolded sheets of 50, all with 1 perf in left and right margin
C24-8 x10 $35 Air 24-8 " multiples, C24 - B/6 * B/4 w/ 2 right margins, C25 - top margin
block/10, C26 - B/6 * B/4 w/ 2 right margins, C27 - top margin
block/10, C28 - top margin block/10, all left and right margin
perfs are 2 perfs
C24-8 IB/6 $45 Air 24-8 " inscription blocks/6, C25 (14c), C26 (19c) & C28 (35c)
2 perfs in right margin, C24 (9c) & C27 (27c) 1 perf
C24-8 IB/6 $20 Air 24-8 " inscription blocks/6, all with 1 perf in right margin
C29-30 B/4 $2 Air 29-30 Planes, blocks/4
C29-30 S/100 ~Sold~ Air 29-30 " unfolded sheets of 100
Special Delivery
E1 $20 SD1 Dragon - Sea Horse, Special Delivery
E1 o $10 SD1 " used
E1 IB/6 $150 SD1 " inscription block/6, pos 100 variety stamp
E1 B/20 w/pos 4 var ~Sold~ SD1 " block/20 with variety in pos 4, dot in margin
above "RY", clean gum, RPSS sE1a (1 of 3
RPSS listed varieties)
E1 B/10 w/pos 4 var ~Sold~ SD1 " block/10 with variety in pos 4, dot in margin
above "RY", clean gum, RPSS sE1a (1 of 3
RPSS listed varieties)
E1 B/4 w/pos 4 var $65 SD1 " block/4 with variety in pos 4 (upper right stamp),
dot in margin above "RY", light tropical stains on gum,
RPSS sE1a (1 of 3 RPSS listed varieties)
E1 B/4 w/inscription $70 SD1 " block/4 with inscription but no right selvage,
bottom right (pos 100) with dot below character
"Soku" character, RPSS sE1c (1 of 3 RPSS listed varieties)
E1 B/4 $60 SD1 " block/4
E1 B/4 $62 SD1 " block/4, top margin
E1 B/4 $65 SD1 " block/4, right margin with mid-point marker
E1 B/4 $55 SD1 " block/4, 1 stamp with natural
gum blemish
Unissued Stamp - Iriomote Park
Iriomote Park Stamp ~Sold~ Unissued for postage, 4c Iriomote Park stamp, Bush page
Iriomote Park Stamp - Used ~Sold~ Unissued 4c Iriomote Park stamp on cut square from
currency conversion document + $1 "marked" note
Iriomote Park Stamp - Doc ~Sold~ Unissued 4c Iriomote Park stamp on currency conversion
document, light creases but none of the usual folds and
none on the stamp/label, number "G161" - purple handstamp
+ $1 "marked" note
Iriomote Park Stamp - Doc ~Sold~ Unissued 4c Iriomote Park stamp on currency conversion
document, horizontal fold and light creases but none
the stamp/label, number "A87" - purple handstamp
For information on the Unissued 4c Iriomote Park stamp converted for currency conversion use click here.
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
Sheets of 20 or 50 - On-line Order FormClick Here.
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
Sets Under $10.00 Catalogue Value - On-line Order FormClick Here.
If you don't see a set listed above, follow this link to
an on-line order form price list for stamps/sets with a
Scott Catalogue value under $10.00. The material is price
at 50% or less of the current Scott Catalogue Value.
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
16 Series - 10 Yen Surcharge
The Scott Specialized Catalogue now has sub-listings, with values, for many
errors and varieties in the 16 Series.
For Detailed Information on Identifying
the Various 16 Series Stamps
Click Here
16, 16A, 16B - Covers/Postal Cards
16A (8/8) $150 Kadena 52.1.22 (issued 51.1.1), surface rate to US
(6y - 20 grams + 4y additional 20 grams)
16Ax3 (all 8/8) $300 Naha 52.2.14 airmail to US
16A, 8-13, E1 $250 Naha 53.1.20 airmail to US, pencil address, Nakagusuku Castle
Park private cachet, franked with 8x2, 9-11, 12x2, 13, 16A &
E1, slit open at top
16Ax3 (8/8 x2 & 9/9) $275 Naha 54.2.5 commen cxl, airmail to US
related to Ryukyu Islands First Flight 21
16A (8/8), 20, 27 $295 Naha 56.1.31, airmail to Japan,
Osaka 31.1.56 backstamp
16Ax3 (all 8/8), 13 $365 Naha 56.11.16, airmail to US
16A (8/8), C5x5, E1 $190 Naha 56.12.4, airmail to US, reduced at left
16A (9/9), 16B, 13x3 $285 Naha 56.12.14, airmail to US
16A (9/9), 8x2 & 13 $275 Naha 57.1.15, airmail to Japan, from M. Sera,
Osaka 17.1.57 backstamp
16x2 (8/8), E1, 13 ~Sold~ Naha 53.1.20, airmail to US
16 (9/9), 8x2 & 12 ~Sold~ Kadena 52.10.20, airmail QSL (amateur radio) post card
to Switzerland, 16 appears to have tear at upper
right corner which was closed when stamp was affixed
16 (8/8) + 16B $275 Naha 54.11.24, Airmail to US
16 (9/9), 8-11,29,C4 $250 Naha 55.3.25, Airmail to US
16B x3 ~SOLD~ Naha 57.2.27, legal size airmail cover to US, 30y
(16B x3), fourth stamp at the left is missing
16, 16A, 16B - Last Day Use Covers(1958.9.20)
16(8/8), 16A(8/8), 16B LDU $250 All three types cto on cover, 16B is 16Bb - wrong font
"tei", 16 top horiz stroke in left character of "Kai"
broken, 16A is creased - all with toning along top
16(9/9), 16A(9/9), 16B LDU $225 All three types cto on cover
(Net) on the last day of use (20.9.58)
16(9/9), 1-7 mixed set LD Cvr ~Sold~ LDU, 58.9.20, Ginowan cancels, 16 (9/), 1-7 mixed
printing, Scott 1 broken stem variety
16B, 1-7 mixed set LD Cvr $300 RPSS 16b, 58.9.20, Urasoe Cancels
Last Day, Scott 1 variety broken stem variety x2
16Bi, 1-7, 6a LD Cover $400 RPSS 16b, 58.9.20 Ginowan Cxls
16Bi variety, dropped Kai Tei (pos. 87)
16B, 1-7 mixed set Post LD Cvr ~Sold~ RPSS 16b, 58.9.22, Urasoe Cancels
Post Last Day, 16B, pos 91, deformed "1"
Gushikawa Forgery (Information here.)
16 - Gushikawa Forgeries o ~Sold~ Forgeries (types a & b), listed in Scott
(Net) footnote, used, Gushikawa 53.2.18 (type a)
and 53.5.27 (type b)
16 - Gushikawa Forgeries o $575 Forgeries (type a x3), listed in Scott footnote
(Net) used, on piece, Gushikawa 52.11.26, early use
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o $225 Forgery (type b), listed in Scott
(Net) footnote, used, Gushikawa 53.7.2-
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o $150 Forgery (type b), listed in Scott
(Net) footnote, used, Gushikawa 53.9.1-
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o $200 Forgery (type b), listed in Scott
(Net) footnote, used, variety with "10 Yen" dropped
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o Pair $375 Forgery (type b), listed in Scott
(Net) footnote, used pair, 53.4.29 cxl
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o Pair $350 Forgery (type b), listed in Scott
(Net) footnote, used pair, 53.9.24 cxl
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o Pair $225 Forgery (type b), listed in Scott footnote,
(Net) used pair, perfs clipped at right
53.7.2? cxl
16 - Gushikawa Forgery o B/25 POR Forgery (type b), listed in Scott footnote,
used block/25 (5 x 5), 53.4.17 cxl
approximately 1/3 have creases
"Ito Forgeries" Discovered in 1973
General Information on these forgeries click here.
16, 16A, 16B Forgeries (8) ~Sold~ Complete block/8 of the forgeries discovered in
1973 by Dr. Ito, never hinged, unmarked on gum, price on request
16, 16A, 16B Forgeries (8) ~Sold~ Complete block/8 (with position 76 "white sky" variety)
of the forgeries discovered in 1973 by Dr. Ito, never hinged,
unmarked on gum
16, 16A, 16B Forgeries (8) ~Sold~ Reconstructed block/8 of the forgeries discovered in
1973 by Dr. Ito, Scoberlin initial and "Fraud" on gum
Fakes Offered on eBay Jul 2021~Sept 2021, Including Inverted Overprint
Basis stamp reproduced on ribbed paper (no gum) perf 13 x 13.5 with fake overprint
First, Second & Third Printings on J.V. Bush Pages
16, 16A, 16B all 3 printings ~Sold~ 16 & 16A (both 9pt/9pt), 16B (8/8), all never hinged
16d strip/3 & pair $125 16, horizontal strip/3 - 9pt/9pt, 9pt/8pt, 8pt/8pt, horizontal
horizontal pair - 8pt/8pt, 9pt/9pt, pos numbers in pencil
First, Second & Third Printings Units
16, 16A, 16B all type fonts $135 16 (9/9), 16c (8/8), 16d (9/8) & 16A (9/9), 16Aa (8/8) &
16B (9/9), 6 stamps with all font type settings, used
Second Printing (Scott 16) (narrow spaced "10" - widely spaced bars)
16 Sheet/100 $1250 (Net) RPSS 16a, right column toned, clean dry gum
16 Sheet/100 ~Sold~ RPSS 16a, brown dry gum - #1
16 Sheet/100 ~Sold~ RPSS 16a, brown dry gum - #2
16 Block/50 ~Sold~ RPSS 16a, block/50, bottom half of sheet, clean dry gum
16d, strip of 3 with all three type font settings. Information here.
16d, pos 52-4 $85 Positions 52-4, 9/9pt, 9/8pt, 8/8pt, slightly dry gum
16d, pos 52-4 $80 Positions 52-4, 9/9pt, 9/8pt, 8/8pt, slightly dry gum,
position numbers in pencil on gum
16d, pos 52-4 $75 Positions 52-4, 9/9pt, 9/8pt, 8/8pt, slightly dry gum,
partial blind perf in column between 1st & 2nd stamp
16d, pos 82-4 $85 Positions 82-4, 9/9pt, 9/8pt, 8/8pt, slightly dry gum
16d, pos 82-4 $80 Positions 82-4, 9/9pt, 9/8pt, 8/8pt, slightly dry gum,
position numbers in pencil on gum
16d, pos 92-4 $85 Positions 92-4, 9/9pt, 9/8pt, 8/8pt, slightly dry gum,
position numbers in pencil on gum, bottom margin
s16:2n ~Sold~ 16, 2nd printing, 8/8 font, all bars of surcharge at top and
and 10y shifted down on 50s, RPSS "no more than 72 copies
can possibly exist," very dry, dirty and disturbed gum
16 pos 69 & 70 $95 Scott 16h (wrong font yen) in pos 69 margin copy
16 pos 69 & 70 $90 Scott 16h (wrong font yen) in pos 69 not margin copy
16 pos 75 & 76, White Sky $95 Scott 16l, position 76 with white sky, pos 75 top
horizontal stroke in left character of "Kai" broken
16 B/9 pos 65-7, 75-7 & 85-7 $115 Pos 64-6, 74-6, position 76 "white sky" (Scott 16l),
pos 75 - top horiz stroke in left character of "Kai" broken,
pos 84 - diagonal stroke at top left in right character in
"Kai" mostly missing, dry brown gum
16 B/6 pos 64-6, 74-6 ~Sold~ Pos 64-6, 74-6, position 76 "white sky" (Scott 16l),
pos 75 - top horiz stroke in left character of
"Kai" broken
16 pos 76, White Sky $70 Scott 16l, position 76 with white sky, nice gum
16 pos 76, White Sky $65 Positon 76 , "White Sky" variety (Scott 16i), nice gum
16 pos 76, White Sky, Used $85 Scott 16l, position 76 with white sky
used, writing on back and creased
16 S/3 ~Sold~ Strip of 3, three basic type fonts (9/9, 9/8 & 8/8) Scott 16d S/3,
dry gum
16 S/3 H $40 Strip of 3, three basic type fonts (9/9, 9/8 & 8/8) Scott 16d,
middle stamp lightly hinged, top thin bar on 8/8 is 50% missing
16 Block of 35 (7x5) $350 Clean dull gum, contains 3 strips with 16c (9/8) ++
16 9/9 Variety ~Sold~ Pos 91 (bottom left margins copy) with overprint dropped down
ca 45% onto top and into the margin, good gum
16 B/4 8/8 Minor Variety $45 Block/4 all 8/8), bottom left stamp minor variety with
top of yen character filled in, good gum
16 8/8 point font $8 Dry gum
16 9/8 o $35 9/8, used, Scott 17d
16 B/4, all 8/8 point fonts $36 Good gum
16 B/4, all 9/9 point fonts $15 Good gum, top 2 stamps with hinge remnants & crease
16 8/8 point font, variety ~Sold~ Ovpt shifted down, large and small bottom bars at top
16 pair - 9/8 point (left) $45 Used pair, left stamp 9/8 point (Sc 16d),
8/8 point (right) right stamp 8/8 point (Sc 16c), used
16 pair - 8/8 point (left) $24 Good clear gum, left stamp 8/8 point, right stamp 9/9
9/9 point (right) only 10 such pairs per sheet/100
16 pair - 8/8 point (left) $22 Slightly dry gum, left stamp 8/8 point, right stamp 9/9
9/9 point (right) only 10 such pairs per sheet/100, gum blemish on right
stamp shows on face
16 pair - 8/8 point (left) LH $15 Good gum, left stamp 8/8 point, right stamp 9/9
9/9 point (right) only 10 such pairs per sheet/100, lightly hinged
16 B/4 - 8/8 point (left) $38 Good clear gum, left stamp 8/8 point, right stamp 9/9 point
9/9 point (right) only 10 such pairs per sheet/100 (Scott 16d x2)
16 B/6 - 8/8 point (left) $60 Good clear gum, left stamp 8/8 point, right stamp 9/9
9/9 point (right) pos 57-8,67-8,77-8, position 58 short bottom bar variety
16 B/4 - 8/8 point (left) $40 Good clear gum, right stamp is 9/9 point, left stamp 8/8,
9/9 point (right) 2 setenent pairs in B/4, 10 such pairs per sheet/100
16 pair - 9/9 point (left) $25 Good clear gum, left stamp is 9/9 point, right stamp 8/8 point
8/8 point (right) only occurs twice per sheet/100, pos 43 & 44
postion 44 with wide spaced bars (4.5mm vs norm 4.2)
16 B/4 - 9/9, 9/8 x2 $100 Block/4, left stamps 9/9, right stamps 9/8 (Scott 16d x2)
good gum
16 - 8/8 point dropped ovpt $50 Good gum, overprint dropped down and bottom thick and thin
bars are at top, pos 75 or 95 horizontal stroke in left
character of "Kai" broken
16x3 9/9 point dropped ovpts $40 Pos 41, 61, 81, left margin copies, all with overprint
dropped down and bottom thin bottom bar at top, dry gum
16 pair, pos 3-4, perf var $60 Pos 3 (8/8) & pos 4 (9/9), RPSS 16:2d, with minor perforation
variety in top margin - perfs shifted 1 perf over in selvage,
hinged in selvage only
16 pos 26 $25 Pos 26 variety, right charater in "Kai" broken, pos number
in pencil on back
16 B/4 pos 25-6, 35-6 all 8/8 $45 Pos 26 variety, right charater in "Kai"
broken, JSCA 16Bd, all 8/8 point
16 Pr pos 25-6 $30 Pos 26 right character in "Kai" broken, JSCA 16Bd,
right stamp in horizontal pair, dry gum
16 Pr pos 25-6 ~Sold~ Pos 26 variety, right charater in "Kai" broken,
lightly hinged, JSCA 16Bd
16 pos 26 or 85 $28 Pos 26 or 85, right character in "Kai" broken, JSCA 16Bd, good gum
16 Pr pos 26 or 85 $40 Pair, left stamp positon 26 or 85 diagonal stroke at top left
in right character in "Kai" mostly missing, JSCA 16Bd, good gum
16 Pr pos 37-8 $20 Pair, left stamps 8/8, right stamp 9/9, dry gum, postion nos in pencil on back
16 pos 40 Variety $45 Position 40, minor variety, obliterating bars at top, remainder
of surcharge shifted downward, dry aged gum
16 B/4 pos 43-4, 53-4 $75 Block/4, 9/9 - 8/8, 9/8 - 8/8, this configuration of type fonts occures
only 2 times per sheet, pos 44 bars spaced slightly wider than normal
16 pos 51 or 91 in B/6 $40 Postion 51 or 91, large bar is rounded at left rather than pointed,
clean gum
16 pos 59 $60 Position 59 dropped thin "0" (Scott 16g, JSCA 16Bh), clean gum
16 pos 59 o $65 Position 59 dropped thin "0" (Scott 16g, JSCA 16Bh), used
16 Pr pos 59-60 ~Sold~ Pair, pos 59 dropped thin "0" (Scott 16g, JSCA 16Bh),
dry gum, #1
16 B/4 pos 59-60, 69-70 $135 Pair, pos 59 dropped thin "0" (Scott 16g, JSCA 16Bh), pos
69 wrong font (8pt) yen (Scott 16h), slightly dry gum
16 B/8 pos 61-2, 71-2, 81-2 $40 Bottom left block of 8, all 9/9
91-2 all 9/9 point dry gum
16 Pr pos 63-4 (9/8 & 8/8) o $35 Horizontal pair, left stamp 9/8 point (Scott 16d), right
stamp 8/8 point (Scott 16c), scarce - 8 per sheet/100, used
16 B/9 pos 65-7,75-7,85-7 $125 Block of 9, postion 76 is "White Sky" variety (Scott 16j),
two other varieties not listed in Scott, good gum.
16 B/4 pos 65-6, 75-6 $110 Block/4, positon 75 top horiz stroke in left character of "Kai"
broken, pos 76 is "White Sky" variety (Scott 16j), good gum
16 B/4 pos 65-6, 75-6 $75 Block/4, position 75 top horiz stroke in left character of "Kai"
broken, pos 76 is "White Sky" variety (Scott 16j), slightly dry gum
16 B/4 pos 65-6, 75-6 $80 Block/4, pos 76 is "White Sky" variety (Scott 16j),
3 other varietie, pos 75 (RPSS s16:2l - JSCA 16Be -
broken "Kai", good gum
16 pos 69 $70 Position 69 with wrong font (8pt) yen (Scott 16h),
postion written in pencil on back, slightly dry gum
16 Pr pos 68-69 $70 Pair, position 69 with wrong font (8pt) yen (Scott 16h), clean gum
16 B/4 pos 69-70,79-80 $90 Block/4, position 69 with wrong font (8pt) yen (Scott 16h),
top stamps (pos 69-70) with hinge remnant
16 Pr pos 69-70 $75 Pair, pos 69 with wrong font (8pt) yen (Scott 16h), dry gum
16 Pr pos 75-6 ~Sold~ Pair, positon 75 top horiz stroke in left character of "Kai"
broken, pos 76 is "White Sky" variety (Scott 16i), dry gum
16 Pr pos 76-7 $45 Pair, positon 76 is "White Sky" variety (Scott 16i),
lightly hinged, dry gum
16 pos 76 $60 Positon 76 "White Sky" variety (Scott 16i), clean gum
16 B/4 pos 83-4, 93-4 $125 Pos 83 & 93 are 8/8, pos 84 & 94 are 9/8
(Scott 16c & 16d), pos 94 with left 1/4th of top
thin bar broken or missing, clean gum
16 Pr pos 93-4 $40 Pos 93-4 in bottom margin pair, Pos 93 mixed font (9/8 - Scott 16d),
position 94 part of top thin bar missing at left, good gum
16 Pr pos 94-5 $15 Pos 94-5 in pair, pos 94 part of top thin bar missing at the left,
pos 95 misformed horizontal line in left character of "Kai,"
both 8/8 point, dry gum
16 Pr pos 95-6 $35 Pos 95, top horizontal left portion of Kai weak, vertical
stroke broken, both 8/8
16 IB/6 $40 Pos
16 B/6 Higa Seal - Vermilion ~Sold~ Vermilion Seal, Pos 8-10 & 18-20 , upper right corner block/6, Higa seal
above pos 8 & 9, pos 20 break in "Tei" variety, clean gum
16 B/8 Higa Seal - Red $45 Red Seal, Pos 7-10 & 17-20 , upper right corner block/8, Higa seal
above pos 8 & 9, pos 20 break in "Tei" variety, very dry gum, toning
on face and gum, hinge remnants in selvage
16 B/8 Higa Seal - Red ~Sold~ Red Seal, Pos 7-10 & 17-20 , upper right corner block/8, Higa seal
above pos 8 & 9, pos 20 break in "Tei" variety, very dry gum, two
stamps with small thins & blemishes
16 Inscrip B/6 all 9/9 point $50 Inscription block of 6, pos 88-90 &
98-100, dry gum
16 Inscrip B/6 all 9/9 point $45 Inscription block of 6, pos 88-90 &
98-100, dry gum, pos 89 hinged,
pos 98-9 areas of disturbed gum
16 Inscrip B/6 all 9/9 point $40 Inscription block of 6, pos 88-90 &
98-100, very dry gum, two stamps with
small gum thins
16 9/9 point font $8 Dry gum
16 9/9 point font - used $10 JSCA 16BA
16 B/6 all 9/9 font $38 JSCA 16BA, right margin block/6 clean
dull (not dry however) gum
16 B/9 o/s JSCA 16BA, block/9, brown
[Includes Sc 16d(x2)] but not dry gum, Pos 23-5, 33-5 & 43-5
Good variety of mixed fonts
16 B/9 all 9/9 $60 JSCA 16BA, block/9, dull gum
16d+c Horiz Pair 9/9 & 8/8 $25 JSCA 16Ba+b, brown but not dry gum
9/9 left, 8/8 right, only two
such combinations in a sheet
16 B/12 $100 JSCA 16BA, block/12, dry
[Includes Sc 16d(x4)] gum, Pos 61-3, 71-3, 81-3, 91-3
Right stamps 9/8 mixed font
16 B/4 9/8 - 8/8 9/8 - 8/8 $90 Left stamps mixed font (9/8)
[Includes Sc 16d(x2)] right stamps 8/8, clean gum
16 B/4 all 9/9 point fonts $28 JSCA 16Ba, dry gum
16 B/8 all 9/9 point fonts $54 JSCA 16Ba, dry gum
First Printing (Scott 16A) (narrow spaced "10" - closely spaced bars)
Information on Recent Fakes of Scott 16A is here.
Information on the earliest (1952.1.17) recorded use by RPSS of 16A is here.
16A Minor Variety 9 point DG $50 Surcharge shifed down, 1/2 of large middle bar and both bottom
bars from above stamp shifted down to top of this stamp,
disturbed gum with paper adhering
16A Minor Variety 9 point ~Sold~ Surcharge shifed down, 10y of surcharge right above 50s of stamp,
from top of sheet as no partial surcharge at top of stamp
16A imprint single H $30 Inscription single, hinge remnant
16A Pr 8/8 Minor Variety $45 Vertical pair, overprint shifted down ca 2mm, thin bottom bar printed
on stamp below, next bar ca 40% on the stamp below, good gum
16A 8/8 o Variety ~Sold~ Major shift within overprint, bottom thick bars completed merged/
jammed w/ center bar, used - pen killer cancel, creasing & toning
16A 9/9 Minor Variety $25 Top and bottom thick bars significantly eroded, very clean gum
16A 9/9 Minor Variety LH $35 Surcharge shifted down, lightly hinged
16A Pr 9/9 - 8/8 o ~Sold~ Undetermined position, vert pair, top stamp 9/9 with slighlty wide
bars, bottom stamp 8/8, on cut rice paper piece, Miyako 52.6.18 cxl
16A - 9 point font, Ovpt Var $34 Clean gum, overprint shifted down
16A - 9 point font, dry gum $14 Very dry gum
16A LH - 8 point font $16 Lightly hinged
16A o - 9 point $24 Used
16A Pr - Both 9 point font $55 Pair
16A Pr o - Both 9 point font $45 Horizontal pair, used, both 9/9, Naha 56.12.18
16A B/4 - 9 point font $85 Block of 4 all stamps 9 point,
good gum, ovpt offset on 2 stamps
16A B/4 - 9 point font $75 Block of 4 all stamps 9 point, dry disturbed gum
16A 9/9 o $15 Used with killer cancel
16A B/4 o - top 8/8, btm 9/9 $115 Block/4, used, vertical pairs - top 8/8 bottom 9/9, 52.1.19 cxl
16A B/4 o - all 9/9 $90 Block/4, used, all 9/9, 52.?.18 cxls
16A B/4 - All 8 point font $100 Block/4, good clear gum, perfs weak but not separated
16A B/4 pos 9-10,19-20 $90 Position 9, 19-20 - 9/9, pos 20 - 8/8 with
slight doubling (blurring) of Kai Te
16A B/4 pos 6-7,16-17 ~Sold~ All stamps 9/9, pos 17 has the bottom two bars reversed
(inverted), Scott 16Ab, JSCA 16Af, very dry gum, stains
16A B/4 with pos 17 $200 Block of 4, positions 6-7 and 16-17, position 17 bars reversed
(Scott 16Ab - JSCA 16Af), pos 17 never hinged, others hinged
16A pos 17 - 9/9 point H $65 Hinged w/ hinge remnant, position 17 bottom bars reversed,
Scott 16Ab, JSCA 16Avf
16A pos 17 LH - 9/9 point $75 Used copy, bottom bars reversed, toned perf
light vertical crease, Scott 16Ab, JSCA 16Af
16A pos 17 used 9/9 point $85 Used copy, bottom bars reversed, toned perf
light vertical crease, Scott 16Ab, JSCA 16Af
16A pos 33 H $30 Pos 33 w/ partial break in vert stroke "Tei," hinge remnant
position number in pencil on gum
16A B/4 pos 23-4,33-4 H ~Sold~ Top stamps 8/8 - 9/9, bottom stamps 9/9 - 8/8, only place in
sheet where you get this font configuration, pos 33 w/ partial
break in vert stroke "Tei," good gum, top stamps hinged, Scott 16Aa
16A pos 29-30,39-40 B/4 all 8pt ~Sold~ Good clear gum, ovpt shifted down, all 8 pt
16A B/4 pos 32-3,42-3 $50 All stamps 9/9 except 43 which is 8/8 a 9/9 with 8/8 pair
pos 43 has the top right of the diagonal stroke of "Kai" missing,
surcharge dropped, very dry gum and perf separation
16A pos 43 $35 Position 43, top right of diagonal stroke of "Kai" missing,
not Scott listed, JSCA 16Ad, position written in pencil on gum
16A pos 44 $35 Position 44, top right of diagonal stroke of "Kai" missing,
not Scott listed, JSCA 16Ad, position written in pencil on gum
16A pos 43 or 44 o $20 Position 43 or 44, top right of diagonal stroke of "Kai" missing,
not Scott listed, JSCA 16Ad, used, circular cancels
16A Pr with pos 44 $30 Position 44 & 45, position 45 wide spaced bottom bar, dry gum,
pos 44 has the top right of diagonal stroke of "Kai" missing,
not Scott listed, JSCA 16Ad, dry gum
16A pos 43 or 44 - 8 point ~Sold~ Positions 43 or 44, top right of the diagonal
stroke in "Kai" missing, nice gum
16A pos 43 or 44 - 8 point, var ~Sold~ Positions 43 or 44, top right of the diagonal stroke in "Kai" missing,
overprint shifted down, thin bottom bar at top, nice gum
16A B/4 pos 43-4,53-54 - 8 point $75 Toned gum and stamps, pos 43 & 44, top right of the diagonal
stroke in "Kai" missing
16A B/4 pos 61-2,71-2 ~Sold~ Left stamps 9/9, right stamps 8/8, pos 72 has wide spaced
bars (Sc 16Ae), very dry gum
16A B/4 pos 67-8,77-8, 8pt $90 Block/4, pos 77 w/ bottom bars shifted up, all 8pt, UR tone spot
16A B/4 pos 63-4,73-4 used $150 Block/4, pos 63-4, pos 73-4, pos 73 isdropped thin "0"
[Sc 16Ac], used, Naha 52.1.10
16A Pr pos 73-4 ~Sold~ Horizontal pair, pos 73 (dropped thin "0") [Sc 16Ac], nice gum
16A pos 73 $115 Postion 73 (dropped thin "0") [Sc 16Ac], clean gum
16A pos 73 VLH $110 Postiong 73 (dropped thin "0") [Sc 16Ac] very lightly hinged, #1
16A pos 73 VLH $100 Postion 73 (dropped thin "0") [Sc 16Ac] very lightly hinged, #2
16A Pr with pos 73 H $100 Position 73 & 74, postion 73 with dropped thin "0" [Scott 16Ac,
JSCA 16Ae,] hinged with remnant on pos 73, good gum
16A pos 76 $75 Position 76 "White Sky" variety, (Scott 16Ad, JSCA 16Ai),
good gum but ink mark on gum
16A pos 76 $60 Position 76 "White Sky" variety, (Scott 16Ad, JSCA 16Ai),
very dry gum, light staining on front & back
16A pos 76 o $115 Position 76 "White Sky" variety, (Scott 16Ad, JSCA 16Ai),
circular date stamp with only day "23" visible
16A pos 76-7 $65 Position 76 "White Sky" variety & position 77, (Scott 16Ad, JSCA 16Ai),
very dry stained gum
16A Pr pos 85-6 $60 Position 85 & 86, postion 86 with wide spaced bottom bar (JSCA 16Ae)
position 85 9/8 pos 86 8/8, slightly dull but good gum
16A Pr pos 86-7 VLH $80 Position 86, wide spaced bottom bars, pos 87 normal
both stamps 8/8, very lighlty hinged, Scott 16Af, JSCA 16Ah
16A Pr pos 94-95 ~Sold~ Position 95, wide space bottom bars, Scott16Af
16A pos 89-99 Vert Pr 8pt/9pt $60 Postion 89 (8 point) over 99 (9 point),
with Inscription position 99 with margin inscription
16A pos 95 LH $32 Position 95 wide spaced bottom bar, lightly hinged, Scott 16Af, JSCA 16Ah
16A pos 99 $45 Inscription single, pos 99, good gum
16A DG pos 99 $30 Inscription single, pos 99, disturbed gum
Third Printing (Scott 16B) (wide space "1 0")
[Note. Scott 17 was produced in a quantity of 10,000
and Scott 16B was produced in a quantity of 40,000.]
16B Sheet of 100 ~Sold~ Third printing of 10y on 50s, sheet of 100,
Sheet Stage 2 with two Errors - Pos 54 -
Asterisk Omitted & Pos 71 "Kai" Omitted
16B B/9, Four Major Varieties ~Sold~ Block/9, pos 75-77, 85-7, 95-7, 4 major varieties
in the block, Scott 16Ba,f,g,i
16Bf Strip/3 $350 Pos 95, 96, 97, position 96 narrow spaced "10"
pos 95 and 97 very lightly hinged, clean gum
16B IB/8 $385 Inscription block/8, good gum, positions 87-90 & 97-100,
pos 87 is dropped "Kai Tei" (16Bi)
16B imprint single $50 Inscription single, good gum, off center to the left
16Bi o $100 Kai Tei 2mm above asterisk, position 87, used (RPSS16:3i)
#87 in pencil on back
16B dry brown gum $25 Dull brown very dry gum
16B brown gum $70 Normal dull brown slightly dry gum,
top margin strip/3 (pos 3-5)
16B B/4 deformed "1" s ~Sold~ Block/4, the "1" on top left and bottom two stamps is
missing small pieces, good gum, slighty dry, probably
positions 83-4, 93-4
16B B/4 $100 Block/4, good gum
16B B/4 $85 Block/4, never hinged but typical brownish gum
with blemishes and ink offset
16B B/6 with Variety $185 Block/6 right stamp on top row dropped "Kai Tei" (2.2 mm vrs 3.2 mm)
but not position 54 or 87, postions not determined, good gum
16B B/8, pos 5-8 & 15-18 $175 Block/8, never hinged but typical brownish gum
with blemishes
16B B/6, pos 9-10, 19-20 $175 Block/6, short stroke in head of "Kai" (pos 9 & 30)
29-30 not listed in Scott but JSCA 16Cvc, pos 9 with glassine
adhering, other never hinged, good gum
16B Pr, pos 9 ~Sold~ Position 9, short stroke in head of "Kai", not listed in Scott
but JSCA 16Cvc, similar to pos 30 but overprint is not canted
16B B/4 with pos 30 $145 Block/4 , pos 29-30 & 39-40, with pos 30 overprint canted down to left &
short stroke in head of "Kai," not in Scott, JSCA 16Cvc, dry gum
16B B/12, pos 21-4/31-4/41-4 $335 Block of 12, gum is light tan but not dry
16B Pr, pos 24 & 25 $100 Wrong font (large) Yen, positions 24 (normal) & 25 (large
font yen), nice gum, Scott 16Ba, JSCA 16Cd
16B Pr, pos 24 & 25 ~Sold~ Horizontal pair, positions 24 & 25, position 25 is large font Yen
Scott 16Ba, JSCA 16Cd, dry gum
16B Pr, pos 25 & 26 $235 Horizontal pair, stamp on left large font yen (pos 25) stamp on right
wrong font "Tei" (pos 26) Scott 16Ba & 16Bb, JSCA 16Cd & 16Ce, good gum
16B pos 26 H ~Sold~ Pos 26, wrong font "Tei", Scott 16Bb, JSCA 16Ce,
good gum, lightly hinged
16B Pr, pos 26 & 27 ~Sold~ Horizontal pair, stamp on left wrong font "Tei" (pos 26),
Scott 16Bb, JSCA 16Ce, good gum
16B S/4 with pos 30 $150 Vertical strip/4 with position 30, short stroke in
head of "Kai" not in Scott, JSCA 16Cvc, good gum
16B Pr with pos 30 ~Sold~ Horizontal pair, positions 29 & 30, in position 30 the horizontal stroke
in "Kai" is short, not Scott listed, JSCA 16Cc, dry gum
16B Pr with pos 35 ~Sold~ Horizontal pair, positions 34 & 35, position 35 is large font Yen
Scott 16Ba(35), JSCA 16Cd(35), dry gum
16B B/4, pos 43-4 & 53-4 ~Sold~ Position 54 with dropped "Kai Tei" - Scott 16Bd, JSCA 16Cg,
good gum
16B S/4, pos 51-4 $175 Position 54 with dropped "Kai Tei" - Scott 16Bd, JSCA 16Cg,
horizontal margin strip/4, lightly dry gum, disturbed gum spot
on pos 53, light horizontal crease at top of pos 53-4
16B pos 76 H $95 Position 76 (white sky variety), dry gum, hinged, Scott 16Bg, JSCA 16Ci
16B B/4, pos 66-7 & 76-7 $160 Position 76 (white sky variety), dry gum, Scott 16Bg, JSCA 16Ci
16B pos 76 o $140 Position 76 (white sky variety), used with killer bars
cancel, Scott 16Bg, JSCA 16Ci, #1
16B pos 76 o $130 Position 76 (white sky variety), used with killer bars
cancel, Scott 16Bg, JSCA 16Ci, #2
16B B/8, pos 81-4/91-4 ~Sold~ Position 84, deformed "1", JSCA 16Cf, positions 93 & 94 also deformed
"1" - clean gum, pos 84 is a JSCA listed variety - not Scott listed
16B Pr, pos 85 & 95 VLH $75 Pair with postions 85 & 95, position 85 is large (9pt) yen
variety (Scott 16Ba), very lightly hinged
16B S/3, pos 85-7 $200 Strip/3 with postiions 85, 86 & 87, position 85 is large (9pt) yen
variety (Scott 16Ba) and postion 87 is Scott 16Bi with
asterisk 2mm below the Kai Tai vrs normal 3mm, nice gum
16B, pos 87, used $75 Postion 87 is Scott 16B with asterisk 2mm below
the Kai Tai vrs normal 3mm, used
16B Pr, pos 95-6 $175 Position 95 & 96, pos 96 (right stamp) is narrow spaced "10"
good gum, Scott 16Bf, JSCA 16Ch
16B Pr, pos 96-7 $185 Position 96 & 97, pos 96 (left stamp) is narrow spaced "10"
good gum, Scott 16Bf, JSCA 16Ch
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
Specimen (Mihon) Stamps
Mihions - Inscription Blocks or Block/4 or larger, All with Bush Authentication Seal (Large) in Selvage
Price Year Topic
124S IB/4 $165 1964 Olympics, Specimen (mihon), bottom margin inscription block/4, Bush
seal (large) in right selvage, only 250 inscription stamps ever existed
127S IB/4 $165 1965 Karate #3, Specimen (mihon), bottom margin inscription block/4, Bush
seal (large) in right selvage, only 100 inscription stamps ever existed
132S IB/6 $255 1964 Samisen, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/6, Bush seal (large) on
selvage on back, only 100 inscription stamps ever existed
133S IB/4 $115 1965 Kin Power Plant, Specimen (mihon), bottom margin inscription block/4, Bush
seal (large) in right selvage, only 100 inscription stamps ever existed
134S IB/4 $125 1965 UN - Hands & Map, Specimen (mihon), bottom margin inscription block/4, Bush
seal (large) in right selvage, only 100 inscription stamps ever existed
136S B/4 $115 1965 Turtle #1, Specimen (mihon), upper right corner block/4, Bush
seal (large) in right selvage, only 100 inscription stamps ever existed
139S IB/8 $275 1965 NY - Bingata Horse, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/8, Bush
seal (large) in right selvage, only 50 inscription stamps ever existed
Mihons - Multiples (Inscription Blocks/4 & Blocks/4)
Price Year Topic
121S IB/4 $325 1964 Girl Scout, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/4,
only 75 mihon inscription stamps ever existed
124S $120 1964 Olympics, Specimen (mihon), block/4
125-7S B/4 $300 1964-5 Karate set, Specimen (mihon), blocks/4
129S B/4 $175 1964 New Year, Snake, Specimen (mihon), block/4,
all stamps with mouth of snake open variety
130S B/4 $300 1965 Boy Scout, Specimen (mihon), top margin B/4,
131S IB/4 $145 1965 Onoyama stadium, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/4,
only 75 mihon inscription stamps ever existed
132S IB/4 $145 1965 Philatelic Week, Samisen, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/4
133S B/4 $125 1965 Kin Power Plant, Specimen (mihon), margin block/4
134S B/4 $125 1965 ICY, Specimen (mihon), "White Finger," margin block/4
135S IB/4 $145 1965 Naha City Hall, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/4
136S IB/4 $145 1964 Turtle #1, Specimen (mihon), inscription block/4
Special Discount. If net purchase of above mihons exceeds $2000.00 (net - after discount),
I offer a complete set of all 4 mihon postal cards (UX26S-29S) for $200.00 (net). On a
purchase over $1000.00 but less than $2000.00, I offer a UX26S mihon postal card for $75.00.
Mihons - Singles and Misc
Price Year Topic
91s - 139s (19) POR 1961-5 Unit of all 19 mihon stamps all fault free, MNH, and
UX26s-29s (4) the 4 mihon postal stationery cards, Price on Request
118 LH ~Sold~ 1964 Mother's Day, Carnation, Specimen, lightly hinged
UX26S-29S (4) POR UX26S, 27S, 28S & 29S, all 4 specimen cards as a set, special price
with above mihon stamp
120as//133s H ~Sold~ 1964-5 Unit of 9 mihon stamps, all hinged - most with hinge remnants,
120as, 121s, 124s (tear on left), 127s, 128s, 129s, 130s, 131s, 133s (9)
90S (VAR) ~Sold~ 1961 White Silver Temple, fraudulent mihon overprint, Schoberlin cert
91S $175 1961 Letter Writing, Specimen (mihon), selvage copy
91S B/4 POR 1961 Letter Writing, Specimen (mihon), block/4, Price on Request
118S Insc ~Sold~ 1964 Mother's Day, Carnation, Specimen, inscription single,
Joe Bush authentication initial in pencil in selvage,
only 55 mihon inscription stamps ever existed
118S ~Sold~ 1964 Mother's Day, Carnation, Specimen, Joe Bush
authentication initial in pencil on gum
120aS $100 1964 Sash, carmine & ocher, Specimen (mihon), single
120aS Pair $180 1964 Sash, carmine & ocher, Specimen (mihon), horizontal pair
with bottom selvage
120aS Insc ~Sold~ 1964 Sash, carmine & ocher, Specimen (mihon), inscription single,
only 75 mihon inscription stamps ever existed
121S Insc $155 1964 Girl Scout, Specimen (mihon), inscription single,
only 75 mihon inscription stamps ever existed
121S Variety $175 1964 Girl Scout, minor variety, white area behind girl's head
121S $115 1964 Girl Scout, bottom margin
121S $110 1964 Girl Scout, Specimen (mihon)
121S & 130S $195 1964-5 Girl Scout & Boy Scout, Specimens (mihons), both
with Joe Bush authenticationin in pencil on gum
124S $32 1964 Olympics, Specimen (mihon)
124S Insc $65 1964 Olympics inscription single, only 250 inscription
Specimen (mihon) stamps ever existed
124S Pair $60 1964 Olympics, Specimen (mihon), horizontal pair
125-7S $135 1964-5 Karate set, Specimen (mihon), each stamp with Joe Bush
pencil initial authentication on the gum
125-7S $115 1964-5 Karate set, Specimen (mihon)
126,7 B/4 $500 1965 Karate #2 & #3, blocks/4, bottom margin with inscription, no
right margin
125-7S (VAR & $475 1964-5 Karate #1, 2 & 3, Specimens (mihon), genuine set
Genuine) and fraudulent set
125S (VAR) $145 1964 Karate #1, fraudulent and genuine mihon overprints (2 stamps)
125S (VAR) $115 1964 Karate #1, fraudulent mihon overprint (1 stamp), #1
125S (VAR) $110 1964 Karate #1, fraudulent mihon overprint (1 stamp), #2
126S (VAR) $165 1965 Karate #2, fraudulent and genuine mihon overprints (2 stamps)
127S (VAR) $165 1965 Karate #3, fraudulent and genuine mihon overprints (2 stamps)
128S $40 1964 Miyara Dunchi, Specimen (mihon)
129S x2 ~Sold~ 1964 New Year, Snake, mouth of snake open (variety) with Joe Bush
pencil authentication on gum & mouth of snake closed (normal)
2 Specimen stamps (mihon)
129S $38 1964 New Year, Snake, mouth of snake closed (normal) Specimen (mihon)
130S $150 1965 Boy Scout, Specimen (mihon)
130S $95 1965 Boy Scout, Specimen (mihon), paper crease
faintly visible on face
130S PR $265 1965 Boy Scout, Horizontal Pair, Specimen (mihon)
131S $40 1965 Onoyama stadium, Specimen (mihon)
132S $50 1965 Philatelic Week, Samisen, Specimen (mihon)
132S PR $75 1965 Philatelic Week, Samisen, Horizontal Pair, Specimen (mihon)
133S $50 1965 Kin Power Plant, Specimen (mihon)
133S B/4 $150 1965 Kin Power Plant, block/4, gum toning, Specimen (mihon)
134S $38 1965 ICY, Specimen (mihon), "White Finger"
134S B/4 $150 1965 ICY, block/4, Specimen (mihon), "White Finger"
134S $40 1965 ICY, Specimen (mihon), Partial "White Finger"
135S Insc $50 1965 Naha City Hall, Specimen (mihon), inscription single
135S $38 1965 Naha City Hall, Specimen (mihon)
136S $38 1964 Turtle #1, Specimen (mihon)
136S Insc $55 1964 Turtle #1, Specimen (mihon), inscription single,
only 100 inscription singles of this issue existed
136S (VAR) $165 1964 Turtle #1, fraudulent (margin ccy) and genuine mihon overprints (2 stamps)
136S (VAR) $150 1964 Turtle #1, fraudulent and genuine mihon overprints (2 stamps)
139S $35 1965 NY-Horse, Specimen (mihon)
139S Insc $350 1965 NY-Horse, Specimen, (mihon), inscription single in bottom margin block/6,
in B/6 no left margin, only 50 mihon stamps of this issue existed
For mihon postal stationery, click ---> here.
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
Display Mihon (Specimen) Stamps
Scott Price Comments
94 $265 With J.V. Bush certificate, average (typical) condition
Ryukyu Islands
File Mihon (Record Copy) Postal Stationery
Scott Price Comments
UX10 ~Sold~ Manuscript "mihon" with Kakinohana seal
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
Revenue Stamps
Information on Recent Fakes of Revenue Stamps (1st, 2nd & 3rd Series) is here.
R1-8 were issued with gum, Scott & RPSS say perforation is 13 x13.5. I believe it is perforation 13 x 13.
Scott Price Comments
R1-8 $450 (Net) 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, never hinged, hingless mounted on Bush page
R1-8 $295 (Net) 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, unmounted, glazed gum at bottom of R8, Set #4
R1-8 o $235 (Net) 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, used
R1-8 Ins ~Sold~ 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, unmounted, all inscription
singles except for R5 (50y), minor blemishes/creases
R1-8 ~Sold~ 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, unmounted w/ Bush page, Set #1
R1-8 ~Sold~ 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, unmounted w/ Bush page, Set #2
R1-8 ~Sold~ 1952-4 1y-1000y, complete, unmounted, Set #3
R1//6 o ~Sold~ 1957 R1//R6, 551y on 3 folded page document
R1&R2 o ~Sold~ 1957 R1x2,R2, 7y on folded page document + Certificate of Sale
R1-5 $40 1952 1y-50y
R1-6 on page $70 1952 1y-100y, never hinged, hingless mounted on White Ace page
R1-6 $60 1952 1y-100y, gum creases
R1 B/4 $30 1952 1y, block/4
R1 IB/10 $85 1952 1y, inscription block/10
R1 on Doc $15 1958 1y, document, dated 58.2.6
R1 on Doc $15 1958 1y, document, dated 58.3.13
R1 on Doc $12 1958 1y, document, dated 58.5.8
R1 on Doc $12 1958 1y, document, dated 58.6.2
R2 IB/10 $125 1952 3y, inscription block/10
R3 S/50 $325 1952 5y, sheet/50
R4 IB/10 $150 1952 10y, inscription block/10
R4 Block 20 $225 1952 10y, block of 5x4
R4 on Doc $25 1958 10y, document, dated 58.9.3, fold lines
R5 B/4 $65 1952 50y, block/4
R5 S/50 $425 1952 50y, sheet/50
R6 $30 1952 100y
R7 $200 1952 500y, key stamp in set
R8 ~Sold~ 1952 1000y, light vertical gum crease
R9-16 were issued without gum
R9-16 ~Sold~ 1958 1c-$10, complete
R9-16 ~Sold~ 1958 1c-$10, complete
R9-14 ~Sold~ 1958 1c-$1, all but 50c with margin attached
R9-14 o $185 1958 1c-$1, used, $1 wrinkled
R9 S/50 $450 1958 1c, sheet/50, perf 10.8 x 11.1, Off-White Paper
RPSS sRG9P1, blind perfs (10.8) at top right in
margin, Type I and Type II disposition Chart A
R9 x2 $30 1958 1c, two stamps both perfed 10.3 x 10.3 (RPSS sRG9U1)
R9 x6 ~Sold~ 1958 1c, 6 of the 7 confirmed perf types (RPSS sRG9M1,P1,Q1,S1,T1,U1),
lacks only sRG9N1, sRG9P1 is used, other mint
R10 Error $325 1958 3c, "Matsuoka" error, blanket/mirror image on back,
on descriptive album page
R10 Error $300 1958 3c, "Matsuoka" error, blanket/mirror image on back,
no descriptive album page but descriptive glassine present
R10 Error $250 1958 3c, "Matsuoka" error, blanket/mirror image on back,
no descriptive album page
R10 Error $175 1958 3c, "Matsuoka" error, blanket/mirror image on back,
no descriptive album page
R10 B/4 Error ~Sold~ 1958 3c, block/4, "Matsuoka" error, blanket/mirror image
on back, no descriptive album page, facsimile of
George MacLellan descriptive flyer included
R11 B/4 ~Sold~ 1958 5c, block/4, RPSS sR11s1 (5c, perf 10.3 x 11.1, off-white paper)
one perf missing in vertical rows (see top stamps)
R12 x25 $325 1958 10c, left 1/2 sheet (5x5), perf 10.8 x 10.3, off-white
R12a x5 ~Sold~ 1958 10c, Vertical strip of R12a x5 (pairs, imperforate between vertically)
R12 Dbl Perfs ~Sold~ 1958 10c, bottom margin with double perfs
R13 x3 $180 1958 50c, x3 (all recorded perf/paper types, RPSS sRG13m2, p1 & u2)
R13 Variety $100 1958 50c, perf 10.8 x 11.2, Double Perfs? (RPSS sRG13b)
R13 $60 1958 50c
R13 $50 1958 50c, light paper wrinkle at bottom
R17-31 were issued with gum
R17-28 Ins ~Sold~ 1959-69 1c-$10 (12 stamps) inscription singles
R17-24,27-8 ~Sold~ 1959-69 1c-$1 and $5 & $10 (no $2 or $3)
R17-23 IB/10 ~Sold~ 1959-69 1c-50c, inscription blocks/10
R17-22 IB/10 $750 1959-69 1c-30c, inscription blocks/10, minor perf separation
R17-22 B/10 $450 1959-69 1c-30c, blocks/10, top right or left selvege blocks
R17-22 Margins $65 1959-69 1c-30c, margin copies, 3c wide selvage
R17-22 $55 1959-69 1c-30c
R17-23 B/4 $375 1959-69 1c-50c, blocks/4
R17-23 B/4 $275 1959-69 1c-50c, blocks/4, similar to above, one 3c (R18) with perf damage
R17-20,23 $34 1959 1c-10c & 50c margin copies
R17-20,23 $30 1959 1c-10c & 50c
R17-20 $15 1959 1c-10c upper right corner margin copies
R17-20 IB/10 ~Sold~ 1959 1c-10c inscription blocks/10
R17 B/4 $10 1959 1y, block/4
R17 S/50 $95 1959 1c, sheet of 50, perf 13.4 x 13.4
(RPSS lisiing at FTDD 23:3 shows 13 x 13.5, perhaps a typo)
R18 Insc $12 1959 3c, inscription single
R18 S/3, Variety $65 1959 3c, horizontal strip/3 with one missing perf at top and
vertical perforations shifted right in top margin
R18 S/50 $75 1959 3c, sheet of 50, perf 13.4 x 13.4
R18 S/50 $65 1959 3c, sheet of 50, selvage problems, perf 13.4 x 13.4
R18 Docs $25 1968-69 3c (x12), revs on utility receipts
R18 & R19 Docs $30 1969-70 3c (x8) and 5c (x4), revs on utility receipts
R19 Docs $35 1971-72 5c (x11), no rev (1), revs on utility receipts
R19 S/50 $100 1959 5c, sheet of 50, perf 13.4 x 13.
R20 B/20 $75 1959 10c, block of 20, 4 across x 5 down, perf 13.4 x 13.4
R21 $55 1969 20c, said to be UV cream paper but not confirmed
R21 IB/10 ~Sold~ 1969 20c, inscription block/10
R21 S/5 $115 1969 20c, right margin horizontal strip/5
R21 o $18 1969 20c, used
R21,2 $100 1969 20c & 30c
R21,2 S/5 $195 1969 20c & 30c, left margin horizontal strips/5
R22 $65 1969 30c, said to be UV medium off-white paper but not confirmed
R22 $65 1969 30c, said to be UV low bright white but not confirmed
R22 Pair $80 1969 30c top margin vertical pair
R22 S/5 $120 1969 30c left margin horizontal strip/5
R22 o $25 1969 30c, used
R22 x5 o $100 1969 30c, used x5
R23 Pr $35 1959 50c, horizontal pair
R23 Insc $50 1959 50c, inscription single
R23 LH $18 1959 50c, lightly hinged
R23 x5 $95 1959 50c x5, said to be 5 different UV paper types but not confirmed
R24 $30 1959 $1
R24 Pr $50 1959 $1, horizontal pair
R24 o $25 1970 $1 + 10c x2 & 50c (270c) on document
R25 $125 1969 $2, right margin
R27 $60 1959 $5, bottom margin single
R27 $40 1959 $5, single, light verticle gum crease
R27 $35 1959 $5, single, small light indent on gum side only
R27 $80 1959 $5, inscription single
R27 Pr $95 1959 $5, horizontal pair
R27 B/4 $200 1959 $5, block/4, top pair with light crease
R27 o $20 1959 $5, used
R27 x5 o $90 1959 $5, used x5
R28 $85 1959 $10
R28 $65 1959 $10
R28 creased H $20 1959 $10, corner crease, hinged
R28 Pair, Variety ~Sold~ 1959 $10, vertical pair with dramatic preprinting paper fold
paper fold
R28 o $25 1959 $10, used
R28 x5 o $100 1959 $10, used x5
Post Reversion, Okinawa Revenues
1y-5000y ~Sold~ 1972 Bottom left corner, all NH, face value 9,991y ($100+)
1y-5000y $100 1972 3000y & 5000y NH, others hinged, face value 9,991y ($100+)
Building Permit Applications (See FTDD Vol 23, No. 3 at page 37)
Below revenue documents measure ca 8 x 10 in
R24, 27 & 28 on doc $25 $1, $5 & $10 ($16) - 1969.9.3 document
R24, 27 & 28 on doc $25 $1, $5 & $10 ($16) - 1971.6.8 document
R24, 27 & 28 on doc $25 $1, $5 & $10 ($16) - 1971.12.3 document
R24, 27 & 28 on doc $25 $1, $5 & $10 ($16) - 1972.4.10 document
R24, 27 & 28 on doc $25 $1, $5 & $10 ($16) - 1972.4.25 document
Above 5 as a unit $100 $1, $5 & $10 ($16) - 5 documents
R25x4, 26, 27 on doc $125 $2x4, $3, $5 ($16) - 1972.4.16 document
R26x5, 24 on doc $100 $3x5, $1 ($16) - 1972.4.13 document
R26x5, 24 on doc $100 $3x5, $1 ($16) - 1972.4.26 document
R26x5, 24 on doc $100 $3x5, $1 ($16) - 1972.4.28 document
R26x2 & 28 on doc $75 $3x2, $10 ($16) - undated ca 1970
R26x2 & 28 on doc $60 $3x2, $10 ($16) - 1970.8.8 document
R26x2 & 28 on doc $65 $3 vert pair, $10 ($16) - 1971.11.11 document
R27x2 on document $25 $5x2 ($10) - 1969.4.5 document
R28 on document $20 $10 ($10) - 1969.7.-- document
R28 on document $25 $10 ($10) - 1969.12.16 document
R28 on document $25 $10 ($10)- 1972.4.-- document
R24x16 on document $45 $16 ($1x16 - Block/16+1) - Showa 47(1972).4.5 document
R24x16 on document $35 $16 ($1x16 - Block/16+1) - undated
Ryukyu Islands
Unemployment Insurance Stamps
Scott Price Year
RQ2,4-8 collection ~Sold~ 1961~72 Set minus RQ1 & RQ3, hingless mounted on White Ace page
RQ2 B/6 $125 1961 4c, roulette perfs, bottom right corner block/6,
wrinkling on 2 stamps
RQ2 B/8 $240 1961 4c, roulette perfs, bottom right corner block/8
RQ2,4,5,7,8 o ~Sold~ 1961-71 4c roulette,4c,8c,8c/4,12c/4, 5 different, used
RQ4 B/4 $60 1966 4c, block/4
RQ4 IB/10 $150 1966 4c, inscription block/10, perf separation on 1 vertical row
RQ5 Pr $35 1968 8c, cycad, horizontal pair
RQ5 B/4 $65 1968 8c, cycad, upper right corner block/4
RQ6-8 IB/10 $800 1967-72 8c on 2c, 8c on 4c, 12c on 4c,
inscription blocks/10
RQ7 $15 1971 8c on 4c
RQ7 S/3 $40 1971 8c on 4c, horizontal strip/3
RQ8 $18 1971 12c on 4c
RQ8 Insc/Pr $38 1971 12c on 4c, inscription pair
RQ8 B/4 $55 1971 12c on 4c, block/4
RQ8 B/4 + $60 1971 12c on 4c, block/4, bottom selvege only, inscription
RQ8 B/4 w Variety ~Sold~ 1971 12c on 4c, block/4, positions 1-2, 11-12, position 1 variety
(RPSS RT7a) with top bar shifted 1 mm left
RQ8 S/50 w Variety $375 1971 12c on 4c, sheet/50, perfs through top and bottom margins,
position 1 variety (RPSS RT7a) with top bar shifted
1 mm left, minor perf separation in top margin
Ryukyu Islands
Postal Seals & Forms
Tachikawa CS1, cash registration seals, vertical pair, jammed along perfs, disturbed gum $20
Tachikawa CS2, cash registration seals, light yellow green, sheet/50, folded x3 on vert perfs $125
Tachikawa CS2, cash registration seals, light yellow green & yellow green, pair of each $10
Tachikawa CS2, cash registration seals, light yellow green & yellow green, block/6 of each $20
Tachikawa CS2, cash registration seals, light yellow green, block/15 (5x3) $30
Tachikawa ES1, telegraph cash registration seals, sheet of 20 (4x5) $40
Tachikawa FS2, "Officially Sealed" Postal Services Agency $15
Tachikawa FS2, "Officially Sealed" Postal Services Agency, sheet 10, pos 6 minor variety $100
Tachikawa PR2, repair seals, sheet of 10 (2x5), horizontal perfs roulette & outlined in red $50
Tachikawa PR2, repair seals, sheet of 10 (2x5), as above, no top selvage $35
Tachikawa PR2, repair seals, horizontal pair, horizontal perfs roulette & outlined in red $15
RPSS SOF12* pane/8 $65
RPSS SOF13* horizontal pair, pale brick-red $15
RPSS SOF13* vertical pair, pale brick-red $15
RPSS SOF15* Sheet of 30 (6x5), folded along perfs, minor damage in margins $30
RPSS SRE2** x6 on cover ca mid-1957, Dept of Communications Sold
RPSS SOSF1*** official business postal savings, yellow-green, two shades $45
RPSS SOSF1*** official business postal savings, yellow-green, sheet of 30 (6x5) $55
RPSS SOSF2*** official business postal savings, blue, block/10 (2x5), gray paper $40
RPSS SOSF2*** official business postal savings, blue, block/20 (4x5), gray paper $60
RPSS SOSF2*** official business postal savings, blue, pane 30 (6x5), gray paper $75
RPSS SOSF2*** official business postal savings, blue, block/10 (2x5), gray paper &
block/12 (3x4), white paper $95
Mail Pouch Seals, 4 different partial pads $275
Mail Pouch Seals, 3 different (RPSS SM8, 13A & 14) $35
Mail Pouch Seals, partial pad of 40 Sold
Mail Pouch Seal, used, seal & 68.9.18 cds Sold
Cash Registration Forms (1971), complete pad of 100 $95
* See Official Cash Registration Seals (SOF) listing in From the Dragon's Den,
RPSS, Volume 10, No. 2 & 3, June/September, 1978, pages 80-98.
** See Official Repair Seals (SRE) listing in From the Dragon's Den,
RPSS, Volume 26, No. 1, January, 2005, pages 3-31.
*** See Official Business Postal Savings Cash Registration Seals (SOSF) listing in
From the Dragon's Den, RPSS, Volume 31, No. 1, March, 2011, pages 39-45.
Ryukyu Islands - Tobacco Tax Seals
Seals off Cigarette Pack
Shimamura 206, Orange $35
Shimamura 614, Blue ~Sold~
Seals on Cigarette Pack
Shimamura 205, Blue, "Lon" ~Sold~
Ryukyu Islands - Alcohol/Liquor Tax Paid Seal
Japanese Liquors, 633ML, similar to Shimomura R27 but smaller (14.5 x 18mm) $45
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps
Sheets of 20 or 50 - On-line Order Form
Click Here.
Ryukyu Islands - Provisional Stamps
General Information
Ryukyu provisional stamps frequently have glassine or
other backing paper adhereing. Generally front and back
will be shown and condition noted. Also, authentication
marks will be noted.
Kume Shima (Island), Provisional Stamps
Information on Recent Fakes of the Kume Shima stamps is here.
Postmaster Kikuzato Norifume seal
Scott Denom Price Comments
1X1 7s ~Sold~ Coarse tan mimeograph paper, RPSS PK1, Position No. 3
XF, no faults
1X1P 7s ~Sold~ Whitish bond paper, RPSS PK1-UP, Position No. 5, VF
wide borders, ink off-set on back
1X1 7s ~Sold~ Coarse tan mimeograph paper, RPSS PK1,
horizontal crease, scotch tape on back at bottom
1X1P 7s ~Sold~ Whitish bond, RPSS PK1-UP, horizontal crease,
no watermark visible
Kume Shima "Replicas" offered on eBay Sep 2018. A "Replica" on cover is also being offered on eBay Sep 2018.
Amami District, Provisional Stamps

Inspected/Examined seal
Scott Denom Price Comments
2X4 2s ~Sold~ 2s deep crimson, RPSS PVA4-A, full gum, off-center
2X4 2s ~Sold~ 2s deep crimson, RPSS PVA4-A, no gum, off-center
2X8 3s ~Sold~ 3s rose, imperf
2X9var 4s ~Sold~ 4s deep green, purple seal, backing paper, RPSS PA9A
2X10 5s ~Sold~ 5s brown, blue seal, backing paper
2X15 10s ~Sold~ 10s crimson & dull rose, black seal, no gum
2X15 10s ~Sold~ 10s crimson & dull rose, red seal, no gum
2X15 10s ~Sold~ 10s crimson & dull rose, red seal, no gum
2X18 15s ~Sold~ 15s aviator, full gum
Amami Seals, 5 Types and Counterfeits/Copies discussed in FTDD Vol 12:2,
June 1980. Mori Types A-D & E. Type E was an "overprinted later" seal.
Miyako District, Provisional Stamps

Postmaster Tomiyama Jojin seal
Scott Denom Price Comments
3X1//31 (29) $1250 Collection of 29 different Miyako provisionals + optional
offer on revenues, hingless mounted on White Ace Ryukyu pages
3X1//31 (21) ~Sold~ Collection of 21 different Miyako provisionals
hingless mounted on Joe Bush pages
3X2&2a 2s crimson & 2s vermilion, comparison
3X2 2s ~Sold~ 2s crimson, backing paper, "J.V.B" handstamp
3X4 4s $40 4s dark green, left selvage, Bush seal on front
selvage, Bush handstamp x2 on backing paper
3X4 Pr 4s $60 4s dark green, backing paper, vertical pair
3X4 4s $24 4s dark green, backing paper
3X4 4s $26 4s dark green, no backing paper, disturbed gum, Bush photo
3X5 5s ~Sold~ 5s brown lake, backing paper
3X5 x2 5s ~Sold~ 5s red lilac (RPSS PM6) & 5s dark red lilac (RPSS PM6-A), PM6 w/ backing
paper, PM6-A w/o backing paper, partial gum & Schoberlin initial,
RPSS estimates the PM6 is slightly scarcer than the PM6-A
3X6 8s $30 6s orange, backing paper
3X7 8s $40 8s deep purple & pale violet (PM8), backing paper, light toning at top
3X7 Pr 8s $80 8s deep purple & pale violet (PM8), Bush photo
3X9 10s $185 10s red orange, imperf inscription pair, 3mm tear bottom right
3X11 14s $40 14s rose lake, JV Bush seal on backing paper
3X11 14s $35 14s rose lake, backing paper #1
3X11 14s $32 14s rose lake, backing paper #2
3X11 14s $50 14s rose lake, no backing paper, no gum, partial 2nd strike
3X12 15s $38 15s dull blue, backing paper, bottom selvage
3X12 15s $35 15s dull blue, backing paper, light toning
3X12 15s $33 15s dull blue, backing paper thin at bottom, hinged
3X12x6 15s ~Sold~ 15s dull blue, backing paper, margin block/6
3X13 17s $40 RPSS PM13a, JV Bush seal, backing paper, photo
3X13 17s $48 17s gray violet, JV Bush seal in selvage front and back,
backing paper, seal horizontal vrs normal vertical or diagonal
3X13 17s $45 17s gray violet, backing paper
3X13 17s $40 17s gray violet, backing paper, bottom margin, toning
3X15x3 20s $175 20s blue, 2 authenticated, 1 "Made Later"**
3X15 20s $22 20s blue, partial gum, J.V.B (Bush) handstamp
3X15 & 3X16 Sewing Machine Perforations, Distinguishing Characteristics
3X16x4 20s ~Sold~ 20s blue, imperf, block/4, paper inclusion bottom left stamp
3X16x4 20s ~Sold~ 20s blue, block/4, imperf but with sewing machine perfs, perf 12 x 12
remarkably well centered for this issue
3X16x4 20s $275 20s blue, block/4, imperf but with sewing machine perfs, perf 12 x 12
3X16x4 20s $265 20s blue, block/4, imperf but with sewing machine perfs, perf 12 x 12, imperf at bottom
3X16x4 20s $160 20s blue, strip/4, imperf but with sewing machine perfs, perf 12 x 12,
bottom margin imperforate, off-center
3X16x3 20s ~Sold~ 20s blue, 3 singles, imperf but with sewing machine perfs, perf 12 x 12
3X17 25s ~Sold~ 25s brown, backing paper, double strike of seal
3X17 25s $45 25s brown, backing paper, JV Bush handstamp
3X17 25s $45 25s brown, backing paper, JV Bush handstamp, right margin
3X17 25s $45 25s brown, backing paper, JV Bush seal
3X17 25s $40 25s dark brown, backing paper
3X17 25s $36 25s dark brown, backing paper, bottom margin, toning
3X17x3 25s $125 25s dark brown, backing paper, top margin strip/3
3X18x2 30s $65 30s, blue green, backing paper, left margin horizontal pair
3X18 30s ~Sold~ 30s, minor variety, light blue green, backing paper, Bush seal
3X19 40s ~Sold~ 40s dull violet (engraved), backing paper
3X19 40s ~Sold~ 40s dull violet (engraved), backing paper, right margin
3X20 40s ~Sold~ 40s dark violet (topographed), backing paper
3X20 40s ~Sold~ 40s dark violer (topographed, backing paper, JV Bush handstamp
3X21 50s $38 50s olive & pale olive, backing paper, JV Bush handstamp, position
number (67) noted in pencil on back & photo of source block
3X22 50s ~Sold~ 50s dark brown, imperf but with sewing machine perfs
3X22+ 50s ~Sold~ 50s dark brown, imperf but with sewing machine perfs also
imperforate (presumed RPSS Counterfeit Ty IV) - 2 stamps
3X22? 50s Fake 50s dark brown, imperf (presumed RPSS Counterfeit Ty IV)
3X25//31 ~Sold~ 6 different, money order surchaged (3x25,28,28a,29,30,31)
3X25 1y/1s ~Sold~ 1y on 1s orange brown, backing paper, JV Bush handstamp
3X25+ 1y/1s ~Sold~ 1y on 1s orange brown, double strike of 1y overprint,
no backing paper, full gum, Price on Request
3X25+ 1y/1s $195 1y on 1s orange brown, partial (50+%) second strike of
1y overprint, backing paper
3X28&28a 2y/2s crimson & 2y/2s vermilion, comparison (same as 3X2 & 2a)
3X28x2 2y/2s $145 2y on 2s crimson, bottom left margin pair, backing paper
3X29 4y/4s $50 4y on 4s, dark green, backing paper, JV Bush handstamp
3X29 4y/4s ~Sold~ 4y on 4s, dark green, backing paper, photo
3X29 4y/4s ~Sold~ 4y on 4s, dark green, backing paper, photo
3X30 5y/5s ~Sold~ 5y on 5s, dark red lilac, JV Bush seal, backing paper
3X31 10y/10s $75 10y on 10s, crimson/rose, backing paper, Bush seal
3X31x2 10y/10s $145 10y on 10s, crimson/rose, top margin pair, backing paper
*Sewing Machine Perforations are noted but not priced in the Scott Specialized Catalogue.
It is my experience they retail a multiple of 2~3 times the imperforate price.
** "Made Later" Miyako provisionals are classified as Counterfeit, Type IV
(See From the Dragon's Den, Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2011).
Miyako Provisional Revenue Stamps
"Shu-nyu In-shi" (Revenue Stamp) Handstamp
3XR1-7+4a ~Sold~ 3s-50s, complete set of eight, backing paper except for 3XR3 (20s),
includes 3XR4a (black overprint on 25s) & 3XR3 w/ Bush photos, all w/ backing paper
except 3XR3 (OG,NH), all except 3XR3 & 3XR4a with Bush authentication seal on BP
3XR1-7+4a ~Sold~ 3s-50s, complete set of eight, backing paper except for 3XR2 (5s),
includes 3XR4a (black overprint on 25s), RPSS photo cert
3XR1 o ~Sold~ 3s, on document, appears to be a power of attorney form
3XR1 o $165 3s, on piece cut from document, appears to be the
upper portion of a power of attorney for
3XR1 $40 3s, backing paper, Bush seal & position # in pencil on back
3XR1 $38 3s, backing paper, Bush seal on back
3XR1 Pr $50 3s, vertical pair, no backing paper, no gum
3XR1 B/4 ~Sold~ 3s, block/4, backing paper
3XR2 $70 5s, backing paper, pos # in pencil on back
3XR2 B/4 $165 5s, vertical pair, backing paper, 1 stamp doubling of overprint
3XR2 B/4 $145 5s, vertical pair, backing paper, upper right margin block
3XR2 B/4 $135 5s, block/4, backing paper, vertical crease left stamps
3XR2 S/4 $130 5s, horizontal strip/4, backing paper
3XR3 B/4 $120 20s, block/4, backing paper
3XR4a ~Sold~ 25s, black overprint top margin, backing paper
3XR4 S/4 $110 25s, horizontal strip/4, backing paper
3XR5 B/4 $110 30s, block/4, backing paper
3XR6 B/4 $120 40s, block/4, backing paper
3XR7 VAR POR 50s, backing paper, doubling of handstamp strike, Price on Request
3XR7 Pr $125 50s, horizontal pair, backing paper
Okinawa District, Provisional Stamps

Postmaster Hirata Shiichi seal
Scott Denom Price Comments
4x1 10s ~Sold~ No gum,"88" (positon no) in light pencil on back, J.V.B. letter
4X2 20s ~Sold~ No gum, pos 72 & George MacLellan initial in pencil on back
4X3 50s ~Sold~ No gum, well centered, bottom margin, "JVB" photo (xerox) authentication
4X3 50s ~Sold~ Used, badly cut upper left corner, partial minseifu cancel, creased - thinned
Yaeyama District, Provisional Stamps

Postmaster Miyara Kenpuka seal
Scott Denom Price Comments
5X1 4s ~Sold~ Full gum, hinged
5X2 5s ~Sold~ Backing paper, bush seal (large) in left selvage
5X2 5s ~Sold~ Full gum (disturbed)
5X3 7s ~Sold~ Backing paper, hinged
5X5 x2 20s ~Sold~ Backing paper, horizontal pair, right stamp has scuffed/scraped
area at the bottom right
5X5 x2 20s $110 No backing paper, horizontal pair, partial gum
5X6 30s ~Sold~ Full gum (disturbed), off-center
5X7 Pr 40s $75 Vertical pair, backing paper
5X7 Pr 40s $85 Vertical pair, bottom margin, backing paper
5X7 Pr 40s $60 Disturbed gum, Bush seal, top right margin pair
5X7 B4 40s $155 Top left corner block, backing paper
5X8 B4 50s ~Sold~ Backing paper, block/4
5X9 50s ~Sold~ Imperf, no gum as issued, horizontal crease
5X9 50s ~Sold~ Imperf, no gum as issued, photo and write-up
5X10 5y ~Sold~ Full gum (disturbed)
Fakes POR Five Miyara seal counterfeits on 46.7.12 cover
Authenticating Marks. Provisional material sometimes bears a seal, handstamp
or pencil initial on the gum or backing paper to authenticate the item as genuine.
Seals, Initials & Handstamps:
J.V. Bush Authentication Seal (small)
J.V. Bush Authentication Seal (large) - seldom seen
J.V. Bush Authentication Handstamp
"Forgery" seal on recent (2016) forgered sets on eBay
Initials (in pencil):
Joe Bush (found on provisional stamps and on specimen stamps)
Joe Bush (in ink - found on display mihon certificates)
Melvin H. Schoberlin (in pencil on back of specimen stamps, provisional stamps & stationery, 44-53 material)
George MacLellan
Ryukyu Islands - Stamps/Seals TB Seals
1952 TB Seal B/9 ~Sold~ 1952 in B/9 with printer's mark
("E") on middle stamp
1953 TB Seal, Imperf Pair ~Sold~ 1953, imperforate bottom left margin horizontal pair,
Scott WX2i, scarce
1953 TB Seal, Folder ~Sold~ 1953 folder for TB seals, seldom seen
1953 TB Seal, Imperf + 2 Perf Panes/20 ~Sold~ 1953, imperforate bottom left corner single + two Scott
listed panes of 20, perf top only and perf top & bottom
1955-1971 Imperf Horiz Pairs $45 1955-1971 collection, imperforate horizontal pairs,
UX4-20, complete for the period
1956 Perf and Imperf, Blocks/50 ~Sold~ Left side blocks/50, 5 across, 10 down
1956 Perf and Imperf Blocks/25 & 10 ~Sold~ Upper right blocks/25 w Serial #81514 (perf) - #74566 (imperf)
in margin & blocks/10 with inscription, unmounted
1956 Perf Sh/100 $80 Sheet of 100, perf separation at bottom between column 5 &
column 6 extening 4 rows up, serial #80385
1956 Perf and Imperf, Inscription B/10 $45 Bottom right corner inscription blocks of 10, perf & imperf
1956 Imperf, Control Number B/25 $55 Upper right corner (5x5) block with control number (74249),
+ inscription B/25 very lightly hinged top margin, crease at lower left +
inscription B/25
1958 TB Seal Sh 20 perf 11.2 x 11.2 $155 Scarce perforation, sheet/20, only 1000
sheets with this perforation issued
1958 TB Seal Ins B/4, perf 11.2 x 11.2 $60 Scarce perforation, inscription blocks/4 (2)
left and right bottom margin inscriptions
1958 TB Seal B/4, perf 11.2 x 11.2 $45 Scarce perforation, block/4
c1968 TB Association Pamphlet ~Sold~ Pamphlet distributed circa 1968 by
Anti TB Association
Artist Signed TB Seal Sheets
1959 WX8a Imperf Pane of 20 $25 Pane 20 signed by artist
1962 WX11a Imperf Pane of 20 ~Sold~ Dr. GS Pesquera, imperforate pane 20 signed by artist
1966 WX15a Imperf Pane of 20 $25 Bell, imperforate pane of 20 signed by artist
More TB Seals. For an listing and on-line order form for
Ryukyu TB seals follow this link: TB Seals
Postal Stationery
Single Cards
Postal Stationery Single Cards
Schoberlin/ Denomination
Scott RPSS JSCA Price Year Paper Comments
UX1 V1M PC1 $25 1948 10s/Thin Gray
UX1 cto V1M PC1 ~Sold~ 1948 10s/Thin Gray CTO with Naha 2.11.51 English cancel, light creases at bottom
UX1 cto V1M PC1 ~Sold~ 1948 10s/Thin Gray Naha minseifu (Type B) favor cancel, canceled to order
UX1 Variety PC1 ~Sold~ 1948 10s/Thin Gray Minor variety, partial offset of imprint on back, #1
UX1 Variety PC1 ~Sold~ 1948 10s/Thin Gray Minor variety, partial offset of imprint on back, #2
UX2 V2M PC2 $20 1949 15s/Gray, paper crease
UX2 cto V2M PC2 ~Sold~ ???? 15s/Gray, with additional 5s & 30s (2nd printing), canceled to order
with undated Nakajin (O71) minaeifu cancels, upper right corner creased
UX3 V3M PC5 $6 1950 50s/Tan
UX3 (2) V3M PC5 $15 1950 50s/Tan & Gray Both gray and tan card stock, 2 cards
UX3 FDC ~Sold~ 1950 50s/Tan Canceled to order first day 50.1.21
UX3 o V3M PC5 ~Sold~ 1950 50s/Tan Naha 2.10.50 cxl, w 8 & 10, 3y total, addressed to US, no
message, Kai Kakinohana, Philatelic Agency return address
UX3 o V3M PC5 $28 1950 50s/Tan Miwa 50.10.4 single comb cxl
UX3 o V3M PC5 $25 1950 50s/Tan Shashiki 50.10.5 single comb cxl
UX3 o V3M PC5 $28 1950 50s/Tan Yomitan 50.10.2 single comb cxl, bottom left corner creased
UX3 o V3M PC5 $50 1950 50s/Tan Yonabaru 50.10.6 cxl, "O-99" in pencil on back at bottom left
UX3 o V3M PC5 $55 1950 50s/Tan Amami, Yamato 50.10.18 cxl, "A-64" in pencil on back at bottom left
Amami Naon 50.10.17 cxl, "A31" in pencil on back
UX3 o V3M PC5 $50 1950 50s/Tan Amami ?? 50.10.16 cxl, "A-48" in pencil on back at bottom left
UX3 o V3M PC5 $65 1950 50s/Tan Amami, Higashi-Amagi?, 50.10.27 cxl, "A-12" in pencil on
back at bottom left, additional 1y (Scott 8) for 1.5y
surface mail post card rate to US
UX3 o V3M PC5 $60 1950 50s/Tan Amami 50.10.28 cxl, "A-22" in pencil on back at bottom left,
additional 1y (Scott 8) for 1.5y surface mail post card rate
to US, horizontal crease at middle
UX3 o V3M PC5 $65 1950 50s/Tan Amami, Hetono, 50.11.8 cxl, "? A-22" in pencil on back at btm
left, addtl 1y (Scott 8) for 1.5y surface mail PC rate to US
UX3 cto V3M PC5 $45 1950 50s/Tan Kin and Ginoza, 2 cards, both cards with minseifu (Type B)
favor cancels, canceled to order
UX3 cto V3M PC5 $20 1950 50s/Tan Nakagusuku minseifu (Type A) favor cancel,canceled to order
UX3,a V3M PC5,a $22 1950 50s/Tan Tan & Grayish Tan cards
UX3,a V3M PC5,a $60 1950 50s/Tan Tan & Grayish Tan cards x5 each
UX3,a V3M PC5,a $100 1950 50s/Tan Tan & Grayish Tan cards x10 each
UX3a cto PC5 $15 1950 50s/Gray Naha 7.12.55 English,canceled to order
UX4 V5C PC7 (85s & 50s surcharge cards) Listed Below
UX5 V13R PC13 $18 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown
UX5 (x5) V13R PC13 $80 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, 5 copies
UX5+ V13R PC13 $45 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown with Scott 18 tied by FD CC
UX5 x4 o V13R PC13 $50 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, 53.1.1 cxls, New Year Use,
no pin hole, x4 cards
UX5 x8 o V13R PC13 $85 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, 53.1.1 cxls, New Year Use,
all card have pin hole (for storage/display on a
string), hole at top right or top middle, x8 cards
UX5 o Dry V13R PC13 $22 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, 52.6.7 cxl, dry plate printing
UX5 o V13R PC13 $22 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, Naha Machine cancel - 52.12.5
2 return to sender forms affixed at top
UX5 o V13R PC13 $18 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, Naha Machine cancel - 52.12.5, one
return to sender form affixed at top, tear top left side
UX5 o V13R PC13 $18 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, Naha 53.1.7 cds
UX5 o V13R PC13 $24 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, used, Naha 53.1.14 cds
UX5 cto V13R PC13 $10 1952 1y/Tan,course Large crown, Miwa, canceled to order
UX6 V14-A PC15 $10 1952 1y/Off-white Small crown, small "ga" in hagaki
UX6 (x5) V14-A PC15 $35 1952 1y/Off-white " 5 copies, small "ga" in hagaki
UX6 V14-A PC15 $12 1952 1y/Off-white Small crown, large "ga" in hagaki
UX6 (2) V14-A PC15 $18 1952 1y/Off-white Small crown, small & large "ga" in hagaki (2 cards)
UX6 V14-A PC15 $12 1952 1y/Off-white Small crown, large "ga" in hagaki, used 53.5.13
UX6o V14-A PC15 $25 1952 1y/Off-white Small crown, large "ga" in hagaki, Motobu 31.1.1,
card shows date of 1953 on message side (UX6b?)
UX6 cto V14-A PC15 ~Sold~ 1952 1y/Off-white " Kin Postage Paid & Nakagasuku minseifu (Type B - red)
favor cancels (CTO)
UX6 cto V14-A PC15 $10 1952 1y/Off-white " Large "ga", cto Oroku, 12.31.52
UX6 cto V14-A PC15 $10 1952 1y/Off-white " Large "ga", cto Ishikawa, 1.1.53
UX6 cto V14-A PC15 $12 1952 1y/Off-white " Small "ga", cto Naha, 1.1.53
UX6 cto V14-A PC15 $15 1952 1y/Off-white " Large "ga", cto 53.1.25 Naha kanji machine cancel,
souvenir made for opening of Naha post office
UX6 cto V14-A PC15 ~Sold~ 1952 1y/Off-white " Variety, line under "Gaki", cto
UX6 LD V14-A PC15 $10 1952 1y/Off-white " Last Day 1 yen rate, Naha English CDS
UX6 LD V14-A PC15 $10 1952 1y/Off-white " Last Day 1 yen rate, Naha kanji CDS
UX6 LD V14-A PC15 $10 1952 1y/Off-white " Last Day 1 yen rate, Naha Machine Cxl
UX6a V14 PC15 $14 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, Small "ga" in Hagaki
UX6a V14 PC15 $12 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, Small "ga" in hagaki, used 53.7.25
small tear on upper right edge
UX6a o V14 PC15 $15 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, canceled to order with Naha Postage
Paid favor cancel (red), upper left corner broken
UX6a (x5) V14 PC15 $60 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, Small "ga" in hagaki" inscription, x5 cards
UX6a (x10) V14 PC15 $105 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, Small "ga" in hagaki inscription, x10 cards
UX6a V14 PC15 $15 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, Large "ga" in hagaki inscription
UX6a x2 V14 PC15 $22 1952 1y/Tan,course Small crown, Large & Small "ga" in hagaki inscription (2)
UX6b V14b $100 1952 1y/Tan, smooth Used Naha 53.1.1 machine cancel, scarce
UX7 V15 PC17 $22 1953 2y/off-white Large (Okinawa) die
UX7 V15 PC17 $24 1953 2y/off-white Large (Okinawa) die, break in the die upper left frame
UX7 V15 PC17 $24 1953 2y/off-white Large (Okinawa) die, break in the die bottom left frame
UX7 FD V15 PC17 $35 1953 2y/off-white Large (Okinawa) die, First Day cancel (Naha English - 2.12.53)
UX7 FD V15 PC17 $30 1953 2y/off-white Large (Okinawa) die, First Day cancel (Naha Kanji - 53.12.2)
UX7 FD V15 PC17 $28 1953 2y/off-white Large (Okinawa) die, First Day cancel (Naha Machine Cancel- 53.12.2)
UX7 o V15 PC17 $12 1953 2y/Off-white " Cxl 54.1.1. NY use, circular date cancel, tonning on back
UX7 o V15 PC17 $12 1953 2y/Off-white " Cxl 54.1.7. Naha machine cancel
UX7 o V15 PC17 $10 1953 2y/Off-white " Cxl 55.1.1. NY use, Naha machine cancel
UX7 o V15 PC17 $10 1953 2y/Off-whit " Cxl 55.1.1. NY use, circular date cancel
UX7 o V15 PC17 $10 1953 2y/Off-whit " Cxl 55.6.15, Yaeyama, circular date cancel
UX7 CTO V15 PC17 $8 1953 2y/Off-white " Naha CC 1954.2.5
UX8 V16 PC19 $4 1955 2y/Off-white Small (Japan) die
UX8 o V16 PC19 $35 1955 2y/Off-white " 4 cards cto with cds on face and roller
cancel on back, each has missing post office
cancel mark on back
UX8 Var V16 PC19 $60 1955 2y/Off-white " Miscut, mint imprint ca 2cm right
UX8 Var V16 PC19 $60 1955 2y/Off-white " Miscut, CTO, imprint ca 2cm right
UX8 o V16 PC19 $4 1955 2y/Off-white " Used, Shuri 57.1.3
UX8 o V16 PC19 $10 1955 2y/Off-white " Used, Yaeyama machine cancel (x2), 57.1.1
UX8 o V16 PC19 $6 1955 2y/Off-white " Used, Yaeyama machine cancel, 58.1.1
UX8 o V16 PC19 $8 1955 2y/Off-white " Nago Stamp Club CC
UX8 o V16 PC19 $7 1955 2y/Off-white " 58.9.20 last day use, lion dog cachet
UX8 o V16 PC19 $6 1955 2y/Off-white " 58.9.20 as above but no cachet
UX8a V16-A PC19 $15 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, 4th Printing
UX8a cto $10 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, canceled to order (unaddressed) by CC19
UX8a cto $20 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, canceled to order (unaddressed) by CC19,
minor variety, large blob (die break) in area of 2nd "0" #1
UX8a cto $20 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, canceled to order (unaddressed) by CC19,
minor variety, large blob (die break) in area of 2nd "0" #2
UX8a cto $15 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, canceled to order (unaddressed) by CC19,
minor variety, small blob (die break) inside 1st"0" #1
UX8a cto $15 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, canceled to order (unaddressed) by CC19,
minor variety, small blob (die break) inside 1st"0" #2
UX8a o V16-A PC19 $15 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, cto by Kamimotobu 56.6.19 Kanji cxl,
early use, RPSS lists first day as "ca" 56.6.6 - #1
UX8a o V16-A PC19 $12 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, cto by Kamimotobu 56.6.19 Kanji cxl,
early use, RPSS lists first day as "ca" 56.6.6 - #2
UX8a o V16-A PC19 $25 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, Koza English 1.9.56 & Kanji 56.9.1 cancels,
each on separate card, early use, RPSS lists first day
as "ca" 56.6.6, Goeku PO renamed Koza on Aug 1, 1956
UX8a o V16-A PC19 $18 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, Koza English 1.9.56 cancel, early use,
RPSS lists first day as "ca" 56.6.6, Goeku PO renamed
Koza on 1.9.56
UX8a o V16-A PC19 $10 1956 2y/Off-white " Blue Green, Nago SC CC
UX8b o V16-B PC19 $60 1958 2y/Off-white Town cancel collection on 18 cto cards, 15 of the cards
also have the missing postmark cancel for the post office
UX9 FD V17 NC1a ~Sold~ 1955 2y/Rough Cream 1st Printing, FD Cancel, Naha domestic cxl
to Korea with additional 3y franking
UX9 FD V17 NC1a $65 1955 2y/Rough Cream 1st Printing, position 2, FD Cancel, blunt "2"
Naha English
UX9 o V17 NC1a $30 1955 2y/Rough Cream 1st Printing, position 2, New Year use, blunt "2"
UX9 FD V17 NC1a $65 1955 2y/Rough Cream 1st Printing, position 3, FD Cancel, dot at
upper left indistinct city, domestic cxl
UX9 FD V17-A NC1 $50 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, position 1, FD cancel
UX9 V17-A NC1 $65 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, position 1, dot under "6"
UX9 V17-A NC1 $70 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, position 2, blunt "2"
UX9 V17-A NC1 $65 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, position 3, two (2) dots after 3rd character
UX9 V17-A NC1 $65 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, position 4, stroke after 5th character,
dot(s) in "9"
UX9 o V17-A NC1 $35 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, position 4, stroke after 5th character, dot(s)
in "9" - NY use
UX9 o V17-A NC1 $20 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 2nd Printing, NY use
UX9 Bush Study ~Sold~ 1955 2y/Smooth Cream 7 cards
UX10 FD V18 NC $12 1957 2y/Smooth Cream Combo (UX10 + 40x3) FDC + 36-8, creases
UX11 V19 NC3 $2 1957 2y/Off-white
UX11a NC3 $35 1957 2y/Off-white Missing "1" on the right date ("1958"), plate II
UX11 FD V19 NC3 $10 1957 2y/Off-white Plate I and Plate II with Naha FD 1.12.57 cxl & Sera CH-19
UX11 o V19 NC3 $1 1957 2y/Off-white Naha cxl
UX11 LD V19 NC3 $8 1957 2y/Off-white Last Day
UX11a - Variety FD $40 1957 2y/Off-white Missing "1" on right side, cto FD, Naha 57.12.1, plate 2
UX11a - Variety o ~Sold~ 1957 2y/Off-white Missing "1" on right side, New Years use, plate 2
UX12 V20 Var $20 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, Variety, overprint shifted up
UX12 FD V20 PC21 $7 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, FD
UX12b V20b $95 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, bar of "1/2" missing, top of "2" broken
UX12c V20-A PC21 $8 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, type b, cto by Naha CC-24
UX12c V20-A PC21 $10 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, type b, Nakajin 59.6.13, APO 331 backstamp
UX12c V20-A PC21 $8 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, type b,cto with Nakagusuku 59.12.1
UX12e V20-B1 $22 1958 1 1/2c/Off-white 1 1/2c ovpt on 2y, Variety, tall (3.8mm) thin "c"
UX18 Var ~Sold~ 1961 1 1/2c Imprint shifted left to edge of card, FD cancel
UX19 Error ~Sold~ 1961 1 1/2c Inverted stamp imprint and inscriptions
and normal
UX19o V27o (x3) $30 1965 1 1/2c 3 cards airmailed to US (1 1/2c + 14c) with
additional postage paid to make up 18c rate,
3 different philatelic handstamps on each card
UX20 o $15 1964 1 1/2/Off-white "Fork Art" Cachet
UX20b Error ~Sold~ 1961 1 1/2c Foldover, miscut
UX20b var V2B-Ba $50 1962 1 1/2/Cream Candle light variety, RPSS listed variety
UX21 var M&FD SG2a $55 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, Mint & First Day cancel (RPSS V29a)
UX21 var SG2a $38 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, Scott footnote, Bush page (RPSS V29a)
UX21 var SG2a $35 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, Scott footnote (RPSS V29a)
UX21 var x3 SG2a $90 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, Scott footnote, x3 cards (RPSS V29a)
UX21 var x5 SG2a $135 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, Scott footnote, x5 cards (RPSS V29a)
UX21 var FD SG2a $40 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Keyhole (notch) variety, First Day cancel (RPSS V29a)
UX21 var SG2a $35 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Missing yellow on tail of top left bird, Bush page
UX21 cto var SG2a $10 1962 1 1/2/Off-white Minor variety, red beak of bottom seagull shifted up,
feet of top seagull shifted off at left and visible
at right, canceled to order with Shuri CC42 - Kendo
UX33 Var $20 1967 Minor Variety, bubble above "K"
UX38 Error v46a $75 1970 1 1/2/Cream Summer Greetings cards (2), missing black (RPSS V46a)
and V46 "Gray Hull", RPSS listed error and variety
UX38 Var V46 $35 1970 Missing blue on back, "Gray Hull" variety
UX42c Error $350 1971 Surcharge on back only in normal position (RPSS V50d)
UX42e Error $350 1971 Surcharge on back only and inverted (RPSS V50b)
UX44 Var V52a $75 1972 RPSS listed variety, the "defecating pony"
PCs with HK-6a (3) $30 1965-6 Three post cards to the US (S. Oyama to C. Langley), each
card over-franked and with RPSS HK-6a (Consent to Excess
Fee) handstamp
Ryukyu Postal Stationery
Postal Stationery
Message/Reply (Double Cards & Severed Msg/Reply Cards)
Schoberlin/ Denomination
Scott RPSS JSCA Price Year Paper Comments
UY1 VX1 PC2 ~ Sold ~ 1948 10s+10s/Gray
UY2 VX2M-A PC4a $15 1949 15s+15s/Tan
UY2o VX2M-A PC4a $30 1949 15s+15s/Tan Message card CTO w Naha 2.11.51 English cxl
UY2m VX2M-A PC4a $15 1949 15s/Tan Message card CTO w Naha 7.12.55 English cxl
UY2 & UY2a $35 1949 15s+15s Gray & Tan, both cards
UY2 o VX2M-A PC4 $40 1949 15s+15s/Tan Tan card stock, message and reply cards with Scott 43,
canceled to order 58.7.1 on both cards, 0.45 cm thick
UY2a VX2M PC4 $40 1949 15s+15s/Gray
UY3,3b VX3M,A PC6 $25 1950 50s+50s/G&T Gray cream and light tan (2 cards), both card stocks
As above x5 $50 1950 50s+50s/G&T Gray cream and light tan (2 cards), both card stocks, x5
As above x10 $85 1950 50s+50s/G&T Gray cream and light tan (2 cards), both card stocks, x10
UY3 VX3M-A PC6 $20 1950 50s+50s/Gray Gray cream card stock, messsage card canceled to
order with Gushichan minseifu cancel
UY3 FD VX3M-A PC6 $325 1950 50s+50s/Gray Gray cream card stock, messsage card canceled to order
first day 50.1.21, noted but not priced in Scott, VG+
UY3 FD VX3M-A PC6 $200 1950 50s+50s/Gray Gray cream card stock, messsage card canceled to order
first day 50.1.21, light soiling and creasing, VG-
UY3 VX3M-A PC6 $35 1950 50s+50s/Gray Gray cream card stock, messsage card canceled to order
w Naha 2.11.51 English cxl (after rate change to 1 yen)
UY3b VX3M PC6 $7 1950 50s+50s/Lt Tan Light tan card stock
UY3b VX3M PC6 $15 1950 50s+50s/Lt Tan Leonard Thoman address handstamp on back of
msg & reply cards, reply card creased
UY3b VX3M PC6 $25 1950 50s+50s/Lt Tan Message card CTO w Naha 2.11.51 English cxl
UY3b VX3M PC6 $20 1950 50s+50s/Lt Tan Message & Reply cards CTO w 58.9.1 Makishi cxl on Sc 28
UY4-6 (85s & 50s surcharge cards) Listed Below
UY7 o VX7R PC14 ~Sold~ 1952 1y+1y/Tan Large crown, unsevered, coarse gray
tan, msg card with Naha cxl 1.3.52
addressed, 6mm break at top edge
UY8 VX8 PC16 $16 1953 1y+1y/Tan Small crown
UY8a VX8a PC16a $14 1953 1y+1y/Off-white
UY8a LD VX8a PC16a $20 1953 1y+1y/Off-white Last Day 1 Yen Rate, Naha machine cancel
UY8a LD VX8a PC16a $20 1953 1y+1y/Off-white Last Day 1 Yen Rate, Naha kanji CDS
UY8a LD VX8a PC16a $20 1953 1y+1y/Off-white Last Day 1 Yen Rate, Naha English CDS
UY8am Used $22 1953 1y/Off-white Message card, used, with additional 1 yen,
Nishihara 56.4.7
UY8ar Used $25 1953 1y/Off-white Reply card, used, with additional 1 yen,
Kamimotobu 56.1.1
UY9 VX9 PC18 $35 1953 2y+2y/Off-white, Naha Die
UY9 (x5) PC18 $125 1953 2y+2y/Off-white, Naha Die, x5
UY9(x2) VX9 & VX9-A $90 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, one card off-white card stock another
2y+2y/Lt Cream the other light cream card stock
UY9 FD VX9 PC18 $60 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Naha - English -
53.12.2) on message & reply cards
UY9 FD (x5) PC18 $250 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Naha - English -
53.12.2) on message & reply cards, as above, x5
UY9 FD PC18 $50 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Naha - Kanji 53.12.2
on message and reply cards
UY9 FD VX9 PC18 $60 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Naha - Kanji Machine Cancel -
53.12.2) on message & reply cards
UY9 FD VX9 PC18 $60 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Gushikami - Kanji -
53.12.2) on message & reply cards
UY9 FD (x5) PC18 $250 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Gushikami - Kanji -
53.12.2) on message & reply cards, as above, x5
UY9 FD (x10) PC18 $400 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha Die, First Day Cancel (Gushikami - Kanji -
53.12.2) on message & reply cards, as above, x10
UY9 o VX9 PC18 $35 1953 2y+2y/Off-white Naha 55.1.17 cto msg card
UY10 VX10 PC20 $6 1955 2y+2y/Off-white, Tokyo Die
UY11 FD PC22 $8 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, both cards with First Day Naha Kanji 59.9.16 FD cancel
UY11 FD PC22 $9 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, both cards with First Day Naha English 59.9.16 FD cancel
UY11 Var PC22 $65 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white Variety, overprint on message card shifted
left and 70% off the indicium
UY11 Var PC22 $60 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white Variety, overprint on reply card shifted
down with both bars off the indicium
UY11 Var PC22 $20 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white Variety, overprint on reply card shifted slightly down
UY11 Var PC22 $20 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white Variety, overprint on reply card shifted
slightly up and to the left
UY11 Var VX11f PC22 $50 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, "1" missing on message card, reply card normal, #1
UY11 Var VX11f PC22 $40 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, "1" missing on message card, reply card normal, #2
UY11 Var VX11g PC22 ~Sold~ 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, "1" missing on reply card, message card
normal but with tears
UY11 Var VX11h PC22 $75 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, Tall "2" on message card (2.7 v 2.5 mm),
reply card 1 of 1/2 staggered to the right
UY11 Var $40 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, Bar between "1" and "2" measures
3.6mm msg card and 3.4mm reply card
UY11 Var $30 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, Message card with 2 thin bars (2.5mm) (RPSS VX11s4m)
reply card with normal (2.7 bars) (RPSS VX11s4r)
UY11 FD VX11 PC22 $12 1958 1 1/2 + 1 1/2/Off-white, First Day, Naha
UY12 Minor Var PC24 ~Sold~ 1959 1 1/2/Off-white Minor Variety, msg card indicia
shifted left, msg first day cto cxl
Postal Stationery
85 Sen & 50 Sen Surcharged Cards
Single Cards
Scott RPSS JSCA Price Type* Paper Comments
UX4,4a V5C&5C-A $110 c Gray&Tan Both cards, clean
UX4 V5C $55 c Gray Clean
UX4a V5C-A $55 c Tan Clean
UX4a V5C-A $45 c Tan Clean, corner crease at bottom left
UX4b V4C ~Sold~ a Gray 58 cards, Okinawa, Yaeyama & Miyako Collection
Canceled to Order
UX4b V4C ~Sold~ a Gray 58 cards, Amami Town Cancel Collection
Canceled to Order, Price on Request
UX4b V4C ~Sold~ a Gray Clean, doubling of vertical frame line at upper right
UX4b V4C $45 a Gray Clean, #1
UX4b V4C $45 a Gray Clean, #2
UX4b V4C $40 a Gray Clean, #3
UX4b x5 $150 a Gray As above, mint, x5
UX4b x10 $250 a Gray As above, mint, x10
UX4b o V4C ~Sold~ a Gray Amami 51.4.2, addressed to Leonard Thoman,
early use, FD of UX4 is "ca 13.3.51"
UX4b o V4C $65 a Gray Naha Kanji 51.5.19
UX4b o V4C $95 a Gray Naha 15.3.51 ties C1, 10 & 12 (15y), unaddressed
"VIA AIRMAIL" handstamp, FD of UX4 is "ca 13.3.51"
UX4b o V4C $75 a Gray Yaeyama 52.1.1
UX4b o V4C $65 a Gray Canceled to order by Naha 26.3.51 w/ Sc 9x2 for 3y post card
surface rate to foreign countries, FD of UX4 is "ca 13.3.51"
hinge marks/residue on back
UX4b V4C $50 a Gray Uncanceled but as above, Sc 9x2 for 3y post card surface
rate to foreign countries, hinge marks/residue on back
UX4b V4C $55 a Gray Yonabaru 51.3.23 single comb cds, addressed to
Fletcher Miller, RCAT, Naha
UX4b V4C $65 a Gray Naha CPO 51.4.2 cds
UX4b V4C $55 a Gray Canceled to order with Yonaguini (Yaeyama) 52.4.1 cds,
colorless paper clip impression on right
UX4b V4C $85 a Gray Uncanceled but with CH1
V4Ca a Gray Red Violet surcharge is Dark Red vrs Pale Red under longwave UV light,
click here to see the difference between normal and
error under long wave ultra violet light.
UX4b Var V4Ca $125 a Gray Red Violet surcharge is Dark Red vrs Pale Red under longwave UV light, error, #1
UX4b Var V4Ca $110 a Gray Red Violet surcharge is Dark Red vrs Pale Red under longwave UV light, error, #2
UX4e V5C-B $60 d Gray Clean card
UX4e V5C-B ~Sold~ d Gray Canceled to order, Naha 2.11.51, upper right corner crease
V8C cto $125 a Tan Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura, cto, unaddressed card
with Scott 9 tied by Nago 56.7.14, no message, tannish gray
V8C $40 a Gray Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura
V8C $45 a Gray Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura, slight misstrike of surcharge
at the upper right
V8C $45 a Gray Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura, slight doubling of 15s sakura
V8C $40 a Tan Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura, tannish gray
V8C (x2) $75 a Gray&Tan Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura cards,
gray & tannish gray, not mounted
V8C (x4) $125 a Gray&Tan Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura cards, as above, x4
V8C (x6) $170 a Gray Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura cards, as above, x6
V8C (x10) $275 a Gray Scott footnote, 15s Japan Sakura cards, as above, x10
V8C Footnote $12 Tan 15s Japanese PC with Naha, Jan 25, 1953 cxl - souvenir
V8C Footnote $15 Tan " " as above, double cxl
The cards below are single cards from severed Message/Reply (double) postal cards.
UY4 V6C-D $250 b Gray Message card, Nago CPO 52.8.2 cancel
UY4a V6C-E $250 b Gray Reply card, thickness = 0.18mm
UY4a V6C-E $250 b Gray Reply card, Nago CPO 52.8.2 cancel
UY4f V6C-B $50 a Tan Message card - #1
UY4f V6C-B $55 a Tan Message card - #2
UY4f V6C-B $55 a Tan Message card - #3
UY4g V6C-C ~Sold~ a Tan Reply card
UY4h V6C-F $95 b Tan Message card
UY4i V6C-G $375 b Tan Error - double strike of handstamp, reply card
UY4i V6C-G ~Sold~ b Tan Reply card with Naze CPO 52.1.1 cds, staining/toning,
rounded corners
UY4i V6C-Ga $300 b Tan Error - faint strike of handstamp on back of reply card
in relation to front of card the handstamp is in the
normal postion, no handstamp on the front of the card,
cleanly severed, thickness 0.23mm/.0091in
UY4i V6C-Ga $225 b Tan Error - faint strike of handstamp on back of reply card
in relation to front of card the handstamp is in the
normal postion, no handstamp on the front of the card,
card roughly severed, thickness - 0.213mm/.00835in
UY4e V7C-C $475 b Gray Reply card, w RPSS photo certificate
authenticated by George Maclellan,
thickness - 0.162mm/0.0064in
UY4j V7C-F $65 d Tan Message card, clean, #1
UY4j V7C-F ~Sold~ d Tan Message card, clean, #2
UY4j V7C-F $60 d Tan Message card, clean, #3
UY4j V7C-F $125 d Tan Message card, used, Nago 51.12.28 (messaged on back
dated 52.1.1)
UY4k V7C-G $80 d Tan Reply card, clean
UY4k V7C-G $20 d Tan Reply card, hole, light staining on edges
UY4k V7C-G $100 d Tan Reply card, C6 tied by 1.10.51 Naha (first day) with CH3,
thickness = 0.206mm
UY5 V10R ~Sold~ f Gray Message card
V11R Look-A-Like (RPSS IV-A carmine red 85sen handstamp)
UY5a Var V10R-Aa $110 f Gray Reply card, carmine red (vs vermillion/orange red), variety
not listed in Scott but in RPSS catalogue, often confused with V11R
Citation to RPSS Catalogue listing the 4 printing bases of the type "e" (RPSS type III)
85 sen surcharge is here.
UY5c V9C-A $85 e Gray Message card, base 3 surcharge, light tropical staining
UY5f V9C-B $45 e Tan Message card, heavy inking
UY5f V9C-B $70 e Tan Message card, surcharge canted down to the right,
.00875 in (.223 cm) thick, does not match any
of 4 recorded bases
UY5f V9C-B $60 e Tan Message card, base 2 surcharge
UY5f V9C-B $85 e Tan Message card, used, Naha 52.1.1 machine cancel,
base 1 surcharge
UY5f V9C-B $75 e Tan Message card, canceled to order, 52.4.1 Tokashiki single comb,
base 3 surcharge
UY5g V9C-Ca ~Sold- e Tan Reply card, "Thin Tan" 0.167mm - 0.0065in, RPSS listed
UY5g V9C-C ~Sold- e Tan Reply card, used, Scenic Cancel 9 (41mm) dated 1952.5.2,
APO 719 (Naha) backstamp dated May 6, 1952, "Col Pesquera" in
script on message side, base 3 surcharge, UX11, 11a and 11a (artist signed)
sheets/20 (Anti-TB seal honoring Dr Pesquera)
UY5g V9C-C $85 e Tan Reply card, used, Naha 52.1.1 machine cancel,
base 3 surcharge
UY5g V9C-C ~Sold~ e Tan Reply card, used, Kamimotobu 52.2.25 machine cancel,
base 4 surcharge
UY5g V9C-C $90 e Tan Reply card, Ie Shima cds dated 52.5.30 SC-9 dated 1952.4.18
(first day for SC), base 3 surcharge
UY5g V9C-C $75 e Tan Reply card, with SC-9 dated 1952.4.18 (first day for SC),
base 3 surcharge
UY5h Var V10R-Ba $65 f Tan Msg card, canceled to order Nagara PO, 52.4.1, overall age toning
not listed in Scott but in RPSS catalogue, often confused with V11R
UY5h V10R-B ~Sold~ f Tan Message card
UY5h V10R-B $80 f Tan Message card, used, Miyako 52.1.1
UY5h V10R-B $85 f Tan Message card, used, Miyako 52.6.19
UY5h V10R-B $60 f Tan Message card, orange red surcharge, printing base No. 1,
with Scott 18 First Day tied by Miyako CC6 on back
UY5h V10R-B $55 f Tan Message card, canceled to order with Miyako CC-6 (1 Apr 1952)
UY5i Var V10R-Ca $110 f Tan Reply card, carmine red (vs vermillion/orange red), variety
not listed in Scott but in RPSS catalogue, often confused with V11R
UY5i V10R-C $75 f Tan Reply card, Printing Base No. 1 - #1
UY5i V10R-C $65 f Tan Reply card, Printing Base No. 1 - #2
UY5i V10R-C $95 f Tan Reply card, used, 52.1.1
UY5i V10R-Ca $70 f Tan Reply card, clean, V11R look-alike - RPSS IV-A surcharge
85s surcharge (carmine red) down ca 2 cm, carmine. #1
UY5i V10R-Ca $55 f Tan Reply card, light tropical stains, V11R look-alike - RPSS IV-A surcharge,
85s surcharge (carmine red), #2
UY5i V10R-Ca $55 f Tan Reply card, light tropical stains, V11R look-alike - RPSS IV-A surcharge,
85s surcharge (carmine red), card .226 in thick, #3
To see the difference between the RPSS IV and IV-A surcharges, click here.
UY5e V11R-A ~Sold~ g Gray Reply card with RPSS certificate - Price on Request
appears to be the exact card pictured in the RPSS catalogue,
thickness = 0.165mm, surcharge printing base No. 1
UY5e V11R-A POR g Gray Reply card - Price on Request
surcharge printing base No. 2 (tentative)
UY5k V11R-C POR g Tan Reply card - Price on Request,
thickness = .234mm, surcharge printing base No. 1
UY5k V11R-C POR g Tan Reply card with RPSS certificate - Price on Request
appears to be the exact card pictured in the RPSS catalogue.
thickness = .230mm, surcharge printing base No. 1
UY5k V11R-C ~Sold~ g Tan Reply card, natural inclusion at upper left,
surcharge printing base No. 1
Possible Surcharge Printing Base No. 2 for VllR - information here.
UY6 (4) V12R PC12 $130 h Gray - UY6,6a (message & reply) and
Tan - UY6b,6c (message & reply) cards (4 cards)
UY6a Var V12R-C ~Sold~ h Gray/cream, reply card major shift of overprint up (ca 8mm) & canted
down slightly to right, card measures .0.159 mm/.00625 in thick
UY6a V12R PC12b $90 h Gray/cream, reply card, used, Naha 52.1.1 machine cancel
UY6a V12R PC12b $110 h Gray/cream, reply card, used, Wadomari (Amami) 52.8.15 cancel,
Year slug in cancel is carved from wood
UY6a Var V12R PC12b $40 h Gray/cream, reply card, minor variety - faint double mirror
image impression of surcharge on back
UY6 V12R PC12b $40 h Gray/cream, message card
UY6a V12R-A PC12b $40 h Gray/cream, reply card
UY6b V12R-C PC12a $45 h Tan, message card
UY6c V12R-A PC12a $45 h Tan, reply card
 Message/Reply Cards - all cards unsevered
Scott RPSS Price Type* Paper Comments
UY4l VX4C-B ~Sold~ b Gray Clean, thickness = 0.35mm, No. 1
UY4l VX4C-B ~Sold~ b Gray Toning along back side bottom edge of message card,
thickness = 0.35mm, No. 2
UY4l VX4C-B $200 b Gray Large stain along folded edge,
thickness = 0.36mm, No 3
UY4m VX4C $575 a Gray Very Scarce card, UY4o (tan) included
.5 x .8 mm repaired tear on reply card,
VX4C thickness = 0.322mm, VX4C-A thickness = 0.372mm
UY4n VX5C $600 d Gray Scarce card, ca 200 issued, thickness = 0.42mm, #1
UY4n VX5C $500 d Gray Scarce card, ca 200 issued, thickness = 0.474mm, #2
UY4n VX5C $450 d Gray Scarce card, ca 200 issued, thickness = 0.425mm, #3
UY4o VX4C-A $155 a Tan Clean card, both msg & reply cards with Scott 43 and
canceled to order with 58.7.1 cancel, thickness = 0.45mm
UY4o VX4C-A $145 a Tan Clean card, slight mistrike of surcharge on
reply card, thickness = 0.45mm
UY4o VX4C-A $125 a Tan Clean card, light crease right corner. thickness = .463mm
UY4o VX4C-A $150 a Tan Both msg & reply cards with Scott 35 tied by Mawashi
56.2.18, slght mistrike of 85s surchage on msg card,
thickness = 0.453mm
UY4o VX4C-A ~Sold~ a Tan Both msg & reply cards tied by Mawashi 58.7.1 with
additional Scott 43 tied by same cancel,
thickness = 0.484mm (thick tan card stock)
UY4p VX4C-C ~Sold~ b Tan Unsevered card, message card with Scott 8x2, 9x2, both stamps
and surcharge canceled by Kadena 52.1.22 cxls, addressed
to New York, IRSACS (James Wong) handstamped seal, black smear
at top right on message card, thickness = 0.48mm (thick tan card stock)
UY4p VX4C-C $275 b Tan Unsevered card, message card with Scott 13, both stamp
and surcharge canceled by Kadena 52.1.22 cxls, addressed
to Pennsylvania, IRSACS (James Wong) handstamped seal,
thickness = 0.442mm
UY4p VX4C-C ~Sold~ b Tan Unsevered card, message card with Scott 14 & 8x4, stamps
canceled by Kadena 52.1.3 cxls, addressed to Michigan,
IRSACS (James Wong) handstamped seal, thickness = 0.457mm/.018in
UY4q VX5C-A ~Sold~ d Tan Clean card, no stains, thickness = 0.445mm - #1
UY4q VX5C-A $145 d Tan Clean card, no stains, thickness = 0.462mm - #2
UY4q VX5C-A $155 d Tan Clean card, no stains, thickness = 0.466mm - #3
UY4q VX5C-A $165 d Tan Clean card, slight doubling of surchage at left of
message card, thickness = .044mm
UY4q VX5C-A $110 d Tan Evidence of hinging and stain on back of message card,
thickness = 0.454mm
UY4q VX5C-A $130 d Tan Light staining top of message card, thickness = 0.418mm
UY4q VX5C-A $130 d Tan Light staining, thickness = 0.468mm
UY4q VX5C-A $125 d Tan Clean card, faint stains, weak strike of 85s surcharge
on message card, thickness = 0.429mm - #3
UY4q VX5C-A $115 d Tan Very clean card, no stains, large hinge remnant
on back of reply card, thickness = 0.0425mm
UY4q VX5C-Aa $225 d Tan Error - no surcharge - reply card, light tropical stains
thickness = .0457mm
UY4q VX5C-Aa $75 d Tan Error - no surcharge - reply card, folded for display,
thickness = 0.433mm
Citation to RPSS Catalogue listing the 4 printing bases of the type "e" (RPSS type III)
85 sen surcharge is here.
UY5l & UY5m ~Sold~ e Both cards - gray (UY5l) and tan (UY5m),
thickness = .0365 (UY5l), 0.424 (UY5m)
UY5m Var VX6C-Aa PC11a ~Sold~ e Tan Surcharge on reply card shifted up and smudged
pictured in the RPSS catalogue, Reply card Base 2
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a $125 e Tan Msg (Base 3) & Reply (Base 2), thickness = 0.38mm
type "e" surcharge
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a $100 e Tan Msg & Reply both Base 1, thickness = 0.39mm
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a ~Sold~ e Tan Msg & Reply both Base 4, clean card,
thickness = 0.451mm
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a ~Sold~ e Tan Msg card Base 3, Reply card base 2, tropical stains
thickness = 0.43mm
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a $65 e Tan Msg card Base 3, Reply card base 2, folded for display,
corner damage - lower right of message card,
thickness = 0.422mm
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a $105 e Tan Reply card minor variety canted right
tropical stains, paper inclusion, Msg Base 3, Reply Base 2,
thickness = 0.422mm
UY5m VX6C-A PC11a $100 e Tan Msg & Reply both Base 4, tropical stains
along edges, thickness = 0.404mm
* 85 SEN Surcharge Types:
For images of the surcharges click here.
a Small (19-21 x 23-25 mm) single-line, sans-serif numerals
b Large (22-23 x 26-27 mm) single-line, sans-serif numerals
c Small (20-21 x 24-24.5 mm) shaded-line, tail of 5 has inward curve
d Large (22-23.5 x 25-26 mm) shaded-line, tail of 5 has inward curve
Typographed Surcharge in Vermilion or Carmine Red
e 85 sen - Flat horizontal stroke in "5", bottom right character original
form, vermilion
f 85 sen - Curved horizontal stroke in "5", bottom right character
simplified form, vermilion or a carmine-red variety
g 85 sen - Scarce, top horizontal stroke of the "5" has a rounded tip
and there is a gap between the bottom of that stroke and the top
of the horizontal stroke below it (Rose Red)
h 50 sen - Only one type of the 50s, vermilion.
Back up to 85s & 50s Surcharge Cards
Postal Stationery -
Letter Sheets & Aerogrammes
Scott RPSS JSCA Price Year Paper Comments
U1 & U1a General Information is here.
U1a U1M LS1 POR 1948 50s/Gray Full gum on flap, Very Good+, Price on Request
U1a U1M LS1 ~Sold~ 1948 50s/Gray Full gum on flap, Very Good++, folded on
first fold line only
U1a U1M LS1 ~Sold~ 1948 50s/Gray Full gum on flap, Very Good
U1a U1M LS1 ~Sold~ 1948 50s/Gray Full gum on flap, vertical crease, Good+
U1 U2M LS1A $18 1949 50s/Cream Gum on flap but dry and disturbed
U1 U2M LS1A $15 1949 50s/Cream No gum on Flap
U1 U2M LS1A ~Sold~ 1949 50s/Cream Ginoza type A minseifu canceled to order,
no gum on flap
U2 LDU U3M LS2 $100 1950 1y/Gray-cream Last Day of Use, 1y +2 y, Sashiki 53.12.1,
letter sheets were demonitized 53.12.2
U2 (x3) U3M LS2 $50 1950 1y/Gray-cream Full gum on flap, unfolded, 3 copies
U2 (x5) U3M LS2 $80 1950 1y/Gray-cream Full gum on flap, unfolded, 5 copies
U2 U3M LS2 $18 1950 1y/Gray-cream Full gum on flap
U2 Var U3M LS2 $22 1950 1y/Gray-cream Full gum on flap, minor variety, line by "1"
U2 Var U3M LS2 $15 1950 1y/Gray-cream Minor variety, right foot of "1" disintegrating,
ink spot left of vertical stroke in "1",
no gum, flap badly torn and damaged
U2 U3M LS2 $24 1950 1y/Gray-cream Naha 2.11.51 cto, vertical crease right
UC1-UC4 collection ~Sold~ 1952-9 11 different items including UC3i
UC1-3 UC1-3 AG1-3 $20 1952-9 12y,15y,13c
UC1 UC1-A AG1 $8 1953 12y 2nd printing
UC1 o UC1-A AG1 $20 1953 12y " Naha 53.9.1 cxl, announces Sc 29 (RPSS UOC2)
UC1 o UC1-A AG1 $20 1953 12y " Naha 55.5.5 cxl announces Sc 32-3, typed
return address (RPSS UOC4a), Tokyo transit cancel
UC1 o UC1-A AG1 ~Sold~ 1953 12y " Naha 55.5.5 cxl announces Sc 32-3, handstamped
return address (RPSS UOC4a)
UC1 o UC1-A AG1 $16 1953 12y " Naha 55.5.6 cxl, Tokyo transit cxl 55.5.6, announces Sc 32-3 (RPSS UOC4a) #1
UC1 o UC1-A AG1 $16 1953 12y " Naha 55.5.6 cxl, Tokyo transit cxl 55.5.6, announces Sc 32-3 (RPSS UOC4a) #2
UC1 o UC1-A AG1 $16 1953 12y " Naha 57.4.19 cxl, Naha English cxl, unaddressed
UC1a o UC1 AG1 $10 1952 12y 1st printing
UC1a o UC1 AG1 $18 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 8.12.52, canceled to order, unaddressed, 1 cxl
2nd printing included
UC1a FD UC1 AG1 $25 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 1.11.52, first day, unaddressed, 1 cxl
UC1a FD UC1 AG1 $20 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 1.11.52, first day, addressed, 1 cxl
UC1a FD UC1 AG1 $28 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 1.11.52, first day, unaddressed, 2 cxl
UC1a o UC1 AG1 $15 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 16.4.53, announces Sc 27-8 (RPSS UOC1),
as typical, lacks the return address typed on the front
UC1a o UC1 AG1 $10 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 16.4.53, announces Sc 27-8 (RPSS UOC1),
no backflap, lacks the return address typed on the front
UC1a o UC1 AG1 $15 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha 17.4.53, announces Sc 27-8 (RPSS UOC1),
as typical, lacks the return address typed on the front
UC1a o UC1 AG1 $14 1952 12y 1st printing, Naha ?.4.53
UC2 UC2 AG2 $12 1955 15y 1st printing
UC2 FD Variety ~Sold~ 1955 15y 1st printing, First Day, Naha 55.9.10, unaddressed, red
lozenges on left smaller and not aligned with blue
UC2 o $15 1955 15y 1st printing, Naha 28.10.55, flap partially sealed
UC2 o RPSS UOC5 Var ~Sold~ 1955 15y Philatelic announcement for Scott 34 (35 also noted),
Naha 29.10.55, differs from UOC5 and has order form
for earlier issues at top
UC2 o RPSS UOC6 $34 1956 15y 1st printing, used, Naha 14.1.56, addressed to Sam S. Beck
Ferndale, MI, philatelic announcement for Sc 35 (RPSS UOC6),
seldom seen
UC2 o RPSS UOC6 $32 1956 15y 1st printing, used, Naha 14.1.56, addressed to Midland, TX,
philatelic announcement for Sc 35 (RPSS UOC6), seldom seen
UC2 o RPSS UOC6 $22 1956 15y 1st printing, used, Naha 14.1.56, addressed to Jacksonville
"Flo", philatelic announcement for Sc 35 (RPSS UOC6),
damaged in opening
UC2 o $20 1955 15y 1st printing, used, 56.3.31, from prominent Naha stamp
dealer (Isamu Maeshiro) to US dealer (Joseph Bush),
with prices listed (16A @ $13 per sheet of 100 & 5a
@ $20 per sheet of 100)
UC2 o $16 1955 15y 1st printing, used, Naha 3.11.56, sddressed to Bordentown, NJ,
philatelic announcement for Sc 40 & RPSS V18 (RPSS UOC9)
UC2 o $16 1955 15y 1st printing, used, Naha 3.11.56, sddressed to Windsor, CA,
philatelic announcement for Sc 40 & RPSS V18 (RPSS UOC9)
UC2 o $22 1956 15y 1st printing, used, 56.12.15, sddressed to Haverton, PA,
from Naha stamp dealer Isamu Maeshiro, quotes prices for
philatelic material (ie sheet/100 of 16 for $13.
UC2 o $20 1955 15y 1st printing, used, Sashiki 57.6.10, addressed to Portland,
OR from Naha stamp dealerThomas Maeki, quotes prices for
philatelic material (sheets & FDC). Sealing flap removed.
UC2 o $22 1955 15y 1st printing, used, Sashiki 57.8.9, addressed to Tenton, NJ,
from Naha stamp dealer Isamu Maeshiro, quotes prices for
philatelic material (ie sheet/100 of 16 for $40.
UC2 o Variety ~Sold~ 1955 15y 1st printing, used, Naha 57.10.10, Philatelic Agency
announcement, red lozenges on left misaligned with blue,
slight lozenge misalignment along the right edge,
RPSS UOC12 printed right in relation to back flap
UC2 o UC2 AG2 $12 1955 15y 1st printing, Naha 28.3.56
UC2 o UC2 AG2 $15 1955 15y 1st printing, Naha 22.6.57, announces C9-13
UC2 o UC2 AG2 $10 1955 15y 2st printing?, Naha 10.10.57, announces 41 & UX11
For a methodology to use in cataloguing the UC3 series aerogrammes, click here.
UC3 Unit (8) ~Sold~ 13c/15y Scott UC3, UC3 FD, UC3a, UC3b, UC3c, UC3e,
UC3h and UC3i as a unit (8)
UC3 UC3 AG3 $12 1958 13c/15y Scott type "a" on second printing,
.0019in thick, type B gum
UC3 Minor Var $50 1958 13c/15y Scott type "a" on second printing, minor variety,
surcharge shifted left with"1" 95% outside frame line,
seldom seen Type B1 gum.
UC3 x5 Unfolded $35 1958 13c/15y
(example of 1)
UC3 UC3 AG3 $10 1958 13c/15y Scott type "a" on second printing, used, Naha 20.11.58
UC3 UC3 AG3 $10 1958 13c/15y Scott type "a" on second printing, cto, Naha 24.11.58
UC3 FDC UC3 AG3 $20 1958 13c/15y Lion Dog printed cachet, Naha 16.9.58
UC3 FDC UC3 AG3 ~Sold~ 1958 13c/15y Nishihara FD cancel, unaddressed, handstamp cachet
"First Day of Issue Sep. 16 1958"
UC3 FDC UC3 AG3 $16 1958 13c/15y Miebashi (O-57) FD cancel, unaddressed, handstamp cachet
UC3 o UC3 AG2 $15 1955 13c/15y Naha 17.10.58, announces 55 & UX13 (RPSS UOC14-A,
inside dated Oct 17, 1959)
UC3 o UC3 AG2 $10 1955 13c/15y Naha 18.10.58, announces 55 & UX13 (RPSS UOC14-B,
inside dated Oct 18, 1959)
UC3 o UC3 AG3 $30 1959 13c/15y +2c Scott type "a" on second printing, used, Naha 5.9.59,
uprated by postal customer from 13c to 15c
UC3 CTO UC3 AG3 $30 1959 13c/15y+ CTO Naha 10.11.59, FD 15c rate, addt'l +1/2c+1 1/2c
not UC6
UC3 UC3 AG3 $12 1959 13c/15y Naha 12.9.59, unaddressed, addtl 2c
UC3a UC3-A AG3b ~Sold~ 1959 13c/15y Scott type "b" overprint on 1st printing,
.00195in thick, Type A1 Gum
UC3a UC3-A AG3b ~Sold~ 1959 13c/15y Scott type "b" overprint on 1st printing,
.0020in thick, Type A2 Gum
UC3b UC3-B Variety $55 1959 13c/15y Scott type "b" overprint on 2nd printing,
Type B Gum, minor variety, "C" disintegrating
at bottom
UC3b UC3-B AG3b ~Sold~ 1959 13c/15y Scott type "b" overprint on 2nd printing,
.001875in thick, Type B Gum
UC3c UC3-C AG3b ~Sold~ 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" (1st printing), scarce,
.0022in thick, Type A1 Gum
UC3e UC3-D AG3b ~Sold~ 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" on UC2a (2nd printing),
faint evidence of a third bottom bar
UC3e UC3-D AG3b $55 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" (on 2nd printing of UC2), scarce,
.00190 in thick, Type B Gum
UC3e UC3-D AG3b $40 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" (on 2nd printing of UC2), scarce,
.00205 in thick, Type B Gum, light paper wrinkles
UC3e Variety AG3b ~Sold~ 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" on UC2a (2nd printing),
.00192 in, Type B Gum, partial 3rd bar
below 2nd bar
UC3e Variety $135 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" on UC2a (2nd printing), overprint
shifted left ca 2.5mm and up ca 1mm #1
UC3e Variety $125 1959 13c/15y Scott type "c" on UC2a (2nd printing), overprint
shifted left ca 2mm and up ca 1mm #2
For a close-up view of the type "d" overprint (broken tail in "c"), click here.
UC3h UC6 AG3 $200 1960 13c/15y Scott type "d" (broken tail in "c") on
1st printing #1
UC3h UC6 AG3 $200 1960 13c/15y Scott type "d" (broken tail in "c") on
1st printing, break over blue line and
hard to see #2
UC3i UC6-A AG3e $200 1960 13c/15y Scott type "d" (broken tail in"c") on
2nd printing #1
UC3i UC6-A AG3e $200 1960 13c/15y Scott type "d" (broken tail in"c") on
2nd printing #2
UC3h & i $325 1960 13c/15y Scott type "d" (broken tail in"c") on 1st
and 2nd printings (2 aerogrammes)
UC4 o $8 1961 15c Philatelic announcement (RPSS UOC22)
For general information on philatelic announcements, including those printed on aerogrammes,
click here.
Postal Stationery
Mihon (Specimen) Cards
Scott RPSS Price
UX26S V34-S $270
UX27S V35-S $175
UX27S V35-S o/cto ~Sold~ Card addressed to Switzerland, canceled with Naha 14.6.66 cds,
franked with 8 1/2c in postage stamps
UX28S V36-S $165
UX29S V37-S $155
UX29S V37-S o/cto ~Sold~ Card addressed to Switzerland, canceled with Naha 14.6.66 cds,
franked with 7 1/2c in postage stamps, stain at middle
UX26S-29S (4) $550 (net) UX26S, 27S, 28S & 29S, all 4 cards as a set
For mihon postage stamps, click ---> here.
Unauthorized Mihon Handstamp
Use on Postal Stationery
Unauthorized Use of Mihon Handstamp
22 Different, "Unauthorized Mihon" Cards ~Sold~ 16 single cards, 4 double cards,
2 election cards
Postal Stationery
Official Business Philatelic Announcement Cards
RPSS Price Comments
VOCP1M ~Sold~ 11.8.51 to Los Angeles, CA, franked with E1 x3, announces delay of 1st 3 values
of 2nd Air Mail Series, Public Service Dept, Philatelic Agnency, USCAR
VOCP3Ra $230 12.1.52 to Elizabeth, NJ, franked with 14 x2, 15 x3, announces 16 (16a - 1st printing),
Philatelic Agency, Communications Dept., Ryukyu Provisional Central Government
VOC1R $165 31.1.52 to Madison, NJ, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly"
slight shift/doubling of stamp imprint at upper left
VOC1R $160 31.1.52 to Fargo, ND, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly"
VOC1R $160 31.1.52 to Bloomfield, NJ, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly"
VOC1R $155 31.1.52 to Wakefield, Mass, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly"
VOC1R $155 31.1.52 to Detroit, Michigan, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly"
with "y" typed over an "h"
VOC1R $85 31.1.52 to Swarthmore, Pa, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly"
VOC1R ~Sold~ 31.1.52 to Chicago, Ill, Air Mail (not underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction mispelled - "Respectfuly",
period missing at end of second sentence, creases
VOC1R $150 7.2.52 to New York City, Air Mail (underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction correctly spelled - "Respectfully"
VOC1R $145 7.2.52 to Kenner, LA, Air Mail (underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction correctly spelled - "Respectfully"
VOC1R $135 7.2.52 to Los Angeles, Air Mail (underlined), typed message
for Scott 16, valediction correctly spelled - "Respectfully"
VOC2R ~Sold~ 18.2.52 to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon, typed message for Scott 18,
Seldom seen.
VOC4R ~Sold~ 18.2.52 to Chicago, Ill, mimeographed message (RPSS does not catalogue this stencil)
for Scott 18, typed "Air Mail" and "VIA AIR MAIL" handstamp below address,
"R" of "Respectfully" below the "r" in "separate" in body of the announcement
tear at top left
VOC4R $195 20.2.52 to Phila, Pa, mimeographed message (RPSS stencil type II)
for Scott 18, "VIA AIR MAIL" handstamp below address, usually found
canceled 18.2.52
VOC4R ~Sold~ 18.2.52 to Seattle, Wa, mimeographed message (RPSS stencil type II)
for Scott 18, "VIA AIR MAIL" handstamp below address
VOC4R ~Sold~ 18.2.52 to Trenton, NJ, mimeographed message (RPSS stencil type II)
for Scott 18, no "VIA AIR MAIL" handstamp
VOC5R ~Sold~ Tannish gray card stock, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC6R Stencil Type, unless noted otherwise all VOC6R have mimeographed RPSS Stencil Type II message.
VOC6R $100 Tannish gray card stock, mimeographed message for Scott 18, No. 1
VOC6R $100 Tannish gray card stock, mimeographed message for Scott 18, No. 2
VOC6R $150 Tannish gray card stock, partial second strike of Hirata
seal, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC6R ~Sold~ Tannish gray card stock, partial strike of "Tsu-shin Jimu"
handstamp or unframed handstamp, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC7R Stencil Type, unless noted otherwise all VOC7R have mimeographed RPSS Stencil Type II message.
VOC7R $145 19.2.52 to Harrington Park, NJ, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC7R $140 19.2.52 to Brooklyn, NY, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC7R $140 19.2.52 to Washington, DC, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC7R $138 19.2.52 to Mass., ink blotch primarily on back, mimeographed
message for Scott 18
VOC7R $135 19.2.52 to Iowa, sharp cancel, light horizontal crease, mimeographed
message for Scott 18
VOC7R $85 19.2.52 to Oregon, nick at right edge, mimeographed message for
Scott 18, typo return address "Nahak" with comma type-over on "k"
VOC7R $145 20.2.52 to Woodbury, NJ, late use, redirected, mimeographed
message for Scott 18
VOC8R $175 19.2.52 to Louisana, severed gray message card, Via Air Mail handstamp,
mimeographed message for Scott 18, 0.184mm thick, stencil type II
VOC8R ~Sold~ 19.2.52 to New York City, severed gray message card, Via Air Mail
handstamp, mimeographed message for Scott 18, creases, Levine
VOC8R ~Sold~ 20.2.52 to Canton, Ga, severed gray message card, no Via Air Mail
handstamp, mimeographed message for Scott 18
VOC8R-B $150 20.2.52, typed address, severed tan message card, Via Air Mail handstamp, mimeographed
message for Scott 18, 0.178mm thick, stencil type IV, to Don Walter, California
VOC9 $60 Jun 25, 1952, typed address, Via Air Mail handstamp below address,
mimeographed message for Scott 17, to Don Walter, California
VOC10 $65 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address, Via Air Mail handstamp above address,
mimeographed message for Scott 19-21, to Don Walter, California
-- Above 3 philateic annuncements (VOC8R-B, V0C9, VOC10) as a unit, all to same address - Price on request
Note: VOC9 & 10 are on the "large" crown cards (RPSS V13R/Scott UX5)
VOC9 + 2y Variety ~Sold~ 23.6.52, to Canton, Ga, typed address, no "Via Air Mail" handstamp, mimeographed
message for Scott 17, 2y additional postage (Sc 9 x2), missent to Canton, China
VOC9 $85 Jun 25, 1952, typed address, "Via Air Mail" handstamp below address, mimeographed
message for Scott 17, to Brooklyn, NY
VOC9 ~Sold~ Jun 25, 1952, typed address, "Via Air Mail" handstamp below address, mimeographed
message for Scott 17, to Honolulu, Hawaii
VOC9 $75 Jun 25, 1952, handwritten address, "Via Air Mail" handstamp below address, mimeographed
message for Scott 17, to Pennsylvania
VOC10 $75 Oct 7, 1952, typed address, "Via Air Mail" right side up & below
upside down address, addressed to "Harold," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $70 Oct 7, 1952, typed address, "Via Air Mail" right side up & below
upside down address, addressed to "Bruce," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $70 Oct 7, 1952, typed address upside down, "Via Air Mail" right side up &
below upside down address, addressed to "Norton," mimeographed message
for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $75 Oct 7, 1952, typed address upside down, "Via Air Mail" right side up &
below address, addressed to "Atkinson," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $70 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address and "Via Air Mail" right side up & above address,
addressed to "Romaine," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $70 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address and "Via Air Mail" right side up & above
the address, addressed to "Nussenbaum," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $70 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address and "Via Air Mail" right side up & above
the address, addressed to "Otto," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $70 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address upside down, "Via Air Mail" right side up & below
the address, addressed to "Baxter," tears bottom edge, mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $75 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address & "Via Air Mail" both upside down,
addressed to "Sam Beck," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $75 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address & "Via Air Mail" both upside down,
addressed to "Stevenson," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
VOC10 $55 Oct 7, 1952, handwritten address & "Via Air Mail" upside down,
addressed to "Saylor," mimeographed message for Scott 19-21,
crease upper right corner & at bottom left
VOC10 $45 Oct 7, 1952, typed address upside down, "Via Air Mail" right side up & below
the address, addressed to APO 59, forwarded to US, tears & breaks at bottom,
mimeographed message for Scott 19-21
Note: VOC11 is normally found on the "small" crown tan card (RPSS V14-A/Scott UX6a).
However, it is sometimes found on the "large" crown card (RPSS V13R/Scott UX5).
See information/pics here.
VOC11-A, 11 & 10 ~Sold~ All three philatelic announcements for the Scott 19-26 series,
VOC11-A tear/damage on bottom edge, VOC11 tear on bottom edge
VOC11-A (Variety) $175 13.12.52, typed address, printed on large crown card
mimeographed message for Scott 22-6, small crown
VOC11 $75 13.12.52, handwritten address, fault free, mimeographed
message for Scott 22-6, small crown
VOC11 $70 13.12.52, typed address, small tears at the left edge
mimeographed message for Scott 22-6, small crown
VOC11 $65 13.12.52, handwritten address, mimeographed message for Scott 22-6,
small crown
VOC11 $55 13.12.52, handwritten address, mimeographed message for Scott 22-6,
small crown
VOC11 $50 13.12.52, handwritten address, left corner nicked, small tears
at the bottom, mimeographed message for Scott 22-6, small crown
VOC11 $40 13.12.52, handwritten address, left corner large nick,
mimeographed message for Scott 22-6, small crown
For general information on philatelic announcements, including those printed on postal cards,
click here.
Postal Stationery
Provisional Cards

(RPSS Catalogue Numbers)
Amami Gunto - Letter Sheet
PUA3-C ~Sold~ 30s letter sheet validated by Nagatabashi FP4
Amami Gunto - Single Cards
PVA5, Error $300 50s, small "5" - small "0" (1SV1), issued in error with no validation
PVA5 Nagatabashi $110 50s with Nagatabashi FP4, small "5" - small "0" (1SV1), #1
PVA5 Nagatabashi $100 50s with Nagatabashi FP4, small "5" - small "0" (1SV1), #2
PVA5 Naze $85 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - small "0" (1SV1), #1
PVA5 Naze $85 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - small "0" (1SV1), #2
PVA5-A Naze, Error $300 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - large "0" (1SV2),
FP4 at upper left in error, clean, #1
PVA5-A Naze, Error $325 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - large "0" (1SV2),
FP4 at upper left in error, clean, #2
PVA5-A Naze, Error $250 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - large "0" (1SV2), FP4 at
upper left in error, clean, corner crease upper right, #3
PVA5-A Naze $110 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - large "0" (1SV2), clean
PVA5-A Naze $90 50s with Naze FP4, small "5" - large "0" (1SV2), soiling
PVA5-A Nagatabashi $110 50s with Nagatabashi FP4, small "5" - large "0" (1SV2)
PVA5-B Naze $90 50s with Naze FP4, large "5" - large "0" (1SV3) #1
PVA5-B Naze $95 50s with Naze FP4, large "5" - large "0" (1SV3) #2
PVA5-C Sakamine $125 50s with Sakamine FP4, large "5" (slightly high) - large "0" (1SV4)
PVA6, Error $225 15s (2SV1), card measures 86 x 133 mm, issued in error w/o validation,
colorless area (like a stamp hinge), below & right of indicium
PVA6-C Naze $100 15s (2SV?), card measures 85 x 133 mm
PVA7 Naze $95 15s with Naze FP4, card measures 92 x 146 mm
PVA7 Nagatabashi $95 15s with Nagatabashi FP4, card measures 91 x 145 mm, light foxing
PVA9 Naze $45 3s Japanese PC with Naze FP4, fair conditon with stains and chips
PVA13-D Nagatabashi $125 3s Japanese PC with Nagatabashi FP4 and VS1 - Ken seal
PVA21 Naze $125 30s (type 2SV?) revalued to 50s, Naze FP4
PVA21 x2 $150 30s (type 2SV?) revalued to 50s, Naze & Nagatabashi FP4 (2 cards)
PVA21-C2b Nagatabashi $150 30s (type 2SV4) revalued to 50s, Nagatabashi FP4
PVA21-C2b Naze $150 30s (type 2SV4) revalued to 50s, Naze FP4
PVA22, A, B, C Picture of all four types, click here.
PVA22,A,B,C (Set of 6) $300 50s (type 3SV1,2,3x2 & 4x2 ) with Naze, Nagatabashi or Nashiagina FP4, mounted
PVA22,A,B,C (Set of 4) $275 50s (type 3SV1,2,3&4 ) with Naze or Nagatabashi FP4
PVA22 Nishiagina ~Sold~ 50s (type 3SV??) with Nishiag(k)ina FP4, right frame line
is almost a solid line, not consistent with published 3SV types
PVA22 Nagatabashi $80 50s (type 3SV1) with Nagatabashi FP4, #1
PVA22 Nagatabashi $75 50s (type 3SV1) with Nagatabashi FP4, 2
PVA22 Nagatabashi Var $95 50s (type 3SV1) with Nagatabashi FP4, variety in that FP4
does not touch the indicium, evidence of hinging on back
PVA22 Naze $90 50s (type 3SV1) with Naze FP4, #1
PVA22 Naze $85 50s (type 3SV1) with Naze FP4, #2
PVA22-A Nagatabashi $85 50s (type 3SV2) with Nagatabashi FP4
PVA22-B Naze $85 50s (type 3SV3) with Naze FP4
PVA22-B Nagatabashi $95 50s (type 3SV3) with Nagatabashi FP4, card measures 91x141 mm,
light staining
PVA23 [Kuji] $250 15s gray with FP3 (fee collected - prepaid handstamp)
light toning across top edge #1
PVA23 [Kuji] $200 15s gray with FP3 (fee collected - prepaid handstamp) #2
PVA23-A Naze $70 15s gray, Naze FP4, upper right corner creased
PVA23-A Kametsu $65 15s gray, Kametsu FP4, very light corner bends - #1
PVA23-A Kametsu $60 15s gray, Kametsu FP4, one corner lightly bent - #2
PVA23-A Kametsu ? $50 15s gray, Kametsu ? FP4, indistinct - #3
PVA23-A Kikai $70 15s gray, Kikai FP4, very light staining-- #1
PVA23-A Kikai $65 15s gray, Kikai FP4, light staining -- #2
PVA23-A Nishiagina $65 15s gray, Nishiagina FP4 -- #1
PVA23-A Nishiagina $60 15s gray, Nishiagina FP4, light tropical stains -- #2
PVA23-A Nishiagina $65 15s gray, Nishiagina FP4, #3
PVA23-A Wadomari $70 15s gray card stock, Wadomari FP4, clean -- #1
PVA23-A Wadomari $65 15s gray card stock, Wadomari FP4, clean -- #2
PVA23-A Wadomari $60 15s gray card stock, Wadomari FP4, clean -- #3
PVA23-B $75 15s gray card stock with V10a
PVA23-C Koniya $70 15s gray card stock, Koniya FP4 & V10a -- #1
PVA23-C Koniya $65 15s gray card stock, Koniya FP4 & V10a -- #2
PVA23-C Koniya $60 15s gray card stock, Koniya FP4 & V10a -- #3
PVA23-D Naze $100 15s tan card stock, Naze FP4
PVA27 $275 50s on 15s gray card stock, VS11a, no FP4
Amami - Unsevered Message/Reply Cards
PVXA7-E Somachi $200 PO not listed in RPSS catalogue, light foxing
PVXA7-E Kametsu $125 Clean #1
PVXA7-E Kikai $100 Light foxing
PVXA7-E Nishiagina $125 Light foxing #1
PVXA7-E Nishiagina $115 Light foxing #2
PVXA7-E Nishiagina $80 Card spotted/oxidized -- #3
PVXA7-E Ukenkushi $150
PVM2 $70 Clean, Tomiyama han
PVM3 $80 Tomiyama han and foreign mail designation, han above stamp imprint,
RPSS catalogue notes "The Tomiyama seal VS2 normally strikes the
upper part of the imprinted stamp."
PVM3 $75 Tomiyama han and foreign mail designation, han touches stamp imprint,
RPSS catalogue notes "The Tomiyama seal VS2 normally strikes the
upper part of the imprinted stamp."
PVCM1 ~Sold~ Clean, 10s card with Miyako 50.2.14 cds, "8.4 Yen Paid,"
"Via Air Mail" and airmail Kanji handstamps, M. Schoberlin initial
& pencil note on back indicating gift from Jojin Tomiyama
PVCM1 $125 Clean, 10s card with Miyako 50.2.14 cds, "8.4 Yen Paid,"
"Via Air Mail" and airmail Kanji handstamps
Okinawa (Information on "Made Later" Okinawa Provisional Stationery is here.
PV001 $135 Hirata seal and VS7a hanstamp, on single card,
mimeographed postal form on back
PV002 $90 Hirata Seal and VS7a hanstamp, detached message card
PVO02&2A $135 Hirata Seal and VS7a handstamp, detached message & reply cards (2)
PV002-A $90 Hirata Seal and VS7a hanstamp, detached reply card
PVXO2-B ~Sold~ 35s applied to 15y tan msg/reply card, "G-21" note.
Apparently George MacLellan's validation as #21
of 47. MacLellan explanation note (1976) included
Postal Stationery
Cash Remittance Envelopes
RPSS Tach* Price Year Denom Comments
UF1 CR1 ~SOLD~ 1953 2.5y Mint with seals, seldom seen
UF2 CR2 $60 1955 3y Inscription Overprinted
UF2 x5 CR2 $150 1955 3y Inscription Overprinted, x5
UF2 x10 CR2 $200 1955 3y Inscription Overprinted, x10
UF2 o CR2 ~Sold~ 1955 3y Inscription Overprinted, Miebashi 55.9.20
UF3 CR3 $30 1955 3y
UF3-A $75 1955 3y Measurement 3 is -3 mm vrs -5.5 mm, measurement 7 is
88.5 mm vrs 91.4 mm found on UF3 other measurements
vary slightly (now RPSS 3-A)
UF4 CR4 $25 1956 3y
UF4A $35 1956 3y
UF4B $30 1956-7 3y #1
UF4B $30 1956 3y #2
UF5 Var $50 1956 3y Measurement 4 is 8.2 vrs 11 as catalogued
UF5 Var $40 1956 3y Measurement 4 is 7.8 vrs 11 as catalogued
UF6 $45 1958 3y Pink-cream paper, light ultramarine printing
UF7A CR6 $25 1958 3c/3y Revalued by handstamp over 3y
UF7A Error ~Sold~ 1958 3c/3y Revalued by handstamp over 3y, extra "sento" strikes
1 strke inverted, 1 strike normal, 1 strike off the yen character,
1 strike off the yen character and missing the 2 bars
UF7A o Var ~Sold~ 1958 3c/3y Revalued by handstamp over 3y, used Ishikawa 59.3.3,
two partial strikes of "sento"
UF9 $65 1959 3c/3y UF6 revalued with "sento" handstamp #1
UF9 $50 1959 3c/3y UF6 revalued with "sento" handstamp #2
UF9 x5 $100 1959 3c/3y UF6 revalued with "sento," horizontal crease at middle, x5
UF11 CR8 $25 1959 3c
UF15A $20 1962 3c Buff-yellow paper, slate blue printing
UF17 o $15 1964-5 3c Buff-yellow paper, slate blue, Yaeyama 67.8.29
UF17 o $15 1964-5 3c Buff-yellow paper, slate blue, Koza 68.3.12
UF17 o $15 1964-5 3c Buff-yellow paper, slate blue, Yaeyama 68.9.9
UF19 $15 1966 3c Buff-yellow paper, light ultramarine printing
UF20 $20 1966 3 Buff-yellow paper, blue green
UF21 o $18 1967 3c Buff-yellow paper, Yaeyama 68.4.15, minor printing flaw
UF21 o $18 1967 3c " Miyako 68.8.6, minor printing flaw
UF22 o $15 1967 Buff-yellow paper, slate blue, Miyako 68.8.22
UF22 o $15 1967 Buff-yellow paper, slate blue, 68.11.15
UF22 o $15 1967 Buff-yellow paper, slate blue, Nago 68.12.5
UF25 $15 1969-71 3c Buff-yellow paper, dark slate blue
UF25 o $15 1969-71 3c " Yaeyama 71.3.9
UF26 $15 1972 3c Buff-yellow paper, dark violet-ultramarine
UF26 o $18 1972 3c " canceled to order with C29-30 & 44 tied by Naha 14.5.72
*Handbook of Ryukyu Postage Stamps, K. Tachikawa,
1973.1.22, Tokyo, Japan
Postal Stationery
Official Business Envelopes (UOF &UO)
U0F5 $25 1967 - Official Business End Opening Envelope, solid half circles on back
U0F6 $20 1967 - Official Business End Opening Envelope, broken half circles on back
UO7 $25 Official Business End Opening Envelope for international use
UO12 $20 1968-71 Offical Business End Opening Envelope
Postal Stationery
Official Business Cash
Remittance Envelopes (UOF)
Out of Stock
Postal Stationery
Election Cards [Mint unless Stated Otherwise]
(RPSS catalogue numbers first - Scott numbers [UZE] in parenthesis)
VOE1 (UZE1) Ty I $175 Small "ga" in hagaki, election indicium 1 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type I)
VOE1 (UZE1) Ty II $150 Small "ga" in hagaki, election indicium 4 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type II)
VOE2 (UZE2) Counterfeit $150 Large crown, Type IIS election indicium, handstamped in red,
to see the difference between genuine and counterfeit Type IIS,
click here
VOE3/4 (UZE2//4) For information on the various types of UZE2/3/4, click here.
Note: VOE1 & 2 are on the large crown cards. VOE3 & 4 are on small crown cards.
VOE3/4 (UZE2//4) Ty I $65 Large "ga" in hagaki, Type IIS indicium 1 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type I), seldom seen [RPSS VOE3/4-p1.4]
VOE3/4 (UZE2//4) Ty II $35 Medium "ga" in hagaki, Type IIS indicium 3~4 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type II) [RPSS VOE3/4-p1.5]
VOE3/4 (UZE2//4) Ty II $15 Small "ga" in hagaki, Type IIS indicium 3~4 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type II), [RPSS VOE3/4-p1.6]
As above x5 $60 Small "ga" in hagaki, Type IIS indicium 3~4 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type II) x5, [RPSS VOE3/4-p1.6]
As above x10 $100 Small "ga" in hagaki, Type IIS indicium 3~4 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type II) x10, [RPSS VOE3/4-p1.6]
As above x20 $175 Small "ga" in hagaki, Type IIS indicium 3~4 1/2 mm from
"Ryukyus" portion of stamp imprint (Type II) x20, [RPSS VOE3/4-p1.6]
VOE5 (UZE5) $30 Type III
VOE5 x5 $125 Type III, as above, x5
VOE5 x10 $200 Type III, As above, x10
VOE5 VAR (UZE5) $125 Inverted "T" variety, 42 known per G.W. MacLellan
To see the difference between UZE6 (Red) & UZE11 (Brown-Red), click here.
VOE6 (UZE6 - JSCA EC5) ~Sold~ Type IVS, red indicium, original "Kyo" - mint, tropical staining
VOE6-A (UZE6-A - JSCA EC5a)~Sold~ Type IV, red indicium, simplified "Kyo" - used, candidate Maeda
VOE8 (UZE8) ~Sold~ Type VS, turquoise blue indicium - mint with Japanese writing on back
VOE8 (UZE8) ~Sold~ Type VS, turquoise blue indicium - used, candidate Oshiro
VOE9 (UZE9 - JSCA EC8) $195 Type VS, dull brown indicium, on cream card stock, 3,030 produced, scarce,
very small toned area at top right edge
VOE9 (UZE9 - JSCA EC8) $165 Type VS, dull brown indicium, on cream card stock, 3,030 produced, scarce,
.5 cm thinned (bent over) area along top edge at right
VOE10 $35 Type VI, blue green indicium, off-white card, original KYO
VOE10 x5 $125 As above, x5, Type VI, blue green indicium, off-white card, original KYO
VOE10 cto $15 Type VI, blue green indicium, off-white card, original KYO, cto
partial machine cxl (w/ doubling), bottom left corner creased
VOE10-A $25 Blue green indicium, off-white card, simplified KYO
VOE10-A cto $15 Blue green indicium, off-white card, simplified KYO, cto partial machine cxl
VOE11A (2) $165 Red brown indicium, 3,030 produced, "short foot" and "long foot" varieties
VOE11A (UZE11A - JSCA EC10) $90 Red brown indicium, 3,030 produced, "short foot" variety
small stain on front at middle near left edge
VOE11A (UZE11A - JSCA EC10) $80 Red brown indicium, 3,030 produced
"short foot" variety, small 10mm tear
top right edge
VOE11A (UZE11A - JSCA EC10) $95 Red brown indicium, 3,030 produced
"short foot" variety, used by candidate
Shimoji, Junichi, no cancel as norm
VOE11A (UZE11A -JSCA EC10a) $115 Red brown indicium, 3,030 produced
"long foot" variety, JSCA has 50%
permium (30,000y) for this variety
VOE11A (UZE11A -JSCA EC10a) $100 Red brown indicium, 3,030 produced
"long foot" variety, colorless circular
indent at bottom right of indicium, JSCA
has 50% permium (30,000y) for this variety
VOE12 (UZE12) - JSCA EC11) $115 Lilac indicium, 3,030 produced
VOE13 (UZE13) $30 Type VI bold face indicium, KYO - original, unaddressed, mint w/ Chibana message #1
VOE13 (UZE13) $30 Type VI bold face indicium, KYO - original, unaddressed, mint w/ Chibana message #2
VOE13 (UZE13) Var $110 Type VI bold face, KYO - original, mint with Chibana message,
extra thick broken line at top left of indicum
VOE13 (UZE13) cto $30 Type VI bold face, KYO - original, cto with 1962.--.-- machine cancel
VOE13A (UZE13A) $30 Type VI light face, KYO - original, Chibana message
VOE13B (UZE13B) $35 Type VII bold face, KYO - simplified, addressed, w/ Shimoji message
VOE13B (UZE13B) $30 Type VII bold face, KYO - simplified, addressed, w/ Chibana message
VOE13B (UZE13B) $30 Type VII bold face, KYO - simplified, unaddressed, w/ Chibana message
VOE13B (UZE13B) Variety $40 Type VII bold face, KYO - simplified, variety, top
left character dark (very bold)
VOE13C (UZE13C) $35 Type VII light face, KYO - simplified, mint with Chibana message
VOE13C (UZE13C) $30 Type VII light face indicium, KYO - simplified
VOE14 (UZE14 - JSCA EC13) $155 Type VIII lemon indicium, 4,100 produced, scarce
VOE15 (UZE15) $30 Type VIII indicium
VOE15 (UZE15) $20 Type VIII indicium, hinge on back, erasure marks on front
VOE15 (UZE15) $25 Type VIII indicium, unaddressed, Iji message on back
VOE17 & 17A (UZE17 & 17-A) $50 Type VIII & X indicium
VOE17 (UZE17) $30 Type VIII indicium
VOE17-A (UZE17-A) $25 Type X indicium
VOE17-A (UZE17-A) w/msg $35 Type X indicium, mint with message
VOE18 Genuine & Counterfeit
VOE18 Counterfeit $30 Type XIIIH indicium hanstamped in blue on V28-A (off-white) #1
R 255; G 242 and B 219 - off-white - 0.186 mmm / 0.0073 inch thick
VOE18 Counterfeit $30 Type XIIIH indicium hanstamped in blue on V28-A (off-white) #2
R 255: G 240 and B 209 - off-white - 0.180 mmm / 0.0071 inch thick
VOE18 Counterfeit $40 Type XIIIH indicium hanstamped in blue on V28-A (off-white) #3
R 255: G 252 and B 233 - off-white - 0.191 mm / 0.0075 in thick
handstamp up touching toy pony
VOE18 Counterfeit $38 Type XIIIH indicium hanstamped in blue on V28-A (off-white) #4
R 255: G 246 and B 221` - off-white - 0.180 mm / 0.0071 in thick
handstamp canted to the right
VOE18 Counterfeit $38 Type XIIIH indicium hanstamped in blue on V28-A (off-white) #5
R 255: G 245 and B 215` - off-white - 0.180 mm / 0.0071 in thick
handstamp canted to the left
VOE19 (UZE19:1) $10 Type XI indicium, (RPSS type 1)
VOE19 (UZE19:1) CTO $15 Type XI indicium, canceled to order, Naha Kanji 65.11.12
(RPSS type 1)
VOE19 (UZE19:2) $16 Type XI indicium (RPSS type 2)
VOE19 (UZE19:2a) $25 Type XI (RPSS type 2a)
VOE19 (UZE19) Variety $90 Election announcement from Onaga canceled Kushi
65.10.26, - no indicium
VOE22 Genuine & Counterfeit
VOE22 $90 Type XIIIH indicium handstamped in blue on V28 (cream card stock) #1
VOE22 $85 Type XIIIH indicium handstamped in blue on V28 (cream card stock) #2
VOE22 $75 Type XIIIH indicium handstamped in blue on V28 (cream card stock)
light diagnol creases #3
VOE23 (UZE23) $15 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, mint, no message
VOE23 (UZE23) mint w/msg $20 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, candidate Noka *
VOE23 (UZE23) mint w/msg $20 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, candidate Nishime msg #3 *
VOE23 (UZE23) mint w/msg $20 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, candidate Nishime msg #4 *
VOE23 (UZE23) o $18 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, candidate Nishime msg #6 * #1
VOE23 (UZE23) o $18 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, candidate Nishime msg #6 * #2
VOE23 (UZE23) o $20 Type XIV indicium, Chief Executive election, candidate Yara msg #1
*Messages for VOE23 are identified in From the Dragons Den, Volume 21, No. 1, Feb 1989, at pages 13-19.
VOE23 Supplementar Mat $30 Official flyer regarding the First Chief Executive
Election, large sheet with several folds and inserts,
stampless wrapper with no return to sender handstamp ,
See RPSS Handbook, Part II -Faswicile- 3rd Ed, 2015, at page 399
VOE23 Wrapper $15 Stampless wrapper only for mailing election flyer
VOE24 (UZE24) $20 Type XV indicium, Eighth General Election
VOE24 (UZE24) o $20 Type XV indicium, Eighth General Election, candidate Onaga, cds cancel
VOE24 (UZE24) o $20 Type XV indicium, Eighth General Election, candidate Onaga, machine cancel
VOE24 (UZE24) o $18 Type XV indicium, Eighth General Election, candidate Senaga
VOE26-A (UZE26A) $165 Type XVIa, mint, message box measures 20.5 mm
VOE26-A (UZE26A) $75 Type XVIa, mint, message box measures 21 mm, Shimozato message
VOE26-A (UZE26A) $55 Type XVIa, mint with punch hole at top, message box measures 20.5 mm
VOE26-A (UZE26A) o $24 Type XVIa, Kyan Shinei message
VOE26-A (UZE26A) o $20 Type XVIa, Nishime message
VOE26-A (UZE26A) o $25 Type XVIa, Shimozato message
VOE26-A (UZE26A) o $25 Type XVIa, Yamakawa, message 2, #1
VOE26-A (UZE26A) o $20 Type XVIa, Yamakawa, message 2, #2
VOE26 Supplementary Mat $35 Supplementary Election Material in Election Envelope,
with contents, 1st Diet Gen Election, contents never
unfolded. See RPSS Handbook, Part II -Faswicile- 3rd Ed,
2015, at page 415
VOE27 & VOE27-A (x3) ~Sold~ Four different sizes of the XVID and XVIDa indicia
VOE27A o $20 Type XVIa1 (RPSS XVIDa1 - 20.5 mm text box, no imprinted black square,
Naha PO circle elongated (21 mm), card measures 94 x 140 mm
VOE27A o $22 Type XVIa1 (RPSS XVIDa2 - 21+ mm text box, no imprinted black square,
Naha PO circlie normal (20.5 mm), card measures 94 x 140 mm
VOE28 (UZE28) o $125 Type XVII on white card, Miyara message
VOE29 (UZE29) o $250 Type XVII on white card, identified by Shimamoto message
VOE28/29 Election Flyer $35 Supplementary Election, material, flyer only
See RPSS Handbook, Part II -Faswicile- 3rd Ed,
2015, at page 419
VOE28/29 Wrapper ~Sold~ Stampless wrapper only for mailing election flyer,
slightly different from wrapper on above
VOE30 (UZE30) $225 Type XIII on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, Asato message, seldom seen, #1
election indicium 16mm below card indicium
VOE30 (UZE30) $225 Type XIII on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, Asato message, seldom seen, #2
election indicium 16mm below card indicium
VOE30 (UZE30) Variety $250 Type XIII on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, Asato message, seldom seen, #3
election indicium 26mm below card indicium, variety - election
indicium much lower than normal (normal is 4-16mm), exact card
shown in RPSS catalogue
VOE30A (UZE30A) $275 Type XIIIa on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, Asato message, seldom seen,
election indicium 8mm below card indicium
VOE32 (UZE32) $30 Type XVIII on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, mint with Sakima message
VOE32 (UZE32) $20 Type XVIII on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, Sakima
VOE32 (UZE32) x5 $70 Type XVIII on 1 1/2c toy pony PC, as above x5
VOE33 (UZE33) $10 Type XVIII on 100x148mm card, Inamine
VOE33 (UZE33) Variety ~Sold~ Type XVIII on 100x148mm card, Inamine, indicium
shifted down, normal card included
VOE33 (UZE33) x3 $55 Type XVIII on 100x148mm card, small, medium & long indicia,
Inamine, Unit #1
VOE33 (UZE33) x3 $55 Type XVIII on 100x148mm card, small, medium & long indicia,
Inamine, Unit #2
VOE33A(UZE33A) $25 Type XVIII on 104x150mm card
VOE33A(UZE33A) Var ~Sold~ Type XVIII on 104x150mm card, minor variety, partial second
election indicium (top frame line and the 6 vertical lines)
VPE33A(UZE33A) 3 types $75 Types XVIID-1, 2 & 3 (RPSS)
Post Reversion ~Sold~ Reversion to Japan was May 15, 1972. The card has the election
business indicium and a Naha 47(1972).5.31 circle date
Postal Stationery
Official Business Postal Cards
(RPSS Catalogue Numbers*)
VO3j (VOE2/3/4) $125 VOE2/3/4 with mimeographed form, no Tsushin Jimu
type II basic card with small "ga"
Note: VO5 & VO6 are election cards converted to official business use for training postal clerks.
They have no message on the back but VO5 is often found with a handstamped number on the back.
While addresses may be in typed or handwritten form, they are actually mimeographed onto the card.
The new RPSS catalogue* has revised the numbering system and is reflected below.
VO6 (VOE5) $18 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Sashiki cxl,
handwritten in Japanese address (stencil applied), "6" or "9" on back
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Sashiki cxl,
handwritten in Japanese address (stencil applied), "15" on back
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Sashiki cxl,
typed (stencil applied) address in English,
number "20" on back
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Sashiki cxl,
handwritten in Japanese address (stencil applied), "23" on back
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Sashiki cxl,
handwritten in Japanese address (stencil applied), "28" on back
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Sashiki cxl, typed
(stencil applied) address, in English, dividing line,
number "20" on back
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Gushikawa cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied), "13" on back
VO6 (VOE5) x7 $75 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Gushikawa cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied), x7 -
each with different number on back (5,7,10,13,15,18,28)
VO6 (VOE5) x13 $115 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Gushikawa cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied), x13 - each
with different number on back (5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,18,23,24,25,28)
VO6 (VOE5) $15 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Gushikawa cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied), airmail label
VO6 (VOE5) $25 VOE5 for training use, 55.11.25 Gushikawa cxl, handwritten
address in Japanese (stencil applied), airmail label with weird bottom line
VO8 (VOE10) $30 VOE10 (original KYO) for training use, 56.1.3 Naha cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied),
rose red unframed Tsushin Jimu
VO8a (VOE10) $15 VOE10 (original KYO) for training use, 56.1.12 Naha cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied), no Tsushin Jimu
VO8-A (VOE10-A) $25 VOE10-A (simplified KYO), for training use, 56.1.3 Naha cxl,
handwritten address in Japanese (stencil applied),
with rose red unframed Tsushin Jimu
VO8-Aa (VOE10-A) $15 VOE10-A (simplified KYO), for training use, 56.1.12 Naha cxl,
typed address in English (stencil applied), stain spot, no Tsushin Jimu
VO8-Aa (VOE10-A) $15 VOE10-A (simplified KYO),for training use, 56.1.12 Naha cxl,
handwritten address in English (stencil applied), airmail label,
stain spot, no Tsushin Jimu
VO9-Aa $15 Yellowish green indicia with wavy lines & red unframed Tsushin Jimu
VO9-Aa $15 Yellowish green indicia with wavy lines & red framed Tsushin Jimu
VO11 o $25 88 x 139 mm, notification of additional pension payment,
stains along left edge, 63.2.1 cds
VO12 o $55 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 58.11.11 earliest
use confirmed in RPSS catalogue
VO12 o $45 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 59.10.6
VO12 o $40 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 61.1.5
VO12 o $45 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 61.3.1
VO12 o $45 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 61.3.29
VO12 o $45 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 62.1.26, second
indistinct cancel 6-(1).7.10
VO16-A $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in vermilion
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.9.20
VO16-A $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in vermilion
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.9.29
VO16-A $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in vermilion
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 61.5.24
VO16-B $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in rose-pink
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.8.16
VO16-B $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in rose-pink
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.8.30
VO16-B $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in rose-pink
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.9.3
VO16-B $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in rose-pink
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.9.19
VO16-B $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in rose-pink
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.11.1
VO16-B $65 VOE13-C (dark blue 2y election card) with unframed Tsushi Jimu in rose-pink
over stamp and election indicium obliterated by wide rose-pink vertical bar,
post master inquiry regarding name on paid money order, dated 60.12.17
VO17 $55 89 x 139 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section
form completed on back, fiscal cds 61.10.6
VO17-A $45 89 x 139 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section
form completed on back, fiscal cds 61.11.16
VO17-A $45 89 x 139 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section
form completed on back, fiscal cds 61.12.19
VO17-A $45 89 x 139 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section
form completed on back, fiscal cds 61.12.27
VO17-A $45 89 x 139 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section
form completed on back, fiscal cds 62.3.19
VO18 o $45 24 mm wavy lines, with unframed red Tsushin Jimu, 2y green, Public Works Department,
Postal Savings Section, form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 61.8.14,
VO18 o $40 26 mm wavy lines, with unframed red Tsushin Jimu, 2y green, Public Works Department,
Postal Savings Section, form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 61.10.13
VO18-A $13 28 mm wavy lines, rose red Tsushin Jimu, 2y yellow-green
VO18-Aa $13 23 mm wavy lines, rose red Tsushin Jimu, 2 yen yellow green
VO18-Ab $15 26 mm wavy lines, no Tsushin Jimu, 2 yen yellow green
VO18-Ab $20 20 mm wavy lines, no Tsushin Jimu, Variety, 2 yen yellow green
VO18-Ab $20 19 mm wavy lines, no Tsushin Jimu, Variety, 2 yen yellow green
VO18-Ab $25 17 mm wavy lines, no Tsushin Jimu, Variety, 2 yen yellow green
VO19 o $50 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
Pensions, form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 61.10.13
VO19 o $50 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
Pensions, form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 62.1.23
VO19 o $45 88 x 140 mm, Public Works Department, Postal Savings Section,
Pensions, form completed on back, fiscal cds dated 63.3.5
VO22-A o $25 91.55 x 142.5 mm, 2nd printing, notification of annuity payment based
on pension certificate (form 6), fiscal cds dated 64.6.12
VO22-A o $25 as above, fiscal cds dated 64.6.15
VO22-A o $25 as above, fiscal cds dated 64.7.7
VO22-A o $20 as above but no fiscal cds, manuscript 39 (1964)7.11
VO22-A o $30 as above, fiscal cds dated 64.7.17
VO22-A o $25 as above, fiscal cds dated 64.9.29
VO23-B $15 90 x 141 mm, "197_" on back
VO25 $25 90 x 140 mm, top character of "Tsushin Jimu" (vertical imprint on card)
measures 23 mm down from top edge of the card
VO25-B $30 90 x 139+ mm, top character of "Tsushin Jimu" (vertical imprint on card)
measures 30 mm down from top edge of the card
VO25-B Var $35 90 x 139+ mm, top character of "Tsushin Jimu" (vertical imprint on card)
measures 30 mm down from top edge of the card, minor variety with
slight doubling of TJ imprint
VO26 $25 91 x 140 mm, 1st printing?
VO26 o $25 90+ x 139 mm, used, Koza 71.9.8, 2nd printing? #1
VO26 o $25 90+ x 139 mm, used, Koza 71.9.8, 2nd printing? #2
VO28 w form $35 90 x 128 mm, double card, with form , form no. 371
VO34 o $25 91 x 139 mm, used, Koza 71.9.8
VO36 $15 100 x 147 mm
VO38 $15 100 x 147 mm
* New RPSS Catalogue.
Melvin H. Schoberlin, Arthur L-F. Askins & Jon B. Kawaguchi
With Information Provided by Ron Brawner and Robert Kamiyama:
Handbook and Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu
Ch'iu) Islands (Issued Under United States Administrations), Part II, Postal
Stationery of the Central Governments ---Fascicle 2 --- Official Business Postal
Cards, Official Business Air Post Postal Cards, and Paid Reply Cards, 1948 - 1972,
Third Edition., The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD, Alemeda, CA, 2015,
stiff illustrated wraps, spiral bound, large 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 in), 339 pages. Also on
CD. This catalogue may be available for order at the Society web page, above.
Commemorative / Scenic Cancels
On Cards Unless Noted Otherwise
On-line References:
 CC-2, Visiting Delegation From Hawaii |
Commemorative Cancels* |
Date |
Comments |
Price |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with 5, 6, 7x2, 8//12 ++, tied by CC-1 (x4) (some stamps not canceled) dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). |
$65.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C1 and C2 & E1 tied by CC-1 (2 strikes) dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #1 |
$100.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C1 and C2 & E1 tied by CC-1 (2 strikes) dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #2 |
$100.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C1 and C2 tied by CC-1 dated 1950.3.5. Cover toned. The cover also has a large private circular in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #1 |
$40.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C1 and C2 tied by CC-1 dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #2 |
$45.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C1 and C2 tied by CC-1 dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #3 |
$48.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C1 and C2 tied by CC-1 dated 1950.3.5. Cover toned. The cover also has a large private circular in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #4 |
$38.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with C3 and 11 tied by CC-1 dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). |
$46.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with 7, 10-13 & E1 tied by CC-1 (3 strikes) dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #1 |
~Sold~ |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with 7, 10-13 & E1 tied by CC-1 (3 strikes) dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). #2 |
$85.00 |
 |
CC-1 & Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.3.5 |
Unaddressed cover with 7, 10-13 tied by CC-1 (3 strikes) dated 1950.3.5. The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. March 5, 1950 was the day of the ceremony formally opening the Nakagusuku park (Nakagusuku-jo). |
$40.00 |
 |
Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.5.26 |
Unaddressed cover with 8-13 and E1 tied by Naha 26.5.50 cds (4 strikes). The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. The 2y stamp has the bottom left corner folded up. Circular date cancel (RPSS L1-C - see FTTD 9:3, Oct, 1977) in use for ca 6 months only in 1950. #1 |
$115.00 |
 |
Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.5.26 |
Unaddressed cover with 8-13 and E1 tied by Naha 26.5.50 cds (4 strikes). The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. Circular date cancel (RPSS L1-C - see FTTD 9:3, Oct, 1977) in use for ca 6 months only in 1950. #2 |
$115.00 |
 |
Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.5.26 |
Unaddressed cover with 8-13 and E1 tied by Naha 26.5.50 cds (4 strikes). The cover also has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. Circular date cancel (RPSS L1-C - see FTTD 9:3, Oct, 1977) in use for ca 6 months only in 1950. #3 |
$115.00 |
 |
Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.1.20 |
A large private circular cachet in red for "Nakagusiku Castle Park - 1950" (S. Oyama) on evelope addressed in pencil to USA. Franked with 8x2, 9-11, 12x2, 13, 16A & E1 slit open at top |
$250.00 |
 |
Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
Undated ca 50.3.5 |
A large private circular cachet in red for "Nakagusiku Castle Park - 1950" (S. Oyama) on cut piece (cut from legal size envelope). |
$20.00 |
 |
CC-2 & SC-6 |
50.3.31 |
Okinawa - Visiting Delegation From Hawaii in violet, 195(0).3.31, (CC-2) applied (canceled to order) to 50 sen postal card. Also SC-6 (Kin) in purple. Seldom seen use of both cancels on one card. |
~Sold~ |
CC-2 & SC-5 |
50.3.31 |
Okinawa - Visiting Delegation From Hawaii in violet, 1950.3.31, applied (canceled to order) to 50 sen postal card. An SC-5 (Futenma Shrine) in purple cancels the 50 sen imprint. |
~Sold~ Net |
 |
Nakagusuku Park Cachet |
50.6.30 |
A large private circular cachet in red for "Nakagusiku Castle Park - 1950" (S. Oyama) on cover addressed to Hawaii from Office of the Philatelic Advisor. Franked with 6a x2 & 10 (3y) tied by Naha 20.6.50 cancels, backflap open and tear to area on back. |
~Sold~ |
 |
CC-3 |
50.8.1-5 |
Yaeyama - Rehabilitation Exhibition, applied (canceled to order) to 5 sen stamp (1a) on piece. Very hard to find commemorative cancel. |
~Sold~ Net |
 |
Private CH & CC-4 Type A |
1951(.2.1) |
Private cachet (handstamp) occasionally found on Scott 14 (Opening of Ryukyu University) first day covers. This is a strike of the cachet on an unaddressed FDC with 14 tied by CC-4 (Type A). |
$30.00 |
CC-4 Type A |
51.2.12 |
Ryukyu University on unaddressed FDC of 14. |
$45.00 |
 |
CC-4 Type B |
51.2.12 |
Ryukyu University on addressed FDC of 14, Oyama cachet, toned envelope. |
$25.00 |
 |
CC-5 Miyako |
51.2.18~19 |
Arbor Week, cto on UX3 (light tan). |
$20.00 |
 |
CC-5 Miyako |
51.2.18~19 |
Arbor Week, cto on UX3 (light tan) & UX3a (gray tan). |
$45.00 |
 |
CC-6 Naha |
52.4.1 |
Establishment of GRI cto on 18 (FD) on UX5. |
$35.00 |
 |
CC-6 Naha |
52.4.1 |
Establishment of GRI cto on UX5, CH3a on reverse. |
$18.00 |
CC-6 Miyako |
52.4.1 |
Establishment of GRI. Miyako (blue) commemorative cancel ties 18 (FD) to unaddressed cover. |
$40.00 |
 |
CC-6 Miyako |
52.4.1 |
Establishment of GRI. Miyako (blue) commemorative cancel ties 18 (FD) to uncancelled UX5(V13R). |
$22.00 |
 |
CC-6 Naze |
52.4.1 |
Establishment of GRI on 18 (FD). Unaddresed cover with seldom seen Naze (blue) commemorative cancel. |
$38.00 |
 |
CC-6 Miyako Naze Yaeyama |
52.4.1 |
Establishment of GRI on 18 (FDC) - x3. Three matching canceled to order first day covers. Miyako - blue CC6, Naze - blue CC6 and Yaeyama - orange red CC6. The Yaeyama cover has a horizontal crease as if it had been folded. |
$120.00 |
 |
CC-7 |
52.4.18 |
Dedication of Ernie Pyle Monument on Ie Shima. Comm cxl ties 18x2 to unaddressed cover. |
$35.00 |
 |
CC-7 |
52.4.18 |
Dedication of Ernie Pyle Monument on Ie Shima. Comm cxl ties 18 to unaddressed cover. |
$35.00 |
 |
Amami |
53.12.25 |
Japanese commemorative cancel (Naze PO) on postal card for reversion of Amami Gunto to Japan. See M. Sera Handbook at page 24. |
$20.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.24~6 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. All three days of use 1.24, 1.25, 1.26 - one cto on cover and two cto on PCs. |
$22.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.25 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Second day of use with 19-21 (6y) tied by Naha 25.1.53 cds and CC-8. Addressed to Tennessee. |
$12.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.25 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Second day of use cto on 19 & 20 (3y). |
$10.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.25 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Second day of use cto on 8 covers (19-26 - complet set). |
$60.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.25 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Second day of use cto (x2) on 19 & 20 (3y). |
$9.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.26 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Third day of use with B/4 of 9, cto, unaddressed. |
$12.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.26 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Third day of use with 15, cto, unaddressed. |
$14.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.26 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Third (last) day of use cto on 19 & 20 (3y). |
$8.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.26 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Third (last) day of use (x2) cto on 19 & 20 (3y). |
$9.00 |
 |
CC-8 |
53.1.26 |
Dedication of new Communications Department Building. Third (last) day of use (x2 cxls) cto on strip/3 of 20 (6y). |
$10.00 |
 |
CC-9 Makishi |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Makishi use cto on 21 (3y). |
$9.00 |
 |
CC-9 Miyako |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Miyako use cto on 21 (3y). |
$9.00 |
 |
CC-9 Miyako |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Miyako use (x2) cto on 10, 19 & 21 (6y). |
$12.00 |
 |
CC-9 Naha |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Naha use cto on UX6, large "ga". |
$8.00 |
 |
CC-9 Naha |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Naha use cto on 21 (3y). |
$9.00 |
 |
CC-9 Yaeyama |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Yaeyama use cto on 21 (3y). |
$9.00 |
 |
CC-9 Yaeyama |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system. Yaeyama use on cover with address label to US. Franked with 9 & E1 (6y). |
$35.00 |
 |
CC-9 Type |
53.2.2 |
Postal Money Order system (Japan). Sapporo, matching Japanese commemorative cancel, cto on 5y postal card, 28(1953).2.2. |
$15.00 |
 |
CC-10 Naha |
53.4.28 |
Dedication of new GRI Executive Building CTO on UX6a (coarse tan). Only used at Naha CPO. No corresponding postage stamp. |
$30.00 |
 |
CC-10 Naha |
53.4.28 |
Dedication of new GRI Executive Building CTO on UX6 (off-white). Only used at Naha CPO. No corresponding postage stamp. |
$28.00 |
 |
CC-11 |
53.5.26 |
Centennial of Perry Visit to Okinawa on FDC of Sc 27-8. With official cachets CH6a and CH6b. |
~Sold~ |
 |
CC-28(x5) |
60.7.1 |
Postal Savings, all 5 Post Offices where used. |
$14.00 |
 |
CC-28(x7) |
60.7.1~7 |
Postal Savings, all 7 days of use on 1 1/2c post cards. First day Nago PO, all other days Naha. |
$16.00 |
CC-29(x3) |
60.9.1 |
All three PO, Naha, Nago and Koza |
$10.00 |
 |
Nago-Private CC |
1956.9.20~3 |
Private Nago Stamp Club Cachet on UX8 (green). RPSS "Private/Commercial Commemorative Cancel," see FTDD 30:1, April 2010 at p 27. RPSS PPC1. |
$10.00 |
 |
Nago-Private CC |
1956.9.20~3 |
Private Nago Stamp Club cancel on UX8a (blue green variety). RPSS "Private/Commercial Commemorative Cancel," see FTDD 30:1, April 2010 at p 27. RPSS PPC1. |
$12.00 |
 |
Nago-Private CC |
1956.9.20~3 |
Private Nago Stamp Club canecel on UX8a (blue green variety), with Nago 56.9.22 domestic cds. RPSS "Private/Commercial Commemorative Cancel," see FTDD 30:1, April 2010 at p 27. RPSS PPC1. |
$18.00 |
 |
Nago-Private CC |
1956.9.20~3 |
Private Nago Stamp Club cancel on UX8 (green) and UX8a (blue green variety). RPSS "Private/Commercial Commemorative Cancel," see FTDD 30:1, April 2010 at p 27. RPSS PPC1. |
$18.00 |
 |
Private CCs 4 Different |
1957~60 |
Four different private commemorative cancels CTO on postal stationery. RIPEX 1957, 1958 & 1960 and Anniversay KSAR-TV (Ryukyu Broadcasting Company) 1960. |
$40.00 |
 |
Unissued |
61.10.30 |
Commemorative Cancel for Unissued Stamp. This cancel was prepared for use in conjunction with the unissued stamp to commemorate the merger of Shimoji-cho with Hirara-shi. The merger was never completed and the stamp was not issued. |
~Sold~ |
 |
 SC-7 Miwa, War Monuments |
Scenic Cancels* |
Date |
Comments |
Price |
SC-4 |
59.7.23 |
Nakagusuku Castle with date of 1959.7.23 cto on UX14. |
$14.00 |
 |
SC-4 |
59.12.1 |
Nakagusuku Castle with date of 1959.12.1 cto on UX12c. |
$14.00 |
 |
SC-4 |
59.12.1 |
Nakagusuku Castle with date of 1959.12.1 cto on UX14. |
$12.00 |
 |
SC-4 |
60.9.20 |
Nakagusuku Castle (x2) with date of 1960.9.20 cto on cover with block of 6 of 58. Extra strike of CC with date of 1950.3.5 (First Day). It appears the stamp tied by this cancel has been removed. |
$12.00 |
 |
SC-4 |
60.3.15 |
Nakagusuku Castle with date of 1960.3.15 cto on 1 1/2 card. Year written in. |
$18.00 |
 |
SC-4 |
60.4.2 |
Nakagusuku Castle with date of 1960.4.2 cto on 1 1/2c card. Year written in |
$18.00 |
 |
SC-8 |
60.4.2 195-.-.- |
Nakagusuku Castle (SC-4) with date of 1960.4.2 cto on 1 1/2c card. Nago Waterfall (SC-8), 195-.-.- cto on 1 1/2c card. |
$22.00 |
 |
SC-5 |
50.10.10 |
Futenma Shrine Cancel purple dated 1950.10.10 on 50s message/reply card postal card (UY3), early use. |
~Sold~ |
 |
SC-5 |
50.10.13 |
Futenma Shrine Cancel purple dated 1950.10.13 on 50s postal card (UX3), early use. |
~Sold~ |
 |
SC-5 |
58.7.12 |
Futenma Shrine (rose red) 1958.7.12 (written over 195-.-.-), cto on cover with 4y stamp. |
$12.00 |
 |
SC-5 |
5-.12.31 |
Futenma Shrine Cancel (x4) cto in rose red - each on cut piece. |
$35.00 |
 |
SC-5 |
60.2.9 |
Futenma Shrine (rose red) 1960.2.9 (written over 1950.2.9) cto on 1 1/2 card. |
$18.00 |
 |
SC-5 |
60.3.31 |
Futenma Shrine (rose red) 1960.3.31 (written over 1950.-.-) cto on 1 1/2 card. |
$15.00 |
 |
SC-5 |
60.3.31 & 64.6.17 |
Futenma Shrine (rose red) 1960.3.31 (written over 1950.-.-) cto and 1964.6.17 (purple) both on on 1 1/2 cards. |
$18.00 |
 |
SC-5 |
64.6.17 |
Futenma Shrine (purple) 1964.6.17 (date is actually in the cancel - not written in) cto on 1 1/2 card. |
$18.00 |
 |
SC-6 |
50.3.31 |
Okinawa - Kin (roof of Kannon Temple) in purple, 1950.3.31, canceled to order on 50s postal card. Scare/rarely seen Ryukyu scenic cancel. |
~Sold~ |
 |
SC-6 |
50.3.31 |
Okinawa - Kin (roof of Kannon Temple) in purple, 1950.3.31, canceled to order on 50s postal card (severed reply card). Scare/rarely seen Ryukyu scenic cancel. |
~Sold~ Net |
 |
SC-7 |
50.3.28 |
Okinawa - Miwa (war monuments) in purple, 1950.3.28 (first day of use) canceled to order on UY3bm (50s, light tan, message card). Crease at upper right corner. Scare/rarely seen Ryukyu scenic cancel. |
~Sold~ |
SC-7 |
50.10.9 |
Okinawa - Miwa (war monuments) in purple, 1950.10.9 on 50s postal card. Heavy creasing to card. Scare/rarely seen Ryukyu scenic cancel. |
~Sold~ Net |
 |
SC-7 |
50.10.17 |
Okinawa - Miwa (war monuments) in purple, 1950.10.17 on 50s postal card. Clean damage free card. Scare/rarely seen Ryukyu scenic cancel. |
~Sold~ Net |
 |
SC-7 |
50.3.29 |
Okinawa - Miwa (war monuments) in purple, 1950.3.28, canceled to order on UY3bm (50s, light tan, message card). Light crease in upper right corner. Scare/rarely seen Ryukyu scenic cancel. |
~Sold~ |
 |
SC-8 |
59.6.29 |
Nago/waterfall (Black) 195-.-.- cto on unaddressed 4y cover with Nago 58.6.29 cancels. |
$65.00 |
 |
SC-8 |
5?.-.- |
Nago/waterfall (Black) 195-.-.- cto on 1 1/2c card . |
$45.00 |
 |
SC-9 Type A |
1952.4.18 |
PC with SC-9 (41 mm), cto on V13R. First day for SC-9 |
$15.00 |
 |
SC-9 Type B |
195-.4.3? |
PC with SC-9 (44mm), cto on 1 1/2c card. |
$20.00 |
 |
RPSS SC-16 to 22 |
1964 |
All Scenic cancels (7) placed in use in 1964.10.5. CTO on 1 1/2c card. Each cancel is the first day of use. Cards have written and pictorial cachet at bottom (matched set). |
$20.00 |
 |
* The CC, SC and CH numbers refer to Sera Handbook numbers through 1960. After that they refer to RPSS numbers. |
Official Cachets & Private Cachets
 CH-3b, Establishment of GRI (Hands Holding Torch) |
Official Cachets |
Date |
Comments |
Price |
CH-1 |
51.4.1 |
Cachet dated 51.4.1 (always this date). Only official cachet issued without a corresponding stamp. Cancel on unaddressed/unfranked commemorative envelope signed by "Shuhei Higa, Chief Executive, Prov. Cent. Gov't, The Ryukyu Islands." - No. 1 |
~Sold~ |
 |
CH-1 |
51.4.1 |
Cachet dated 51.4.1 (always this date). Only official cachet issued without a corresponding stamp. Cancel on unaddressed/unfranked commemorative envelope signed by "Shuhei Higa, Chief Executive, Prov. Cent. Gov't, The Ryukyu Islands." - No. 2 |
$50.00 |
 |
CH-1 |
52.5.17 APO |
Cachet dated 51.4.1 (always this date). Cancel on addressed and franked (US postage) envelope with APO 168 (European APO), May 17, 1952 cancel from Leonard H. Thoman to Mrs. H.L. Thoman, New Orleans, La |
$25.00 |
 |
CH-1 |
51.4.11 |
Cachet dated 51.4.1 (always this date). Only official cachet issued without a corresponding stamp. Unaddressed and franked with Sc 11 tied by Naha 51.4.11 cxl |
~Sold~ |
 |
CH-1 |
51.4.1 |
Cachet dated 51.4.1 (always this date). Only official cachet issued without a corresponding stamp. Cachet on uncanceled UX4b. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Private CH |
1951(.2.1) |
Private cachet (handstamp) occasionally found on Scott 14 (Opening of Ryukyu University) first day covers. This is a strike of the cachet on an unaddressed FDC with 14 tied by CC-4 (Type A). |
$30.00 |
Private CH |
1951(.2.1) |
Private cachet (handstamp) occasionally found on Scott 14 (Opening of Ryukyu University) first day covers. This is a strike of the cachet on a blank envelope. |
$20.00 |
 |
CH-3b |
52.4.1 |
CH-3b (hands holding torch) on medium size unaddressed FDC of 18. This CH is seldom seen |
~Sold~ |
 |
CH-19 |
1957.12.1 |
CH-19 on UX11 FD, two varieties (normal included) |
$25.00 |
 |
CH-22 |
1956.1.25-2.29 |
CH-22 ties 19 on unaddressed cover. |
$20.00 |
 |
CH-22 |
1956.1.25-2.29 |
CH-22 cto on UX9, first printing. Upper left corner creae. |
$25.00 |
 |
NWA-Private CH |
1958.3.17 |
Private Cachet commemorating 10th Anniversay of 1st NWA flight from Naha on UC2 (1st Printing), unaddressed, Seigi Oyama return address in pencil on back. |
$25.00 |
 |
NWA-Private CH |
1958.3.17 |
Private Cachet commemorating 10th Anniversay of 1st NWA flight from Naha, 15y (C9) franking, unaddressed. |
$10.00 |
 |
NWA-Private CH |
1958.3.17 |
Private Cachet commemorating 10th Anniversay of 1st NWA flight from Naha, 35y (C11) franking, unaddressed. |
$12.00 |
 |
USS Okinawa 3 Covers |
1962-72 |
USS Okinawa (with ship cachet) on three different dates, 1962, 1965 and 1972. |
$15.00 |
 |
USS Okinawa 2 PCs |
1965 |
USS Okinawa (with ship cachet) on two Ryukyu post cards with US stamps canceled Nov 15, 1965.. |
$10.00 |
 |
* The CC, SC and CH numbers refer to Sera Handbook numbers through 1960. After that they refer to RPSS numbers. |
Yomitan Error Cancel
Yomitan "Rykyu" Error cxl on 2c PC - "u" missing in Ryukyu 72.2.21 #1 - $30
Yomitan "Rykyu" Error cxl on 2c PC - "u" missing in Ryukyu 72.2.21 #2 - $25
Ryukyu Covers & Postal Cards
(Most Commercial Mail)
Cancel Date |
Postage Scott # |
Comments |
Price |
Naha FP1 Okinawa |
c1945 |
- |
Naha FP1, apparently canceled to order on American Red Cross envelope, with return address (APO 710) and address (Nagoya, Japan) but no postal markings or annotations other than FP1 |
~Sold~ |
 |
APO 902 Okinawa |
45.6.16 |
6c |
Letter size cover to US with June 16, 1945 APO 902 machine cancel. Sera records APO 902 on Okinawa from June 14, 1945 to September 1945 when it moved to Itazuke, Japan. Early use of an APO that was only on Okinawa for approximately 3 months. |
$35.00 |
 |
APO 235 Okinawa |
45.7.2 |
6c |
Letter size cover to US with July 29, 1945 APO cancel. The APO (235) is in the return address. Sera records APO 235 on Okinawa from April 5, 1945 until it was moved on October 1, 1945. |
$25.00 |
 |
APO 903 Okinawa |
45.7.29 |
6c |
Letter size cover to US with July 29, 1945 APO 903 cancel. Sera records APO 903 on Okinawa from July 3, 1945 until it was closed out on Jan 20, 1947. Censor tape and handstamp. |
$25.00 |
 |
APO 438 Okinawa |
45.9.6 |
6c |
Letter size War Department cover to APO 438 (Okinawa) with Sep 6, 1945 cancel. Sera records APO 1053 on Okinawa from June 1, 1945 to September 30, 1945 when it moved to Ie Shima (Okinawa) and was closed out on April 19, 1946. There is an BPO 21 backstamp dated Sept 7, 1945. Sera shows APO 438 on Okinawa from Aug 1945 to May 1946 when it closed out. |
$26.00 |
 |
APO 1053 Okinawa |
45.8.11 |
6c |
Letter size cover to US with Aug, 1945 APO hand cancel. APO 438 in return address. Sera records APO 438 on Okinawa from Aug, 1945 to May, 1946 when it closed out. Relatively clean cover. |
$22.00 |
 |
APO 180 Okinawa |
45.9.15 |
Free |
Letter size cover. Canceled by APO 180 machine cancel dated Sep 15, 1945. Sera only states last use as September 1945. Return address is APO 902. Sera lists this APO on Okinawa from August 1, 1945 until May 15, 1946. This return address validates Okinawa use. Free franking on American Red Cross envelope. |
$30.00 |
 |
FPO 3256 Okinawa |
45.9.16 |
6c |
Letter size cover. Navy 3256 in return address but not in cancel. Cancel reads "U.S. Navy". Soiling and stains. Naval censor handstamp. American Red Cross envelope |
$22.00 |
 |
FPO 3256 Okinawa |
45.10.13 |
6c |
Letter size cover. FPO in return address but not in cancel. Cancel reads "U.S. Navy", USNB Buckner Bay. Large ink stain on front. Rough condition with tears on back. |
$22.00 |
 |
APO 180 Okinawa |
45.11.28 |
6c |
Letter size cover to US with Nov 28, 1945 APO 180 hand cancel. Sera records APO 180 on Okinawa from Aug, 1945 to May, 1946 when it closed out. Opened roughly at top. |
$22.00 |
 |
21 BPO Okinawa |
47.12.31 |
"Free" |
Letter size cover to US with December 31, 1947 BPO 21 cancel. Designated "Free." Typed annotation reads "**Last Day** Armed Services Member Free Mail Privilage** Souvenir Cover** 31 December 1947**." Return address is APO 331. US Christmas Seal on backflap |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
48.4.1 |
16y Stampless |
"16 yen paid - 1 Apr 48" manuscript notations, Nago Fee Paid handstamp & Par Avion handstamp, small size cover to Tennessee. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
48.4.10 |
30s Stampless |
"30s Paid" with partial Naha postage paid cancel, medium size cover on crude paper. Contents present. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
48.6.8 |
16y Stampless |
"16y Paid" with typed "International Air Mail" and handstamped "Par Avion" designations and Naha 8.6.48 date stamp on cover to Stafford, AZ. Envelope was slit open at the top and is in F+ condition with wrinking and small edge tears and a larger tear at the bottom right corner. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
48.6.30 |
13y Stampless |
"13y Paid" with Yonagusuku (O-100) postage paid cancel, small size cover to Honolulu, Hawaii. Marked with a Par Avion handstamp. No backstamp. |
~Sold~ |
Ryukyu |
48.9.28 |
13y Stampless |
"13y Paid" with Tomigusuku (O-91) postage paid cancel, small size cover to Hawaii. Marked with a Par Avion handstamp. No backstamp. Opened at right. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
49.2.25 |
16y Stampless |
"16y Paid" with Naha 25.2.49 cancel, small size cover to Los Angeles. Marked with a Par Avion handstamp and a PAA "VIA AIR MAIL" label. Los Angeles Mar 17, 1949 General Delivery backstamp. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
49.5.21 |
13y Stampless |
"13y Paid" with Tomigusuku (O-91) postage paid cancel, small size cover to Hawaii. Marked with a Par Avion handstamp. No backstamp. Opened roughly at left. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
49.7.18 |
13y Stampless |
"13y Paid" with Kitanakagusuku postage paid cancel, small size cover to Oahu, Hawaii. Marked with a Par Avion handstamp. No backstamp. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
49.9.12 |
9y Stampless |
"9y Paid" with "Air Mail" and Miyako 12.9.49 date stamp on unaddressed (canceled to order) small envelope. |
$100.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
49.12.19 |
15y Stampless |
"15y Paid" with Yonagusuku (O-100) postage paid cancel, small size cover to Hawaii. Manuscript "Paravion." No backstamp. Opened roughtly at the right. This rate was effective from August, 1949 until June, 1950. However, with the introduction of postage stamps (C1-3), the stampless period ended in mid-Feruary, 1950. This rate was in effect for approximately 6 months only. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.1.21 |
15y Stampless |
"15y Paid" with Chatan postage paid cancel, small size cover to Oahu. Yomitan return address. Manuscript "Via Air Mail." No backstamp. Opened roughtly at the top and backflap missing. This rate was effective from August, 1949 until June, 1950. However, with the introduction of postage stamps (C1-3), the stampless period ended in mid-Feruary, 1950. This rate was in effect for approximately 6 months only. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.3.16 |
1y |
Domestic cover, franked with 9, tied by a 50.3.16 cds (city indistinct). |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.5.3 |
1y |
Domestic cover, franked with 9, tied by a 50.5.3 cds. |
$28.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.5.26 |
8-13,E1 |
Unaddressed cover with 8-13 and E1 tied by Naha 26.5.50 cds (4 strikes). The cover has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. The 2y stamp has the bottom left corner folded up. Circular date cancel (RPSS L1-C - see FTTD 9:3, Oct, 1977) in use for ca 6 months only in 1950. #1 |
$115.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.5.26 |
8-13,E1 |
Unaddressed cover with 8-13 and E1 tied by Naha 26.5.50 cds (4 strikes). The cover has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. Circular date cancel (RPSS L1-C - see FTTD 9:3, Oct, 1977) in use for ca 6 months only in 1950. #2 |
$115.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.5.26 |
8-13,E1 |
Unaddressed cover with 8-13 and E1 tied by Naha 26.5.50 cds (4 strikes). The cover has a large private circular cachet in red for Nakagusiku Castle Park (S. Oyama) at the bottom left corner. Medium size envelope. Circular date cancel (RPSS L1-C - see FTTD 9:3, Oct, 1977) in use for ca 6 months only in 1950. #3 |
$115.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.8.7 |
9 |
Domestic cover. Flap opened roughly. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.-.5 |
6 x2 |
Domestic cover. Top ripped open. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.10.3 |
50s (UY3m) |
Message & reply card severed and re-attached with staples. Naha English 50.10.3 cancel. The message card is addressed to an Okinawa APO address. The relpy card has the return address. From the Philatelic Advisor, Leonard H. Thoman. |
$70.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.10.11 |
16y |
Airmail cover to US franked with 12(x2) and C1. Cancels applied upside down as with 8-13 FDCs. |
$55.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
50.11.13 |
36y |
Philatelic Advisor > US. Franked with 8(x2), 12, 13, C3 and E1 (x2). Enclosed is a mimeo stamp order form. E1 on commercial mail is scarce. This cover has a vertical pair. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.1.20 |
5y (E1) |
Addressed cover to Louisiana franked with E1 tied by Naha English 5(1).1.20. The last digit in the year is partial. I believe it is a "1." E1 was issued 15 Jan 50. It is doubtful the last digit is a "0." This specific foreign mail cancel is typically found on 1951 covers. Addressed but appears to be canceled to order as 5y is not consistent with foreign mail surface mail rates. |
$45.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.2.14 |
C1,C3 etc |
Air mail cover to US. Franked with C1, C3, 9, 10 & 11 tied by Naha Chuo cds dated 51.2.14. From Philatelic Advisor. Slightly reduced and opened at the left |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.2.15 |
6y (8x2,
10-11) |
Small size cover to US franked with 8 - first printing, 8 - second printing, 10 & 11 tied by Naha 15.2.51 cds. The 6y surface mail to the US was effective Feb, 1951. Seldom seen 1st and 2nd printing of 8 on same cover. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.2.19 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 15x2 tied by 1951.2.19 Naha cancel and first day commemorative cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. Colton, Or Mar 22, 1951 backstamp. |
$32.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.3.16 |
30y |
Medium size air mail cover to US franked with 14x2, 12, C1, C2 tied by 1951.3.16 Naha english cancel. Neatly slit open at top. Early use of 14 which was issued 51.2.12. |
$85.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.5.11 |
61y C4-6 |
Canceled to order (unaddressed) cover franked with C4-6 tied by Naha 5.11.51 cds. 5mm fold-over at left. |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.6.18 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 8x2, 13 tied by 18.6.51 Naha english cancel. The 6y surface mail to the US was effective Feb, 1951. Contents are a memographed announcement of the new air mail and surface mail rates which were effective Feb, 1951. The back of the message is an order form. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.7.12 |
30y |
Medium size air mail cover to US franked with E1 x6 (B/4 + Pr) tied by 12.7.51 Naha english cancel. 30y air mail rate to the US. Philatelic Agency, Public Service of R.C.A.T. return address. Addressed to Don Walter, South Gate, Calif. |
$95.00 |
 |
APO Okinawa |
51.9.24 |
3c |
Grogan picture post card mailed to US with 3c stamp tied by APO 710. Card No. 175, "Former Police Gymnasium, Naha, Okinawa" also know as the The Butokuden in Naha. Martial arts related. |
$30.00 |
Ryukyu |
51.10.26 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 8x2, 10 & 11 tied by 26.10.51 Naha english cancel. The 6y surface mail to the US was effective Feb, 1951. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.10.26 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 10 & 12 tied by 26.10.51 Naha english cancel. The 6y surface mail to the US was effective Feb, 1951. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.10.31 |
3y |
Small size cover to US franked with 8x2, 10 & 11 tied by 31.10.51 Naha english cancel. The 6y surface mail to the US was effective Feb, 1951. This cover is underfranked by 3y. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.12.17 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 11 & 15 tied by 17.12.51 Naha english cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon, |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
51.12.17 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 10 & 12 tied by 17.12.51 Naha english cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$25.00 |
 |
APO Okinawa |
51.12.24 |
3c |
Grogan picture post card mailed to US with 3c stamp tied by APO 710. Card No. 175, "Former Police Gymnasium, Naha, Okinawa" also know as the The Butokuden in Naha. Martial arts related. |
$30.00 |
Ryukyu |
51.12.26 |
13y |
Airmail to US. Under-franked with C4 (13y). Postage due handstamp with "85" in manuscript. To Detroit, MI. Last digit of year is indistinct. Probably a "1". |
$25.00 |
Ryukyu |
52.1.25 |
6y |
Surface mail rate to US. Franked with 10 & 12 tied by Naha 25.1.52. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon |
$35.00 |
Ryukyu |
52.1.25 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 11 & 15 tied by 25.1.52 Naha english cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon |
$40.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.4.1 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 18x2 tied by 1 April 1952 first day commemorative cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. #1 |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.4.1 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 18x2 tied by 1 April 1952 first day commemorative cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. #2 |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.6.25 |
1y |
UX5, 1 yen large crown postal stationery canceled by Naha kanji machine cancel dated June 25, 1952 to US. At this time the airmail rate to the US for a post card was 15y. This item passed at the rate of the card (1y) because of the official nature of the card. This is RPSS VOC9 carrying a memeographed message annoncing the release of Scott 17. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$70.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.7~9 |
30y (60y) |
Eight legal size airmail covers to US all franked with C6 (30y) and tied by Goeku domestic cds, Fourth Rate Period (Feb 1. 1951 to October 31, 1952) to US (0ver 5000 km). All 30y (C6) except one 60y (C6 x2)
Tied by Goeku (O-14) cds, 52.7.15, 52.7.20, 52.8.18, 52.8.18, 52.8.18, 52.8.18 (60y), 52.9.1 and 52.9.1. No postal markings on back. Opend at top. |
$45.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.8.2 |
C1-3 36y |
Small size airmail cover to US franked with C1-3 tied by Naha 2.8.52. Never opened. |
$85.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.10.7 |
1y |
UX5, 1 yen large crown postal stationery canceled by Naha kanji machine cancel dated Oct 7, 1952 to US. At this time the airmail rate to the US for a post card was 15y. This item passed at the rate of the card (1y) because of the official nature of the card. This is RPSS VOC10 carrying a memeographed message annoncing the release of Scott 19-21. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon. |
$70.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.10.9 |
46y |
Small size airmail cover to US franked with 14, C4, C7 tied by Naha 9.10.52 cancel. Contents present and dated September 24, 1952. |
$50.00 |
 |
52.11.29 |
3c/6c US |
Two APO 719-4 covers. One regular, one airmail. Both to US. APO 719-4 was located in Naha at this date. It was open from Sept 1946 to June 1955. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
52.12.22 |
3y |
Domestic cover franked with 19 & 20, Gushikawa 52.12.22 cancel. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.1.20 |
16 (x2)
13, E1 |
Airmail to US at 30y rate. Franked with 16 x2 (both with 8/8 point font), 13 and E1. 16 on any cover is very scarce. E1 on a commercial cover is scarce. No markings on back. Fine condition - very clean. |
~Sold~ |
Ryukyu |
53.4.13 |
C6x2 |
Registered air mail cover to US. Franked with C6 x2 tied by Yomitan cds dated 53.4.13. Yomitan cancels on back.One C6 has bottom margin 5 character imprint. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.4.28 |
3y (15) |
Dedication of new GRI Executive Building on 15 (3y) Only used at Naha CPO. No corresponding postage stamp. Addressed. From Office of the Commanding General, HQ Ryukyus Command. Generally seen on postal stationery. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.4.30 |
Stampless |
Official Business (manuscript indicum) cover with 53.4.20 Ginoza cancel on front. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.5.16 |
Stampless |
Official Business (manuscript indicum) cover with 53.5.16 backstamp (Ginoza). |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.5.26 |
27-8 FD |
Unaddress First Day for 27-8 (Anniv of Perry Expedition). Signed at upper left by Shuhei Higa who was the Chief Executive (Gyosei Shuseki) of Government of the Ryukyu Islands from April 1952 to Oct 1956. |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.7.14 |
5c |
US 1021, FDC, Opening of Trade with Japan/Commodore Perry, addressed cacheted first day cover. Back has Ryukyu 27 tied by Naha domestic cxl 53.8.31 and Kadena domestic backstamp dated 53.9.2. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.7.14 |
5c |
US 1021, FDC, Opening of Trade with Japan/Commodore Perry, unaddressed cacheted first day cover with APO 239 backstamp dated July 24, 1953 and Kadena domestic backstamps dated 53.7.24. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.9.18 |
30y (C6) |
Legal size airmail to Michigan. |
$15.00 |
Ryukyu |
53.10.2 |
30y (C6) |
Kadena 53.10.2 domestic cancel. Addressed to Harley-Davidson Motor Co, "Milwakeel," WI from "Filipino Billets," Kadena. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.11.8 |
30y (C6) |
Cover to US. |
$22.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.11.10 |
30y (C6) |
Cover to US, several diagonal creases. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.12.6 |
6y (19-20, 27) |
Unaddressed, Commodore MC Perry - Ken Boll envelope cachet, stamps tied by 53.12.6 Ginowan (O-12) domestic cds. Cancels do not have bottom comb element. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.12.8 |
41c (US) |
APO 235 (Okinawa) to US, registered air mail cover with 1953 Ryukyu TB seal. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
53.12.11 |
30y |
Small size cover to Bellingham, Washinton franked with 30y (C3). Miyako return address but stamp appears to be canceled by Motobu (O-61) 53.12.11 cds. Backflap 40% missing. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.4.22 |
6y |
Scott 19, 20, 21 (1,2,3y) surface mail rate to the US. |
$24.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.3.1~5.31 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Covers. In order to reconstruct family records after the battle of Okinawa, municipal offices (mayors) were required to report the status of vital statistics records and reconstruct records that were destroyed. Circular "Family Re-Registration Business" cancels were provided to public official to use in mailing these documents. These cancels were generally applied to the envelope in black but red-brown applications have also been reported. The officials were also required to locally produce rectangular (ca 1.5 cm x 5 cm) "Family Re-registration Business" handstamps which were also to be applied to the envelopes. This official business mail passed free of postal charges. The period for this activity was from March 1 through May 31, 1954. The covers generally are to Naha but not always. Family re-registration stampless covers are listed below. |
See Sera Handbook at pages 156-7. |
Ryukyu |
54.4.25 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Shuri 54.4.25, single family registration handstamp (circular), to Nakagusoku. |
$50.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.14 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Ishikawa 54.5.14, single family registration handstamp (circular), to Naha. |
$70.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.17 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Minami-Daito 54.5.17, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular) to Naha. |
$75.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.17 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Osato 54.5.17, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular), to Naha. |
$95.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.27 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Ishikawa 54.5.27, single family registration handstamp (circular), to Naha. |
$80.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.28 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Ishikawa 54.5.28, single family registration handstamp (circular), to Naha. |
$70.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.28 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Tamagusuku 54.5.28, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular), to Naha. |
$80.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.29 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Naha 54.5.29, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular), folded. |
$45.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.31 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Ishikawa 54.5.31, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular), to Naha. Last day. #1 |
$95.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.31 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Ishikawa 54.5.31, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular), to Naha. Last day. #2 |
$90.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.31 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Misato 54.5.31, two family registration handstamps (circular & rectangular), to Naha. Last day. |
$75.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.5.31 |
Stampless |
Family Re-Registration Cover. Ishikawa 54.5.31, two circular family registration handstamp and manuscript family registration designation, to Naha. Last day. |
$65.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.7.12 |
30y |
Legal size cover to US franked with C6 tied by Goeku (later renamed Koza) domestic cancel. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.9.18 |
60y |
Registered legal size cover to US franked with C6 x2 tied by 3 line registered mail cancel. Naha 18.9.54 cxls on back and SF, CA Sep 20, 1954 receiving cancel. Opened roughly at top with pieces missing and vertical fold 2 3/4 in from left. |
$38.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.12.17 |
Form |
Bulk mail receipt. Scott 23 (10y) tied by Miyako cds. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
54.12.23 |
6y |
Small size cover to US franked with 26 tied by 23.12.54 Naha english cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon, |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
ca 1955 |
Mint PPCs |
Mint/unused, unit with 7 color picture post cards in original pictorial folder. Period guestimated based upon the scenes. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.1.28 |
30y |
Airmail to US franked with C6 (30y), single stamp, from Philatelic Agency. |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.2.15 |
6y |
Surface mail to US franked with 6y, single stamp, from Philatelic Agency to Joe Bush with philatelic order info and order form. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.2.15 |
6y |
Surface mail to US franked with 6y, single stamp, from Philatelic Agency to K.W. Muening with philatelic order info and order form. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.3.23 |
30y |
Airmail to US franked with C7, Naha 23.3.55. 5th rate period (Nov 52 - May 55). Tokyo AMF 29.III.55 transit cancel on back. |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.4.13 |
30y |
Airmail to US franked with C7, Naha 13.4.55. 5th rate period (Nov 52 - May 55). |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.5.18 |
30y |
Airmail from Philatelic Advisor to US franked with C6, Naha 18.5.55 cancel. 5th Rate Period, Zone 3. This rate period ended 13 days later (May 31, 1955). |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.5.20 |
30y |
Airmail to US franked with C6, Miyako 55.5.20 cancel. 5th Rate Period, Zone 3. Tokyo 2.V.55 transit cancel. Scotch tape resediue on back. This rate period ended 11 days later (May 31, 1955). |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.7.8 |
8y |
Surface mail rate from Philatelic Agency to US franked with 21 and 13, Naha 55.7.28 cancel. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.10.5 |
8y |
Surface mail rate from Philatelic Agency to US franked with 31 x2, Naha 55.10.5 cancel. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.10.29 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation in red, Kohama-Jima (Yaeyama) 55.10.29. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.11.2 |
8y |
31x2 tied by Naha 2.11.55 addressed to Owen Wade, Oregon. |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
55.11.24 |
16, 16B + |
16 (2nd printing - 8/8 point), 16b, 8x6, 9,10, 12, C1 tied by Naha 24.11.55 cds. 16 on any cover is very scarce. |
~Sold~ |
Ryukyu |
55.12.29 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, handstamp re-registration notation, Haebaru 55.12.29. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.1.9 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation, Ie 56.1.9. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.1.11 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, handstamp re-registration notation, Haebaru 56.1.11. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.2.23 |
35y |
Legal size airmail cover to Michigan. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.3.9 |
55y |
Legal size registered airmail cover to Michigan. Slit open at the top. Stamp damaged. |
$40.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.5.3 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation, Haneji 56.5.3. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.5.4 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, handstamp re-registration notation, Goeku 56.5.4. Goeku was renamed Koza on 56.8.1. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.8.31 |
3y |
Airmail to Japan, franked with 12x4 (block/4) tied by Naha 31.8.56 cxl, Osaka 1956, VIII 31 machine receiving cancel. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.8.25 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation in red, Kohama-Jima (Yaeyama) 56.8.25. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.10.17 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 56.10.17 backstamps (Kunigami), Form 2. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.11.29 |
S3y |
Medium size surface mail rate (3y - Scott 21) cover to the US with 56.11.29 Ginowan domestic cancel. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.12.4~ 57.9.13 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Covers (3). Three covers all with manuscript re-registration notation, Naha 56.12.4, 57.4.26 & 57.9.13. |
$50.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.12.18 |
35y |
Air Mail Cover to Hawaii. Opened roughly at right. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
56.12.21 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, handstamp re-registration notation, Haneji 56.12.21. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.2.18 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation in red, Kohama-Jima (Yaeyama) 57.2.18. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.2.21 |
12y |
Domestic cover with Sc 31x3 tied by Yaeyama 57.2.21 cxls. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.2.25 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation in red, Kadena 57.2.25. |
$22.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.3.4 |
35y |
Legal size airmail cover to Michigan. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.5.2 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation, Ginoza 57.5.2. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.5.2 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.5.2 backstamps (Shuri), Form 2. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.5.4 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.5.4 backstamps (Gushichan), Form 3. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.5.13 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.5.13 backstamps. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.5.20 |
35y |
Philatelic Agency cover to US, Naha 57.5.20 ties C6 & 36., Official Business form 3 envelope. |
$22.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.5.30 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.5.30 backstamps (Haneji), Form 3. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.6.3 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, handstamped re-registration notation in red, Kohama-Jima (Yaeyama) 57.6.3. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.6.3 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.6.3 backstamps (Oku), Form 3. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.6.5 |
36y |
Airmail cover to US Franked with 36y (21x4,31x6). Stamps tied by Naha 57.6.5 cds. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.6.6 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.6.6 backstamps (Makishi), Form 3. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.8.1 |
115y |
Registered airmail to US franked with C9-12 (no C13), Naha 1.8.57 cxls, Des Moines, Wash backstamp. Offical First Day of Issue handstamped cachet on front. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.8.3 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation, Naha CPO 57.8.3. |
$22.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.8.16 |
Stampless |
Official Business (handstamp) registered cover with 57.8.16 backstamps. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.9.5 |
35y |
C11 tied by Naha 57.9.5 on cover (airmail) to US. Manuscript notation "Air Mail Reg." and "No 101, S246". No backstamps. |
$22.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.9.26 |
3y |
Family Re-Registration Cover, manuscript re-registration notation, Ishikawa 57.9.26. |
$22.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.10.5 |
70y |
Airmail cover to US. Franked with 70y (32-3,41x5,C9). Stamps tied by Sashiki 57.10.5 cds. From Thomas Maeki. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.10.17 |
35y |
Airmail cover to US Franked with 19,20,21x2,22,23,28 & 41 tied by Naha 17.10.57. From A. Nakagawa. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.10.8 |
151y |
Registered to US franked with C4-8, Naha 8.10.57 cxls, KY backstamps. Small discolored area below 13y stamps from apparent label removal. |
$65.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.12.7 |
36y C1-3 |
Foreign mail cover to Canada. Franked with C1,2,3 tied by Naha 57.12.7 cds. Sixth rate period, zone 3 (35y rate). From M. Sera. The last digit of the year is not present but 1957 is derived form similar correspondence between M. Sera and the addressee. |
$100.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
57.12.18 |
Stampless |
Taxe Percue airmail cover to US, Naha 57.12.18 cancel on front. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.1.2 |
36y |
Airmail cover to US. Franked with 36y (41x2,42x2,C10). Stamps tied by Naha 2.1.56 cds.1957-8 TB seal on back. From Thomas Maeki. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.3.27 |
Stampless |
Two Naha "Tax Percue" window envelope covers from Plaza House. Both have APO 331 machine cancels on the back (58.3.27 and 58.8.29) |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.4.4 |
35y (E1 +) |
To the US. Seldom seen commercial mail use of E1. |
~Sold~ |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.4.7 |
8y |
Medium size cover to US franked with 31x2 tied by 7.4.58 Naha english cancel. Addressed to Owen Wade, Colton, Oregon, |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.4.14 |
3y |
Domestic cover franked with 19x3, Sashiki 53.4.14 cancel. |
$10.00 |
Ryukyu |
58.4.28 |
8y |
Surface mail rate cover to US franked with 8x4 and 27 tied by Naha 58.4.28 cds. |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.4.28 |
35y |
Cover to US franked with C9 tied by Naha 58.4.28 cds. From Thomas Maeki on back. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.4.28 |
Stampless |
Three Naha (2) and Koza (1) "Fee Paid" window envelope covers from Plaza House. Two have APO 331 machine cancels on the back (58.4.28 and 59.2.28) and one with APO 331 dated 58.5.27 cds. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.5.7 |
35y |
Cover to US franked with C9 (sC9:2, second printing, blue white paper) & C10, tied by Naha 58.5.7 cds. Horizontal crease in middle. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.7.1 |
35y |
Airmail to US. 43 FD tied by CC on front. 19, C6 tied by CC on back. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.7.18 |
35y |
Philatelic Agency cover to US. Franked with 35y (C11). Stamp tied by Naha 18.7.58 cds. Envelope is standard form 2. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.8.2 |
55y |
Registered airmail to US. Franked with 33 & C11. |
$50.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.8.11 |
6c US |
"The Ryukyus Command Officers's Club, located at Rycom Plaza" (Top of the Rock) - real picture post card. Posted from APO 323 (mainland Japan). |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
58.9.20 |
16B +
Last day B Yen unaddressed cover with Ginowan cancels. Franked with 16b, 1 (x8), 2 (x2), 3, 4, 5, 5a(2), 6, 7. The cover has the complete set of first definitives, second printing. 16 on any cover is very scarce. |
$450.00 |
Ryukyu |
58.9.22 |
16B +
Post last day B Yen cover with Urasoe cancels. The last day for using B yen stamps was 9.20. Franked with 16b and mixed printings of the first definitive set. The 16b has a deformed "1" and the left top stroke of the "J" in Tei does not touch the charcter to the left. |
~Sold~ |
Ryukyu |
58.12.20 |
58c |
Airmail cover to US franked with 44x4, 45-51, 54 & 55. 1958 TB seal on back. |
$45.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.1.22 |
25c |
Airmail cover to US. Franked with 25c (44-50,54,55). Stamps tied by Naha 59.1.22 cds. 1958-9 TB seal on back. From Thomas Maeki. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.3.9 |
29c (44x2, 45,51) |
Reg Airmail Cover to US. Opened top, right & lef.t |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.5.5 |
13c |
Airmail Cover to Japan. Franked with 44x (1c)) and 56x4 (12c), on back, Osaka 50.5.6 backstamp. Cachet envelope for 43 used. Clipped open at the left. The seal and signature "S. Higa" are fascimile and part of the cachet design. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.5.11 |
35c |
Airmail Cover to US. Franked with 50 (10c) and 51 (25c). "Opened by Mil. Cen. - Civil Mail" censor's tape on back flap. Slit open roughly at bottom. |
$35.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.5.19 |
35c |
Airmail Cover to US. Franked with 45,47-50 & 56 B/4). Opened top. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.9.29 |
35c |
Airmail Cover to US. Franked with 46,51 & 60. Short rate period (May-Oct 59) |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.10.14 |
3c (47) |
Domestic Cover |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.10~11 |
54c |
Two Airmail covers to US each franked with a total of 54 each cover. Ninth rate period to US - double rate for 10-20 grams |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.11.17 |
25c (46,51) |
Airmail cover to Detroit, Michigan. Stamps tied by Kadena 17.11.59 cds. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
59.12.19 |
27c (45x2,51) |
Airmail cover to Hawaii franked with 51 & 45x2 tied by Ginoza domestic canncel dated 59.12.19. One 45 torn. Wrinkles and backflap torn. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.1.1 |
- |
Naha "Pay Later" marking on New Year greeting private post card. Dated by message on back (1960 New Year Day). |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.1~4 |
27c |
Three covers each franked with a total of 27c each cover. Ninth rate period to US. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.2~3 |
3c |
Three covers each franked with a single 3c definitive. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.3.2 |
2 1/2c |
5th class domestic rate. Franked with 2 1/2c (58x5). Stamps tied by Naha 60.3.2 cds. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.9.15 |
47c |
Registered airmail printed matter cover to US. Franked with 47c (59,80,C22). Stamps tied by Kainan 60.9.15 cds. Deerfield, IL backstamp dated Sep 17, 1960. From Thomas Maeki. Clipped and tape remnants at upper right. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.10.6 |
40c |
Registered airmail cover to US. Franked with 40c (58,59,63,C23). Stamps tied by Kainan 60.10.6 cds. Deerfield, Ill, Oct 9, 1960 backstamp. From Thomas Maeki. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.11.1 |
607c |
Registered Philatelic Agency cover to US, Scott C19-23 x5 (C19 S/5, others B/4), 65-8 x4, 79 (607c in total). Large manila cover (11 1/2 x 7 1/4 in), stamps tied by Naha 1.11.60 (first day for 65-8). New York Nov 4, 1960 receiving backstamp. |
$40.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
60.12.1 |
175c |
Registered Airmail Philatelic Agency cover to US, Scott 68, 74(x2), C21, C23(x4)(175c in total). Small manila cover (6 x 4 in), stamps tied by Naha 60.12.1 commemorative cancels. Salinas, Calif, Dec 5, 1960 receiving backstamp. |
$25.00 |
 |
US - Ryukyu, Navy |
61.2.10 |
4c (US) |
US Navy Branch Number 17022 (Naha branch cancellation) "U.S.S. Halibut" corner address and handstamped cachet. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
61.5.20 |
41c |
Philatelic Agency Registered "Sea Mail" cover to US. Stamps (89 x 13 & 65 x 2) all tied by commemorative cancel for 89. Cover opened at top and sides. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
61.10.11 |
94c |
Scott 58 (50c, C24 (9c) and C28 (35c), 94c total franking tied by Kainan 61.10.11 domestic cancel to registered airmail cover to US, Oct 14, 1961 Crete, IL backstamp. From noted Naha stamp dealer Thomas Maeki. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
61.11.22 |
3c |
Scott 76 block of 6 canceled to order by Naha 22.11.61 English cancel on unaddressed cover. The exact first day of issue of 76 (redrawn 1/2c hibiscus) is in doubt. It is generally shown as October 1961. The note accompanying this cover states "Earliest known cancelled cover from the Naha CPO. A 'few' covers cancelled at Ginowan PO on Nov 17 exist, however this is the first reported example (date) in Naha." I do not know if these assertions are still valid. I believe the note is from the 1970-80 time period. |
$75.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
62.5.3/5 |
27c |
Airmail cover to US, 9c Flying Goddess. Total of 9 stamps. Canceled two days May 3 and May 5. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
62.7.11 |
27c |
Airmail cover to US, 9c Flying Goddess plus 8 other commems & definitives including Sc 103. |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
62.7.25 |
8c |
Philatelic Agency, reg, seamail > US, Kendo |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
62.5.18 |
55c |
Illustrated commercial cover. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
62.8.24 |
55c |
Illustrated commercial cover. |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
62.10.12 |
27c |
Airmail to US, Kendo (104), Bowl-White (103) 9 stamps totoal |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
mid-1960s |
Prepaid |
Ginowan prepaid postage cancel on post card |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
mid-1960s |
Prepaid |
Ginowan prepaid postage cancel on airmail envelope |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
mid-1960s |
Prepaid |
Koza prepaid postage cancel on envelope |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.1.10 |
8c |
Letter rate to US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.3.24 |
3c |
Printed matter rate to US |
$6.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.4.9 |
13c |
Surface rate to US |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.4.30 |
94c |
Philatelic Agency, reg, airmail > US |
$10.00 |
 |
US |
64.3.16 |
15c+10c |
Airmail Cover to Robert Kamiyama, Koza, Okinawa. Franked with US 15c and 10c added. Kadena postage due handstamp on 2 stamps. Naha 17.3.64 backstamp. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.6.21 |
27x |
Air Mail rate to US. 8 stamps. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.6.29 |
3c |
Printed matter rate to US |
$6.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.7.1 |
54c |
Philatelic Agency, airmail > US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.8.31 |
17c |
Commercial cover to US from A. Nakagawa franked with 56, 73, 104, 108 tied by Naha 31.8.63. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.9.13 |
12.5c |
Commercial cover to US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.9.16 |
3c |
Philatelic Agency, seamail > US |
$9.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.10.3 |
53c |
Airmail to US. 9c Flying Goddess, Bowl-red (112), total of 13 stamps. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.11.10 |
27c, 17 stamps |
Airmail cover to US, franked with 17 stamps including Sc 112 and 54 |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.12.6 |
1/2c |
Newspaper wrapper, domestic use, Yaeyama 63.12.6 cds. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
63.12.12 |
54c |
Airmail to US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.2.25 |
27c |
Airmail to US. Bowl-red (112), total of 13 stamps |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.3.23 |
27c |
Airmail to US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.4.19 |
15.5c |
To US |
$7.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.5.15 |
54c |
Philatelic Agency, airmail > US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.7.1 |
13c |
Philatelic Agency, seamail > US |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.7.29 |
17c |
Philatelic Agency, airmail covers (3) to US. All franked with 102, dated 64.7.29, 64.12.11 and 65.11.11. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.8.31 |
13c |
Philatelic Agency, seamail > US |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
64.10.15 |
27c |
Airmail to US, karate, girl scout, red bowl, etc - nice franking. |
$16.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
65.1.1 |
1 1/2c |
New Year cards (x3) each franked with Scott 107, domestic use. Postal seal on message side. RPSS HK-B1b ("not at address") handstamp on front. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
65.2.6 |
21c |
Philatelic Agency, reg, seamail > US, Karate, Boy Scouts |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
65.2.20 |
PD |
Domestic cover with no franking and a Naha 65.2.20 cancel. Naha postage due (5c) handstamp. Governement envelope but, because it was not designated official business, postage due was applied. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
65.3.13 |
27c, 8 stamps |
Airmail to US, franked with 8 stamps |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
65.5.21 |
85 1/2c |
Airmail to US - overfranked (10 different stamps) |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
65.12.22 |
27c |
Shuri English cxls, airmail to US. Olympics, Karate, total of 10 stamps |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.5.10 |
27c |
Airmail to US |
$7.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.6.25 |
19c |
Philatelic Agency, reg, airmail > US APO |
$9.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.6.15 |
8c |
Philatelic Agency surface mail to US, franked with 67 & 142. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.9.6 |
3c (143) |
Domestic Cover |
$8.00 |
 |
Taiwan |
66.9.19 |
3c Postage Due |
Cover from Taipei to Okinawa with Naha Central 3c postage due. Addressed to Jojin Tomiyama, "Postmaster Oroku." It is Jojin Tomiyama's han that was used to validate the Miyako provisional stamps |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.9.29 |
81c |
Air Mail to US. Philatelic Agency, window envelope, franked with 52a ($1), 144, 147 (x3), C26. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.10.18 |
$1.08 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, airmail to US, franked with 83, 87, 148, Naha English cds. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
66.11.19 |
67.5y |
Registered airmail cover to US. Franked with 67.5y. Stamps tied by Kainan 19.11.66 cds. El Paso Nov 20 & 21, 1966 backstamps. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.2.6 |
27c, 9 stamps |
Airmail to US, franked with 9 3c stamps, Shuri cancel |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.3.10 |
2 1/2c |
Family Registration Cover, manuscript registration notation (very faint). |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.3.17 |
Percue |
Philatelic Agency stampless "Taxe Percue" envelopes to US. One with Naha 67.3.17 cds, one no date stamps, one with Naha Higashi 70.3.11 cds backstamp. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.5.8 |
3c (145) |
Domestic Cover |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.5.20 |
$1.21 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 87, 156 (B/4), C24, Naha English cds, 67.5.22 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.6.27 |
24c |
Unaddr Cover |
$7.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.7.18 |
27c |
Air Mail to US |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
67.7.30 |
$1.48 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 87, 155 (B/4), C24, C27 Naha Higashi English cds, 67.8.2 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Taiwan |
68.1.3 |
3c |
Two "Printed Matter" covers from Keelung (Republic of China) to Koza. From Y.T. Tsao to Robert Kamiyama. No backstamps. |
$20.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.1.16 |
27c |
Airmail to US from Philatelic Agency franked with Sc C27. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.1.21 |
27c, 9 stamps |
Airmail to US, franked with 9 3c stamps |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.1.29 |
27c |
Airmail to US, franked with 9 3c stamps, fish set (151-5 complete), from A. Nakagawa, all stamps are sea life. |
$13.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.2.3 |
$1.28 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 159 (B/6), Naha Higashi English cds, 69.2.6 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.3.4 |
$1.28 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 160 (B/6), Naha Higashi English cds, 69.3.7 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.3.15 |
2 1/2c |
Family Registration Cover, handstamped notation (very clear). |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.3.28 |
27c, 9 stamps |
Airmail to US, franked with 9 3c stamps |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.4.25 |
29c |
Airmail to US, franked with 8 stamps, includes 103 and 112, from A. Nakagawa. |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
68.6.5 |
38c |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 161 (x2), 167 (B/4) [underfranked], Naha Higashi English cds, 68.7.14 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.1.3 |
6c |
First day of boxing stamp (181) tied by Kadena English cancel which incorrectly reads "69.1.3" instead of "3.1.69." |
$18.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.2.5 |
$1.28 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 174 (B/4 + 2), Naha Higashi English cds, 69.2.8 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.3.25 |
$1.28 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 179 (x2), 175 (B/4), Naha Higashi English cds, 69.3.28 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.5.15 |
$1.28 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 182 (x2), 176 (B/4), Naha Higashi English cds, 69.5.19 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.6.17 |
$.23 |
Philatelic Agency airmail cover to US, 175 block/4, 178 x3 and 180 block/4. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.7.30 |
27c |
Airmail to US, Shuri english cxls, 3 stamps not canceled. |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.8.23 |
$1.28 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 183 (x2), 185 (B/4), Naha Higashi English cds, 69.8.25 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.10.10 |
$1.55 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 84A (x2), 87, 187 (B/4), 186, Naha Higashi English cds, 69.10.10 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
69.12.2 |
14c |
Airmail cover to Korea. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.1.1 |
8c |
Paper wrapper to Idaho, franked with 8c tied by Naha 1.1.1970 roller cancel. International surface mail, fourth class mail rate. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.1.16 |
$1.82 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 86, 87, 102, 192 (B/4), 194 (x2) Naha Higashi English cds, 70.1.20 receiving backstamp. |
$8.00 |
 |
US |
70.3.13 |
$25c |
US to Okinawa (addressed to Seigi Oyama) and franked with 25c. Naha postage due handstamp (30c) and second handstamp with boxed "T 50/13." Naha backstamp dated 17.3.70. I believe that the cover was delievered to Shorty so the box "T" handstamp was applied before it left the US or on Okinawa. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.3.16 |
27c |
Airmail to US, franked with 9 stamps, from A. Nakagawa. |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.4.6 |
$1.28 |
Registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 188 (B/4), 189 (x2), Naha Higashi English roller cancel, 70.4.10 receiving backstamp. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.4.16 |
27c, 9 stamps |
Airmail to US, franked with nine 3c stamps, Shuri cancel |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.4.24 |
$1.28 |
Registered airmail to US, franked with 84, 87, 193 (B/6), Naha Higashi English cds, 70.4.28 receiving backstamp. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.5.26 |
$1.55 |
Philatelic Agency window envelope, registered airmail to US, franked with 87, 193, 195 (x2), C26, C27, Naha Higashi English cds, 70.5.29 receiving backstamp. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.7.24 |
$1.28 |
Registered airmail to US, franked with 87, 101, 200 (B/4), 197, Naha Higashi English cds, 70.7.27 receiving backstamp. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.9.24 |
17c |
Two "Taxe Percue" (17c) stampless covers, airmail to US. One dated 24.9.70 another dated 30.4.71. |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.9.25 |
$1.28 |
Registered airmail to US, franked with 87, 84A, 83 199, Naha Higashi English cds, 70.9.29 receiving backstamp. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
70.10.12 |
14c |
Airmail cover to Korea. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.4.14 |
27c |
Airmail to US |
$7.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.5.30 |
30c |
Airmail to US, franked with 10 3c stamps |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.5.30 |
30c |
Airmail to US, franked with 10 3c stamps |
$12.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.5.30 |
36c |
Airmail to US, franked with 12 3c stamps |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.5.30 |
36c |
Airmail to US, franked with 12 3c stamps |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.6.30 |
5c+ |
Reply portion of a US message/reply card. Franked with 6c+5c US and 5c Ryukyu dancer tied by Gushikawa 30.6.71 cxl. Addressed to George MacLellan in Smyrna, Georgia. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
71.7.23 |
30c, 9 stamps |
Airmail to US, franked with 9 3c stamps, Shuri cancel |
$14.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
c71.9.1 |
Stampless |
"Urban Special Mail (intra-city mail)" covers (2) with fee paid handstamp. No datestamps but ca September 1, 1971. Accompanied by J.V. Bush note. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
72.5.6 |
4c |
Postage due of 2c (1c + 1c penalty) on underfranked (4c should have been 5c) cover. Accompanied by J.V. Bush note. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
72.5.14 |
11c |
Commercial cover to US with 215 & C24 (11c) tied by Naha 14.5.72 english cancel. Pencil annotation "Seamail" on the front. The Ryukyu Islands reversion to Japan would take place the next day. May 14, 1972 was a Sunday. |
$15.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
72.5.14 |
2c |
Picture postcard from a politician commemorating reversion which would take place the next day. May 14, 1972 was a Sunday. The next day the Ryukyu Islands reverted to Japan. |
$10.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
73.6.3 |
Mixed Franking |
Six (6) covers with Shuri English 3.VI.72 cancel and Shuri 47(1972).6.3 commemorative cancel. Each cover with one Ryukyu stamp and 1 to3 Japansese stamps (mixed franking). Last Day Use envelope cachet. |
$30.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
78.6.2 |
FPO 98773 |
When the Machinato Service Area was transferred from the US Army to US Marine Corps, the military postal facility was changed form APO 96331 to FPO 98773. The cancel used by the postal facility from approximately May 1978 to approximately September 1978 contained an incorrect spelling of "Makiminato" with the an "e" where the second "i" should have been. |
$25.00 |
 |
Ryukyu |
80.5.13 |
FPO 98773 |
This lot of 4 cancels shows the evolution of the cancels at the US Marine Corps postal facility at the Machinato (Makiminato)Service Area between June of 1978 and May of 1980. #1. June 1, 1978 - USMC FPO 98773, Makimenato (misspelled), #2. September 12, 1978 - USMC FPO 98773, Makiminato (spelling corrected), #3. March 14, 1980 - USMC FPO 98773, "Makiminato" obliterated and #4. May 13, 1980 (day slug inverted), FPO 98773, Kinser. |
$85.00 |
 |
More Ryukyu Covers:
- Domestic Use - 1953-60, click here.
- Currency Conversion Stamps - 1959-60, click here.
- Official Business (stampless) - 1956-7, click here.
Ryukyu Covers

Amami Gunto (Naze) Covers
50.01.27 $55 1y (9), on illustrated page
50.01.?? $35 1y (6 x2)
50.02.04 $70 1y (6 x2) - Isen?
50.02.13 $45 1y (6a pair), tattered and folded
50.02.24 $40 1y (7), Kuji, envelope made from a form
50.03.01 $75 2y (7x2), "special delivery" - Uken?
50.03.18 $30 1y (9)
50.03.?? $25 1y (9)
50.04.03 $28 1y (9) envelope made from a form
50.04.09 $30 1y (9) envelope made from a form
50.04.14 $35 1y (9) - Wadomari
50.04.21 $30 1y (9) (#1)
50.04.21 $30 1y (9) (#2)
50.04.23 $34 1y (9)
50.04.29 $30 1y (9)
50.05.02 $30 1y (9) - Saneku
50.05.03 $25 1y (9) #1
50.05.03 $20 1y (9) #2
50.05.06 $30 1y (9)
50.05.07 $75 1y (8x2) - Kasari, made from paper with musical instrument illustration,
edge tears
50.05.10 $50 1y (9) - Kasari ?
50.06.09 $30 1y (9) - Amagi
50.06.26 $30 1y (9)
50.08.16 $30 1y (9)
52?--?28 $200 3y (14) - Indistinct cxl, cover made from
color magazine page w/ map
Ryukyu Covers

Foreign Inbound Covers
Price Country of Origin Datestamp* Addressed to
Pic $12.00 Australia 59.2.9 S. Oyama
Pic $15.00 Brazil 64.1.16 Naha 26.1.64 backstamp
Pic $12.00 Czechoslovakia 58.9.2 S. Oyama
Pic $12.00 Czechoslovakia 58.9.23 S. Oyama
Pic $28.00 Germany 55.1.7 S. Oyama, hi cat value ($54 as used)
Pic $14.00 Germany 70.6.17 S. Oyama, registered, Naha roller cxl
Pic $10.00 Germany, East 57.1.29 S. Oyama, Yokohama bs
Pic $10.00 Germany, East 57.2.23 S. Oyama, Yokohama bs
Pic $10.00 Germany, East 57.7.10 S. Oyama, Yokohama bs
Pic $10.00 Germany, East 58.1.23 S. Oyama
Pic $12.00 Germany, East 58.3.16 S. Oyama, post card
Pic $12.00 Germany, East 58.4.23 S. Oyama, registered, Naha roller cxl
Pic $10.00 Germany, East 58.6.14 S. Oyama
Pic $10.00 Germany, East 58.10.11 S. Oyama
Pic $12.00 Germany, East 59.1.7 S. Oyama, registered, Naha roller cxl
Pic $10.00 Korea 69.2.9 Aero, address written in Japanese
Pic $12.00 Philippines 60.8.29 de La Cruz, #1
Pic $12.00 Philippines 60.8.29 de La Cruz, #2
Pic $12.00 Philippines 60.8.29 de La Cruz, #3
Pic $12.00 Philippines 60.9.9 de La Cruz, #1
Pic $12.00 Philippines 60.9.9 de La Cruz, #2
Pic $10.00 Philippines 68.12.31 Ray Schild
Inbound to Okinawa from the United States
Pic $10.00 Philadelphia 56.7.1 Globe Hoists > OK Service Station
Pic $10.00 Falls Church, VA 62.6.28 Iszard (House of Fine Stamps> Oyama
Pic $10.00 Tacoma 65.10.16 Langley > S. Oyama
Pic $24.00 Smyrna, GA 70.3.16 RPSS > S. Oyama
* Datestamp is the Okinawa (Naha generally) receiving cancel on the back
unless noteded otherwise.
Ryukyu Covers

Ryukyu Paquebot Covers
Cancel Date |
Country of Stamp |
Comments |
Price |
Paquebot |
Naha 59.8.12 |
Norway |
M/S Igadi |
$20.00 |
 |
Paquebot |
ROC 72.6.1 |
Ryukyu Japan |
Mixed franking |
$40.00 |
 |
Paquebot |
Naha 72.3.20 |
Japan |
SS Shinpozan-Maru |
$16.00 |
#1 |
Paquebot |
Naha 72.3.20 |
Japan |
SS Shinpozan-Maru |
$16.00 |
#2 |
Paquebot |
Naha 72.3.20 |
Japan |
SS Shinpozan-Maru |
$16.00 |
#3 |
Paquebot |
Naha 80.X.27 |
US |
American Corsair Post Reversion |
Sold |
#1 |
Paquebot |
Naha 80.X.27 |
US |
American Corsair Post Reversion |
Sold |
#2 |
Ryukyu Sheets/10 or 20 or 50 cto FD
These are complete sheets of 10, 20 or 50 that are canceled to order (first day cancel applied
to a mint sheet). The sheets have full gum. The cancels are normally commemorative cancels (CC)
for the stamp in question or a normal postal black circular date stamp cancel (CDS). The sheets
usually have ink offset on the gum resulting from them being placed on top of a recently canceled
sheet or the ink on front bleeding through to the gum. Ink offset will be noted in the description.
Scott # Price Year Description
43 $10 1958 Stamp on Stamp, perfed thru top and bottom, cds, no ink offset
54 $10 1959 Gate of Courtesy, perfed thru bottom only, CC, no ink offset
57 $10 1959 Moth, perfed thru bottom only, cds, no ink offset
72-3 $50 1960 Athletic meet, perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset on 72
74 $40 1960 Egret & Sun, perfed thru bottom only, CC, no ink offset
89 $20 1961 Ships, perfed thru bottom only, CC, no ink offset
90 $25 1961 White Silver Temple, Plate 1, Brown Gum, all perf 10.7, CC, faint ink offset #1
90 $25 1961 White Silver Temple, Plate 1, Brown Gum, all perf 10.7, CC, no ink offset #2
93-4 $15 1962 GRI Building, CC, no ink offset
95-6 $20 1962 Malaria, CC, no ink offset
103 $25 1962 White bowl, perfed thru left only, CC, no ink offset
104 $35 1962 Kendo, perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset
106 $5 1963 Stone relief, CC, perfed thru top only, no ink offset
107 $5 1963 Trees and hills, perfed left only CC no ink offset
109 $5 1963 Map of Okinawa, perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset
110 $5 1963 Hawks, perfed thru left and right, CC, ink offset
111 $5 1963 Shioya Bridge, perf left only, CC, ink offset
112 $25 1963 Red bowl, perfed thru left and right, CC, ink offset
113 $5 1963 JCI, perfed thru left and right, CC, ink offset
114 $10 1963 Nakagusuku Castle, perfed thru left only, CC, ink offset
116 $5 1963 Human rights, perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset
118 $5 1964 Carnation, perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset
119 $5 1964 Pineapples, perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset
120 $5 1964 Sash, rose pink "3c", perfed thru bottom only, CC, ink offset
146 $5 1966 Pacquerware, perfed thru bottom only, CC, no ink offset
136-8 $10 1965-6 Turtles, cds, perfed left & right, no ink offset
125-7 $15 1964-5 Karate, cds, no ink offset
147 $5 1966 Unesco, perfed thru bottom only, CC, no ink offset
148 $5 1966 GRI Museum, perfed thru left and right, CC, on ink offset
149 $5 1966 Tomb, perfed thru left only, CC, on ink offset
151-5 $20 1966 Fish, perfed thru left & right, cds, no ink offset
157-61 $15 1966-7 Shells, perfed thru top & bottom, cds, no ink offset
163 $5 1967 Bus, perfed thru left & right, cds, no ink offset
164 $5 1967 Hojo Bridge, thru left & right,CC, no ink offset
166 $5 1967 TV tower, perfed thru bottom only, CC, no ink offset
173-7 $15 1968-9 Crabs, perfed thru left & right, cds, no ink offset
195-9 $15 1970 Classic Opera (dance), perf thru bottom & top, cds, no ink offset
201-3 $15 1970-1 Famous men, perf thru bottom & top, cds, no ink offset
55 $20 1958 NY, Lion Dance, perfed thru left, cds, no ink offset, perf separation
128 $10 1964 NY, Snake, perfed thru left and right, cds, no ink offset
139 $10 1965 NY Bingata Pony, perfed thru top and bottom, cds, ink offset
150 $10 1966 NY, Ram, perfed thru left and right, cds, ink offset
165 $10 1967 NY, Monkey, perfed thru left and right, cds, no ink offset
180 $10 1968 NY, Rooster, perfed thru left and right, cds, no ink offset
193 $10 1969 NY, Dog, perfed thru left and right, cds, ink offset
207 $10 1970 NY, Boar, perfed thru left and right, cds, ink offset
215-6 $15 1971 Flower, 2c & 3c, perfed thru left and right, cds, ink offset
220 $10 1971 Dancer, 4c, perfed thru left and right, cds, no ink offset
222 $10 1971 NY, Mouse, perfed thru left and right, cds, ink offset
Ryukyu Covers
First Day Covers
Small, Medium & Large refere to size of envelope used.
8-13 + 8a Small, Adr - 2 covers ~Sold~ FDCs, 8-13 JPS cachet addressed to NY, 8a B/8 unadr no cachet
8-13 Large, Unadr - 4 covers ~Sold~ FDCs, multiple stamps on 4 envelpes, large - legal size envelope
8-13 Large, Unadr $40 FDC, unaddressed, legal size envelope, 5y (13) not tied by cancel
8-13 & E1 Small, Unadr, Miyako FD ~Sold~ FDC, different first day (50.2.1) for both sets, unaddressed
8a B/8 Small, Unadr $18 FDC, Block/8, 3rd printing of Scott 8, unaddressed
8a IB/10 Small, Unadr $30 FDC, Inscription Block/10, 3rd printing of Scott 8, unaddressed
9 Large, Adr $35 FDC, 1y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, unaddressed, No 1
9 Large, Adr $35 FDC, 1y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, addressed to Burge, No 2
9 Large, Adr $35 FDC, 1y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, addressed to Mercier, No 3
11 Large, Adr $35 FDC, 3y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, addressed to Parks, No 1
11 Large, Adr $35 FDC, 3y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc,addressed to Parks, No 2
13 Large, Unadr $40 FDC, 5y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, unaddressed, No 1
13 Large, Unadr $40 FDC, 5y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, unaddressed, No 2
13 Large, Unadr $40 FDC, 5y, typical upside down 50.1.21 Naha cdc, unaddressed, No 3
8a IB/10 Small, Unadr $35 FDC, 50s, 1958 printing, imprint/inscription block of 10
Note: Most Scott 14 First Day Covers have Commemorative Cancel 4 (CC-4).
For information on the two basic types (TY A and TY B) of CC-4, click here.
14 x10 CC-4 (TY A) Med/Adr $95 Block/10, Rows 8,9,10, pos 36-9, 41-3, 46-7,
tears on back, to Maplewood, NJ
14 CC-4 (TY A) + Ryu Univ Ch - Dragon
Med/Unadr $45 FDC, Oyama private cachet
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY A) Small/Unadr $55 FDC with oval Ryukyu University cachet, slit open at left side, #1
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY A) Small/Unadr $55 FDC with oval Ryukyu University cachet, slit open at left side, #2
14 x2, CC-4 (TY A) Med/Unadd $35 FDC, unaddressed
14 x2, CC-4 (TY A) Small/Unadd $30 FDC, unaddressed, 2 single stamps
14 x3, CC-4 (TY A) Small/Unadd $40 FDC, unaddressed, pair and single
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A) +Ryu Univ Ch-Dragon
Med/unadr $45 FDC, Oyama private cachet, unaddressed #1
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A) +Ryu Univ Ch-Dragon
Med/unadr $45 FDC, Oyama private cachet, unaddressed #2
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A) +Ryu Univ Ch-Dragon
Med/adr $75 FDC, Oyama private cachet, opened at top, w insert
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A), Med/adr $75 FDC, unsealed
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A), Med/adr $75 FDC, damage to back flap, Oyama private cachet
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A), Med/adr $70 FDC, unsealed addressed to Potter
14 B/4, CC-4 (TY A), Med/adr ~Sold~ FDC, Oyama private cachet, positions 11-12 & 16-17
14 x4, CC-4 (TY A) +Ryu Univ Ch-Dragon $65 FDC, Oyama private cachet, 2 vertical pairs of 14
Med/unadr #1
14 x4, CC-4 (TY A) +Ryu Univ Ch-Dragon $55 FDC, Oyama private cachet, 2 vertical pairs of 14
Med/unadr #2
14 B/6, CC-4 (TY A) +Ryu Univ Ch-Dragon $80 FDC, Oyama private cachet, C2 + block/6 of 14
Med/A (positions 11,12,13 and 16,17,18
14 CC-4 (TY B) Med/Unadr $55 FDC with S. Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon
14 CC-4 (TY B) Med/Unadr $50 FDC with S. Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon
14 CC-4 (TY B) Small/Unadr $45 FDC with S. Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon
14 CC-4 (TY B) Small/Unadr $35 FDC with S. Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon, enveloped creased
14 x2, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Unadr $40 FDC, two singles
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Unadr $55 FDC
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Adr $45 FDC, vertical margin pair, Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Adr $30 FDC, vertical pair, Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon, to Ohio, stains
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Adr $35 FDC, horizontal pair, Oyama Ryukyu Univ Ch - Dragon, to DC
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Unadr $45 FDC, horizontal right margin pair, no cachet
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Unadr $45 FDC, horizontal left margin pair, no cachet
14 Pair, CC-4 (TY B) Med/Adr $40 FDC, horizontal margin pair, envelope creased
14 B/4 + 2 & C2, CC4 (TY B) Sm/Adr $95 FDC, block/4 + 2 & C2, addressed to NY
15 First Day Cover with Catalogued Varieties [See FTDD 11:1 at pages 24-6]
15 Pair, Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $60 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, left stamp RPSS 15a
Variety, pos 11 (FTDD 11:1 p24) - white stroke above 1st character bottom left
15 x4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr ~Sold~ FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, 2 vertical pairs, addressed to Mrs Potter, bottom
Variety, pos 18 right stamp RPSS 15c (FTDD 11:1 p24) with green dots "below RYU" pos 18
15 x4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr $85 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, block/4, addressed to CA, top left stamp
Variety, pos 18 right stamp RPSS 15c (FTDD 11:1 p24) with green dots "below RYU" pos 18
15 B/4 CC-5 Naha Med/Adr ~Sold~ FDC, block/4, Naha 19.2.51 cds,addressed to Massachusetts,
Variety, pos 61 position 61, green dot in branches, left selvage attached
15 x4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr $75 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, 2 vertical pairs, addressed to Mrs. Potter, bottom
Variety, pos 73 right stamp RPSS 15g (FTDD 11:1 p24) "white circular fault, post 73
15 First Day Covers (all others)
15 JPS Cachet, Unadr $48 FDC with JPS envelope cachet, no official cachet, unaddressed
15 FD + 14, Med/Adr $40 FDC, addressed, medium size envelope, CC on 15, Oyama cachet,
Naha 19.2.51 on 14 which is position 43, descriptive letter inside
15 Small/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $40 FDC, Naha CC5, unaddressed, small airmail envelope
15 Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $30 FDC, Naha CC5, Oyama cachet, stamp not canceled
15 Med/Adr/CC-5(Naha) $75 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds on inscription 14, CC on 15, Oyama cachet
15 Med/Adr/CC-5(Naha) $70 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds on 14, CC on 15, Oyama cachet
15 Pair, Small/Adr/CC-5(Naha) $50 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, pos 4-5
15 Pair, Small/Adr/CC-5(Naha) $35 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, addressed to Clifton
Temple, Detroit, MI.
15 Pair, Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $45 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, #1
15 Pair, Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $45 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, #2
15 Pair, Med/Adr/CC-5(Naha) $45 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, Oyama cachet,
addressed to NY form Leonard H.Thoman, RCAT, Naha, #3
15 Pair, Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) x5 $150 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds off stamps & CC on stamps, 5 covers
15 B/4 Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $75 FDC, Naha CC5, Oyama cachet, #1
15 B/4 Med/Unadr/CC-5(Naha) $75 FDC, Naha CC5, Oyama cachet, #2
15 B/4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Unadr $75 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds
15 B/4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr $70 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, addressed to Mrs. Potter, No 1
15 B/4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr $70 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, addressed to Mrs. Potter, No 2
15 B/4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr $75 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, addressed to Mrs. Potter, No 3
15 B/4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Adr $75 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, addressed to Mrs. Potter, No 4
15 x4, CC-5 Naha, Med/Unadr $70 FDC, Naha 19.2.51 cds, w vertical pairs
15 on piece with CC-5(Naha) $15 FDC
18 First Day Cover with Catalogued Varieties (Positions 35 & 36)
18x2 Variety, CC6 (Naha), Small, Addr ~Sold~ FDC, 18 - two singles, left stamp position 35 with horizontal
line on left side (JSCA 18a)
18 First Day Covers (all others)
18 JPS Cachet, Unadr $48 FD with JPS envelope cachet, no official cachet, unaddressed
18 Variety, Pos 35, CC6 (Naha) UX5 ~Sold~ FDC on UX5, Postition 35 (larger portion of horizontal line)
18 CC6 (Naha), domestic address $38 FDC, kanji address
18 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Grogan RPPC, Unadr $50 FDC, on Grogan real picture post card "179 Steps to
Shinto Shrine, Naha, Okinawa"
18++, CC6 (Naha), Large, Addr ~Sold~ FDC, 18 + 8(x2)-13, 14, 15, E1, tied by CC6 (Naha)
with CH3a on back, War Department envelope
18 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Unadr, Med $25 FDC, official cachet and commem cancel,
vertical fold and creases
18 x2, CC6 (Miyako), Large, Addr $65 FDC, 18 tied by CC6 (Miyako) and 18 tied by Miyako domestic
cxl, War Deparment, Corps of Engineers, envelope - #1
18 x2, CC6 (Miyako), Large, Addr $70 FDC, 18 tied by CC6 (Miyako) and 18 tied by Miyako domestic
cxl, War Deparment, Corps of Engineers, envelope - #2
18 x3, CC6 (Miyako), Large, Addr $75 FDC, 18 Strip/3 tied by CC6 (Miyako) and Miyako domestic cxl,
War Deparment envelope
18 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Unadr, med $50 FDC, official cachet and commem cancel, 18 & C4 (16y)
18 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Adr, med $45 FDC, commem cancel and official cachet, addressed to "E.D. Rastorfer"
18 Pair CC6 (Naha), Adr, small $45 FDC
18 Pair CC6 (Naha), Unadr, med $40 FDC
18 Pair, CC6 (Naha), Adr, small $65 FDC, JPS enevlope cachet, commem cancel, addressed to NJ
18 Pair, CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Adr, Med $65 FDC, official cachet and commem cancel, addressed to PA, #1
18 Pair, CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Adr, Med $55 FDC, official cachet and commem cancel, addressed to PA, #2
18 Pair, CC6 (Naha), Adr, Small $45 FDC, commemorative cancel, addressed to Oregon
18 Pair, CC6 (Naha), Adr, Med $40 FDC, commemorative cancel, addressed to Leonard H. Thoman,
APO 168, New York, NY
18 Pair, CC6 (Naha), Adr, Small $40 FDC, commemorative cancel, addressed to South Dakota
18 x2 CC6 (Naha), Adr, Med $55 FDC, 18 x2 & C4 x2 (32y)
18 x2 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Adr, Small $35 FDC, 18 x2, stamps tied by commem cancel, official cachet
on back addressed to PA
18 B/4 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Unadr, Med $65 FDC, block of 4, official cachet and Naha commem cancel
18 B/4 CC6 (Naha), Adr, Small $60 FDC, block of 4, Naha commem cancel
18 x4 CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Unadr, Med $80 FDC, x4 (2 pairs), official cachet and commem cancel
18 x4 CC6 (Naha), Adr, Med $75 FDC, commem cancel, 2 horizontal pairs of 18, addressed to Mass
18 B/4 CC6 (Naha), Adr, Med $60 FDC, block of 4, vertical crease down middle
18 x10, CC6 (Naha), Addr, Small $150 FDC, 18 x10 (S/6 & S/4) tied by CC6 (Naha) & killer cancels, to LA
18 x10, CC6 (Naha), CH3a, Adr, Large $155 FDC, 18 x10,(S/6 & S/4), CC6 x4, CH3a on back, large,
War Department envelope, addressed to LA
18 x10, CC6 (Naha), Adr, Large $140 FDC, 18 x10, CC6 x2, large, addressed to Hawaii, #1
18 x10, CC6 (Naha), Adr, Large $140 FDC, 18 x10, CC6 x2, large, addressed to Hawaii, #2
18 x10, CC6 (Yaeyama), Adr, Large $150 FDC, 18 x10 tied by CC6 x4 (Yaeyama), War Department envelope
19-26 Large & Small/Unadr, CH (6 cvrs) $285 FDC, 19-21 on one unaddressed FDC, others on separate
large unaddressed covers except 22 (6y) which is small
19-26 Small/Adr, CH (6 cvrs) $375 FDC, 19-21 on one unaddressed FDC, others on separate
pencil addressed airmail FDC (5), 6 covers total
19-26 Small/Adr, CH, reg (2 cvrs) $300 FDC, 19-26 on four addressed FDC, two covers registered
19-26 Small/Adr, CH, reg (2 cvrs) $300 FDC, 19-26 on four addressed FDC, two covers registered
19-26 Small/Adr, CH, reg (8 cvrs) $275 FDC, 19-26 on eight addressed FDC, 19-24 each have multiples of
the stamp, official cachet on the front, 22-6 with air mail label
19 B/4 Small/Unadr, CH $12 FDC
19-21, Small/Unadr $20 FDC, JPS envelope cachet, #1
19-21, Small/Unadr $15 FDC, JPS envelope cachet, #2
19-21, Small/Unadr $18 FDC, JPS envelope cachet, #3
19-21 Very Small/Adr, CH $22 FDC, very small emvelope
19-21 Small/Adr, CH $18 FDC
19-21 Medium/Unadr, CH $18 FDC
19-21 Small/Unadr, CH $12 FDC, small unaddressed with official cachet, very clean but
with natural envelope wrinkling
as above x5 $40 as above but x5
22-26 Med/Adr, CH $375 FDC, high values (22-6) on one addressed (Tomlinson) FDC - #1
22-26 Med/Adr, CH $375 FDC, high values (22-6) on one addressed (Tomlinson) FDC - #2
22-26, Small/Undr, CH (3 cvrs) ~Sold~ FDC, high values (22-6) on 3 unaddressed FDC
22-26, Small/Adr, CH (5 cvrs) $300 FDC, high values (22-6) on 5 addressed FDC,
matched set, "Prudential" corner illustration
22 Medium/Unadr, CH $28 FDC, 6y stamp
24-5 & 26 Small/Unadr, CH (2 cvrs) ~Sold~ FDC, 24 & 25 one cover and 26 second cover,
unaddressed air mail envelopes
27-8 S/Unadr/CC-11 Signed ~Sold~ FDC, signed by Shuhei Higa, Chief Executive
(Gyosei Shuseki) of Government of the Ryukyu Islands
from April 1952 to Oct 1956
27-8 M/Unadr/CC-11/CH6a&b $10 FDC, both official cachets and commemorative cancel,
medium size, unaddresed
27-8 M/Unadr/CC-11/CH6a&b $8 FDC, official cachet, CH-6A and commemorative cancel,
medium size, unaddresed
above 2 as unit $16 FDC, both covers above as aunit
27-8 S/Unadr/CC-11/CH6b $8 FDC
27-8 S/Unadr/CC-11 $10 FDC
27-8 S/Unadr/CC-11 x5 $40 FDC, as above, x5
27-8 B/4 S/Adr/CC-11 $24 FDC, 2 covers each with B/4, addressed to APO 239-1
(Kadena), envelope cache, Naha 23.5.28 backstamps
27-8 S/Unadr/CC-11/CH6a&b $10 Envelope cachet with Perry's portrait FDC
27-8 Med/Unadr/CC-11 $18 Envelope cachet, 27 block/4, 28 pair
27 x2, 28 x4 S/Adr w C-11 & CH6a $15 FDC
27 x2, 28 x4 (2 Pairs) S/Adr w C-11 $16 FDC, Mississippi envelope cachet
Kadena cxl, rough condition
27 x2, 28 x4 (2 Pr) S/Adr C-11 & CH6b $15 FDC
27 B/6, 28 B/6 L/Adr w C-11, Ch6b $26 FDC, large envelope, address to US, no cachet, creased on right
27 Pair + 28 B4+1 M/Adr Kadena cxls $25 FDC set on 2 covers to US
29 x2 Sm/Adr/CC12/CH7 $15 FDC, prepaid postage envelope used
29 x7 + 20 Large/Adr/CC12/CH7 $24 FDC
29 x8 Sm/Adr/CC12/CH7 $25 FDC, CH7 on back
29 S/Unadr/CC12/CH7 $9 FDC
29 S/Unadr/CC12/CH7 $10 FDC, RSC envelope cachet (brown) Ch7 (Type I) on back
29 S/Unadr/CC12/CH7 $12 FDC, RSC envelope cachet (pink) Ch7 (Type I) on front
29 S/Unadr/CC12/CH7 $10 FDC, RSC envelope cachet (pink) Ch7 (Type I) on back
29 S/Unadr/CC12/CH7 $14 FDC, RSC envelope cachet (pink) Ch7 (Type II) on front
30 S/Unadr/CC/CH $12 FDC, envelope cachet
30 (x2) S/Adr/CC/CH $10 FDC, addressed to Maryland
30 x8 Sm/Adr/CC/CH $25 FDC, CH on back
31 S/Unadr/OC $9 FDC, franked with 10 and 31
31(x2) S/Adr/OC $10 FDC, address label
31 B/4 (x2) S/Adr/OC $12 FDC
31 B/8 S/Adr/OC $14 FDC
31 & 32-3 S/Unadr/OC $20 FDC, 2 covers, 32-3, unaddressed, both covers with
envelope caches, 31 woman & laquerware, 32-3 flask & map
31 & 32-3 S/Adr/OC $18 FDC, 2 covers, 32-3, addressed
32 S/3 S/Adr/OC $10 FDC, horizontal strip/3, Tokyo AMF backstamp
34 S/Unadd $8 FDC, Sweet Potrato,envelope cachet
35 & 39 S/Adr/CC on front $16 FDC, envelope cachet, addressed, JPS cachet (2)
35 S/Unadr/CC on front $10 FDC, envelope cachet, JPS cachet (hands)
35 S/Unadr/OC/CC on front $10 FDC, envelope cachet (hands)
35 S/Unadr/OC/CC on front $10 FDC, envelope cachet (stylized trees)
35 S/Unadr/OC/CC on front - x5 $40 FDC, envelope cachet (stylized trees), as above, x5
35 S/Unadr/OC on back $11 FDC
35 (x2) S/Adr/OC $12 FDC, addressed to Maryland
35 (x6) S/Adr/CC/OC $32 FDC, addressed to NJ, 5 copies of 35, 19 (1y) & 23 (10y)
Commemorative Cxl front (x2), Official Cachet back
36-8 etc, C9-23 FD on sheets $95 FDCs on sheets, 18 items
36-8 S/Unadr/OC, one cover $14 FDC, unaddressed
36-8 S/Unadr/OC, separate cvrs $12 FDC
36-8 S/Adr/OC, one cover $10 FDC, addressed
36-8 S/Adr/OC, separate cvrs $12 FDC, addressed to Maryland
39 CC/CH/S/Unaddr x5 $32 FDC, as above, 5 covers
39 CC/CH/S/Unaddressed $8 FDC
39 x9 CC/CH/S/Addressed $15 FDC, airmail to Honolulu, 39 x4 front, 39 x5 on back
39 (x2) CC/CH/S/Addressed $10 FDC, addressed to Maryland
40 x3 on UX10/OC $10 FD for stamps and postal card
41 tied by CC20 with CH18 $8 FDC
42 x2 JPS envelope chachet, official ch $5 FDC, Naha English cxl, JPS envelope cachet
43 tied by CC & CH +9,19,36 $10 FDC, stamp on stamp, last B Yen issue
44x2 FD with 8x2 - mixed franking $18 FDC dollar (44x2) and mixed franking with B yen 8x2 (1y),
varient of Silver Dollar cachet with "First Day of Issue"
obliterated with black graphic
44x2 FD with 8x2 - mixed franking $20 FDD dollar (44x2) and mixed franking with B yen 8x2 (1y), 56 FD (3c),
varient of Silver Dollar cachet with "First Day of Issue"
obliterated with black graphic
44-53 on piece w 52 Variety ~Sold~ FD, 44-53 on special sheet, 50c (52) is fantail (imperf in bottom margin),
1/2c,1c,3c,4c,25c & 50c inscriptions, sheet measures 8 1/2 x 12 1/4 in
44-53 Unadr ~Sold~ FDC, 44-53 on one cover with Silver Dollar
envelope cachet, Naha english cxls, 45 (1c) & 46 (2c)
with major frameline breaks
44-53 Unadr $35 FDC, 44-53 on one cover with Silver Dollar
envelope cachet, Naha english cxls
44-53 Unadr x4 $150 FDC, 44-53 on one cover, Silver Dollar cachet, as above, x4
44-53 Unadr $40 FDC, 44-53 on one cover with $ / B Yen
envelope cachet, Naha english cxls
44-53 Unadr x5 $175 FDC, 44-53 on one cover with $ / B Yen, as above, x5
44-53 Unadr (#1) $30 FDC, 44-53 on two covers with $ / B Yen
envelope cachets, Naha english cxls, #1
44-53 Unadr (#2) $30 FDC, 44-53 on two covers with $ / B Yen
envelope cachets, Naha english cxls, #2
44-53 Unadr (#3) $25 FDC, 44-53 on two covers with JPS (44-9) and Lion
Dog (50-53) envelope cachets, Naha english cxls, #3
44-53 Unadr (#3) x5 $100 FDC, 44-53 on two covers with JPS (44-9) and Lion Dog
(49-53) envelope cachets, Naha english cxls, 5 covers #3x5
44-53 Unadr $28 FDC, 44-53 on two covers both w/ Lion Dog envelope cachet
44-53 Unadr x5 $115 FDCs, as above but x5, 44-53 on two covers, Lion Dog envelope cachet
44-53 Unadr x10 $200 FDCs, as above but x10, 44-53 on two covers, Lion Dog envelope cachet
44-53 Unadr x20 $375 FDCs, as above but x20, 44-53 on two covers, Lion Dog envelope cachet
44-53 (on 2 cvrs) & 51a-2a Unadr $35 FDC, 44-53 on two covers w/ lion dog envelope cachet and
51a-2a with envelope cachet
44-53 & 51a-2a Unadr $40 FDC, 44-53 on one cover per set w/ silver dollar
envelope cachet
44-53 (on 2 cvrs) & 51a-2a Unadr $35 FDC, 44-53 & 51a-2a on three covers w/ dollar bill
envelope cachet
44-49 Unadr $8 FDC 1/2 to 5c, B Yen - Dollar envelope cachet
44-49 Unadr $8 FDC, 1/2 to 5c, JPS envelope cachet
44-49 Unadr, as above x5 $35 FDC, 1/2 to 5c, JPS envelope cachet, 5 covers
44-46 Unadr $5 FDC 1/2 to 3c
49-53 Unadr $20 FDC, 5c to $1.00, Lion Dog envelope cachet
49-53 Unadr, as above x5 $90 FDC, 5c to $1.00, Lion Dog envelope cachet, 5 covers
51a-2a Unadr $12 FDC, 25c & 50c gummed, Dollar/Yen envelope cachet
51a-2a Unadr x5 $50 FDC, 25c & 50c gummed, Dollar/Yen envelope cachet, 5 covers
51a-2a Unadr x10 $90 FDC, 25c & 50c gummed, Dollar/Yen envelope cachet, 10 covers
51a-2a Unadr x20 $165 FDC, 25c & 50c gummed, Dollar/Yen envelope cachet, 20 covers
51a-2a Unadr $12 FDC, 25c & 50c gummed, Outline of Stamps cachet
51a-2a Unadr x5 $50 FDC, 25c & 50c gummed, Outline of Stamps cachet, 5 covers
54 on special sheet $10 FD on illustrated sheet which measures 8 1/2 x 12 1/4 in
58-62 S/Adr $12 FDC Addressed to J.V. Bush
58-62 S/Unadr $12 FDC As above, unaddressed
58-62 S/Adr x5 $50 FDC As above, x5, addressed to J.V. Bush
58-62 S/Unadr x5 $55 FDC As above, x5, unaddressed
58-62 S/Unadr x10 $100 FDC As above, x10, unaddressed
58-62 S/Unadr $14 FDC, envelope cachet, two shells
58-62 S/Unadr x5 $55 FDC As above x5, two shells cachet
58-62 S/Unadr $14 FDC, envelope cachet, shell, 2 fish, jelly fish
58-62 S/Unadr $14 FDC, envelope cachet, shell, fish, flower
58-62 S/Unadr $15 FDC, envelope cachet, hibiscus, "NCC"
58-62 S/Unadr $15 FDC, envelope cachet, hibiscus, moth, butterfly, snail
shell, fish, ocean
58-62 S/Unadr $15 FDC, envelope cachet, fish, hibiscus, shell, butterfly
58-62 S/Unadr (on 4 covers) $12 FDC, fish, butterfly, shells (2), hibiscus, jellyfish, "John P.Chastain"
58-62 S/Unadr $10 FDC, No Cachet
72-3 S/Unadr $15 FDC, 4 FDC each with differnt sport cachet
74 B/9 Large/Unadd $15 FDC, block of 9 (3x3), tied by CC to large unaddressed cver
78-80 S/Unadr $10 FDC, envelope cachet
78-80 S/Unadr x5 $40 FDC, as above, x5
78-80 S/Unadr x10 $70 FDC, as above, x10
86-7 S/Uadr $18 FDC, envelope cachet (two dancers)
86-7 S/Uadr $20 FDC, envelope cachet (dancer and palm leaves)
86-7 S/Uadr $20 FDC, envelope cachet (dancer and Gate of Courtesy)
86 S/Addr $15 FDC, airmail, registered (No 728), to US
87 S/Addr $18 FDC, airmail, registered (No 764), "Expres" label, to US
87 S/Addr $18 FDC, airmail, registered (No 832), "Expres" label, to US
122a, 123 S/Unadr ~Sold~ FDC, inverted "1" - M.S. envelope cachet
122, 123 S/Unadr Insc $12 FDC, envelope cachet, inscription singles, 123 with open "1"
122, 123 S/Unadr Metal Engraving ~Sold~ FDC, envelope with metal engraving cachet
124 Sept 6 & 7, Unadr/CC $15 FDC, typhoon delayed first day, Sept 6
& 7 FD CC, Scott listed and priced
Unissued Stamp (Envelope Cachet only) $35 1967.3.16, Joint Arbor Day stamp not issued, envelope
cachet only for the unissued stamp, "O.S.S" (Okinawa
Stamp Club), discussed in FTDD 19:1 (Feb 1987) pp 19-20
Unissued Stamp (Envelope Cachet only ~Sold~ 1967.3.16, Joint Arbor Day stamp not issued, envelope
cachet only for the unissued stamp, Scott 99 tied by Naha
67.3.16, "R.S." - discussed in FTDD 19:1 (Feb 1987) pp 19-20
195a-9a (S/S) on cacheted medium $18 FDC, 5 covers
Combination (Combo*) First Day Covers
125-7 Combo*, Folder $12 FDC, Karate I,II & III, 3 days on a fold-out folder
125-7 Combo*, M/Unaddressed $10 FDC, Karate I,II & III, 3 days on one cover, no cachet
136-8 Combo*, S/Unadr $10 FDC, turtles, 3 days on one cover
157-61 Combo*, L/Unadr $16 FDC, shells, 5 days on one cover
light tropical staining, #1
157-61 Combo*, L/Unadr $16 FDC, shells, 5 days on one cover, #2
173-7 Combo*, L/Unadr $16 FDC, crabs, 5 days on one cover
173-7 Combo*, S/Unadr $16 FDC, crabs, 5 days on one cover, "O.S.S" envelope cachet, Naha
173-7 Combo*, S/Unadr $14 FDC, crabs, 5 days on one cover, "O.S.S" envelope cachet, Naha Higashi
185-9 Combo*, S/Unadr $16 FDC, dancers/festival, 5 days on one cover
185-9 Combo*, L/Unadr $16 FDC, dancers/festival, 5 days on one cover
195-9 Combo*, L/Unadr $16 FDC, dancers 5 days on one cover
201-3 Combo* (all on one cover) $12 FDC
*Combo - Stamps in set were issued on different dates. Combo FDCs have all
stamps on one cover with the correct date of issue for each stamp.
**Combo - One stamp but with different PO FD cancels on same cover
Air Mails
C1-3 through C24-8 Special FDC, You select from below. A 20% discount will apply when
Price C1-C28 is ordered as a unit, C29-30 included at no charge
C1-3, small envelope, unaddressed ~Sold~ FDC, special fd cancel, unaddressed
C1-3, small envelope, typed address $175 FDC, Miyako, 50.2.15 first day cancels, typed address
C1-3, small envelope, address label ~Sold~ FDC, Miyako, 50.2.15 first day cancels
C1-3, small, addressed ~Sold~ FDC, to Leonard H. Thoman in New Orleans with no return address
C1-3, small, addressed ~Sold~ FDC, to R.P. Alexander from Leonard H. Thoman
C1-3 small size cvrs (3) ~Sold~ FDC, 3 covers, Naha Killer First Day Cancels, unaddressed
C1-3 large (legal) size cvrs (3) $175 FDC, 3 covers, Naha Killer First Day Cancels, unaddressed
C1-3,E1 large (legal) size cvrs (3) $245 FDC, 3 covers, Naha Killer First Day Cancels, unaddressed, C1, C2 & C3
on separate covers, each cover with E1, all but C1 margin copies
C1-3,E1 large (legal) size cvrs (3) $235 FDC, 3 covers, Naha Killer First Day Cancels, unaddressed, C1, C2 & C3
on separate covers, each cover with E1, all but C1 margin copies
C4-6 medium, 3 covers typed addresses $125 FDC, 3 covers, cvr 1 - C4 & C5, cvr 2 - C4 & C6,
cvr 3 - C5 & C6, typed addresses to APO 719 (Naha)
C4-6 B/4, Offical cachet on back, $145 FDC, blocks/4, unaddressed, each B/4 on separate cover (3)
small size envelopes (3 cvrs)
C4-6 Small/Unadr (3 covers), C4 Var ~Sold~ FDC, 3 covers, Naha CDS, unaddressed, cachet on front, C4
(13y) is position 6 variety, dot between first 2 legs of "M"
C4-6 Offical cachet front & back, ~Sold~ FDC Addressed to Hawaii
small size air mail envelope
C4-6 Offical Cachet on back $165 FDC Registered, addressed to New York, backstamps
small size air mail envelope
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, $150 FDC all return addressed "L. A. Westenberger / Director of Public
Services Department / Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands"
each on small envelope, unaddressed
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, $150 FDC C4 addressed, addtl stamps (8x2,10,14) and OC on back
adr/unadr, each on small envelope C5 & C6 unaddressed
C4-6 Official Cachet on back, sm, adr $135 FDC Addressed to Rev. K. Yoshizumi, Hawaii
C4-6 Official Cachet on back, sm, adr $125 FDC Addressed to "George Herzog", NY, address label
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, $135 FDC "L.A. Westenberger" return address
unadr, each on small envelope
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, sm, adr $125 FDC Addressed to James Wong, Los Angeles
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, sm, adr ~Sold~ FDC Addressed to APO 239 with APO 719 backstamp
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, $120 FDC Unaddressed, no return address
unadr, each on small envelope
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, $125 FDC Self-adhesive flaps
unadr, each on small envelope
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, $120 FDC Addressed to California, from J. Rastorfer
addr, each on small envelope
C4-6 Official Cachet on back, $135 FDC Addressed to Illinois
adr, small opened at top
C4-6 Official Cachet on front & back $110 FDC Addressed to Chicago, slit open at left
adr, small
C4-6 No Official Cachet, adr, small $135 FDC Addressed to Maine with Oct 10, 1951 backstamp
C4-6 Official Cachet on front $75 FDC Addressed to Calif, toning, opened roughly
adr, small opened at top vertical crease at left
C4-6 Official Cachet on front, Large $30 FDC Registered, address erased, toning & creasing,
adr, small opened at top opened roughly
C4 Insc, Official Cachet, Unaddr $75 FDC Unaddressed, scarce 5 character inscription single,
small envelope, toning
C4 Official Cachet on front, Unadr $30 FDC Unaddressed, small envelope, toning on stamp
C4,C6 Official Cachet on front, Med, Adr $55 FDC Addressed, medium envelope C4,C6,C3, folded at left
C6 Official Cachet on front, w C1 $50 FDC Addressed, small envelope
C6 Official Cachet on front, Sm, Adr $45 FDC Addressed, small envelope, address label
C6 Official Cachet on front, Med, Adr $38 FDC Addressed, medium size envelope, opened at top,
bottom left corner margin copy of C6
C6 Official Cachet on front, Med, Adr $35 FDC Addressed, medium size envelope, opened at top
C6 Official Cachet on front, Med, Adr $28 FDC Addressed, medium size envelope
C4-8 both sets, Sm, Unadr $145 FDC C4-6 on separate covers, C7-8 on one cover
C7 & C8 CH on back, small, unadr $60 FDC Unaddressed, official cachet on back, envelope cachet #1
C7 & C8 CH on back, small, unadr $60 FDC Unaddressed, official cachet on back, envelope cachet #2
C7 & C8 CH on back, small, unadr $60 FDC Unaddressed, official cachet on back, envelope cachet #3
C7-C8 CH, sm, unadr $45 FDC Unaddressed, small envelope, envelope cachet, official
cachet on back, bottom perfs of C8 toned
C7-C8 CH, sm, adr $40 FDC Addressed, small envelope, no envelope cachet, official
cachet, addressed to Canada, envelope wrinkling at left
C7 & C8 CH, small, adr 2 cvrs $50 FDC Both addressed to Nebraska
C7 & C8 CH, small, Uadr, 2 cvrs $50 FDC Unaddressed, small envelopes, CH on back,
envelope cachet on front
C7 & C8 CH, small, Uadr, 2 cvrs $60 FDC Unaddressed, small envelopes, CH on front, Pan Am
Par Avion label above stamps
C7 & C8 CH, small, Uadr, 2 cvrs $65 FDC Both covers with vertical pairs, envelope cachet
with official cachets on back
C9-13 CH, small, unadr $40 FDC Small unaddressed, envelope, "CHO" envelope cachet
official cachet on back
C9-13 Small, Reg $42 FDC Small registered to US, JPS cachet, no receiving cxl
C9-13 CH, small, unadr, toned $35 FDC Small unaddressed, envelope, "CHO" envelope cachet
official cachet on back, tone spot bottom middle edge
C9-13 CH, small, unadr $40 FDC Small unaddressed, "RSC" map cachet, official cachet on front
C9-13 Adr $36 FDC Address label, 4 covers
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C15 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C15 is pos 1, flat head "1" variety (RPSS sC15:1c)
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C15 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C15 is pos 14, small lower bar (RPSS sC15:1d)
C14-8 Small Uaddr, C15 Var $35 FDC, envelope cachet (flying goddess & globe), C15 pos 36,
break in diagonal stroke in cent sign
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C15 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C15 is pos 28, gash in c (RPSS sC15:1e)
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C15 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C15 has deteriorating overprint
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C16 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C16 is pos 28, gash in c (RPSS sC16:1d)
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C17 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C17 is pos 28, gash in c (RPSS sC17c)
C14-8 Unadr, Small, C18 Variety ~Sold~ FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe,
C18 has dot in the box variety (position 21 - JSCA A18va)
C14-8 Unadr, Small $30 FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, geese and globe
C14-8 x5 Unadr, Small $125 " as above x5, envelope cachet, geese and globe
C14-8 x10 Unadr, Small $235 " as above x10, envelope cachet, geese and globe
C14-8 x20 Unadr, Small $400 " as above x20, envelope cachet, geese and globe
C14-8 Unadr, Small $30 FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, flying goddess over globe
C14-8 Unadr, Small $30 FDC Unaddressed, envelope cachet, flying goddess over trees
C14-8 Unadr, Medium $28 FDC, unaddressed, airmail label at upper left
C19-23 Small, Unadr $18 FDC, envelope cachet, flask
C19-23 x5, Small, Unadr $80 " as above x5 cachet, evelope cachet, flask
C19-23 x10, Small, Unadr $140 " as above x10 cachet, evelope cachet, flask
C19-23 x20, Small, Unadr $270 " as above x20 cachet, evelope cachet, flask
C19-23 Small, Unadr, C21 Variety $30 FDC, envelope cachet, flask, C21 is postion 26 or 27
with break in the "J" of Tei
C19-23 Small, Unadr $18 FDC, envelope cachet, flying goddess
C19-23 Small, Unadr $20 FDC, envelope cachet, plane/flask, "Overprinted Stams"
C19-23 x5, Small, Unadr $90 " as above x5 cachet, plane/flask, "Overprinted Stams"
C24-8 Small, Unaddr $24 Flying Goddess envelope cachet
C24-8 Small, Unaddr $24 Wind God envelope cachet
C24-8 Small, Reg, Addr $24 FDC registered to US, handstamp cachet (FD Issue), backstamp
C24-8 Small, Unaddr $18 FDC, as above, envelope cachet (flying goddess & globe), unaddressed
C24-8 x5 Small, Unaddr $80 " as above x5, (flying goddess & globe), unaddressed
C24-8 x10 Small, Unaddr $135 " as above x10, (flying goddess & globe), unaddressed
C24-8 Small Uaddr, C17 Var $25 FDC, envelope cachet (flying goddess & globe), C17 pos 20,
broken "2" variety
C24-8 Small, Reg, Addr $22 FDC registered to US, envelope cachet (wind god), no backstamp
C24-8 Small, Reg, Addr $22 FDC reg to US, envelope cachet (SPC - flying goddess & plane), no backstamp
C24-8 Small, Reg, Addr $22 FDC registered to US, no envelope cachet, no backstamp
C29-30 Small, Unaddr, Signed $35 FDC, unaddressed, envelope cachet, Designer's Signature:
Masayoshi Adaniya (designer of C30)
Special Delivery
E1 x2 Small ~Sold~ FDC, horizontal pair of E1, addressed in Japanese
E1 Large, Unaddressed $85 FDC, legal size
E1 Large, Unaddressed $80 FDC, legal size
E1 Large, Unaddressed $70 FDC, legal size folded at left to resemble small size envelope
Terms Used to describe FDC:
S=Small CC=Commemorative Cancel OC=Official Cachet
CH=Private cached Unadr=Unaddressed Adr=Addressed
Ryukyu FD Metal Engaving Folders
[Folders have the stamp with FD cancel and colored
metal engraved cachet on inside right. - Information
on the stamp is tipped to the inside left side.
Only right side shown, click Here for complete example.
These items are catalogued in FTDD Vol 20, No 3,
July 1988, pages 66-75].
119 $10 Pineapple - Folder
120 $10 Obi - Folder
121 $12 Girl Scout - Folder
122-3 ~Sold~ Microwave towers - Envelope
124 $10 Olympics - Folder
125-7 $30 Karate 1, 2 & 3 - Folders
128 $9 Miyara Dunchi - Folder
129 $9 Snake, New Year - Folder
130 $12 Boy Scout - Folder
131 $9 Onoyama Stadium - Folder
132 $10 Samisen - Folder
133 $8 Kin Power Plant - Folder
134 $8 ICY and Okinawa Map - Folder
119//134 $100 14 different (above): 119, 120, 121, 124, 125-7,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134
125,6 $18 Karate 1 & 2 - Folders
135 $24 Completion of GRI Building - Folder
Shipment outside the US will require extra postage
charge on metal engravings.
Ryukyu Covers
Last Day Sale/Use B Yen Stamps
Ryukyu Islands Conversion to U.S. Dollars from B Yen. Effective 0001 hours on
September 16, 1958, the U.S. Dollar was established as the only legal tender
authorized to circulate in the Ryukyu Islands. The last day B Yen stamps
could be sold by the government was, therefore, September 15, 1958.
However, a short grace period for the use of B Yen stamps was provided. All
postage and revenue stamps denominated in B Yen were no longer valid for use
after September 20, 1958. Philatelists commemorated these key dates by
creating "Last Day of Sales" covers (September 15, 1958) and "Last Day of Use"
covers (September 20, 1958). During this grace period you sometimes find
covers with mixed franking (B Yen and U.S. Dollar denominated stamps). It is
my experience that the "Last Day of Use" covers are encountered most
frequently. This is followed by the "Last Day of Sales" covers and finally
the mixed franking covers.
Last Day of Sale Items (September 15, 1958)
8a B/4 ~Sold~ LDS, envelope cachet
19x2 $20 LDS, envelope cachet
23 $25 LDS, on front of picture post card, "Bezaitendo"
27-8 $25 LDS, envelope cachet printed over 3y stamps
36-8 $35 LDS, picture post cards, set of five - Munjuru Bushi, Nuchibana, Kashikake
Hamachidori & Hatoma Bushi dances
36-8 $22 LDS, picture post cards, set of three - Munjuru Bushi, Nuchibana, Kashikake dances
36-8 $20 LDS, picture post cards, set of three - Hanafu, Yotudake & Kashikake dances
36-8 $12 LDS, picture post card, Hanafu dance
36-8 $12 LDS, picture post card, Hatoma dance
36-8 $12 LDS, picture post card, Nuchibana dance
36-8 $12 LDS, picture post card, Yotudake dance
Last Day of Use Covers (September 20, 1958)
1-7, 16B $400 LDU, 58.9.20, Ginowan cancels, 1-7 mixed printing
1-7, 16B $300 LDU, 58.9.20, Urasoe cancels, 1-7 mixed printing,
Scott 1 broken stem variety x2
1-7, 16 ~Sold~ LDU, 58.9.20, Ginowan cancels, 1-7 mixed printing,
Scott 1 broken stem variety
1-7, 16B $300 LDU, 58.9.22 (Post LDU actually) mixed printing of first
definitive set, improper use of B yen stamps in $ stamp period
1 $18 LDU, envelope cachet (lion dog)
1 B/8, 2 B6, $35 LDU, cachet on back, 1 in block/8, 2 in block/6 with 4th stamp the
42 broken stem variety, 42
1 B/8, 2 B6, $25 LDU, no cachet back, 1 in block/8, 2 in block/6 with no broken stem variety, 42
8-13 $70 LDU, no envelope cachet
8-13, E1 $135 LDU, no envelope cachet
8x2 + 44x2 ~Sold~ LDU, envelope cachet (silver dollar), mixed franking
13 $20 LDU, envelope cachet (lion dog)
18, 9 $40 LDU, 58.9.22 (Post LDU actually) improper use of
B yen stamps in $ stamp period (after August 20)
19-21 $15 LDU, envelope cachet (lion dog)
19-21 $15 LDU, no envelope cachet
19-26 $75 LDU, no envelope cachet
19x2 $12 LDU, envelope cachet (map)
19x4 $16 LDU, block/4, envelope cachet (map)
20x2 $12 LDU, envelope cachet (map)
22x2 $12 LDU, envelope cachet (map)
23x2 $15 LDU, envelope cachet (map)
27-8 $25 LDU, no envelope cachet
28 $20 LDU, envelope cachet (silver dollar)
29 $22 LDU, no envelope cachet
30 $20 LDU, no envelope cachet
31-3 $25 LDU, no envelope cachet
36-8 $28 LDU, envelope cachet
36-8 $25 LDU, no envelope cachet
40x2 $15 LDU, no envelope cachet
41x2 $15 LDU, no envelope cachet
42x2 $15 LDU, Naha English cxl, no envelope cachet
42x2 $12 LDU, Naha kanji cxl, envelope cachet
42,44x2 $18 LDU for 42 and early use of 44x2, mixed franking (Yen & $),
lion dog envelope cachet
42,44,45 $18 LDU for 42 and early use of 44 &5, mixed franking (Yen & $),
lion dog envelope cachet
42,46 $15 LDU for 42 and early use of 46, mixed franking (Yen & $),
lion dog envelope cachet
43 $18 LDU, envelope cachet (map)
43 $16 LDU, envelope cachet (lion dog)
43 $10 LDU, no envelope cachet, Sashiki kanji
C1-3 $150 LDU, all 2nd printings (whitish tan paper - RPSS sC1,2&3:2)
C4-8 $95 LDU, Sashiki kanji
C4-8 ~Sold~ LDU, Naha English
C9-13 $95 LDU, Sashiki kanji
Ryukyu Covers
Last Day Sale Dollar Period Stamps
UF25:3 + 213 x2 ~Sold~ Last Day Sale, 3rd printing of UF25, with 213 x2 (6c) tied by Naha 72.5.14 and Naha cc
82 & 218 $20 Last Day Sale, 82 & 218, last day, Miyako
Ryukyu Covers
Last Day Use Dollar Period Stamps
Most covers below have an envelope cachet, Shuri 3.VI.72 circular date cancel and
most a Shuri commemorative cancel. Post reversion covers with mixed franking
of Ryukyu and Japan stamps. Scott number of Ryukyu Islands stamp(s) in parenthesis.
7c (216,220) $10 LDU/4c dancer & 3c flower
10c (68) +1y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, dancer
5c (82x2) + 5y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, dancer, no commemorative cancel
25c (85) + 11y $12 LDU/Mixed Franking, dancer
3c (88) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, pine tree - #1
3c (88) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, pine tree- #2
3c (88) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, pine tree - #3
3c (88) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, pine tree - #4
3c (88) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, pine tree - #5
1/2c (97) + 19y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, flower definitive
3c (103) + 30y $14 LDU/Mixed Franking, white bowl
3c (112) + 30y $14 LDU/Mixed Franking, red bowl
3c (117) + 30y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, NY, dragon
3c (118) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, carnation
3c (120) + 30y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, sash
3c (121) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, girl scout
3c (132) + 30y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, samisen, philatelic week
9c (136-8) + 1y $12 LDU/Mixed Franking, turtles (set of 3)
3c (146) + 30y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, lacquerware, philatelic week
3c (147) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, UNESCO
3c (149) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, tomb
3c (152) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, fish
3c (153) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, fish
3c (155) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, fish
3c (156) + 15y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week
3c (159) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, shell
3c (168) + 15y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week
3c (182) + 15y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week
3c (193) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week - #1
3c (193) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week - #2
3c (193) + 11y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week - #3
3c (193) + 15y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week
3c (213) + 1y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, philatelic week, block/4
4c (220) + 8y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, dancer, no commemorative cancel
5c (225) + 6y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, park
5c (227) + 20y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, Japan & US flags
5c (228) + 70y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, final issue
5c (228) + 20y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, final issue
7c (C30) + 7y $10 LDU/Mixed Franking, last airmail, no commemorative cancel
23 1/2c + 5s $15 LDU/1a(5sen),44(1/2c)+20c, Naha cxl
17c $20 LDU/81,175x4,220, Miyako cxl airmail to US
Ryukyu Covers
First Flight Covers
Below references are to the American Air
Mail Catalogue (AAMC), 5th Ed, Vol 5, 1985
and the Handbook of Ryukyu Postage
Stamps (Tach), K. Tachikawa,
1973.1.22, Tokyo, Japan
Ryukyu Islands Related First Flights
AAMC* Tach Price Date Destination
? ? ~Sold~ 10.11.47 Honolulu>Naha, medium size envelope, Naha 25.11.47
receiving cxl on front, not listed in catalogues
Price on Request
3 4 ~Sold~ 19.11.47 Tokyo 19.11.47 > Naha 3.12.47 (RPSS FR3)
3 4 ~Sold~ 19.11.47 Tokyo>Naha, small envelope, Naha 3.12.47
receiving cxl on front (RPSS FR3**, AAMC F28-39)
5 - $250 17.2.48 Anchorage>Naha, NWA, small envelope, Naha 25.2.48
receiving cxl, (RPSS FR5**, AAMC F28-37), Richard L. Singley
5 - $200 17.2.48 Anchorage>Naha, NWA, small envelope, Naha 25.2.48
receiving cxl, (RPSS FR5**, AAMC F28-37), L. Dean Powell
6 - ~Sold~ 15.3.48 Naha>Manila, NWA, 8y (incorrect rate), large envelope,
Manila 16.3.48 receiving cxl, (RPSS FR6-A**), opened
at top, tears along top edge of back, paper clip
mark on back
8 6 ~Sold~ 15.3.48 Naha>PA, 13y rate, small envelope,
Minneapolis AMF 1948 Mar 18 backstamp no
NWA cachet, no fee paid handstamp box
8 6 $225 15.3.48 Naha>St Paul, 13y rate, large envelope,
Minneapolis AMF 1948 Mar 18 backstamp,
NWA cachet, yen paid handstamp box
8 6 $255 15.3.48 Naha>St Paul, 13y rate, large envelope,
Minneapolis AMF 1948 Mar 18 backstamp,
NWA cachet, no fee paid handstamp box
8 6 ~Sold~ 15.3.48 Naha>St Paul, 13y rate, large envelope,
Minneapolis AMF 1948 Mar 18 backstamp,
NWA cachet, fee paid handstamp box (slight doubling)
8 6 ~Sold~ 15.3.48 Naha>St Paul, 13y rate, large envelope,
Minneapolis AMF 1948 Mar 18 backstamp, NWA cachet,
fee paid handstamp box, two strikes of Naha cds
8 6 ~Sold~ 15.3.48 Naha>New York, 13y rate, large envelope
NY Mar 19, 1948 machine cancel backstamp,
First Flight cachet x2
8 6 $225 15.3.48 Naha>New York>MD, 13y rate, small envelope
NY Mar 19, 1948 machine cancel backstamp
8 6 $200 15.3.48 Naha>New York, 13y rate, large envelope, NY Mar 19, 1948
machine cancel backstamp, vertical crease at middle (RPSS FR8-A)
8 6 ~Sold~ 15.3.48 Naha>New York, NWA, 13y revised to 16y (correct rate), small envelope,
New York backstamp dated Mar 19, 1948 (RPSS FR8-B)
8 6 $265 15.3.48 Naha>San Francisco, 13y rate, large envelope,
no backstamp, very clean
8 6 $100 15.3.48 Naha>San Francisco, 13y rate, large envelope,
no backstamp, very clean
8 6 $150 17.3.48 Naha>Minneapolis, 16y rate, large envelope, no backstamp,
clean, addressed to Russell G. Wilcox, Minneapolis, Minn
For information on 1949 Pan American Airways first flight covers, click here.
13 12 $295 3.1.49 Seattle AMF>Naha, 11.1.49 Naha receiving cxl on front
BPO 21 backstamp
? ? ~Sold~ 17.3.49 Kadena AB>Los Angeles, La Receiving cxl 23.3.49,
unlisted, Frank H. Blumenthal
14 Note - $200 49.5.4 Seattle (May 4, 1949) > Naha (17.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue,
neatly slit open at top, Anderson
14 Note - $235 49.5.4 Seattle Air Mail Field (May 4, 1949) > Naha (17.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue, Haworth
14 Note - $225 49.5.4 Seattle Air Mail Field (May 4, 1949) > Naha (17.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue, Schneider #1
14 Note - $225 49.5.4 Seattle Air Mail Field (May 4, 1949) > Naha (17.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue, Schneider #2
14 Note - ~Sold~ 49.5.4 Seattle Air Mail Field (May 4, 1949) > Naha (17.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue, Marsh (RPSS FR17)
14 Note - $200 49.5.4 Seattle Air Mail Field (May 4, 1949) > APO 331 (11.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue
14 Note - ~Sold~ 49.5.4 Seattle Air Mail Field (May 4, 1949) > Naha, no receiving datestamp
but Naha FP1 used as receiving cancel. Noted after Ryukyu
Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue. Frank H. Blumenthal
14 Note - ~Sold~ 49.5.4 Portland (May 4, 1949) > Naha, no receiving datestamp
but Naha FP1 used as receiving cancel, year indistinct
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue
14 Note - $250 49.5.4 Portland (May 4, 1949) > Naha, receiving cancel 2.6.49
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue
but only with APO or Kanji (FP1) receiving cancels
?? $85 ?.?.? Naha receiving cxl (2.6.49), stamps (US 6c) uncanceled,
to Bill Schneider, Jr, noted first flight collector, probably
the May 4, 1949 PAA flight from Portland to Naha
14 Note - ~Sold~ 49.5.4 Portland (May 4, 1949) > Hong Kong (9.5.49)
Noted after Ryukyu Islands Flights #14, AAM Catalogue. Covers to
Okinawa were routed via this flight per AAM Cat (F14-71a)
14 Note - ~Sold~ 49.5.18 Naha (May 18, 1949) stampless > Tacoma (23.5.49)
First Flight or First Flight Related, see here.
14 Note - ~Sold~ 49.5.18 Naha (May 18, 1949) stampless > Portland (23.5.49)
First Flight or First Flight Related, see here.
Price on Request
For information on May 1951 Pan American Airways covers in and out of Wake Island, click here.
-- -- ~Sold~ 51.5.3 Wake>Guam>Okinawa, 51.5.3, small size, with APO 246 (Guam)
-- -- $65 51.5.2 Okinawa APO>Wake, 51.5.2, small size, no cachet,
PAA (not AAMC recognized First Flight)
20 15A $18 5.2.29(54) Tokyo>Naha addr to A.J. Paul
20 15A $18 5.2.29(54) Tokyo>Naha addr to E.O. Cooper
21 15B $16 5.2.54 Naha>Tokyo (addressed to US) - IRSACS, DC, paste on address label
21 15B $18 5.2.54 Naha>Tokyo ("Poste Restante") - D.F. Rawlings, Ill
21 15B $18 5.2.54 Naha>Tokyo ("Poste Restante") - D.A. Hamilton, Tenn
21 Related $275 5.2.54 Naha>US, 16A x3, first flight commem cxl
22 16 $22 5.2.55 Naha>Hong Kong
23 16B $20 5.2.55 Hong Kong>Naha
23 16B $20 5.2.55 Hong Kong>Naha - another copy
24 17A $25 13.9.56 Hakata>Naha
25 17B ~Sold~ 14.9.56 Naha>Hakata
27 ~Sold~ 6.5.59 NY>Naha, Polar Service
30 $85 6.6.59 Naha>NY, Polar Service, no backstamp as usual, NW Orient Label
30 $80 6.6.59 Naha>NY, Polar Service, no backstamp as usual
34,37,39 $28 1~20.9.60 Naha>Taipei/Tokyo/Manila (3 FFCs)
34 20B $12 1.9.60 Naha>Taipei, Oyama, Taipei 1.IX.60 backstamp, S. Oyama
34 20B $12 1.9.60 Naha>Taipei, Oyama, Taipei 8.IX.60 backstamp, M. Sera
34 x10 20B $75 1.9.60 Naha>Taipei, Oyama, Taipei 1.IX.60 backstamp, x10
34 x10 20B $75 1.9.60 Naha>Taipei, Sera, Taipei 8.IX.60 backstamp, as above x10
35 --- $65 3.9.60 Anchorage>Naha, Naha (9-7) backstamp
35 $95 3.9.60 Anchorage>Naha, Unaddressed, APO 331 (9-6) & Naha (9-7) backstamps
35 --- ~Sold~ 3.9.60 Anchorage>Naha, APO 331 (9-6) & Naha (9-7) backstamps
36 19A $20 4.9.60 Tokyo>Naha, Japan Sc 646 x2 + with Comm Cxl
36 19A $12 4.9.60 Tokyo>Naha, Japan Sc 678 x2
37 19B $15 4.9.60 Naha>Tokyo, NWA Label, Sc 55 & 56
37 19B $15 4.9.60 Naha>Tokyo, NWA Label, Sc 55 & 64
37 19B $15 4.9.60 Naha>Tokyo, NWA Label, Sc 57 & 64
37 19B $15 4.9.60 Naha>Tokyo, NWA Label, Sc 59 x2
37 19B $15 4.9.60 Naha>Tokyo, NWA Label, Sc 59 & 64
39 21 $18 20.9.60 Naha-Manila, 2 cancels, 16.9 & 20.9, NWA label, S. Oyama
39 21 $16 20.9.60 Naha>Manila, 2 cancels, 2 cancels, 16.9 & 20.9, M. Sera
42 22 $20 17.11.60 Osaka>Naha, JAL Label
42 22 $22 17.11.60 Osaka>Naha, no JAL Label
46 26A $10 9.2.61 Osaka>Naha, #1
46 26A $10 9.2.61 Osaka>Naha, #2 (different stamps)
46 26A $25 9.2.61 Osaka>Naha, as above, 2, one with defective cachet
47 26B $12 9.2.61 Naha>Osaka
48 27 ~Sold~ 13VII61 Taipei>Naha
50 29A $20 23IX61 Kagoshima>Naha
51 29B $20 9.23.61 Naha>Kagoshima
53 Variety ? POR 1.10.61 Naha>Taipei, not listed, same period JAL service, Naha>Tokyo (61.10.3) RIF53 began
62 $35 2.4.65 Naha>Kagoshima
79-82 $100 1-2.10.67 Naha>HK & Taipei (all 4 legs), all large size,
(RPSS FR79-82 - all large size), all with backstamps
79-82 $110 1-2.10.67 Naha>HK & Taipei (all 4 legs), 3 large, 1 small,
(RPSS FR79-82 - all large size, except FR81)
79 --- $30 1.10.67 HK>Naha (Naha 2.10.67 backstamp), tape on backflap
80 $30 2.10.67 Naha>Hong Kong, seldom seen small size & no printed envelope cachet
81 44A $30 2.10.67 Taipei>Naha, seldom seen small (4 1/2 x 6 1/2) envelope #1
81 44A $35 2.10.67 Taipei>Naha, seldom seen small (4 1/2 x 6 1/2) envelope #2
Contintental/Air Micronesia Brochure - RIF 86~104
Brochure $30 Contintental/Air Micronesia Brochure
85 $125 16.5.68 Ponape>Naha (May 21 backstamp)
86 Variety $30 22.5.68 Guam>Rota>Saipan>Naha (June 8 Naha backstamp)
87 $60 17.5.68 Saipan>Naha (May 17 backstamp)
89 $80 17.5.68 Naha>Saipan (May 20 backstamp), R. Kamiyama
90 ~Sold~ 17.5.68 Naha>Kwajlein (May 17 backstamp) #1 - John Head
90 $55 17.5.68 Naha>Kwajlein (May 17 backstamp) #2 - Robert Kamiyama
90 $55 17.5.68 Naha>Kwajlein (May 17 backstamp) #3 - Robert Kamiyama
91 $75 17.5.68 Naha>Manjuro (May 18 backstamp), M Schoberlin
91 $75 17.5.68 Naha>Manjuro (May 18 backstamp), Robert Kamiyana
92 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Guam (May 18 Agana receiving cancel) - John Head
93 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Truk (May 22 backstamp)- Perham Nahl
93 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Truk (May 22 backstamp) - Robert Kamiyama
94 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Ponape (May 21 backstamp) - John Head
95 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Rota (May 22 backstamp)- Robert Kamiyama, #1
95 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Rota (May 22 backstamp)- Robert Kamiyama, #2
96 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Yap (May 20 backstamp) no cachet - Robert Kamiyama
96 $25 17.5.68 Naha>Yap (No Backstamp) - Earl Wellman #1
96 $25 17.5.68 Naha>Yap (No Backstamp) #2
97 $50 17.5.68 Naha>Koror (June 4 backstamp) #1 - John Head
97 $55 17.5.68 Naha>Koror (May 29 backstamp) #2 - Robert Kamiyama
97 $55 17.5.68 Naha>Koror (May 29 backstamp) #3 - Robert Kamiyama
98 $25 17.5.68 Naha>Honolulu (no backstamp) - from John Head
98 46B $30 17.5.68 Naha>Honolulu
99 $55 18.5.68 Truk>Naha
101 ~Sold~ 19.5.68 Kwajalein>Naha
102 46A $18 19.5.68 Honolulu>Naha, booklet pane, #1
102 46A $16 19.5.68 Honolulu>Naha, #2
102 46A $16 19.5.68 Honolulu>Naha, #3
112 56A $15 1.8.69 San Fran>Naha #1
112 56A $15 1.8.69 San Fran>Naha #2
113 56A $15 1.8.69 San Fran AMF>Naha
114 57A $18 1.8.69 Honolulu>Naha
115 56B $25 1.8.69 Naha>San Fran
116 57B $25 1.8.69 Naha>Honolulu, 1 stamp - Dinger
116 57B $25 1.8.69 Naha>Honolulu, 2 stamps - Roman
116 57B $25 1.8.69 Naha>Honolulu, 4 stamps - Kamiyama
117 58A $25 1.8.69 LA AMF>Naha
117//20 58-60A $60 1/3.8.69 LA AMF-Honolulu-Guam>Naha (3 covers)
118 $25 1.8.69 Honolulu>Naha, Naha 3.8.69
118 $26 1.8.69 Honolulu>Naha, Naha 3.8.69 back, 4.8.69 front
119 Var $45 1.8.69 NY GPO>Naha, Naha 7.8.69 front, 6.8.69 back
seldom seen NY GPO - usually UN-NY
119 $35 1.8.69 UN(NY)>Naha, Naha 7.8.69 front, 6.8.69 back
119 $30 1.8.69 UN(NY)>Naha, Naha 6.8.69 backstamp
119 $50 1.8.69 UN(NY)>Naha, Naha 6.8.69 backstamp, + 3 other
companion - UN(NY)>Hawaii-Agana-Taipei
120 $25 3.8.69 Agana>Naha #1, Agana machine cancel,
large circular (blue?) TWA handstamp cachet
120 $25 3.8.69 Agana>Naha #2, Agana machine cancel,
large circular (green) TWA handstamp cachet
120 $25 3.8.69 Agana>Naha #3, Agana circular date stamp,
large circular (green) TWA handstamp cachet
122 $25 4.8.69 Naha>LA AMF #1
122 $25 4.8.69 Naha>LA AMF #2
123 $30 4.8.69 Naha>Guam
124 $40 4.8.69 Naha>Honolulu, Robert Kamiyama
124 $40 4.8.69 Naha>Honolulu, Ryukyu Collectors Club
124 Variety $35 4.8.69 Naha>Honolulu, incorrect Honolulu backstamp 1.8.69
125 $75 4.8.69 Naha>Jamaica NY, Jamaica NY (AMF Kennedy) 69.8.4 backstamp
125 ~Sold~ 4.8.69 Naha>Jamaica NY, LA machine cxl on front, no backstamp
Post Reversion Flight Covers (first, last, special)***
(1974) 49.3.10 Naha>Tokyo ANA FFC $20 L1011 Tri-Star
1975.3.3 Guam>Naha, F14-222* $22 112 pieces carried
1975.3.3 Guam>Naha, F14-222* $20 Related
1975.3.4 Okinawa(APO 96239>Honolulu $40 F14-220-228 Related*
1975.3.4 Okinawa(APO 96239>Guam $40 F14-220-228 Related*
(1977) 52.10.1 Naha>Osaka ANA FFC $18 Tri-Star
1979.7.12 Naha>Taipei NWA $22 "First Mail Flight"
1979.11.21 Naha>Taipei JAA**** FFC $22 Flight departed 79.11.22
1979.12.2 Naha>Taipei JAA**** $20 "First Official Mail Flight"
Flight departed 79.12.3
1980.2.22 Taipei>Naha CAL ***** $18 "Reopening Flight" to Oki
* AAMC - American Air Mail Catalogue, Fifth Edition, Volume 5,
Ryukyu Islands Flights, pages 1850-51 "Pan American Adds New Points in Far East."
** "FR" - First Flight Cover numbers with the prefex "FR" refer to Handbook and Specialized Catalogue
of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands (Issued Under United States Administrations), Part VII,
Documents and Specialized Monographs -- Fascicle 11 -- First Flight Covers and Air Mail Service Commemoration
Materials, Section 2, First Flights and Commemoratives of the American Administration Period, Ryukyu Period,
1947-1972, published by the Ryukyu Philatelic Society, Ltd, Alameda, Ca, 2012.
*** Many of these covers were prepared by noted Ryukyu philatelists A. Nakagawa and Y.T. Tsao
**** JAA - Japan Asia Airline
***** China Airlines
The following FAM Route #46 - Air Micronesia/Continental - may be of collateral interest, none are
in or out of Okianwa but ehey are with the FAM route (FAM 46) between Naha and Honolulu.
F46-5a $18 Koror>Agana, 68.5.17 via Yap - #1
F46-5a $18 Koror>Agana, 68.5.17 via Yap - #2
F46-5a $25 Koror>Agana, 68.5.17 - #3 No Yap transit cancel
F46-6 $85 Saipan>Honolulu, 68.5.18, scarce
F46-8 $150 Kwajalein>Honolulu, 68.5.18, very scarce
F46-10b $20 Honolulu>Kwajalein, 68.5.19
F46-14 $25 Agana>Rota, 68.5.22, toning
F46 $25 Truk>Guam, 68.5.18
F46 $35 Ponape>Manjuro, 70.2.4 (no cachet)
Other FAM Route 46 flghts are listed here.
Ryukyu Islands
Ryukyu Pre-War Material
Picture Post Card (unused) $45 "Loochoo Geisha" unused collotype real picture
post card, ca 1918
"Ryukyu - Naha" revenue, mint, $25 hinged / poor condition on gum side
Taiwan to Fukuoka 6.10.9 test flight $55 May have transited Okinawa, return leg, see FTDD 19:4 at p88
Taiwan to Fukuoka 6.10.9 test flight $30 As above but post card, return leg, see FTDD 19:4 at p88
WWII Era Forms - Non Philatelic
Ration Coupon Form, Showa 18 (1943), several coupons not present $75.00
Ration Coupon Form, Okinawa, Kunigami, Showa 19 (1944), March,
US military, "Examined in the Filed, No. 145" handstamp $55.00
WWII Era Forms - Telegraph Transaction Forms
Out of Stock
Pre-WWII Forms - Telephone Payment From
Out of stock
Japanese Large Commemorative Cancels (Sera Numbers for SC1 & SC2)
Sera SC-1. Showa 9(1934).6.5, Naha, Naminoue Shrine, First Day $125.00
Sera SC-2. Showa 9(1934).6.5, Naha, Shuri Castle, First Day $125.00
Sera SC-2. Showa 9(1934).6.5, Naha, Shuri Castle, First Day $120.00 (foxing/staining)
Sera SC-2. Showa 9(1934).12.17, Shuri Castle, not First Day $125.00
Showa 3(1928) -- 6 post cards cto with Ryukyu Island POs, large
commemorative cancels for Hirohito's Enthronemnt $225.00
as above, Naha, 3.11.14 $45.00 #1
as above, Naha, 3.11.14 $45.00 #2
Japanese Small Commemorative Cancels
(See FTDD Vol 8, No 1, April, 1976)
Showa 10(1935).10.8 Naha, Air Route between Japan and Taiwan $75.00
Showa 10(1935).10.8 Naha, Air Route between Japan and Taiwan ~Sold~ Cover with Hakata 10.10.13 receiving cancel, tear
in cover above left stamp, 33s (overfranked)
Showa 11(1936).11.3 Naha, Commerce & Industry Fair $80.00
Showa 11(1936).11.3 Naha, Commerce & Industry Fair x2 $95.00 front & back of PC
Showa 11(1936).12.23, Naha, Wireless Telephone, Kagoshima-Naha ~Sold~
Showa 12(1937).5.15 Naha, Reservist Association Convention $65.00 light tropical stains
Showa 12(1937).6.29 Naha, Okinawa Air Defense Drill $75.00
Showa 12(1937).6.29 Naha, Okinawa Air Defense Drill $35.00 on piece cut from PC
Showa 12(1937.11.3) Naha, Telephone Office Building, Foxing $70.00
Showa 13(1938).3.19 Yaeyama, Agricultural School Building #1 ~Sold~
Showa 13(1938).3.19 Yaeyama, Agricultural School Building #2 ~Sold~
Pre-1945 - Okinawa Cancels on Stamps
1925 -- Naha, Taisho 14 (1925)?.5.2- $15.00 3s large die, if Showa 14 date would be 1939
1936 -- Miyako, Showa 11 (1936).6.2- $15.00
Pre-1945 - Post Cards and Covers, etc. with Okinawa Cancels
1903 Cover Naha - Ryukyu 36.11.?? $95.00 Naha - Ryukyu cover, 3s stamp on cover with Meiji 36
(1903).11.?? receiving cxl, opened at bottom
1905 Cover Naha - Ryukyu 38.?.20 > Osaka $75.00 Naha - Ryukyu cover, two 1 1/2 stamps
chrysanthemum series stamps on cover
to Osaka with Meiji 38 (1905).5.3 receiving cxl,
opened roughly at top and one stamp damaged
1918 -- Naha, Taisho 7(1918).10.10 $20.00
1924 -- Motobu - Ryukyu 13(1924).6.28 $24.00 Cancel on 1 1/2s pc cut square
1928 -- 1 post card, as above, Okinawa Iriomote, 3.11.14 $35.00
1928 -- 1 post card, as above, Okinawa Kume-shima, 3.11.11 $45.00
1928 -- 1 post card, as above, Okinawa Miyako-shima, 3.11.13 $35.00
1931 -- Naha, 6.2.20 on 6s cover to Tokyo $50.00 "Shin Ten" handstamp
1933 -- Naha 8.7.23, file holes at bottom, light fold right $35.00
1935 -- Naha 10.5.1, post card franked w 1 1/2 sen stamp,clean $38.00
1935 -- Naha 10.5.28 on 1 1/2 sen pc to Osaka $24.00
c1944 - Naha Fee Paid, military post card ~Sold~
Pre-1945 - Picture Post Cards
ca 1909 -- Aikwa Kindergarten Shuri, Liuchiu Islands -- ~ Sold ~
(unused color picture post card)
ca 1931 -- Indistinct cancel - probably not Okinawa cancel - $25.00
Okinawa scene, collotype printed, 20 III 31 dated
message to Germany, card has damaged areas
ca 1940 -- Shurei-mon - unused picture post card -- $15.00
ca 1940 -- Gajimaru Tree - unused picture post card -- $18.00
Japan Postal Cards & Covers Into Okinawa
Showa 12 (1937).1.1 1 1/2 sen on PPC to Okinawa $20.00
Showa 14 (1939).6.1 2 sen PC to Okinawa + $25.00
companion Helmet Mil Envelope to Okinawa
Showa 15 (1940).7.11 2 sen PC, Tokyo
to Okinawa creases at bottom $25.00
Showa 15 (1940).9.20 2 sen PC to Okinawa,
strong diagonal crease (vertical) $25.00
Undated/canceled 3s PC into Okinawa $15.00
Ryukyu Islands
Ryukyu Pre-War Material
Pre-1945 Official Land Documents (ca 1937 - Showa 12) - Naha
All documents are on rice page. Some double page, most single page.
$30 Double sheet, 31 revenue stamps
$30 Double sheet, 20 revenue stamps
$30 Double sheet, 16 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 8 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 7 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 6 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 5 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 4 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 2 revenue stamps
$20 Single sheet, 1 revenue stamp
$175 (Net) - Above 10 documents as a unit
Ryukyu Miscellaneous
Martial Arts in Ryukyu Philately.
Follow this link to my web page which features philatelic
and other material related to the martial arts on Okinawa.
Stamps other than 44-53 on Certification of Contents Documents (Nai-yo Sho-mei)
C10 ~Sold~ Miyako 58.8.12, 20y rate
C10 ~Sold~ Miyako 58.9.12, 20y rate
45, C15 $30 Miyako 60.5.10, 15c rate
114 $30 Miyako 66.1.17, 15c rate
More Nai-yuo Sho-mei (with 44-53) forms are here.
Other Special Postal Services & Postal Forms
Receipts for Parcels, 25c (Scott 85)
Receipt for Parcel*, 25c (68.7~12.--) $10
" " as above x5 $40
" " as above x10 $70
Receipt for Parcel**, 25c (71.9.--) $25
" " as above x5 $95
* Single form, with 25c stamp affixed and canceled the date of notice to the postal
patron and stamp canceled the day payment received.
** Double form with above single form attached to the post office copy of the form.
Two of each as they were maintained in postal records.
Note Regarding Condition. The single forms are usually folded as they were provided
to the receiver of the parcel who would fold them to put them in a pocket to take to
the post office.
Out of Stock
Bulk Mail Receipts and Payment of Postal Fees*
"Acceptance of Post Fee Receipt" - B-Yen Period
# of
Price Rate Pieces Franking Cancel Comment
$25 4y 59 236y 56.5.24 1st Class, 4y rate
$25 4y 64 256y 56.6.12 1st Class, 4y rate
$28 4y 86 344y 56.7.7 1st Class, 4y rate
$30 4y 132 528y 56.7.23 1st Class, 4y rate
$25 4y 66 264y 56.8.25 1st Class, 4y rate
$25 3y 25 75y 56.4.12 5th Class, 3y rate
$35 3y 208 624y 56.8.4 5th Class, 3y rate
$30 3y 58 174y 56.8.15 5th Class, 3y rate
Bulk Mail Receipts and Payment of Postal Fees*
"Acceptance of Post Fee Receipt" - Dollar Period
# of
Price Rate Pieces Franking Cancel Comment
$20 3c 41 123c 66.12.30 1st Class Letter, 3c rate
$15 3c 72 216c 68.10.16 1st Class Letter, 3c rate
$15 3c 72 222c 70.2.16 1st Class Letter, 3c rate
$15 3c 40 120c 70.8.31 1st Class Letter, 3c rate
$15 1 1/2c 251 376c 66.12.19 2nd Class Postcards, 1 1/2c rate
$15 1 1/2c 73 201c 66.12.20 2nd Class Postcards, 1 1/2c rate
$15 1 1/2c 331 496c 66.12.20 2nd Class Postcards, 1 1/2c rate
$15 1 1/2c 134 110c 69.9.26 2nd Class Postcards, 1 1/2c rate
$18 1/2c 234 121.5c 70.5.13 3rd Class, 1/2c rate
$18 1c 904 904c 70.5.19 3rd Class, 1c rate
$12 2 1/2c 46 102.5c 63.12.4 5th Class, 2 1/2c rate
$12 2 1/2c 178 445c 66.12.9 5th Class, 2 1/2c rate
$12 2 1/2c 68 170c 66.12.10 5th Class, 2 1/2c rate
$12 2 1/2c 32 80c 66.12.30 5th Class, 2 1/2c rate
$18 - - 125c 66.12.2 Post Office Box Fee
$18 - - 250c 68.8.22 Post Office Box Fee
* The bulk mail receipt form served many purposes. The primary use was
to record payment for mail that would be carried without stamps but with a
postal marking indicating payment of postal fees. The form was also used
to document payment of varies fees such as PO box rental,customs charges and
postage due. The form measures ca. 3/4 x 4 1/2 in (9.1~ x 11.5 cm). The postal
charges were paid by affixing the total amount due in postage stamps,
generally on the reverse.
1954 - Miyako bulk mail receipt, 10 yen, 54.12.17 cancel, 9x14 cm $20.00
International Reply Coupons
IRC Collection, Ryukyu / Japan Sold ex-Ron Brawner Collection - Price on Request
Tachikawa RC3, mint & used (69.10.31) Sold
Tachikawa RC3, mint Sold
Tachikawa RC3, mint, x5 Sold
Tachikawa JC3, used, 43(1968).3.11 Sold
Tachikawa JC3, used, 68.3.29 Sold
Philatelic Announcements & Publicity Material
(General Information on Aerogramme Philatelic Annnouncements is here.)
ca 1958 Unofficial Publicity Pamphlet $65
ca 1971 Letter Announcement $35 Discontinuance of philatelic sales
1965 Philatelic "Guide" - English Out of Stock
1966 Philatelic "Guide" - English & Japanese Out of Stock
Official 1965 Publicity Folder (RPSS PMPF1) $75
Post Reversion
Out of Stock
Reference Books (Philatelic and Otherwise) & Supplies
Blank White Ace Ryukyu Islands Pages

Pack of 10 new White Ace "Ryukyu Islands Postal Issues" pages.
Price: 1 Pack of 10 = $16.00
Price: 5 Packs of 10 or more = $13.00 each
Postage is extra and international shipment would not be economically practical.
Supplies / Recently Published RPSS Catalogues
The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD. (RPSS) is now publishing specialized catalogues of Ryukyu philatelic material. The latest catalogues are offered below. These catalogues record an amazing amount of information. While some of it was published over the years in the RPSS catalogues and in the society's official publication, From the Dragon's Den, much of it was known only to very specialized collectors. The editor and authors of these new catalogues have done an outstanding job of compiling, organizing, illustrating and providing a specialized number system to present this information. The catalogues are lavishly illustrated (black and white in the printed catalogues). The books are unpaginated. The number of pages shown below are the number given in the Society's publication notice. The printed (spiral bound, print on demand type publications) catalogues are scheduled to be reproduced in CD format with color illustrations where they are available.
The catalogues offered below are ready for immediate shipment. They are priced at a 25% markup over the price that the RPSS is currently selling them for. The prices include media mail postage to a US address. Priority mail can be added at cost. International mailing is $35.00 per catalogue which is the cost for flat rate Global Priority (Air) Mail.
The catalogues (Fascicles 1, 2 & 3) below are spiral bound, large format (large 8vo - 8 1/2 x 11 in), designated "First Edition, Version 1.0," dated 2010," and published by the Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD., Alameda, CA. They are extensively illustrated with color on the front cover and black and white inside. The author's (editorial committee) are: Jon B. Kawaguchi, Editor, Arthur L-F. Askins, John Beck, Ron Brawner, Iris August Hinden and Gary B. Weiss.
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands (Issued Under United States Administration).
Part VI: Air Mail Stamps, Special Delivery Stamp, Revenue Stamps and Unemployment Insurance Revenue Stamps:
- Fascicle 1 - Airmail Stamps of the Central Government B-Yen Issues, 1950-1958, First Edition, dated 2010, released March, 2011, 8vo, spiral bound, 103 pages. An image of the cover is here. Price; $25.00.
- Fascicle 2 - Airmail Stamps of the Central Government $ Issues, 1959-1972, First Edition, dated 2010, released March, 2011, 8vo, spiral bound, 195 pages. here. Price: $37.50.
- Fascicle 3 - Special Delivery Stamp, Revenue Stamps and Unemployment Insurance Revenue Stamps, 1950-1972, First Edition, dated 2010, 8vo, released March, 2011, 8vo, 158 pages. An image of the cover is here. Price: $31.25.
- Checklist - Air Mail Stamps, Special Delivery Stamp, Revenue Stamps and Unemployment Insurance Revenue Stamps (Part IX, Fascicle 2), First Edition, dated 2010, released March, 2011, large 12mo (5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in), staple bound, 38 pages. An image of the cover is here. (not in currently in stock).
- CD with the above three Fascicles and Checklist; fascicles in color throughout (not all items however). The CD is not available at this time.
Kawaguchi, Jon B.
Askins, Arthur L-F:
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands (Issued Under United States Administration).
Part VII: Documents and Specialized Monographs:
- Fascicle 10 - Mihon, First Edition, dated 2011, released June, 2011, 8vo, spiral bound, 185 pages. An image of the cover is here. Thisis an extremely comprehensive catalogue listing of "Distributed Mihons" (stamps postal cards and forgeries of postage stamps), "Display Mihons," "File Type Mihons" (including forgeries) and "Postal Cards with Unauthorized Use of File Type Mihon Handstamp. The listings contains very invaluable information on detecting forgeries of the first three mihon postage stamps (91-S, 118-S and 119-S). CD version available and included in the price. Price; $45.00.
H.R. Harmer, Fine Stamp Auctions:
Crest Specialized Ryukyu, Sale 2993, September 24, 2009, Irvine, CA, 2009, 4to, illustrated stiff wraps, 56 pages. This is a profusely color illustrated catalogue of specialized Ryukyu Islands philatelic material offered at public auction in Costa Mesa, California on September 24, 2009. The auction consisted of 393 lots of highly specialized material. All facets of Ryukyu philately were included in the auction. Categories of material included Ryukyu essays, regular mihons (specimen stamps), post office display mihons, postal stationery mihons, multiples of early stamps on documents, specialized Scott 17 (100 yen overprinted stamp), Scott 44-53 (currency conversion to dollars stamps) varieties and errors, airmail varieties and errors, revenue stamps, military chits, Kume Island stamps, provisional stamps, provisional and central government postal stationery (including 85 sen surcharged cards and election cards) and stampless covers. This catalogue contains only Ryukyu material and represents a highly specialized collection with no duplication or bulk lots. It runs from lot 1001 to lot 1393. The auction represents a rare view of this seldom seen material. The prices realized for the auction (lots 1001 to 1393) are included.
Condition: The catalogue is in Fine+ condition with no marking. 2009140214 Price: $35.00
Daniel F. Kelleher, Auctions:
The Ryukyu Islands Collection Formed by George W. MacLellan, Jr, Auction 666, May 5, 2015, Danbury, CT, 22015, 4to, illustrated stiff wraps, 57 pages. Extensively illustrated catalogue in color offering of the Geroge W. MacLellan collection. There are a total of 1020 lots. May lots contained multiple items. This auction was devoted entirely to George MacLellan's Ryukyu collection. The prices realized for the auction are included.
Condition: The catalogue is in Fine+ condition with no marking. 20150505 Price: Out of Stock
Older RPSS Catalogues and Publications
Book rate (media mail) postage within the US is $3.50 per book unless quoted otherwise. Postage to outside the US depends on the location. This applies to the books listed below. |
Schoberlin, Melvin
Askins, Arthur L-F. (editior):
Handbook and Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Island (Issued under United States Administrations), Part I, Postal Stationery of the Gunto Governments (1945-51), The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Berkeley, California, 1978, 8 1/2 x 11 in (8vo), softcover, 85 pp. The definitive catalogue of Ryukyu Island postal stationery issued in the four Ryukyu Gunto governments immediately following World War II until 1948. The catalogue contains comprehensive listings, illustrations, tables, production quanties and background information on the postal stationery that was issued by the four Gunto governments during the rather brief transation period before establishment of the central government (Government of the Ryukyu Islands). This is the only comprehensive listing of this philatelic material which is not catalogued in the Scott Specialized Postage Stamp catalogue. As with all RPSS catalogues, values are not assigned. This is an invaluable resource for a Ryukyu Islands philatelic library.
Conditon: Fine condition. #1978020614a - Price: $65.00
Schoberlin, Melvin
Askins, Arthur L-F:
Handbook and Specialized Catalogue of Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands (Issued Under United States Administrations), Part II, 1948-72 Postal Stationery of the Central Governments, Berkeley, CA, the Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, Ltd, 8 1/2 x 11 in (8vo), softcover, 222 pp. The definitive catalogue of Ryukyu Islands postal stationery issued between 1948 -1972. The catalogue contains numerous illustrations, tables, printing quantities and specialized listings of this philatelic material. While the regular postal cards are listed in Scott Specialized catalogue, this catalogue includes them in far greater detail. In addition it lists postal stationery not found in Scott such as cash registration envelopes, official business envelopes, official business postal cards, official business air postal cards and election cards. A key reference for this philatelic material.
Fine Condition. #1979040407ac - Price: $50.00
Askins, Arthur L-F.
MacLellan, George W.:
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Island (Issued under United States Administrations), Part III, The Nansei Shoto Provisional Postage Stamps (1945-1948) and Provisional Revenue Issues (1945-1948), Third Edition, Revised, Updated, and Expanded, The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Berkeley, California, 1997, large 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 in), softcover, 180 pp. A comprehensive catalogue of Ryukyu Island provisional stamps issued in the four Ryukyu Islands Guntos (Amami, Okinawa, Miyako & Yaeyama) immediately following World War II through 1948. An extensive section is also provided on the Kume Jima postage stamp. The catalogue contains comprehensive listings, illustrations, tables, production quantities (not known on many) and background information on the postage stamps that were issued by the four Gunto governments during the rather brief transition period before establishment of the central government (Government of the Ryukyu Islands). Detailed information is also provided on imitation and counterfeit items. While these stamps are listed Scott Specialized Postage Stamp Catalogue the detail and extensive documentation found in this catalogue make it an indispensable reference. The in depth philatelic history documented in the catalogue is an invaluable reference for postal history of this period also. As with all RPSS catalogues, values are not assigned. However, the catalogue ends with an very important "Rarity Scale" section. Here each provisional stamp (except for several of the Yaeyama stamps) is rated from R1 (rarest) to R7. The rarity scale is based upon a table of known quantities which accompanies the stamp by stamp listing.
Condition: As New. #1997060419 - Price: $70.00
Schoberlin, Melvin
Askins, Arthur L-F. (revisions, updates and expansions):
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Island (Issued under United States Administrations), Part III, The Nansei Shoto Provisional Postage Stamps, The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Berkeley, California, 1973, 1st Edition
Condition: Fine condition. #1973040407c - Price: $30.00
Askins, Arthur L-F. (preface)
Vogel, Nobu (translation):
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Island (Issued under United States Administrations), Part VII, Documents and Specialized Monographs, 1981~1988, The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Berkeley, California, 1/2 x 11 in (8vo), softcover. The following Fascicle (separate volumes) of this series are offered as a unit.
- Fascicle 1 -- War Diary of Military Government Detachment B-101-X (Subsequently Kume Shima District Military Government), 1981, 40 pp.
- Fascicle 2 -- Immediate Postwar History of the Okinawa Postal Administration, 1982, 48 pp.
- Fascicle 3 -- History of the Development of the Communications Service in Amami Oshima After It's Separation from Japan, 1983, 55 pp.
- Fascicle 4 -- Mikako Island Postal History During and After the War, 1985, 30 pp.
- Fascicle 5 -- Battle Records of the Former Communications Employees of Okinawa: Kume Shima Post Office Portion, 1988, 35 pp
Conditon: Fine condition. #1981040407d - Price: $65.00
Shigemura, Kuniyoshi (Fascicle 3)
Tomiyama, Jojin (Fascicle 4)
Kikuzato, Kyobun (Fascicle 5)
Askins, Arthur L-F. (preface)
Vogel, Nobu (translation):
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Island (Issued under United States Administrations), Part VII, Documents and Specialized Monographs --
Fascicle 3 - History of the Development of the Communications Service in Amami Oshima After its Separation from Japan;
Fascicle 4 - Miyako Island Postal History During and After the War; and
Fascicle 5 - Battle Records of the Former Communications Emploees of Okinawa, Kumeshima Post Office Portion, The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Berkeley, California, 1983, 1985, 1988, 8 1/2 x 11 in (8vo), softcover, Fascicle 3 - 55 pp, Fascicle 4 - 30 pp, and Fascicle 5 - 35 pp.
This unit has three different publications. Each publication is a translation of documents and recorded history of the post WWII postal activities at Amami Oshima Miyako and Kume Shima. Excellent resource material on the activities of the of these three postal administrations within the Ryukyu Islands during the years immediately after WWII.
Conditon: Fine condition. Price: $18.00 each Fascicle or $45 for all three
Shiichi, Hirata
Askins, Arthur L-F. (preface)
Vogel, Nobu (translation):
Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Island (Issued under United States Administrations), Part VII, Documents and Specialized Monographs -- Fascicle 2 -- Immedate Postwar History of the Okinawa Postal Administration, The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Berkeley, California, 1982, 8 1/2 x 11 in (8vo), softcover, 48 pp. This book contains the original Japanese language version of Hirata's history of the postwar Okinawa Postal Administration. The document is translated into English. Hirata was the Okinawan official responsible for reestablishing an Okinawan postal system at the conclusion of fighting. His history of this endeavor spans the period from April 1, 1945 through August 1, 1949.
Conditon: Fine condition. #1982020614b - Price: $25.00
Various Editors:
From the Dragon's Den, Official Publication of the Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD, The Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, LTD (RPSS), Smyrna, Georgia and elsewhere, 1969 through March of 2008, 8 1/2 x 10 3/4 in, softcover. This is the official periodic publication of the RPSS. A complete set from the first issue (1:1, Whole No. 1) through March of 2008 (29:2, Whole No. 90). A total of 90 issues. The first issue is a special reprint issue. The next 8 issues are photo-copies. The issues generally contain 30-40+ pages per issue. The 90 issues, which constitute a complete set up to March 2008, are listed here. Also included in this unit are 2 cumulative indexes. The first is a supplement to Volume 13, No. 1 and covers Volumes 1-12, 1969-1980. The second cumulative index covers Volumes 1-25, 1969-2000.
Heavy Set. Book rate postage to a US address is $20.00. Because of the weight (22lbs) other means of mailing or shipping will be quoted based upon the destination.
Condition: All of the issues are in Very Good or better condition. A few have minor cover damage. #1969090709 nbsp;- Price: $450.00
Other Philatelic Publications Related to The Ryukyu Islands
An Instant Ryukyu Philatelic Reference Library
Total Price: $190.00 (US Book Rate Included)
- Ryukyus Handbook, Philatelic and Historic, M. Sera, Book in Fine condition owner's bookplate inside front cover, dust jacket in Fair Condition with tears, pieces missing and soiling.
- Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands, Issued Under United States Administration), Part I, Postal Stationery of the Gunto Governments, 1945-1951, Ryukyu Philatelic Specialisits Society, 1978, 88 pp. The definitive guide to the provisional postal stationery of the Ryukyu Islands. This material is not listed in the Scott Specialized catalogue.
- Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands, Issued Under United States Administration), Part II, Postal Stationery of the Central Government, 1948-1972, Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, 1979, 222 pp. The definitive guide to the postal stationery of the Ryukyu Islands. Contains detailed information on the postal stationery listed in the Scott Specialized as well as other non-Scott listed material. An essential reference for the Ryukyu postal stationery collector.
- Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu (Liu Ch'iu) Islands, Issued Under United States Administration), Part III, The Nansei Shoto Provisional Postage Stamp, Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society, 1973, 148 pp. A comprehensive catalogue of Ryukyu Island provisional stamps issued in the four Ryukyu Gunto governments immediately following World War II until 1951.
Condition: Unless noted otherwise, all items are in Very Good to Fine condition. Price of all: $225.00
Sera, Minoru
Oyama, Seigi (Introduction on Dust Jacket)
Thomas, Nina S. (Philatelic Advisor):
Ryukyus Handbook, Philatelic and Historic, Tokyo, printed by the Radiopress Tokyo, 1962,8vo, gray cloth, blue lettering on front cover and spine, dust jacket designed by Masayoshi Adaniya containing bingata design, title page illustration by Shin Isagawa, small (3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in) errata sheet with 7 corrections inserted loose, 238 pp. Detailed information (with 100+ illustrations) on Okinawan stamps, covers, postal stationery, postal rates, seals, cancels and revenue stamps. Philatelic material is placed in a historical context. A must for the basic Ryukyu philatelic reference library and a gold mine of information for the serious Ryukyu philatelist/researcher. A valuable resource even for the non-stamp collector. Provides a wealth of information on the culture and history of Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands. Often the front and back boards of this book are found with moderate to sever warping. Inside the backflap of the dust jacket there is an introduction of the book by Seigi Oyama.
Available Copies:
- $105.00. Condition: Book. Very Good+. Clean with no markings. Bookplate inside the front cover. Minor warping of the front and back covers. Original errata sheet present. Dust Jacket: Very Good- with numerous edge tears and scrapes. To see the dust jacket, click here.
- $100.00. Condition: Book. Very Good++. Clean with no markings. Minor warping of the front and back covers. Facsimile of errata sheet included. Dust Jacket: Good-. Clean with many edge tears. To see the dust jacket, click here.
- $95.00. Condition: Book. Very Good+. Clean with no markings. Minor warping of the front and back covers. Facsimile of errata sheet included. Dust Jacket: Good- with may tears and pieces missing. . To see the dust jacket and book covers, click here.
- $90.00. Condition: Book. Very Good+. Clean with no markings. Original errata sheet present. Dust Jacket: Good. Clean with moderate edge scrapes and tears. Very minor warping of the front and back covers. To see the dust jacket, click here.
- $80.00. Condition: Book. Very Good+. Clean with no markings. Original errata sheet present. Dust Jacket: Good-. Clean with moderate edge scrapes and tears and one large 3 inch tear on front. No warping of the front and back covers. <1962200710>
- $70.00. Condition: Book. Very Good++. Clean with no markings. Original errata sheet present. No Dust Jacket.
- $50.00. Condition: Book. Very Good+. Clean with no markings. Original errata sheet tipped in on inside front cover. Bookplate inside front cover. Minor warping of the front and back covers. Corners bumped. No Dust Jacket. To see the covers and inside of the front cover, click here.
- $40.00. Condition: Book. Very Good. Clean. "Withdrawn" handstamps on front free paper and inside back cover. Small handstamp number at bottom of the dedication page. No other library treatments or markings. Facsimile of errata sheet included. Light warping of the front and back covers.
- $50.00. Condition: Dust Jacket Only. Very Good. Small edge tears and scrapes, minor soiling. To see this dust jacket, click here.
Schoberlin, Melvin
Ryukyu Islands, Lists of Post Office, Under the Administration of the United States Government (1948-1961), Philadelphia and Yokosuka, Mogollan Press, 1962, printed for distribution with Japanese Philately, 6 x 8 1/2 in (8vo-small), softcover (staples), 18 pp. This pamphlet contains a listing of Ryukyu Island post offices during the period from 1945-1961. Opening day and closing day are listed along with the Japanese characters.
Conditon: Fine condition. #1962020621b - $20.00
Peterson, Robert C.
Templeton, J.C. (Jake) (photography):
The Ryukyu Collectors Club Bulletin (An "International Unit of Jack Knight Air Mail Society"), Vols 5:4 - 12:3, November 1965 ~ October 1972, 4to, stable bound. A total of 26 issues during this period. If not complete, a near complete run of issues.
Included is The Ryukyu Collectors Club Catalogue of the Stamp Issues of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands which is composed of:
RCC Bulletin Source
Feb 66 9 pages pp 110 to 118
May 66 6 pages pp 113 to 118
Aug 66 16 pages pp 103 to 118
Nov 66 10 pages pp 109 to 118
Feb 67 13 pages pp 102 to 114
For a listing of the issues, click here.
Condition: Good-Very Good. Wrinkling and creases, especially on the front and back pages. Stapled bound and restapled. Price: $110.00 (1965070324)
Schoberlin, Melvin
A Study of Major Errors of the Ryukyu Islands Plus A Thimbleful of History, Philadelphia, American Philatelic Society, Inc, 1965, "An A.P.S. Handbook Publication" which is a reprint of the article published in The American Philatelist, 8vo, paper wraps, 24 pp. The pamphlet is divided into two parts. Part I (pages 1-11) gives a brief history of the Ryukyu Islands and provides information on the pre-central government postal system. Important stampless and provisional stamp covers and a Miyako bulk mail receipt are pictured and discussed. Part II (pages 12-24 is titled "Major Errors of the Ryukyu Islands." The first 7 pages of this part deal with the Scott 16 series. This section also discusses counterfeits and the Gushikawa forgeries of Scott 16. The balance of the section covers errors in Scott 56 (missing red), C14. C19 and a sheet of 91 missing the top inscription and printer's inscription at the bottom.
Condition: Fine condition. #1965070324b - $35.00
Handbook of Ryukyu Postage Stamps
1973, Japanese Philatelic Society, Inc. |
Price: Out of Stock |
Kenkichi Tachikawa, author, Japan Philatelic Society, Ltd, Japan, 1973, small 8vo (8 1/2 x 9 in), soft cover, Japanese language, heavily illustrated 176 pp. |
Tachikawa, Kenkichi
Ryukyu Postage Stamps and Covers under U.S. Administration, 1945-72, JAPEX '84, Tokyo Japan, Japan Philatelic Society, Foundation, 1984, filmset and printed by The Heibunsha, 8vo, flexible covers, 180 numbered pages and 4 additional pages at rear. All text in Japanese This is a record of Kenkichi Tachikawa's award wining Ryukyu Islands exhibit at JAPEX 1984. To see the front cover, title page and a representative page, click here.
Condition: Fine condition. A few light smudges on the covers. #19840425 - $85.00
Bush, Joseph:
A single page (8 1/2 x 11) with color patches showing the color of the various paper types used in the Currency Coversion Provisional Series (Sc 44-53) as they appear under UV light. Excellent basic resource in the study of the 44-53 series. The page was distributed by the noted Ryukyus dealer, J.V. Bush.
Condition: Fine condition. Price: $30
MacLellan, George:
A loose leaf pamphlet titled The Color, Paper and Perforation Varieties of the 1958 Ryukyu Provisionals, by George MacLellan with photography by J. C. Templeton, Jr. No publisher or publication date is stated. The publication has a color cover, 22 text pages and no back cover. I don't believe it was issued with a back cover. Size is 8 1/2 x 11. An early comprehensive discussion of the 44-53 currency conversion provisional series.
Conditon: Fine condition. Price: ~Sold~
Author Not Stated:
Ribbon tied pamphlet/catalogue of Ryukyus postage stamps from the first issue (Scott 1a-7a) through the last B Yen airmail set (Scott C9-13), 7 x 5 in, halftone illustrations, pages not numbered but 28 pages. The pamphlet begins with a two page historical discussion of the Ryukyu Islands. Then each stamp/series is discussed with a focus on the significance of the image on the stamp to Ryukyuan culture, customs and traditions. The last page has a note "For the Collector" which advises that new issues are available from the Ryukyuan Post Office and older stamps are stocked by Tuttle's Book store at CPO Box 302, Naha. A pic of the cover and one page is here.
Condition: Very Good condition. There is a vertical crease on the front cover. Three pages have writing Price: $25.00
Other Philatelic Literature and Catalogues are Available, Please email.
Non Philatelic Literature
US Government:
Nansei Shoto (Ryukyu Island - Loochoo Islands), A Pocket Guide, US Government, ca 1945 (pre-invasion - April 1, 1945), pamphlet, 2 maps, 9 illustrations (most cartoon type drawings), 4 1/4 x 5 1/4 in, paper wraps, 39 pp (2 blank for "Notes"). Reproduced by 30th engineer Base Top BN. USAFCPBC. No. 5356. This is obviously a pocket guide prepared for troops about to engage in the Nansei Shoto (Okinawa) campaign of WWII. Loaded with basic information and guidance to include an "English into Japanese" section with such terms as "Cease fire!," "If you resist you will be shot!," and "Shut up!." A typical government undertaking. Everything the American GI would need to know for the pending invasion of Okianwa. For more information, click here.
Condition. Very Good. Name in pencil on front cover. Price: Out of Stock
Ikehara, Kikuo (compiler)
Murayama, Kenji (compiler):
Pictorial Okinawa, pamphlet, oblong large 12mo (8 1/4 x 6 in), Second Edition, 1952, no copyright notice, published by I & M. Co (no location stated), 39 black and white halftone reproductions of photographs, illustrated soft covers, staple bound with decorative ribbon tie, 44 pages (including covers). Each photograph is accompanied by a caption and descriptive sentence or paragraph in English and Japanese. The photographs focus on important cultural assets of Okinawa. Regarding structures, an effort is made to show the location before the war and after the devastation of the battle of Okinawa. To see the covers, click here.
Condition. The book is in Very Good+ condition. The binding is solid. The covers and pages are clean and free of marking, staining and foxing. Covers have light soiling and creasing. #1952170912a - Price: $45.00
Yamada, Shinzan:
Shinzan Yamada is a famous Okinawan artist. He designed several Ryukyu Islands stamps to include the Perry Centenary set (Scott 27-8). Yamada published two books reproducing his art:
- Okinawa, Her Beauties and Traditions, No 1, 1952, information here. To order this book, click here.
- The Commodore Perry Centennial Issue, Okinawa, Volume II, 1953, information here. To order this book, click here.
B Yen (Zone B) B型軍票 - B-Gata Gunpyō
Okinawa / Ryukyu Islands
B Yen Collection, Including 1000y E-E
10s, 50s, 1y A-A, B-B, C-C & D-D, 5y A-A & B-B, 10y, 20y, 100y, 1000y E-E.
All notes are crisp uncirculated. Unmounted. ~Sold~
B Yen 1000y D-D, D638934D, VF++ ~SOLD~
"Specimens of Military Yen Currency, Area B" B-Yen Booklet.
Contains punched specimen H-A notes for the 10s, 50s, 1y, 5y
10y, 20y and 100y notes (7). Notes are tipped to booklet tabs
at the left side of each note. All notes are crisp uncirculated.
Very Scare. Sold
10s~20y (x100 each)
B-Yen, 10s-20y x100, crisp uncirculated. Except for 5y all packs have
consecutive serial numbers. The 10s pack has two replacement notes.
The 5y unit has 1 substitute note for a missing note (not a replacement
note). Sold
B-Yen, 10 sen, Crisp Uncirculated,
Consecutive Serial #s, Pick P63.
1 note $ 4.00
5 notes $18.00
20 notes $45.00 (serial numbers A39xxxxxxA but not consecutive)
40 notes $80.00 (serial numbers A39xxxxxxA but not consecutive)
B-Yen, 10s, Crisp Uncirculated Pack of 100
with 2 Replacement Notes (H-A) Price: $600.00
B-Yen, 10s, Crisp Uncirculated x100 Price: $325.00
Light stain in right margin of 1st 10
notes, original band present but broken
A03253403A-99A (97 notes) Low Serial #s
A39775765A-7A (3 notes) High Serial #s
B-Yen, 10s, high serial #, VF+, A45884964A Price: $15.00
B-Yen, 10s, Crisp Uncirculated, Choice
Replacement Note - H00063158A Price: $195.00
B-Yen, 10s (x2), Crisp Uncirculated, Choice
Replacement Notes - H00063608A & 9A Price: $385.00
B-Yen, 10s, Crisp Uncirculated
Replacement Note - H00217603A Price: $135.00
B-Yen, 10s, VF+, Replacement Note
H00075557A (all 0s, 7s & 5s) Price: $65.00
B-Yen, 50s, high serial numbers, x5, CU
A32734622-6A Price: $50.00
B-Yen, 50s, H-A, AU, PMG 58 EPQ "Choice About Uncirculated
Replacement Note - H00102539A Price: ~Sold~ Exceptional Paper Quality"
B-Yen, 50s, H-A, XF Price: $175.00 Extra Fine
Replacement Note - H00222398A
B-Yen, 50s, H-A, Fine+
Replacement Note - H00250032A Price: $125.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, H-A, Almost Uncirculated
Replacement Note, H00186026A Price: ~Sold~
B-Yen, 1 yen, H-A, Extra Fine, thick number "2"
Replacement Note, H00112051A Price: $225.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, H-A, Replacement Note, H00268036A,
F-VF, heavy crease upper right corner Price: $175.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, H-A, Replacement Note, H00069769A, Good,
staining - most evident on the back Price: $150.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, A-A, Error/Changling, A08155890A, Price on Request
VG, Serial No shifted up 2mm and right
1mm, all green printing faded
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00484814~6B, CU Price: $285.00 3 notes, consecutive numbers,
Crisp Uncirculated
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B01492916B, CU Price: $95.00 Crisp Uncirculated
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00484817B, AU Price: $90.00 Almost Uncirculated+, uncirculated
but minor creases
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B02574454B, AU Price: $85.00 Almost Uncirculated
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B02574352B, XF Price: $75.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00430074B, VF Price: $70.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00386118B, Very Good+ Price: $65.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B01059098B, Very Good Price: $60.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00383008B, Very Good Price: $55.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00759629B, Very Good Price: $45.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B02193789B, Very Good,
horizontal fold Price: $40.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, B-B (Bureau of Engraving) B00737977B, Very Good- Price: $20.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, C-C (Japan Printing), 5 notes - consecutive serial #s - C05774539~43C
Crisp Uncirculated, Pick P67c Price: $130.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, D-D (Japan Printing), 3 notes - consecutive serial #s
Crisp Uncirculated, Pick P67d Price: $85.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, D-D (Japan Printing), 4 notes - consecutive serial #s
Crisp Uncirculated, Pick P67d Price: $110.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, D-D (Japan Printing), D02291953D, Extra Fine, Pick P67d - Price: $22.00
B-Yen, 1 yen, D-D (Japan Printing), Extra Fine to Almost Uncirculated,
serial # D01803508D, Pick P67d Price: $25.00
B-Yen, 5 yen, A-A, Extra Fine, A25677389A, high serial number
(27,000,000 issued), Pick P69a Price: $30.00
B-Yen, 5 yen, B-B, Crisp Uncirculated, B00118954B, Pick P69b Price: $50.00
Lowest amount printed except for 1,000 yen notes
B-Yen, 5 yen, B-B, Crisp Uncirculated, B01727566B, Pick P69b Price: $45.00
Lowest amount printed except for 1,000 yen notes
B-Yen, 5 yen, B-B, Crisp Uncirculated, 3 notes - consecutive serial #s,
B00119043~45B, Pick P69b Price: $120.00
B-Yen, 5 yen, B-B, Crisp Uncirculated, B00004942B, very low
serial number, 4,942 of 2,000,000, Pick P69b Price: $65.00
B-Yen, 5y, H-A, AU, PMG 50 "About Uncirculated"
Replacement Note - H00030271A Price: ~Sold~
B-Yen, 10y, H-A, XF, PMG 45 EPQ - Lucky "777" "Choice Extremely Fine
Replacement Note - H00048777A Price: $475.00 Exceptional Paper Quality"
B-Yen, 10 yen, Very Fine+, H000182125A, Replacement Note,
scraped area at middle of bottom edge Price: $350.00
B-Yen, 10 yen, Very Good+, H00048429A, Replacement Note Price: $265.00
B-Yen, 10 yen, Very Good, H00155614A, Replacement Note,
small staple size holes (2) at bottom left Price: $245.00
B-Yen, 20 yen, Very Good, A00145848A, low number, crease at left Price: $25.00
B-Yen, 20 yen, Crisp Uncirculated, high number, A34287894A Price: $35.00
B Yen 20y, H-A, H00011207A, VF++, Replacement Note ~SOLD~
B Yen 20y, H-A, H00067363A, VG, Replacement Note Price: $150.00
B Yen 20y, H-A, H00089391A, VG, Replacement Note Price: $100.00
For more information on A & B Yen, click here.
High Commissioner Commemorative Medal
Medal Presented by HICOM to US Ambassador in Japan 15 May 1972 ~Sold~
Kadena Club System (Post Reversion - "Okinawa, Japan") $5.00 "In Trade" Token Price: ~Sold~
Naha Air Base - Airman's Open Mess - Okinawa - Series B / Good For 5c in Merchandise Price: $18.00
Perry Expedition Lithographs and Books
Click here for lithographs and books regarding the Perry Expedition to Japan and Okinawa (1852-4).
Okinawa Related Items
A watercolor painting of Okinawan homes. Two tile roof houses surrounded by
a coral fence are depicted. Measures 15 1/2 x 12 in - 30.3 x 40 cm). In the
right hand corner the following is inscription is visible: "Okinawa Shima
1945 - C. Pentz ?." A very realistic image of an Okinawan setting apparently
painted shortly after the American invasion in April of 1945.
Condition. The painting is clean. There is a lightly toned area ca 1/2 inch
around all edges from previous mounting (now unmounted). Tape residue on the
back. The paper is a porous textured medium thickness paper stock.
To see the watercolor painting, click here.
Four personalized/vanity Florida license plates with "Okinawa" (1974),
"Ryukyus" (1975), "Naha" (1975 with 1976 sticker) and "Nago" (1975 with
1977 sticker). Very good condition. Normal warping. Picture here.
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311